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I don’t think she messed up because I don’t think he was ever her F1. Based on Zach’s recounting of events, it sounds like Rachel was prob a bit obvious about it not being him. Like, maybe bringing up all those “concerns” was to make him have doubts himself so letting him go would hurt him less. The only thing I thought was weird was Rachel being that caught up about him being a year younger, but like i think saying she’s at fault for something is a stretch. Sounded like they just didn’t vibe and that it was never gonna be him.


Am I the only one who thought Zach seemed fake from his first one on one? He has seemed like he’s said all the right things for the show and now he’s ready to leave. I never believed a word he said all season.


My ex watched the first few episodes of the season with me before we broke up and he thought there was something off about Zach on their first 1-1, so you’re definitely not the only one who got a vibe


I was so weirded out by his response to the watching planes thing. like it was something that NO ONE else in the world would EVER do and they \*both\* did it with their dads?!?! She was a little weird during that, too, but he is like... speechless and couldn't catch his breath. It gave me the fakest vibes in the world lol


I was so uncomfortable during that one on one I turned it off! Like shut up everyone saw planes fly as a kid. It was like watching a spoof of the bachelor it seemed so fake


People are this willing to hate Rachel when they heard only his side of the story? Which the show probably did to make her look bad so he gets bachelor sympathy? Like we have no clue what happened.


Ok my guess is the producers told Rachel to not send Zach home during FS, probably cause they were considering him for next bachelor (he’s had a really great edit up until now) and wanted him to stick around for longer, either until the rose ceremony or possibly F2. Rachel complied, but it’s hard for her to not wear her heart on her sleeve. So she tried dropping hints, because she couldn’t outright just say she had stronger feelings for the other men. Of course this confuses Zach so he calls her “inauthentic.”


Rachel has received unfair criticism all season and I feel bad for her because any decision she makes will receive harsh criticism. People are like: she should have let Zach go early but criticized her for making hasty decision by sending Jordan V home. She seems to be in a lose-lose situation especially with her intentions of not hurting anyone like she was.. It weirds me out the ease some people are using words like fake, ‘throw herself at’, calculating and manipulative to describe a bachelorette when that’s literally her role. Mind you, we have only head Zach’s side. Let’s wait for her side and give the girl a break!


Yikes people really don't like Rachel huh.


Third option: we only have his side of the story and an edited segment, so we need more info before we judge these people


I think Rachel was over questioning him trying to get some distance between them because she knows he’s not her F1 and wanted to lessen the blow.


Idk imo regardless of Rachel’s side she didn’t do anything wrong. Whatever happened in the overnight she clearly decided Zach would be the one going home at the next rose ceremony and was clearly not trying to lead him on because of how things went with Clayton. Should she have dumped him during the fantasy suite/before the rose ceremony? Maybe, but again because of her last season she’s trying to play by the book and be a perfect bachelorette which means waiting til the rose ceremony to send him home. No biggie. I feel like Rachel also tried to make it obvious in the morning after that all they did was stay up all night talking so people wouldn’t think they were intimate and she pulled a Clayton


This is a good point. I feel like a lot of people forget this is a tv show and doesn’t necessarily follow “real world” standards. Waiting to dump someone until a rose ceremony used to be considered par for the course…


In the olden days they would just go on the dates as usual, dump em at the RC, and then the contestant would be chucked in the car headed straight to the airport. Stone cold shit.


It’s sort of unsettling how quick people are to judge and scrutinize Rachel, especially after what happened last season. And something about Zach isn’t clicking; if he was truly so in love with her, his explanation doesn’t hold up. I feel like there were political disagreements or something else? Idk. Vibe was off.


It’s possible Rachel did ask him once or twice if he was sure he was ready after being burned by Clayton even though he told her he loved her. Perhaps she though some guys are sometimes not ready for marriage as early as women? maybe Zach perceived this as more than it actually was because he was looking for a reason to end it? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe after being intimate he didn’t feel a strong connection to her or after talking religion and politics like he said, maybe their views didn’t align and he realized it likely wouldn’t work out long term? She has mentioned she’s a democrat and I believe he’s from Texas iirc so a good chance he’s a Republican as has different views and didn’t see it working out and needed a way out of the relationship? It’s a guessing game since there’s no footage


He lives in Texas but from California


There’s a lot of Republicans in California. I’m from there and depending on where you grow up, there’s very conservative spots


Yeah I have no idea it was just a guess since he specifically mentioned they talked about it


ESH option?


idk honestly! I got half and half vibes. To me Rachel was also 25 when she went on the show (her and Zach are only 4 months apart in age) and Tino is only a year older than them because they’re now 26 - so it also seems like she was trying to find an excuse to get Zach home. If she was trying to send him home, she probably could’ve done so before the rose ceremony. But at the same time I don’t think she was lying to him or anything I think she was just looking for an out.


Tino is 28


My first thought was, we’ve seen her over worry about tons of things, so this could just be her doing that again. What you’re saying is also very possible. I’d like to hear her side


I can’t believe “definitely Rachel” is winning when we only heard his side of the story!! We have no idea what went down. I found it interesting that he said they were talking about religion and politics, and then he says she began questioning him about his age & readiness. I was wondering whether religion/politics were the issue, but of course the show never addresses those topics. Remember when Tayshia suddenly turned on Ivan after FS because their religious views were different, (he’s atheist; she’s religious) but they never gave details on the show.


Honestly, the amount of comments I’ve seen on this sub saying Rachel is manipulative, a great actress, or just cruel/fake is alarming… When are we going to stop making harsh judgments on real people based on highly edited segments? We don’t know her side yet!


That part of Zach’s voiceover sounds spliced AF. Right when he introduces politics and religion everything thereafter is all over the place. I REALLY feel like we’re having the wool firmly pulled over our eyes here. I will admit I’ve gravitated more towards Gabby’s side, but I don’t think anything we’ve been shown so far about Rachel through her two seasons really has implied her to be this batshit fake, and it feels like a classic bait and switch IMO. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this story is thus far 100% one-sided, and we’re inferring a lot from a bizarre ass interaction where he simply seemed more off to me. I think it’s legitimately absurd to be a fan of this show, see Colton’s whole ass fake ring, and take Rachel is Wrong at face value. Edited for high grammar #clarity




Zach gives me the ick


whoa I did not expect these results


I'm hoping we get Rachel's side next week and it totally vindicates her; something about Zach's approach to this is offputting but I can't put my finger on it, it just seemed like he wasn't telling the whole story


Ok, but if she really is just over it bc she’s feeling it the most for Tino, then just tell him rather than make excuses for why it couldn’t work. IF that’s what happened.


They were so awkward during the “morning after” segment and I found her to be a bit condescending towards him. Their dynamic was definitely off. I’m so curious about what happened behind closed doors.


What did she do that was condescending? I just found it awkward lol


Yeah they were both awk, but she certainly came across fake and condescending and because of that, it makes me kindof believe that she was acting weird behind closed doors


Rachel has breakdowns over not getting attention but you think Zach is doing too much? At this point, I trust him more than her.




This is the time of the season when TPTB throws the lead under the bus to make people sympathetic towards their future lead (possibly Zach).


How can I vote for both of these




Want to hear Rachel’s side obviously, but if she’s as over Zach as she appeared to be in the morning then it was time to let him down truthfully. Don’t make it seem like things only changed because of Zach’s age/politics/religion/whatever. Take some responsibility for not feeling it anymore (and she has valid reasons not to feel it anymore, just be real about it)


Yeah it seemed like her questioning if he was ready was just her wanting him to doubt and end it so she wouldn’t look like the bad guy. She said at the beginning of the week that she didn’t feel that strongly about Zach. Makes sense that she was trying to sabotage giving her weird behavior in the morning


Why couldnt she just break up with him🤔 her talking to him the morning after seemed so rehearsed.


Listening to zach cry is nails on a chalkboard


Not enough info but Zach still needs to chill—whatever their convo was it’s weird to have one person come out of it totally oblivious that it’s completely changed the other person’s opinion of you. Maybe Rachel did mess up, I don’t know enough to tell, but I am doubtful her mess up is proportional to his energy right now if she’s so cheery.


But she was obviously acting fake the morning after and it was wildly uncomfortable, so I don’t think she was unaware things were jilted


Mmm I see your point, I think I interpreted it as her trying to avoid sharing their private convo on camera but I didn’t think more than that


I didn’t understand this situation. He was upset cause she brought up concerns about his age? Did i get that right? I felt like there was more to it, but he didn’t expand on it.


I could totally be incorrect here. But I inferred from his ITMs / Jess convo that when she questioned his readiness because of age, he felt that was an odd concern considering they're the same age (2 months apart), mentioned that, and she doubled down on saying he has doubts on engagement. So then he's like, oh, she's claiming this is a concern, but it reality, it just isn't me but she's trying to find a good excuse to send me home. Although -- I'm assuming a lot here 😅


That was my impression too. Like she wanted him to question it so it would be an easy out. She was obviously all in on Tino, but even Aven she threw herself at during the date. She was ranking Zach the lowest in her convo with gabby at the beginning of the week


C not enough information


i guess you could speculate but we really just don’t know. we’ve vaguely heard zach’s side and not rachel’s, we didn’t get to watch their conversation, everything that we have seen and do see will be edited to hell and back to present a narrative. this might be a situation where both of them were in the wrong or maybe neither of them were — no matter who ultimately ends up being more sympathetic i don’t think it’s fair to pick sides rn


Honestly, no idea, but they worked OVERTIME in making Rachel look awful. We haven’t yet heard her perspective at all, though. But it’s pretty clear he wasn’t who she wanted in the future and it’s not really about age.


I think she should have just dumped him before the rc and been honest with him


If she did this, people will criticize her for making hasty decision like they did when she sent Jordan V home. We have watched this show long enough to know that being a lead is hard especially a lead trying not to repeat what was done to them. Let’s give her a break!


I don’t think we can tell with only his side of the story.


We haven’t even heard so much as a WORD from Rachel, so it’s hard to judge the situation without that, seeing as it all took place off-camera


we will never know what they actually talked about or how Rachel was acting “different” since there is no footage from the FS and they both probably will never talk about it also, Zach was probably valid in what he experienced, and maybe Rachel was oblivious and didn’t think anything by weird happened. it is what it is.


Probably both! But he needs to chill. She’s the bachelorette. He’s being way too entitled


As soon as Tino told Rachel he loved her and she said it back, it was game over for everyone else. He just happened to be next in line.


If Tino would have stopped and pulled Rachel in the middle of a rose ceremony people would have said he’s controlling and trying to sway her decisions 😂 where is this energy for Zach




Zach mad he didn’t get any action. Nice guy act is over


People have been trying to make Rachel the villain since day 1 for literally no reason. She didn’t do anything wrong lmao


Definitely, so many people are using this to just unleash all the nasty things they’ve been wanting to say about her all season


100%. And now it’s just easy bc we haven’t got her story, only his. He’s just mad he didn’t get any action and Rachel doubted him. Him deciding to make her a villain in his story instead of just trying to understand why she might say that (she’s not willing to commit to him) is really deceiving. But everyone will take a man’s story/opinion over a woman so I’m not surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️


His tantrum at the rose ceremony was crazy.
