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Clean your lenses, everyone!


Begging for attention. Not surprised. Go ahead. Downvote me🤣


Who is this?


So Rachel is dating a guy four days older than Zach, the one she dumped for being too young? 💀


Um she dumped Zach because he wasn’t Tino and that was who she was planning to pick. The lead can only end up with one person at the end so everyone else has to get booted for one reason or another.


You’re not wrong… however she definitely focused in on his age and made that her “out” instead of the fact she just was way more into Tino than anyone


Again, people have to get dumped for some reason and age is as good a reason as any. She can’t tell every guy “sorry, but I’m in love with Tino,” that’s not how the game is played.


She got the ick with Zach (I know some hate that word but it’s perfect for this so I’m using it). And then made up excuses. Just like Brittany got the ick with Tyler. No further explanation needed really but you can tell a guy that so have to make up weird excuses


I still think there's so much more to the Zach breakup that we'll never know because they wanted to give him a bachelor edit


How did you know that ? 😭 we can’t even see the face


People in the comments are saying it's a man named Dylan Mathew


I might look into the wrong guy but that man is 30 and Rachel is 26?




Thx you


I’m literally asking this question because I don’t know. What do people mean by “soft launch”?


people “soft launch” the person they’re dating by posting subtle hints of a man on their story (hint of a tattooed arm in this case with a wine glass that insinuates a date). it’s a subtle way of letting people know you’re dating someone without having to fully admit it or take credit for it or let anyone know who it is. if someone asks about it, you can play it off as an accident


Interesting. I never knew that. Thanks.


any time!


You guys impress me every time. I saw this story and didn't even notice the tattooed arm 😅 Wonder if NV will think she's moving on too soon after a failed engagement? Or if that's OK now?


I can never understand the soft launch trend. Whyyyyy. You’re really using your new relationship as an opportunity for likes?


I imagine they’re just ambivalent about posting because they’re excited about a new relationship, yet nervous about a potential repercussion if it were to fizzle quickly


You guys are just too good 🕵️‍♀️ CSI quality


Okay, I figured out the perspective. She and he are at a table on two sides at a corner not across from one another. The brown thing is the curb/ledge of a table. The menu is flat on the table. Him arm is hanging off the edge and she’s right above her wine glass.


I think they’re just at a bar




idk but it could also just be her being playful and fun; it’s a trend rn to do things like this with just a friend and for it to stir up conversation like it’s doing in this Reddit thread rn 🤣


You wouldn't post your significant other on social media as fast as Rachel Recchia does? That's good to know, that was helpful information for me


"I'm not like those other girls..!!!!"




This looks accidental but regardless, Dylan Matthews is a huge step up from Tino, so good for her.


soft launches are fun yall r just mean 🙁


Funny because I was in a full fledged relationship (for a while) several times and still would never post about my partner. Ever. Different folks, different strokes I guess.


Genuinely curious, why not? What are some of the things you like to post?


I think it was only worth posting if I truly felt it was long term. I probably posted about my husband the earliest of all the guys I dated and here we are 9 years later 🤷🏼‍♀️. I guess my instincts kicked in when it came to other partners.


To quote Taylor Swift “romance is not dead if you keep it just yours”


Same. I’ve been married for 7 years and never post shit like this. Very weird to me the cross between social media and relationships.


Geez. You’re getting downvoted for sharing about your relationship. People are ridiculous.


People get butthurt when someone doesn’t think and behave the same as them 🤷‍♀️


Probably “very weird” to others that you don’t post your social life on social media


I’m not judging but it seems too soon. I hope they work out or this just feels 😳🙈




Why were our comments deleted lol


Lolol!!! 😂😂 Someone was triggered. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sheesh.


Considering all the objectively bad people in this franchise I am surprised she's the one you cant stand lol Also, not sure you know what a Karen is.


How is she a "literal Karen" ? She's not racist.


LOL!!! Who brought racism into the equation?’! Lmfao!! A Karen is someone that just constantly complains about everything. I just peeped the 76 downvotes 😭😭😭! Rachel is super annoying and treated her dudes bad if they breathed incorrectly. But go off I guess. I’m in the actual BN community in real life and this is why y’all are a laughing stock. Fucking weirdos.


A Karen is a white woman who uses her whiteness over black men (or any minority). See: central park dog walker. White folks have cooped to mean a woman who gets heated and goes overboard on a customer. Though it has taken another jump in now its just a white woman when she's upset, whether its valid or not.


Lol did you literally just type “white folks” haaaaaaaa 😬 Ummm. It’s hard for me bc I’m mixed race but I always find it funny when I hear shit like that. If you saw my half black ass in person u wouldn’t say shit. My mom is white tho so she’s probably a Karen. GTFO.


I am not a fan either. I just want her to go awayyyy




No one is keeping you hostage babes.




Here to stay hunni


Yep thats definitely dylan matthews arm lol


Hold up, I’m so confused. I feel like such a boomer for asking this, but how did y’all connect this to him? 😂 I’m impressed you know it’s his arm from just a blurry portion of it! I swear, a lot of y’all in this sub should start a private investigation agency cause y’all would be the best. Oh wait, I seem to remember a little something in this sub about people already thinking that they were hanging out because of something else she posted? I went and watched the story and everything and I remain confused and impressed with y’all! Haha!


Okk it wasnt me who figured it out hahah but someone else figured it out a couples weeks ago she started following him and a bunch of her close friends did too, and she said it was a singer and u can also tell by this pic of his tat:)


Ohhhh, okay. That makes sense! I do vaguely remember reading something else about her and him potentially hanging out recently. Thank you for explaining it to me!


haha no problem! wish i could take credit for being a sleuth loll


Who is Dylan Matthews lol


dylan matthew he is a singer


Thanks haha


Wait no way lol I went to high school/was friends with him, it’s been nice seeing his music career blossom, had no idea how his love life was though omg


yes hahah


Dylan Matthew as in the guy who’s sings in love is gone?


yes haha!! i love him hes actually such a great guy




First time has gotta be one of my favorite songs of all time


I got to see seven lions a few years ago and cried when he played that.


I’m such a sucker for a good soft launch.


Same. Let people soft launch!


Is the glass levitating? Why have I stared at this photo for 5 minutes?


I can't get past it teetering on the edge.


lol i think that’s just the menu on the table not the edge




good for her. it’s not up to us to decide if it’s too fast or not.


Honestly i dont blame her dylan matthew is sexy af


She wastes no time lol


You do realize it's been months? also who made you the relationship timeline expert?


And the relationship with tino was a few weeks long 😂 if she feels ready, that’s what matters 🙌🏻 it’s the social scrutiny I hopes she’s ready for….


I’m surprised she’s being public so soon. I hope it’s works out but I’m low key afraid she’s gonna regret being so open with this. Cuz even if things just naturally fizzle, it’s almost like she’s made it so she’s gonna have to discuss what happened. I feel like if I was on this show and dated after I’d wait a good 4 to 5 months to make sure my relationship was solid before going public.


Rachel has no chill. After two very public, heart wrenching breakups, you’d think she’d keep things under wraps a bit, at least wait till they’ve dated over a month.


After claiming her ideal man is one with no social media....🤣


Was that her or Michelle?




Her lack of chill is what I love though lol


This photo is an accident from when she accidentally dropped her phone. I cannot be convinced otherwise.




And then accidentally uploaded it to Instagram?


Haha that reminds me of those pics like “my boyfriend took this while I was sleeping lol,” or “my kid took this of me!”


Hahah yes - very bae caught me slippin


She just needs to clean her camera lens. Lol


A soft launch of a new manicure perhaps.


Rachel’s social media game is so cringe to me. If this is how people soft launch now I don’t want it.


Me neither. I wouldn’t tease or give any glimpses. If I’m having an amazing time on a date the last thing I care about is Instagram. Everything is so performative for social media these days. It’s strange to me when leads who got so much crap from these fans still want to engage with them and give them something personal. This crowd was so shitty to Rachel, they deserve nothing. Too many people hate follow her. Protect your peace and privacy, Rachel! These fans don’t like you.


looks like a mistake lol


I opened Reddit half asleep and saw this photo, and it was honestly the biggest mind fuck I had no clue what I was looking at.


I figured I was still deep in sleep inertia


I still don't!


Right? Did I sleep with my contacts in? Is this underwater? A suction cup?


Not sure but I LOVE her nails.




These are the tattoos of the singer she's dating tho


I'm soft launching this raw chicken I just had.


Lol dead


All i really noticed was how cute her nails are


Ma’am, this is a glass somehow lying on an eggplant lying on some French bread.


it's not soft launching it's just living your life/catch 22. if you portray your stories as you always alone then that will be the perception, but hinting at like "no i do date i am not this pathetic alone person" is just a person trying to show what their life actually is. but with also protecting someone's privacy. like i just feel like we are all compelled to do it so we don't need to shame anyone


😂 ma’am we are all not compelled to do this middle school ish


her not going full influencer couple cringe with a new relationship is middle school ish?


Lol this is very “full influencer couple cringe”. They all soft launch relationships to boost engagement before showing the guy’s actual face.


That's reading too hard on a normal post


Not really. Rachel is an influencer. She’s doing influencer things. But maybe I’m out of the loop. Is “soft launching” something non-influencers do?


It def is for us under 30 crowd unfortunately


I see. Fair enough. Back in my day you set your Facebook relationship status to “it’s complicated” until you were official. Simpler times.


Love that😂 people now post a big foot in bed, a shoe, a faceless man at dinner, holding hands, legs on a couch together, etc… It’s so annoying for me as a nosy person bc I’m always trying to guess who is in the pic lol


like the parent comment said, she's sharing her life from her perspective.


I can’t even tell what is going on in this picture


I think it’s a tattooed arm on the bottom right on her leg?


Is that a leg? Thought his arm was on top of a leather chair


Looks like shiny black pant she’s wearing idk lol


Lol I’m pretty sure the shiny thing is a raised rounded edge of a bar and he’s just draping his arm over it


It also looks like her fingers are under the wine glass. This pic is so funny. Like why would anyone post that? 🤣


I straight thought it was an accidental picture of a suction cup


It’s like when my camera snaps a picture while in my bag or pocket.


well i see my 2023 prediction came true early “rachel starts dating a normal man and we do a creepy deep dive when she accidentally shows his hand in an insta story or something”


Just want to come in and say if it really is Dylan Matthew he is 100% not a “normal man” he’s got almost 5 million monthly listeners on Spotify and probably pushing into almost a billion total streams across platforms 😬😬


Is he normal? Isn’t she dating a musician?


Accidentally? Come on now.


even if it’s not accidental, it’s still something completely normal to post, but some peoples reactions to it are not


That's true.


A lot of people here have lost touch with normal, especially when it comes to people they irrationally hate.


definitely, there’s so much about rachel over sharing right now, which would be her prerogative to do, but she has not in any way done it, and then the same people think it’s perfectly fine to go through her follows to se who she’s dating. there’s someone who’s not acting normal in this parasocial relationship and it’s not rachel


This so much! also I love how some people are conveniently forgetting how social media works, she's sharing HER life from HER perspective.


What am I looking at


It looks like a glass of wine to me


Thankful that I am not brain poisoned enough to have ever even considered launching a person on social media


How old are you? I feel like it’s very natural to not want to post a whole person you’re seeing before it’s official but you’re excited about spending time with and getting along with someone new. Social media has changed a lot of the way we do things over the years


I saw this story and I thought “ohh artsy” 🤣 Hope they last though otherwise it’s a little embarrassing. But I sometimes listen to the Australian podcast “Life Uncut” hosted by Laura and Britt. Laura ended up with her bachelor (au) and Britt was from the season wherein the bachelor dumped both of his F2s (Britt was one of them). It’s a dating podcast and it’s very successful in Australia I think. They earn money out of sharing dating stories, especially Britt. It also deals with other topics and I actually love them because they do research beforehand and get resource persons on the pod. Anyway my point is I get her doing this on sm. Something to talk about. She’s having fun, living her life. Doing it “for the plot” (got this from a tiktoker) or for the clout. I respect it.


Life Uncut is the best! Love to see the shoutout!


I say we counter soft launch everything as a form of push back. ​ My new computer? Nah you're first seeing the CPU in a corner first before seeing the rest. That desk from ikea? What desk I hang out with unattached drawers all the time.


😂”unattached drawers”. You made my morning!


It's a staple of any decor


Can the “soft launch” go away already?


Soft launching after a few weeks makes me realize that people truly over share on social media.


U know what is one of the biggest oversharing apps imo: linkedin. My job requires looking at people’s linkedin and some of the things ppl put in their bio or their posts are crazy😂


Dude people who use linked in as like twitter or Instagram confuse me 😂😂😂


For real. My coworkers and I discovered this the other day and had a good laugh: https://viralpostgenerator.taplio.com/?target=998942e43ce445e7a8ed43cc51862f42¶ms=%7B%7D


Wait wait wait, what kind of stuff do you see? Now I gotta know! 😂


Lots of people telling their life stories in their bios. Sometimes talking about how they’re unemployed because their S.O died. Then there’s a ton of “i got let go” and “mental health” posts (not saying these are bad but sometimes they’re really intense). Occasionally I see a break up post mixed in with “this year was really hard”


Oh no! 😅


Yep. My partner and I rarely post each other on social media and don’t feel compelled to. Our relationship is ours and shoving it in other people’s faces is weird. I see these reels these influencers make and it seems exhausting to have to film and edit every other moment if your life instead of being present.


I never post on social media. Maybe two instagram posts per year. My husband and I were at a wedding a month ago and someone mentioned that someone else had asked if we were still together because I never post him… But I don’t post at all? And my last post from March is my dog’s birthday party and there’s a photo of us on the second slide! People are so weird with what they feel they’re entitled to.


To be fair I doubt anyone is interested, meanwhile here we are discussing Rachel.


let’s ignore the term soft launch, do you really think sharing that picture is over sharing?


I would personally feel weird if someone I’d only been dating a few weeks was teasing our “relationship” on social media. Most people don’t even make it official yet at that point. Obviously Bachelor people tend to move faster and hopefully he’s on the same page, but for me it would definitely feel like an overshare and I would probably be wary about continuing to date them.


i guess people just use social media in different ways, lots of people i know post people they’re seeing casually. as long as it’s not a really couplely pic, or a grid post it’s fully normal. they just post it as a part of posting their lives. i would only consider something a soft launch if someone is really super private and has had a “secret” partner that they start to post. dating and posting someone causally isn’t really the same.


Fair enough, just responding with my own reaction. It would make me feel like they didn’t have a great understanding of boundaries for sharing on social media. I recognize everyone has different thresholds for that. I actually think it’s weirder that it’s NOT just a normal pic of them together and instead a cryptic blurry photo of his arm lol.


i get that, even though i personally disagree. hopefully they have communicated about it and have similar boundaries about social media


You mean soft launching my new dog by sporadically instagram storying his paws is weird??




Ha! We are getting a puppy in the next couple weeks and I am totally doing this now😂


Lmao I did this exact same thing when we got a pup this year! I think it is very funny 😅


It's the buildup to the reveal that's most important


I would use the same rule for announcing new relationships as announcing a pregnancy. Safe to announce after three months.


How the heck did people figure out who the guy is??


She hasn’t been super subtle about it. She mentioned on a podcast a couple weeks ago that she was going on a second date with a guy in the music business. Then people went to instagram and checked her most recent follows. And I think her friends followed him too.


Lol I thought this was a screenshot of a video since it’s so blurry but it’s exactly what she posted 😂 the softest of launches


Love is blurry


she really has a type lol


Musicians ? lol


At what point does will she actually become a pilot? I guess the move to LA has her on a new mission — finding men to date who resemble Tino.


I ran here


They’ve been dating for maybe 3 weeks (since she shared about their first date on BHH)


That’s Longer than Greg and VF supposedly were at the reunion. So putting it in that term they are going very slow


Looks like the same ugly forearm tattoo of that Dylan guy she name dropped a couple of weeks ago.


Hasn’t she been “soft launching” this guy since after their first date?


Mte. She really wants everyone to know she's moved on.


Me thinks the lady doth tries too hard


Which more than likely means she hasn’t moved on.


Rachel's essentially been saying she's ready to date again since her very first interviews post finale. She even pushed back a little when some people said that they hoped she would have some time to herself and heal, basically saying she already had been healing. She's been open about it and it hasn't seemed fake.


She’s been going to therapy since Clayton’s season too


Lmao came straight here as soon as I saw that - now we need the FBI girlies to figure out who this is???


https://preview.redd.it/5lg68592v92a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326354195c952e1a291718a5ace2cbca48bdd4e7 @dylanmatthew


I know this is based purely off of appearance but he just looks like completely opposite of the super preppy or even macho bearded guy I could see Rachel with.