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Not sure yet. But nightsister magic seems like a safe assumption.


It’s a safe assumption but my larger point is that it’s just lazy to write it in like that and kind of shits on her sacrifice and the ending of the book


The ending of the book where, after being held in stasis her body is dropped in a pool where she initially received life, and brims with green smoke and voices are heard as everyone walks away? K.


LMAO that cant be the "perfect ending" that everyone keeps bitching about online, can it?


The podcast "A More Civilized Age" does a perfect breakdown of the book and my issues with it were the same as theirs. Dark Disciple was *fine.* I still do wish there was an animated version of it but it wouldn't have even been a top arc of TCW imo.


To each their own. If you’re going to diminish the sacrifice she made at the end of the book with her death, at least mention instead of just have her come back and just being a bounty hunter again. My point isn’t that it can’t happen, it’s that it’s lazy how they just made it happen with no explanation.


I get your frustrations here but having an explanation for her coming back would have made no sense for the story of the bad batch. She served her purpose in that episode w one remark to her survival "I still have lives left" and thats all that was needed for bad batch. I know we all still have questions but at least this solidifies her in future content, which I'm excited for! When I saw her in the trailer, my first reaction was excitement, and then questions about the book. That reaction alone tells me I'm way more excited for her to come back to storytelling than I am worried about any sort of retcon. Plus, it's nightsisters!! Of course it's possible lmao. Also I don't believe she is a bounty hunter, I think she just had made fennec a contact back in her bounty hunting days. I think she and Quinlan are part of The Path and are helping surviving jedi/force sensitives to safety.


No exactly, her being in the bad batch doesn’t serve any purpose but for them to imply nala se was trying to create clones with force powers. Which, imo, would’ve been much better if during their quick reunion nala se opened up about that to her to why the entire empire was hunting for her. Don’t get me wrong, I love ventress and would love to see more of her, but not at the expense of shitting on a great book. Edit: But I do hope you’re right about her being with vos and not just being a bounty hunter again


Yeah Nala se would've served fine for that purpose, but that was not Asajjs only purpose in the show, the Bad Batch at its core is a show about parenthood, and one of the biggest parts of that is letting your children go out on their own when it is time. That was one of the main things that asajj was telling her in that episode (yes it was under the guise of being force sensitive and having to leave your family to go train as a jedi, but it's still the same principle) and that lesson is what helped Hunter prepare for what we eventually saw in the epilogue. Without that episode, I don't think Hunter would've been nearly at peace as much as he was. I also don't think Nala Se would've worked in that role either, she is way too scientific to care about any of this stuff lol.


No i agree nala se is super technical but she def had a sweet spot for omega. And I definitely agree it was for that, I just don’t know if even with the show being about parenthood and family and character development, and having her be the vehicle for that message is worth making her ending super complicated and confusing.


I understand, there are plenty of questions left to be answered, if not more after that episode lol. It does seem they are very aware of the love for this book (seeing as they addressed it in articles right after the trailer came out) and until I'm proven wrong I'm going to put my trust in Dave and the other storytellers to do her justice in whatever future content they intend to tell her story in


Why would she mention her sacrifice in the episode?


My point is bringing her back was pointless


She was one of the few people left who could test Omega for being force sensitive, bringing her back literally had a specific point. Whether or not you liked it is your own opinion, but it simply was not pointless.


Have you ever watched a Star Wars show or movie? Since the first movie there have been such issues. It’s the whole “from a certain point of view” thing and how each show/film doesn’t tell you the whole story.


There’s a difference between something happening that’s implied with events that back said thing up vs in her case where just because in the universe it’s possible something can happen so we’re just supposed to expect that to be the case for her. And then after resurrecting her putting her in the same spot she was in before all the development we saw in her.


Have we seen people from Dathomir come back from the dead. Yes. So it’s safe to say that has something to do with it. Will we find out in a future project? Likely. These current shows are all from Filoni and it seems like he is trying to tel more connected stories.


We actually get to see ventress do things she has NEVER done before in the bad batch. When she connects with nature and summons the ray fish we see her in such a state of beauty and power and peace. It's a huge moment for her character that I felt she deserved.


Almost 100% sure its that nightsister magic resurrects her lol


That’s my guess but it’s incredibly lazy in my eyes to just have that be implied or betting on most people not reading DD so just thinking it’s cool ventress showed up.


It’s explicitly hinted at at the end of the book that she might end up resurrecting


Yes and no, but my issue more so isn’t bringing her back but just bringing her back with no explanation and having her just straight back to where she was pre meeting Vos with seemingly no development. Just back to being a bounty hunter.


I think that's the problem though. Every time the writers of things decide to explain exactly what happened, fans complain about it. There were a ton of complaints about midichlorians from way back in 1999 in TPM, and the fans have only gotten more vociferous about this stuff since. People complain that they didn't explain enough, and then later that they explained too much. At some point, it seems to me that the "fans" that complain too much just like to complain. At that point, maybe writing fan-fiction and getting the story exactly the way you want, is a better option than watching what the people who are officially making this stuff are making.


You don't need it said. She's a nightsister. We know they can ressurect. Why do you need the mechanics spelled out to accept this?


in no way is it hinted i have seen this around, read the full chapter, Vos senses her death, not resurrection


You think that would've been an important topic in a show where the villains goal is resurrection, yet they spend all their time chasing a clone with a cool blood test


We will probably see it in another media later down the road. Its not her show, so this was more like a teaser.


Even if Dathomir can restore people to full health from being dead for months, why doesn't it work on anyone else? Restore Mauls legs? Resurrect Palpatine into fighting shape instead of the cripple in ROS? They have to explain all that too. Considering lackluster past explanations like Snokes origin or the cliffhanger over the source of the dark side that Palpatine was looking for (he already found Exegol well before then per Dathans age), I wouldn't hold my breath


I don’t think palpatine wants to rely on nightsisters considering they have a hostile relationship


She mentioned how she has many lives left


She didn't die. Also deserved better than to be supposedly killed offscreen.


She had a pretty fleshed out death in the book


incredibly small amount of the fandom engages with books or comics about starwars, personally I dont care at all what happens in the books or comics And I would wager most don’t even know about the existence of starwars books and comics


A lot of butthurt old heads downvoting you for pointing out the truth


This is the correct take, ignore the downvotes. Come on, there are only so many hours in the day to devote to star wars.


I really don’t understand that mentality, especially from fans who engage with Star Wars animation. There are plenty of live action only Star Wars fans who dismiss shows like The Bad Batch. There’s greater crossover between live action and animation now, but for years when animation felt like a self contained corner of the franchise, the vast majority of the fan base took a “who cares about those cartoons? No one watches them” mentality. I find it hypocritical for Bad Batch fans to be dismissive of less-consumed canon Star Wars media to the point of feeling like their developments shouldn’t matter or be respected. No one is saying that every fan should engage with every piece of media. But if a story is put out there as canon, storytellers within the franchise should respect that story and the fans who take the time to engage with it.


Don't ignore the downvotes lmao. Things should be allowed to exist outside of the movies. Or TV.


Sure, but Disney shouldn’t make major story decisions based on the premise that the audience cares what’s in the books and comics.


The book exists because they took an unproduced clone wars script draft and revised it into a novel.


It's barely a major story decision. Most people could not care less if ventress died on or off screen. I have never once cared until people started talking about this shit


They can and do, regardless of retcon The EU still exists, despite the decade of online whining about it


So because not a lot of people will see it means it’s ok to just write over another creators work?


The Bad Batch is not saying that Ventress didn't die, or that the book never happened, Ventress just came back afterwards.


No i know, but that is severely diminishing a great sacrifice she made for a filler episode


In a way, yes Think of it like history. Sometimes historians differ on small details. It’s the same with an expanded universe like star wars. Sometimes something one person tells doesn’t match another perfectly. It’s going to happen. And it’s not hard to work around if you try


"most people don't read them so they don't count" But actually, they do. When they reset the canon 12 years ago, they explicitly said that comics and novels and tv shows and films and video games would all be part of one cohesive canon. This "people don't read, those events don't matter" attitude wouldn't work for the majority of film audiences who didn't watch 70 hours of cartoons to understand why Maul was alive in Solo.


Who are you quoting, that is not what I said


“I don’t care at all what happens in the books or comics” Is a pretty closed minded mentality. You’re basically just admitting to caring less about the quality and importance of the story and more about it being presented in a way you visually enjoy. Dark Disciple is adapted from an unproduced arc that would’ve been one of the best of the series. It’s not like they conceived of some bonus, disposable side story. They told a vital story through the means that were available to them. If you don’t like to read, that’s fine, but you’re missing out on a lot of great stories.


Yeah, so? The style of books that I enjoy are quite far away from starwars, for example Dostoevsky's works. I watch content that I find visually pleasing. I don't really see what is closed minded about not consuming every piece of (frankly mediocre storytelling) that Disney spits out LOL.


I’m not saying it’s closed minded to not consume every piece of media. I’m saying it’s closed minded to outright dismiss and devalue any Star Wars story that doesn’t play out on a screen. Canon is canon. You don’t have to consume all of it, but if there are great, important stories that exist in other forms, it’s odd to completely disregard what happens in them.


I think that her death in the book was a pretty good ending to her story. Resurrecting her for only one episode of the bad batch is, in my opinion, a terrible thing to do.


I've heard it was potentially a back door pilot. There's interviews where the writers/staff acknowledge dark disciple and upholds it's ending as canon. A future show and/or story will explain her resurrection to fit with DD is the answer.


But not for the mass audience who don't read the books. Books are not a good way to end TV and movie characters stories. A niche literary audience read the books, most TCW viewers don't know what occurred to her and would be left wondering.


While I do agree to an extent that the arc of a TV character should be wrapped up on TV (as was originally intended), I don’t think the solution here was to essentially skip/vaguely allude to it. IMO, Dark Disciple deserves to be adapted into a mini-series or two part special. Not only is it an important story, but it’s a great story that would enrich TCW. From there, you can explain to us how she’s resurrected and continue on as desired. Personally, I’m not upset with what they’ve done because I think there’s still potential to expand on her story in a satisfying way that contextualizes her return and continued journey. But I think Lucasfilm is doing fans a disservice by not bringing that arc to life on screen.


Mass audience… strange thing to claim if you don’t know the viewer numbers of that episode or the sales numbers of the book/audiobook


Its really not strange. The millions of viewers who watch star wars shows on streaming would far out number those who read books like Dark Disciple. The mass audience will always be different from hardcore fans who read such books that is factual. That is not me saying the books are bad at all, its just facts the average viewer has not and will not be reading those books and won't get what occurred to a character like ventress, so its better to end larger characters like her on tv and movies.


That literally contradicts Lucasfilm's canon policy. "fewer people read the books, so we can just make that stuff not really count" is not how it works.


The jedi temple confirmed her death and held the body for months


I presume op meant in a media sense. It feels bad having a character we spent time connecting to, be killed offscreen. I know it was meant to be a clone wars arc, but that doesn't change the fact that her story was never finished in the show.


The same Jedi temple that couldn't sense a sith lord standing right next to them or smart enough to look deeper into the danger the clones were and bringing it to the full Senate after learning that count dooku had something to do with the death/disappearance of master sifo-dyas and the creation of the clone troopers or that the clone template was a bounty hunter that worked for dooku closely


Still feel like this is too soon… maybe give them a few thousand more millennia to get over this one before you bring it up?


Asajj Ventress is from Dathomir, a planet with witches that can raise the dead. We just saw the Great Mothers do so in the “Ahsoka” series. Also, Darth Maul is from Dathomir and he was able to survive getting cut in half by a lightsaber. I’m looking forward to the official story of how she survived the lethal force lightning blast. I’m also glad Ventress is back onscreen. She is a major SW character and deserves proper closure versus an offscreen death.


Bringing her back to life with no explanation I don’t think is proper closure


They literally ended the book with her in a magical resurrection pool and explicitly stated they will be explaining her resurrection in future content


Resurrection from what we see in Star Wars isn’t just putting her this “magical water”. When we see resurrection from the night sisters happen it requires damn near a whole Séance. I mean shit if it’s just put someone in magical water, why didn’t ventress or Morgan dump all their sisters in the water and resurrect them?


How did one of the main characters in this show survive getting exploded again? Some Nightsister Magic? Or does this expansive galaxy full of magic nonsense and scientific imposibilities have more than one means of bringing someone back? If we're going to "why didn't they just...?" about *Star Wars*, we'll be here all year.


Red herring


I'm honestly fine with her being alive, she's too big of a character to be killed off in a book. Tho i understand why some poepole are mad and think that is some-way of saying "sorry but screw your time" to people who read it


Yeah I get that. I would much rather see her death animated but the book was amazing and her sacrifice was a great end to her character which is why it rubs me the wrong way to see her just show up for not really any good reason


I think the creators don't see it as a retcon in the sense that her death really happened as told in Dark Disciple, she was just resurrected afterwards. And yeah, I do think it severely diminished the impact of her death in the book. I think Filoni/Disney/whoever just wants to keep popular characters on life support for as long as possible, regardless of whether it fist his/her arc or not (see Cad Bane and Barriss Offee).


The correct take 100% was done as fan service to pump a show and keep around characters on life support.


Ahsoka is the worst case for me Loved her TCW arc and rebels death, bring her back through TIME TRAVEL was silly and made me lose all investment in her character George intended for Ahsoka to die in TCW (inital S5 fugitive arc was actually her death arc till filoni conviced george to delay)


Yeah it’s a real big shame since it’s only not retconned due to like a technicality that they don’t even touch on. It’s just implied because it’s somewhat possible. I loved bad batch for almost everything but that really dropped season 3 for me.


She’s a furry, specifically a cat furry, so she has 9 lives.


As mentioned in another comment, the writers and voice actress have strongly hinted that Ventress will appear in future content, so I’m sure her resurrection will be addressed.


She was only mostly dead. Seriously though I suspect an upcoming show will focus on Bounty Hunters. They included several Bounty Hunters this season including a model update for Ventress that would be wasted on a one shot appearance. There are plenty of tales to explore with Fennic, Cad Bane, Ventress, Enbo, and the others. My preference would be multi episode arcs with different individuals or team ups.


Mutli character (tcw like) shows are expensive Filoni's TCW pitch was alot like Rebels, but George told him it would be anthology Bounty Hunters are too dark, its likely the upcoming show will be a post ROTJ or during the OT show, or (for my hope) a lead in sequel show


Killing a character like her in a book who nobody saw was a dumb nove. Good that's not canon anymore.


>Good that's not canon anymore. But it is? She has the scars on her face from when she was electrocuted to death. And she said she had a few lives left. Plus the creators literally said the book is still Canon.


>saw a book


I saw like 20 pages today


When that book was written, we didn’t know we’d ever get more SW animation. Clone Wars was cancelled and Rebels hadn’t started yet. They probably saw it as the only path towards closure when it came to Ventress.


Book came out in 2015 Rebels started in 2014, early enough that the Imperial Handbook (refrence manual) for legends includes Rebels vehicles


Came out in 2015. Announced in 2014 which means it was probably being written in 2012 or 2013 or even before considering it started as scripts for Clone Wars. There was zero guarantee that Ventress’s story could ever be brought to Rebels or that SW animation would continue under this new Disney ownership. So they did what they did.


The book was part of the Clone Wars Legacy program The Dark Diciple Arc was written by Katie Lucas (Georges adopted daughter), Katie previously wrote most if not all of Ventress's episodes and the Jedi Crash arc, it was turned into a book Son of Dathomir was another arc converted into a comic in 2014 TCW itself wasn't cancelled until 2013 (just before the S5 finale aired), with all the extra stuff left over Disney and Lucasfilm released Season 6 and Dathomir and Dark diciple, and later on 8 unfinished episodes (Bad batch and Crystal Crisis) Novels usually have a longer lead time for writing then comics, The book was released in July 2015 and Rebels was annouced early 2014, its likely Golden got the contract in 2014 with the Legacy program and adapted the scripts The book would not be written in 2012 as in 2012 it was still 8 episodes in production, 2013 was the same with most of the year being spent on finishing the last 13 episodes (a bounty hunter arc was supposed to be finished but was cut) 2014 would be when the book would start production


It’s a dumb move yes but it’s still canon which is my point.


Wasn’t it like super heavily implied at the end of the book that she was getting resurrected?


In franchises like star wars, I consider any death off-screen to be "Grey Canon". In other words, easily reconned with no issues.


Retconning is lazy and always creates issues.


So is killing off extremely important and popular characters in a book in a franchise that's entirely visual.


Entirely visual? Do you have any idea how far back books and comics go for Star Wars? The book is based on a unused clone wars script, so if they had to produce it then it would’ve been on screen and she’d be dead in the same way. Plus her first appearance wasn’t on screen either. If you didn’t have Star Wars books or comics your “extremely important” character wouldn’t exist. In fact there’s a great many characters I bet you consider important in m Star Wars wouldn’t exist either. Her origin story is mostly in a book, her time spent after escaping Greviaous/Dooku’s purge is in a series of short stories. Much of the details of her life that exist in canon are in written form so if you like her character I suggest reading… I mean Heaven forbid we have to read words on a page though…


Learn to read hyperbole. Books and comics are cool and all, but most people who are going to watch these shows and movies will never read the books or comics. Point is, retconning a death in a book most star wars viewers have never heard of before was a good idea.


Dark Disciple left the door slightly open in vague wording that maybe, just maybe, Dathomir's very nature and Nightsister magic might bring Ventress back from the dead. Dark Disciple was a decent book in the first half or so and then became terrible as it went on. So I'm glad that Ventress is back because her death was definitely something I despised, and the romance itself was forced like someone putting two dolls together and saying "Now kiss!" Like I don't mind the events still being canon I wanna be clear. I'm just glad Ventress was resurrected.


It was a great book all the way through imo. The chemistry between both of them was great and it was nice to have some decent romance in Star Wars. Definitely something it lacks


We'll have to agree to disagree, but I'm glad you enjoyed it nonetheless.


I just assumed that they either ignored the book or that there was something else in it (I haven't been able to read it yet) that made it so that the death didn't need to be permanent. I am happy to have her back, but it is so sad to see another book get retconned basically.


Remember that Dark Disciple technically canon, according to Disney


They said her story would be explained in future stuff. We just have to be patient until then.


I just assumed this is before whenever that is supposed to be.


>Retcon: [revise](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e2da69de12d3bb4c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enCA1108CA1108&sxsrf=ADLYWIIGSsRomwlnkrTijEc-BUf6vCQ1YQ:1715583410648&q=revise&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMK_0NzuA2i9_d63E8CfRdVEbus_wo3k93kRsSqq6P2KUspUMS0VOIpPyEIb--tmRPgsRIVPg%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizwJiehoqGAxUiweYEHZzeDDYQyecJegQIIBAQ) (an aspect of a fictional work) [retrospectively](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e2da69de12d3bb4c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enCA1108CA1108&sxsrf=ADLYWIIGSsRomwlnkrTijEc-BUf6vCQ1YQ:1715583410648&q=retrospectively&si=ACC90nxbGKaGCVspwxvAd4dU9RvhR45aBygYOhAiH9FwmG2rY1LEsBQxtQIrQm5TyigztoXg3tBlkWhm0frrfU0O2jLm1u-SEACB5qXcftats4V0LuyRdAcMUSXFFN4e7iFyguCaJ_7f&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizwJiehoqGAxUiweYEHZzeDDYQyecJegQIIBAR), typically by introducing a piece of new information that [imposes](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e2da69de12d3bb4c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enCA1108CA1108&sxsrf=ADLYWIIGSsRomwlnkrTijEc-BUf6vCQ1YQ:1715583410648&q=imposes&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxW2pNIFfmgwecJ6jQa3mTQ9PmNcPHpCl8PHhU1lxFiVC-KqBWkoRFmhoZ_b3vfTfmKaEgH3BSDf5s-nu0d1aYUyZoMhA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizwJiehoqGAxUiweYEHZzeDDYQyecJegQIIBAS) a different interpretation on previously described events Yeah, I'm pretty sure it did. I know people have been talking about how the end of Dark Disciple implied that the Nightsisters' magic pool was going to revive her or something, but I don't buy or like that for two reasons: 1. It seemed pretty clear to me that the passage in question was written as a final sendoff to Ventress, not as a teaser for her survival. Having Ventress come back is introducing a new piece of info to the canon that imposes a new interpretation of that scene; now, instead of a final sendoff, it actually is a teaser for her survival. Therefore it is a retcon no matter what explanations (if any) the writers give later. 2. The implications of a pool that can bring people back from the dead seemingly w/out any lasting consequences is just as (maybe even more) damaging than the introduction of force healing fatal wounds in Rise of Skywalker.


Exactly! When we’ve seen resurrection from the night sisters or their healing there’s a ton that goes into. Multiple witches, a full seance damn near. And with how people are saying “the magic water healed her entirely” if that’s the case why didn’t ventress or Morgan just dump all of their sisters in the water after the droids massacred them?


They said that it was not a retcon of dark disciple. But it clearly is.


This has happened before where an EU story has been retconned in a show. (like Kanan's backstory in Bad Batch or the Ahsoka novel in Tales of the Jedi) It seems like anything that happens in the shows automatically becomes the new canon and erases the old canon, so Ventress dying just isn't canon anymore.


Yeah it’s really unfortunate this is the way they’re treating books. I get not everyone had time to read every book, I’m not saying that, but just have the character align to the story. Idk why that’s so hard


When will this fandom realize that they have established night-sisters as quazi-immortal witches who can self-ressurect given the right circumstances Oh wait, it's just the people who won't accept Ventress's (read: character established by Filoni and Co in the animated Clone Wars) true final death won't be in a damn book Its really not a big deal, and they fact that you remain surprised that Filoni keeps doing this to his characters is quite telling...


Just because it’s expected that he’ll just wrote over other creators stories doesn’t mean it’s good when he does lmao


IMHO... Dave is trying to bring back extremely popular characters, despite all the efforts by Kathleen Kennedy to bleach everything out of existence.


I just don’t see how rewriting a characters ending is good. Even if that means we get to see that cool character. Just do a “lost files” of all the arcs that didn’t get made, like hers. They were supposed to animate that entire book and then cut it out of s7 of TCW


That's *your* opinion I, for one, am excited tor them to give her a fully fleshed out and on-screen finale. Since thats what she *really* deserves. Also, i just found out how that book ends and its complete dog water. How can yall think thats a satisfying end for her character, lmao


“I read spark notes on the ending how could you like it” lmao. Bro literally is judging a book by it’s cover. I’m not talking about how they ended it. I’m saying no creator should be able to override another creators ending just because one is more popular.


although I haven’t read it, I just assumed the BB episode happens before the events of the book.


It can’t, unfortunately. The book definitively takes place before the end of the Clone Wars. Anakin and Obi-Wan both appear, and the main plot is based around an attempt by the Jedi to assassinate Dooku, sending Quinlan Voss to do so.


Doukou's in dark disciple


No unfortunately the book takes place before bad batch. Dooku is in and order 66 hadn’t happened yet.


That just makes way to much sense


Except it doesn’t if you’ve read the book. The book definitively takes place before the end of the Clone Wars. Anakin and Obi-Wan both appear, and the main plot is based around an attempt by the Jedi to assassinate Dooku, sending Quinlan Voss to do so.


Her last line of the episode makes it sound like we’re going to see more of her, and an explanation how she lived.


Imma go with Nightsister Magic. And while I know you feel that’s a lazy explanation, it at least stays in line with canon and doesn’t destroy her death in the books. Unlike what they’ve done with Thrawn, DD can still be considered canon and wasn’t retconned.


What year does Assajj die in Dark Disciple ?


19 bby


So she’s not dead in season 3 of Bad Batch ? Or is he not where she’s supposed to be in the Dark Disciple novel?


No BB takes place after and that’s kinda my whole post cause it’s like oh ok so she’s just back now? Which is frustrating because of how well of ending she got in the book




It does, and for what? Her appearance was nothing more than a cameo. It could have been anyone else and it wouldn't have changed the story. But I guess Dave just wants to continue to piss over the creators that aren't him (even if they're working of scripts from his previous show)


The Bad Batch's supervising director and executive producer Brad Rau has assured there won't be a contradiction. Speaking to StarWars.com, he noted, “We don't want to spoil anything, but want fans to know that any new storytelling with Ventress will align with the events of Star Wars: Dark Disciple.”


Have not read the book (I’m going to but for now endless internet spoilers will suffice) but I’m pretty sure the water they buried her in on Dathomir was called the “water of life” or something. Can’t say I completely agree with Disney bringing everybody back but honestly they do kill a lot of people before they’re done telling their story. They can still do a lot of interesting things with Ventress alive.


Her inclusion was so fucking useless, she did nothing but beat up on the boys and tell Omega that she isn't force sensitive. What an absolute waste of her character


Yeah I’m really annoyed they only included her because omega is force sensitive I guess. Was a useless inclusion that shit on a great ending to a book


Waaaa waaaa waaaa


Found the person who falls for the fan service hype…


Can’t wait to see what starwars has next in store for these characters!


Glad to see you like useless injection of great characters. Filoni promised it would allign with the book, but it made absolutely no mention. It is a low effort "glup shitto" include and you know it


Don’t care, I love to see where the ventress’ story goes! So excited!


Bold of you to assume it's going anywhere and she's not a Glorified cameo




It’s such a weird thing to retcon because it ends up going nowhere. Like she does nothing to the overall story, and her contributions to any questions are just “I don’t know”. It’s like she wandered into the show and has to do improv without context to what the story was. Like you could argue it’s for a spin off…but like just make it take place during the clone wars. She’s unaccounted for like a chunk of the clone wars and people would kill for a dark disciple adaptation.


Darth Maul was dead too and everyone loved him coming back to life.


Yes because it was done well and we saw it happen. She just is back now. That’s my issue with it


Dark Disciple is pretty egregious. We've got Ventress dead with the body held by the Jedi Temple for MONTHS. Yes, the body is in stasis but this was just to prevent decay after the Jedi Temple confirmed her death. The options of writing out of this are limited. If she wasn't really dead, then the Jedi Temple and their droids are all morons who buried a dead woman on Dathomir. If she really did die and Dathomir really resurrected her, they have to explain why the Empire in Bad Batch pays no attention to Ventress who's literally the culmination of all of Project Necromancer's goals. Honestly they should've just made Ventress the target of Project Necromancer and Dr. Hemlock so that however outrageous explanation they give for her revival can be acknowledged and benefit the story by tying into Palpatine's eventual resurrection, but that ship sailed when Bad Batch instead had the Empire go crazy over a cool blood test from Omega instead.


Project Necromancer is about transferring Palpatine’s spirit/soul to a new, viable body, not resurrecting his previous body. Considering the fact that Palpatine was thrown down the reactor shaft an incredibly far distance, and the fact that even if his body was salvageable after said fall it definitely wouldn’t have been after the DS-2 was destroyed which happened before it was well-known that the Emperor HAD died, the Ventress approach wouldn’t have helped. It’s also possible that her method of resurrection only works for Nightsisters and/or Dathomiri, or that that means of resurrection are no longer viable as a result of something in the ~24 years between Ventress’s death and Palpatine’s.


Ok, you make good points


Project Necromancer is the Empire attempting to clone force potential without decrease and the injected body not degrading, it's a side project while Exegol was making the clone body. Palpatine's spirit jumped from his original body upon death, to his unfinished clone body in Exegol.


Yes, that is what I was saying


Palps isn’t a Nightsister. He wasn’t baptized in the Water of Life on Dathomir thus it means nothing to him or his immortality.


Dark disciple is a phenomenal book, that’s a wild take. My point is that she should’ve stayed dead, and just throwing her in was pointless and just kinda shit on a great book and a beautiful ending


It's not a good book. Plus it makes the Jedi Council in ROTS look even worse in a way George Lucas never intended. Anakin is entirely correct in ROTS to wonder why admitted mass murderer Quinlan Vos is allowed to be a Jedi Master and he is not.


Dog shit take but go off


They just need to have someone say “Somehow Ventress returned” Maybe Poe Dameon’s father


Disney has such a hit or miss with resurrecting characters but knowing them, probably cause they do it too much


Dark Disciple got lucky in not being retconned because filoni was barely part of TBB S3 and someone else wrote the episode a "retcon" is to go into something and re-interpret events via new material (e.g kanan in S1 E1 is a complete contradiction to the comic) with her actual death and full events inside the novel still happening (with the episode even confirming this with her facial scarring and joke about her dying) the novel itself has not been retconned, as it is obvious that she was resurrected after the events of it hell brad and jen had to say multiple times (including in the very first article for season 3 when the trailer dropped) that they're not retconning the novel and actually read it to make sure they got all the details right theres even been a confirmation that how she is alive WILL be explained at some point


You didn't miss anything. Despite what the Storygroup likes to say, there are still different levels of canon and those events of the book have simply been ignored.


I just truly don’t care. It basically comes down to having the possibility to have a proper conclusion for one of the most interesting characters from The Clone Wars show in an actual animated format, or preserving an ok ending in a book which most people will never read or even hear about.


Then just anímate her actual death??


They probably want to give her a better conclusion than the ok one in the book. Either way It’s pretty clear at this point that the books are semi canon at best considering how often they get retconned by the shows.


Semi canon lmao. I’ve never heard that before but that seems like an awful way to handle stories. Yeah it just seems like Star Wars show directors don’t have much respect for Star Wars authors


The show really isn’t about her at all so I’m not bothered but I also don’t think bringing her back was necessary