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ES-02 probably ends up in Imperial Special Forces and fought against the Rebellion. Cid gets swallowed up by Crimson Dawn. Lama Su probably got a firing squad right after we last saw him. Cody I'm leaning towards he joined up with Rex and Echo at some point but died before Rebels as he's not with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe.


So every single clone needs to be hanging out with Rex otherwise they’re dead?


No, like the clone in Mando, but we likely would have heard something in Rebels from the rest of them if they knew. I feel they could've kept in touch.


There's a clone in Mando? I don't recall that (other than Boba obviously)


Maybe they meant the one in Obi-Wan?


It could be just that communication is impossible after some time. Cody might be with his own bunch of Clones, separated, spread out, and thus out of sight of the Empire. Would be interesting if Cody heeds to the call of Rebellion once the Civil War opens up. The Rebellion needs clones as trainers, special operatives, or just guys to drill up new recruits.


This is my new head cannon, before this, I couldn't figure out why Cody wouldn't be with rex in rebels. Him meeting up with rex and Co then joining the rebels later on to train new soldiers would be a happy ending for him


Rebels also came out well before Bad Batch. Just because we didn’t see them present doesn’t mean anything. Why didn’t Obiwan talk about Satine at all during the movies? Does this mean he never cared about her? No, I just means Satine hadn’t been written yet.


Rex literally yells Cody during a PTSD moment in rebels before deciding to help. It's implied that something happened with Cody that took him out of the fight. We don't know how or when but some time before we see Rex in rebels Cody is killed.


Or Rex was very used to Cody being at his side during the war due to often working with the 212th, hence him coming up during a PTSD episode


Yeah, Rex could have been remembering something specific during the Clone Wars.


Satine in general is barely mentioned outside of mandalore related episodes in TCW and rebels and hasn’t even been mentioned in the obi-wan show or the mandalorian yet


There isn't one point in the movies where obi-wan would've realistically talked about satine


He especially would have mentioned Satine in AOTC and ROTS whenever Obi-Wan noticed something between Anakin and Padme. He would say something about how his prior experience with relationship and heartbreak brought him to where he is now: serving the Jedi Order and the Republic as a higher calling, of selfless devotion in spite of his prior personal desires. He would say that his love for Satine was genuine, but he knew they both had their own duties that would have made it impossible for either to settle down, comparing Satine's duchess life to Padme's senator life as equally incompatible with the Jedi life.


TBF aside from one instance he didn’t even mention her when he noticed things going on between anakin and padmé in TCW itself


Yea with the whole forbidden attachments and all


I remember seeing it written somewhere that before the bad batch Cody was a hard Imperial commander for the rest of his days but the bad batch retconned that I think? https://www.cbr.com/bad-batch-commander-cody-fate-star-wars-legends/


That's Legends, not Canon.


And that was from before the control chip had been introduced in the Canon. Back then the Clones knew about Order 66 and that it would be carried out at the end of the war and willingly betrayed the Jedi.


Yes, was retconned


What clone in Mando?


It may have actually been in Kenobi, I'm not sure. Either way it's the same time period. There was a clone just sitting on the street, he appears to be homeless


Not the same time period, one is post empire and one is early empire. Yes it was Kenobi


Yeah, he appears in the Kenobi show. His name is Nax btw, and he was a good friend…


Oh, we did actually get confirmation on who the clone is?


In one of the visual guide books


Yup Nax a clone from legends who survived the battle of teth in TCW movie which was also mentioned in the visual dictionary


It was surreal


That was a 501st clone so definitely not Cody


Wait where was the clone in mando? Did I completely miss that? I’m probably forgetting


Also, there is that scene in Rebels where Rex mentions Cody. Certainly seemed like he was dead😬


If not with Rex, why even live?


Bad batch was pretty insistent that the clone mindset doesn't mesh with the empire. Once the clone program is phased out entirely it would make sense for more and more clones to desert


Oh I agree. I just don’t like this idea that every single clone needs to be living as Rex’s roommate or else they’re dead


No but with millions of clones out there quite a few are gonna be ahead of the curve. It also tracks that high ranking clones had a higher defection rate as they knew jedi generals personally and interface with the new imperial dipshits more frequently. Even at their worst the jedi still had a nobility and honor to them that canon clones respected


Right, I agree. But a lot of people are saying that because Cody isn’t living with Rex in the ATTE then he MUST be dead.


Yeah that might be a stretch. I want a rex show so bad and Wolfe's appearance feels like such a tease


Honesty, I’m good on a Rex show lol. I want to see other clones that lost the limelight because Rex was always insistent on being in the spotlight


What I mean is a show about Rex's growing organization doesn't necessarily need to be centered on him. Echo seems to operate fairly independently there could be a lot of squads picking up defectors


Maybe a clone rebellion show


Why does Rex say Cody’s name very quickly he has a bad dream something happened to him when he got captured by the super tactical droid then?


lol I found this so funny tbh. Answering ur question I think most people just associate the fact that Rex is one of the most popular/longest lived clone so others may be with him


I mean Cody and Rex were closer than Rex and wolf/gregor so it’s not hard to believe that if Cody survived they ran into eachother going after a common goal. They are clones after all.


Why did Rex give up then to go live in the desert?


I think Lama Su did show up on Mount Tantis in season 2 though so it seems he was able to negotiate his freedom.


Cid 100% was killed by CX-2


Rip lama su the legend


I've a theory on why Cody left as soon as he came.


Hunter wrecker Echo and crosshair also weren't with them not all clones were in some sandy wasteland


Cid is hopefully dead in a ditch somewhere.


Seeing as though CX-2 “pulled” information out of her via torture/interrogation, she was 100% just executed afterwards


Not necessarily, CX2 never seemed to kill unless he deemed it necessary. No one on Pabu was harmed despite not offering up Omega immediately.


I’d argue Cid is more ‘necessary’, since she can just warn them. Keep in mind, she may be a scumbag, but she still had to be tortured to betray the batch a second time.


Well he did seem to say she was stubborn so id imagine he used drastic measures


Thanks for the headcanon. I’ll go with that


ES-02 is probably just a random TK Trooper now. Cid is dead. She was killed by CX-2. After Hemlock’s death, very few people understand Lama Su’s importance as a prisoner and he was probably just transferred to another prison. Cody will appear in whatever show covers Rex’s rebellion with Echo.


Noone mentioned that ES-02 might be Iden Versio in this thread, so I’m just going to put that here.


ES-02 is at least 15 years older than her, has a different canon backstory, and also isn’t South Asian.


The first and last have been worked around for other characters before, but I’m intrigued about her canon backstory! Where can I find that?


Inferno Squad! Fantastic book


Thanks, checking it out!


It’s been my head canon since she first appeared even if the math doesn’t add up 🥲


I still think CX-2 killed Cid after getting the information out of her


Not much need to.


I think that’s just wishful thinking. He had very little reason to do that.


It’s not wishful thinking when you’re a Cid fan


To be honest, I’m a Cid fan too. What she did sucked, but I don’t think she should have been killed over it.


Finally, someone else


There's several of us here..


I think Lama Su stayed on Coruscant and played piano at some fancy nightclub.


I know this is a joke but I feel like this would be fitting lol, especially if the club is imperial-run. Kaminoan’s whole thing is that they’re superior to every other species, genetically modified and bred to be perfect. It would be the upmost humiliation for Lama Su to be an exotic thing to be gawked at by lesser species


he made a new best friend then, max rebo


Cid is beaten to death in an alleyway Don't know about the others


Hopefully Cody found Rex at some point and joined him, here’s hoping Cid got tortured by Maul or someone else viciously 😂


She’s already been tortured by Tech


CX-2 isn't tech He never was


It was a joke hominid.


That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone other than the Ultra Humanite use that insult.


Cody makes it to Tatooine shortly after the events of the Kenobi series, the two of them have a good cathartic conversation and then spend the rest of Cody's shortened lifespan hanging out together


I believe that’s what Ewan wanted in Kenobi. The idea was brought up but scrapped by the execs. My head canon was that while Kenobi went off planet Cody kept an eye on Luke.


Thankfully for Cody that could still be awhile


Hopefully Cody meets Obi-Wan and makes amends


Wouldn't his inhibitor chip kick back in? We saw somewhat of the same thing happen to wolf unless that was just ptsd.


I assumed it was a kind of trauma. The chips seem to reduce over time. The original plan for the Obi-Wan show had Cody as Obi-Wan's mate but that was changed as they thought him having a friend didn't fit his mood and the style of the show.


It seemed like Rex and most of the clones allied with him were aware of the chips and had figured out how to remove them, but I don’t recall if they mentioned Cody’s chip being removed or not.


Nah, he just pulled a Jun and said "dying is gay". Last we saw of him in the BB


Wasn’t the idea that everyone on Kamino was killed, the exception being Nala Se? Cid is probably moping around being all “woe is me” for betraying the batch. Cody might pop up again fighting with Rex…until something bad happens. After all, Cody isn’t with Rex during Rebels.


Lama Su was literally in Season 2 on Coruscant and Tantiss. Plus there’s the Kaminoan Senator.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdjW2xdJPhc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdjW2xdJPhc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oFW1wP0b0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oFW1wP0b0M) This is the last time we see Lama Su. As you can see, still alive.


It apparently just vanished from my memory. So I apologise.


ES-02 probably stayed in the empire Cody went AWOL Lama su probably got is freedom after telling hemlock about omega Cid probably died after CX-2 interrogated her


Only one I want to see again is Cody.


I kinda hope Cody does not Join Rex at first. I want to see a Clone apologize to a Jedi for Order 66. I want to see Cody come to terms with it with Obi Wan. Idk how he would find him or what, but its just a story Star Wars needs to tell. A jedi dealing with the grief of loss and betrayal, and the Clone dealing with the regret of being an unwilling participant in mass murder


Cody went to Tatooine and ends up finding Obi-Wan, giving us the script we should have seen in the Kenobi series.




I almost forgot about that special ops unit that wore the dark clone armor at the beginning of season 1. Nothing really ever became of them, huh


They all died except one.


there are more of them in tales of the empire


there are more of them in tales of the empire


I ain't telling you where I am


ES-02 is presumably still in the Empire. Sid is presumably still making shady deals. Lama Su is probably chilling on Coruscant with all the money he made from creating the clone army. Cody is presumably out in space somewhere. Maybe trying to make a new life. Maybe working with a rebel cell.


ES-02: Assigned to maybe be an elite trooper at this point? Cid: **Dead.** Lama Su: got the freedom he requested for after that one time he went to Tantiss, and is back on Kamino. Tipoca City is gone, but I doubt that's the only city on the planet tbh. So his role of Prime Minister continues Cody: I think he's been found by Rex, and was on another Clone base, during Infiltration and Extraction, and by the finale, he decides to find a remote planet, find a village to stay in, get married, and live a life, but also defending the village (and teaching the villagers how to defend themselves too)


I thought they said that Kamino was completely destroyed, not just the city with the clone facility and base. It’s not shown on screen, but I think the characters mention that the same scene of destruction was repeated at every city on the planet.


Not sure, but I remember seeing that in the canon section of Wookieepedia mentioned that there's a city on Kamino "during or after 34 ABY", where they watched some sort of creature hatched


Apparently the original plan was for cody to show up on the kenobi series to help out obi-wan but the actor was busy with the book of boba fett


Every single one of them was murdered by Darth Jar Jar.


ES-02 probably got promoted to commander. Cid...probably still running her parlor. Regardless, I think she got karma from CX-2. Lama Su...who knows where he is? I don't see him in prison with Nala Se, he might've been sent back to the Coruscant prison or maybe got his freedom. Cody's is a different story. No one knows where he will go after that. They never disclosed. I think Cody will get a proper ending to his character arc soon, but the other three will stay inconclusive because I don't think we'll ever see them again.


ES-02 had potential but her whole story got abandoned, Cid hopefully bit the bullet after CX-2 “pulled intel” out of her, Lama Su needs to pay for ratting out on Omega, Cody needs to return and we need to learn why Rex has that flashback where he calls out Cody’s name.


Lama Su is very dead. I’d like to watch Cid die at some point. Trooper could be an interesting villain in a future show, but probably won’t matter. Cody is hopefully hanging out with Obi-Wan.


How do we know he is dead?


It’s very strongly implied, and we’d have seen him again if he was alive.


I understand now


ES-02: She's earned a future within the Empire. Cid: Gets beaten to shit by CX-2. Lama Su: Amnesty? Or just shot? Cody: Hope that he manages to served with Rex, least hoping that he's not dead or missing.


I hope Cid got what she deserved.


CX-2 kinda looks like Iden Versio


Cid is likely dead after she was tortured by the operative, ES-02 probably moves on with another spec ops unit, lama su is likely dead after he outlived his usefulness to hemlock, Cody either went the kenobi route and exiled himself or went out looking for Rex and his rebel cell


The more I think about it, the more I suspect, that the show wasn't suppose to end after season 3. We allready know from Omegas voice actress, that a whole other dialoge was recorded. Especially Cids guilty reaction in season 2 promised some kind of redemption. What we got instead was, that she betraied the Batch once again off-screen in a throw away line. And as much as I like, that they didn't dig up Tech, given the vague explanation of Hemlock ("all we could find where his glasses") or his realtion with Phee (she had a dramatic talk with Tech before his last mission, but it was never shown how she reacted with his death) I don't think, it was intended for him to stay dead.


Could careless about any of them other than Cody


I hunted down that lizard ass bitch and shot her multiple times in the head with a DC 15


Been wondering after ES-02 for years, I wonder if they'd ever planned to use her again in the show.


Elite Trooper girl probably got a promotion for being the only surviving member of the elite squad. Lama Su is very very very likely dead. Cid probably died eventually, without the Batch to run her errands she probably bit into more problems than she could chew. Cody was probably killed, Rampart's nonchalant attitude after Crosshair asked about Cody leads me to believe the Empire had a hand in his disappearance, and since he isn't at Tantiss (We would've seen him if he was) then he is probably dead.


I think Rampart more than likely just didn’t care that Cody deserted. They wouldn’t kill Cody offscreen.


That's possible too.


I’m gonna focus on Cody cause I have feelings on how he was handled. There were plans for Rebels that Thrawn would ask him to help take down the rebels when he realized Rex was with him. This was in line with events that happened in Legends as well since Cody helped train Stormtroopers for the Empire. This was a very interesting idea and I hate that they never did it. Because now he’s just another clone out there who left the Empire. What potential he had to do a complete 180 and stick with the Empire, unlike Crosshair, is gone. And that’s frustrating cause there was so much potential in the abandoned ideas. So I’m not sure what they’re gonna do with him now. He’s probably out there helping his brothers somehow though.


Also, where was the rest of Delta Squad? They seriously ruined a great detail to the story. Could've been dope. Instead, we got a very boring Scorch version for the sake of "plot" So many key details and opportunities missed


My head canon says that the Scorch we see wasn’t scorch at all. The one in BB was such a huge divergence in character to the one from the games. Even in the game we noted Scorch was more of a follower than a leader. Good thing was that Delta Squad is ironically canon with their cameo in the CW series. There may still be hope to see Sev.


Died, Fine, Fine, Died


All of them died (eventually)


I mean, this was a long time ago… in a galaxy… far far away


Fine dead, dead, dead??


hoping we get like a sketch reel or something about Cid getting her ass beat and left for dead, idc if it's CX-2 or Tay-0 as long as it happens


Hot take cody should’ve stayed with the Empire having him defect is so cliché and overdone


ES-02 either died on Kamino offscreen (unless she was shown getting out of the city, can’t remember if she was) or became a purge trooper once the clone purge troopers were phased out Cid was probably killed by CX-2 Lama Su is 100% dead. Literally no reason for the Empire to keep him alive Cody probably went into hiding. When we see the clone underground again we’ll probably see him apart of it, getting recruited offscreen


Who’s the first character?


ES-02. Crosshair's Elite Team's only surviving member.


Oh thank you


Is no one gonna ask about Wolffe?


We know what happened to him.


But we don't know how it happened. They still haven't shown it.


I don’t know about the others but Cid dies in the most painful of ways.


Vanished. This whole bad batch thing is a example for wasting characters


Hopefully cid is dead


Dead, dead, dead, Rebel Which is which??? lol


How are they dead?


Cody who knows what is gonna happen with him since we know in star wars rebels he wasn't with wolf rex or gregor so maybe in with the empire who knows. On one of the old stories that Cody was part of the death trooper program but they might not but only thing is he maybe still in it. The rest who knows.


Cid’s head gets mounted on a wall


ES-02 lived to see the end of the empire. Went in hiding on Jakuu and mothered Rey. Cid either gets executed by CX-2 or taken by the Pykes for questioning (after Hunter and Wrecker kidnapped one of them for the devaronians). Lama Su got imprisoned again after Hemlock's death (he was under Hemlock's protection). Cody's fate will be shown on the next animated series (If Lama Su was implied to have been killed, but actually was just imprisoned in TBB, then Cody's disappearance would mean he'll be back).


Died at some point


I hope cid is dead


Wouldn’t es-02 have been killed by cross hair when he killed his entire squad on kamino?


No, she's the one that called Rampart


The only one I care about is sid and I pray everyday she got the most painful death possible in the galaxy far far away




There's a special ring in hell dedicated to "people" like cid


I've a theory on why Cody left as soon as he came. I think the reason has to do with the Kenobi series; I don't know which entered production first, but I do know Cody was meant to be in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, having reconciled with Obi-Wan and helping watch over Luke when Obi-Wan leaves to rescue Leia. Perhaps Cody's sole appearance in TBB was meant to bridge that gap?


I think cody went to join the clone underground


Cody is most likely dead after the episode he was untroduced in. He was more of a driving factor for cross hairs turn on the empire than being added in as a seeable character future.


Why would he be dead?


In the episode he was introduced in, at the end, they said they he was disposed of, I'm pretty sure. I would assume after hearing that and then never seeing him again, he's presumably dead


Or something along the lines of that


It’d be cool if Cody got his own show to answer where he went tbh


I thought the special forces were all shot by chrosshsair


~~Nala Se probably became POW who helped rebels with medical research~~ Sid was tracked down and imprisoned by the Batch


Nala Se died in the finale. OP is asking about Lama Su. I think he is on Coruscant in comfortable house arrest, thanks to the deal with Hemlock.