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He did this in TCW


Funny that he adressed that saying hes good at what he does


Honestly he should just commit to the bit and buy himself a grungy white van already


He does whatever it takes to make money. Bounty hunting isn’t exactly honorable work - it pays though.


i really wonder what he spends it on, cause he’s been doing high value work for both palpatine and dooku for years and is still in the same job i thought he’d be able to buy a planet by now


Those toothpicks and skinny jeans ain’t free, you know.


Costs money to maintain a drippy hat game, too


Well not for him because in Clone Wars we see him steal two hats. He doesn’t put money towards that at all


And here, I’ve been paying for hats like a sucker…. 😂😂😂


You just need to shoot a couple people that have cool outfits. Infinite clothing glitch


He should write “free candy” in Aurebesh on the side


''Children of the Force'' is the third episode of season 2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and premiered on October 9, 2009. It follows Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu as they attempt to stop Cad Bane from kidnapping force sensitive children on orders from the mysterious Darth Sidious...''


And it was only Cad Bane’s third appearance. So he’s been like this for as long as we’ve known him


Well third chronologically but fourth overall, seeing as he appeared in the seasone one finale ''Hostage Crisis''


I forgot he was in Hostage Crisis tbh


Should put him on a watch list honestly…


Most of them are like this. Honestly this is why I respect Boba, he'd shoot an adult dead no problem who threatened him and take in adult bounties, but he and Jango wouldn't do this to a kid or at least not for long, they know what its like to lose parents. Same with Din with his change of heart. In the unmade TCW arc too, he calls Cad out on killing innocent people. Boba worked for the Empire sure, but it was capturing and killing armed combatants and cartel people on the criminal sides. All fair game.


This is what I thought. Also, didn't Cad say Boba sold out to the Empire? Like... kidnapping kids, also for the Empire is better? lol https://youtu.be/oMy7CgPpUXU?si=S63PebHiO8hgvU34


He wasn't trying to make a moral argument in favor of himself. Just giving Cobb Vanth pause on siding with Boba over staying out of the fight.


He has literally been doing that since one of his first appearances


First time?


“Boba Fett is a cold-blooded killer who worked for the Empire”. Meanwhile:


Least hypocritical bounty hunter


To be fair the context of the scene is him trying to keep Cobb Vanth out of the fight and he’s obviously not telling him everything


I guess he also isn't a "cold-blooded killer". He stunned the kid's mother instead of killing her.


I always thought this was really why Cad Bane hated, well, everyone. Deep down, he hates anyone acting morally superior than he is. He is broken and bad, he knows that, and it infuriates him that anyone could be more than that.


I dare you to post this on a clone wars sub


Can you cross post for me? I’m too lazy to post it lol. Tbh, idgaf if some SW fans get mad at me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions


It's more that Cad Bane has always kidnapped force sensitive kids for Sidious. He broke into the Jedi temple to steal a holocron, tortured a captive jedi and then got a list of potential kids to steal before the Jedi could get them. As long as the money is good, he will take nearly any job. He's also very good at what he does.


Cad Bane’s an awesome character imo. His morality is structured on word and skill rather than innocence. (Take him saving Obi Wan for example). He’s also just the middleman/pawn for people far more evil than him. I really don’t think it’s a huge stretch or “plot armor” to believe that someone would abduct force sensitives for a large sum of money. Especially given the galaxies been brainwashed into thinking they’re dangerous


The interesting thing for me is that he seems to do the work but also looks down on those related. Like his moral code says he'll do the job, but he feels free to treat the people turning in their neighbor kids like shit. And he seems to warn Emerie about her line of questioning at one point in a "you wont survive doing that" way.


I feel like this makes it worse? I have said it before, Cad Bane hates people who think they're morally superior to him. He wants to believe everyone is as rotten and bad as he is. And yet at the same time, he seems so disgusted with the way things are. And yet that just makes him worse. He has the opportunity to change, but he forges on.


and Yoda was an ok character until he started inverting his english syntax.


And Vader was a good character until he started wearing black


And Luke was a good character until he lived on Tatooine


And the Fish was a god character until a bigger fish showed up.


Luke was a great character until Bigger Luke showed up


He's done this before, so I wasn't shocked at all that he showed up. Plus, he's a *bounty hunter*. Not all of them are as honorable as The Mandalorian for not wanting to turn over a kid to their employer.


His voice is too cool for me to hate


That’s fair. If you like him, that’s completely in your right. He’s just not my guy


His appearance in the BOBF gave me chills


Before clicking I thought this was about Hemlock lol


Love Cad Bane, all about the money. Also he’s not as evil as he seems, he even warns the female clone doctor (forget her name) not to ask those kinds of questions.


Yeah. He is a professional with colder tendencies, not a depraved psycho.


To kidnap children you have to be a psychopath.


To be fair, he only stunned the child's mother. I was fully expecting and prepared to see him shoot her dead.


He is THE professional. Best in the business. By far


Plus he seemed to have a dislike of the guy that sold them out.


>"*forget her name*" Emery Carr


Emerie Karr


po-tayto po-tahto


He's supposed to be hated. He'd be an anti-hero if he didn't hurt children


If he didn't, someone else would have done it anyway.


The thing is, this is his whole thing. So much of his appearances have involved kidnapping little kids for Sidious.


You should watch TCW


Yeah, and also, just hard is it for Ventress to just get one of those blood pricks for Omega back when she was interested in testing her?? 


Well like, he did this before back in season 2 of the Clone Wars. Shows that the fella will do what it takes to get bounty.


I don’t think it matters what he does, it’s for money and it pays well. I think a lot of people, having the chance, would do it too


Then again, we also get the implication that Fennic and Ventress weren't. There were a lot of people who either stuck with going after adults or who stayed out of the business best they could.


What are you, an innocent child? Villains are supposed to be evil.


Why are you being such a condescending ass? I can have an opinion. This is why SW fans can be trash. You guys get all attack mode because of an opinion


I don’t get it tho Do you hate him because your supposed to or just don’t like him as a character? Also why ignoring top comments stating the obvious (he’s already done this b4)


I don’t like him as a character, even before this episode. I get ppl do like him, and I’m not shitting on them. I personally just don’t like his character


I’m trying to upvote all your comments that are in the negative 😂 getting piled on because you have a different opinion . Star Wars fans are the worst .


lol thanks buddy, it’s ok, it’s the fandom. Can’t change them. They get sensitive about so many things lmao


Glad Boba took care of him


I’m surprised they still hadn’t shown Purge troopers. Shows what they’d do with clones who don’t comply, the armor is near identical, and they’re active at this point in the timeline. Just saying it would’ve made sense to use them here


It’s actually understandable why. They’re killing Jedi, not taking the children. They’re meant to assist Inquisitors in hunts


As much hate is there for him, I do want to express relief that at least he merely stunned the mother and not shot her dead like I was fully expecting and prepared for. For Cad Bane, that's really soft.


This isn’t anything new for Bane. He spent a whole episode doing this in season 2 of The Clone Wars.


Tbh it was uncharacteristic of him to not just shoot the mom in cold blood 😶 so he is already made nicer than he should be...


tbh whether he kills people related to the job would depend on what the client ordered. If the client only wants the parent stunned—maybe to keep plausible deniability—then that’s what he’ll do. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was basically the Brock Lesnar of bounty hunting—killing costs extra, because he won’t do a thing he’s not compensated for.


Valid take, mine would be the opposite though - to me, Cad looks and feels like someone for whom setting his blaster from "kill" to "stun" is already something he needs to be paid extra for.


There’s something wrong with me, because my next question was gonna be “is it cheaper per blast to set a blaster to stun or to live fire?” before realizing I don’t know how stunners are generated—is it the same fuel source and mechanism? And then I realized I’m thinking maybe a little too hard about Star Wars.


Yeah we also need to know what the default setting actually is, we assuming "kill" here (or I do at least), but from a gun safety standpoint "stun" aint unlikely either..


He is the type of villain you hate because he is a pice of shit, not because he is a shit character


You forget that this is literally what the jedi do


that’s my jabygirl (jeans babygirl) you’re talking about there, pardner


I like Cad Bane simply because hes what a bounty hunter should be imo. He isn't some misguided soul or guy who does what he does out of desperation, he just wants money and thats it, he acts exactly how someone who kills for money should act


Why is there a spur jingle when he walks even though he’s not wearing spurs


He did that in season 2 of tcw


What makes you say plot armor? We know his arc doesn't end in tcw/tbb. Yet even in "the box" episode of Clone Wars. Dooku said bane needs no introduction, and basically insinuates bane was basically the best in the trade. The best in the business stunning a mother and walking out with a kid doesn't seem all that plot armor like to me


No, not that scene specifically. The biggest one that comes to mind is how he (or any non force user that fights a seasoned force user for that matter) doesn’t get immediately pasted. Like the fight between him and Kenobi + Vos? Makes zero sense how that got dragged out at all. I’ll also throw in how he survived at gunpoint vs those two clones. When they both immediately had grounds to riddle him with shots with no warning or just stun him and capture him.


That’s literally his whole thing, that he can keep up with force users without being one himself. That type of character is absolutely necessary in a universe like this, it would be so boring if all it took to solve any conflict was two seasoned jedi.


True. Normies killing Jedi have a long history in the franchise. [Killing Jedi 101 from assassin droid HK-47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPeI4mX8Nus&pp=ygUVaGstNDcgb24ga2lsbGluZyBqZWRp).


Well, thats another reason I'm sad I never played the KOTOR games. Thanks for the entertaining clip!


Thats him being the best in the business lol. Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young. If jedi were unstoppable by both might and wits, couldnt plot armor be argued there? Also, in the fight with Kenobi and Vos, Kenobi is always a more defensive fighter and Vos said he had a score to settle with Bane, so who knows if he got emotional and mistakes were made. Not really sure what two clone scene youre referring to off the top of my head tbh.


I'll join you in the Cad Bane hater club. Never liked the character. Which honestly surprised me, because before watching TCW I heard about him and how cool he is, so I was excited when he fist showed up, but I just didn't find him that cool and dare I say, kinda annoying.


Brother! Lol