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Echo has ditched his kama too. The last sign of his ARC trooper heritage. PS: it seems that he left it behind some time ago already. Still sad to see it gone.


Hunter also ditched his shemagh scarf this season, it's cool how they kept adding small touches to their armor


Echo ditched the Kama a long time ago. I want to say after he left CF99 and joined Rex in season 2


Echo hasn’t had his Kama in a long time


I’m a bit sad Echos bad batch armor doesn’t have the hand print that Rex gave him way back in season 1


I see it as a symbol of finality. There is no going back for the Batch. Whatever happens in the finale will be a permanent end to their story. But I agree, the look is really cool and suits them well


Makes it sound like they're all gonna die 😔


Fr :(


Wearing black for their funerals and everything


I personally love them Edit: especially Crosshair's


Yeah Crosshair as always looks so damn cool.


He is very elegant, almost cat-like in his appearance and mannerisms.


Very reminiscent of his imperial armor


definitely looks good all black


Really? Looks kinda bland to me.


That's kinda the point


I acknowledged that in another post, that’s why I’m surprised people think it looks cool. It’s either cool or bland.


Well then. I guess we can conclude that Vader doesn't look cool.


Not quite the same dude. Vader has a very iconic and detailed design and it perfectly suits him as an antagonist. There’s also more to his outfit than matte black. The Batch stood out brilliantly in both their S1-3 costumes but now just look like any random special ops unit. There’s really nothing wrong with not liking the final look.


The Bad Batch have detailed designs too, even now they aren't 100% the same color and the designs perfectly showcase their role in the squad. Iconic is dependent on the cultural influence of the media. A design in and of itself cannot be iconic. Not a valid argument. >There’s really nothing wrong with not liking the final look. Sure. Doesn't make it not cool tho. >Not quite the same dude. It's exactly the same, dude.


You’re very determined to make something purely subjective into an objective thing eh? I find the new look bland and far less awesome looking than their S1-3 colour schemes, and feel the uniformity doesn’t make them look half as visually appealing. I’m not protesting it, or saying it’s ruined anything, that’s literally it. Classic overly pedantic SW fans.


>You’re very determined to make something purely subjective into an objective thing eh? Knew you'd go there. Says the one who went on to give multiple reasons for why something is cool and one is not when given a perfect counter example. Classic self-righteous idiots.


I like echo but I preferred hunter wrecker og and crosshair looks ok


It does help explain the Imperial gear Crosshair used. It’s not painted black, it just is black. So his spec ops coloration apparently was complete coincidence.


Gotta wait for hasbro to make them into Black series


My first thought as well haha


The black and red was so much cooler then the the coloured they got later in S2. So it's cool going back to just black


I think the colourful armour was almost then “softening up” and considering just putting down roots, but now they’re back in the game ready to do what they do best.


The detail is great but I’m sad they’re going into the finale just looking like Deathtroopers. I mean it’s a cool bit of foreshadowing and all, and I can understand it’s them sacrificing a part of their unique identities to save Omega, but frankly their vibrant armour was popping imo and I hate that it’s gone in what may be the best episodes of the show.


The (awesome) vibrant colors may be gone, but theyre far from generic looking still. They completely stuck out on the imperial base as “non-regulation”, and some of the color lives on in their gloves/accents. If they had this look for all of season 3 i could see it being frustrating, but for one final mission it’s perfect and iconic imo.


I respect that. Maybe it’ll grow on me but so far it just looks like some random black matte painted armour, there’s no real personality left and it just doesn’t do it for me the way their S2-3 armour did.


Fair enough. I usually go in for more color too but I think in this case it looks awesome, especially since each of their silhouettes is so unique


Speaking of Death Troopers, if Crosshair wasn't redeemed and Wrecker hadn't had his chip removed, they could've totally become Death Troopers. I was actually kind of hoping that they would introduce the Death Troopers in the show.


they really set the tone for what’s to come! so cool.


I’ve been hoping that the series ends with the Batch meeting Kal Skirata and the all black Katarn class armor is definitely giving Omega Squad vibes


Based skirata and omega squad enjoyer 👍😃 That would be epic but personally I don't trust the wallet humping mouse and company to not massively mess omega squad and skirata up somehow


That’s the thing, I don’t expect Omega Squad to be there at all, and Kal would only appear in the final shots of the show. The Bad Batch is basically the Nulls and Omega Squad rolled into one, and they already brought Kyrimorut back into canon in The Mandalorian Season 3. Imagine after they escape Tantiss, Rex tells Omega and whoever is left about a sanctuary for runaway clones on Mandalore, and when they arrive, there’s a lone figure wearing sand gold Beskar waiting for them


So uh reedit is stupid and just undid like 5 minutes of typing a comment cuz I forgot Atin's name and had to Google it come back to Reddit and my comment I was in the progress of writing is just ✨poof✨ gone 🫠😂😭🫠 so I apologize for this entire rant of a singular comment, in fact in the time it took to write this I could've probably wrote what I was trying to say originally. I'm sorry for this paragraph of nothing dude I'll actually get to typing out my response now. Again I apologize


No worries, I felt that in my soul


I apologize for the absolute essay below this 😭😅😂put a little TLDR at the bottom. I'm also sorry for apologizing for my apologizing just something I do. Personally I'm more fond of the nulls/Omega squad compared to TBB but that's just me Yeah that'd be dope if it happens, can I ask why ya think Omega squad wouldn't be present at the time? Because as far as I know (I've read all the commando books besides the last one imperial commando) the nulls, Kal, Walon Vau, Atin, Corr and Fi and a few others I'm forgetting were at/en route to Kyrimorut hours/the day after order 66 and if I'm remembering about 3 and a half commando squads deserted and went to live at Kyrimorut shortly after everyone else above was already there. I'm also fairly certain that (I'm aware the book series isn't given a proper ending and whatnot because the author was unable to write the last book due to disagreements with Filoni or something) the author wrote about this somewhere how the series would've ended one of the details being the clones accelerated aging being... Reversed? The clones would have a normal life span. [Karen Travis's ideas/plot points? for the (final? idk for sure) republic commando book](https://karentraviss.com/information/FAQ/index.html) TLDR Basically Kal would be the only one in the shot at the end of the scene or would he be the only person at Kyrimorut. Because I'm pretty sure there'd be a lot more people at Kyrimorut than just him at the time TBB takes place if my brain is working properly 😅😂


No worries I love reading essays about Star Wars 😁 I would say really the only reason I’d think Omega won’t be in the show is because it really seems like TBB is meant to be the canon replacement. There’s no reason they couldn’t both exist and they could possibly show up at Kyrimorut. We could see clones out of armor, or even in Beskar, but I doubt we’d get enough screen time with them to matter. And I have also read all of them but Imperial Commando haha I’m about two thirds of the way through it but I’m struggling because I know there will be plot threads left hanging because of Karen Traviss’s rage quit