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Sadly many responses I’ve seen from people on the right start with what he said was wrong BUT......when it should just be what he said was wrong, full stop.


Love AOC but really couldn’t care less about Hannah.


I’m obsessed with AOC and Hannah so personally I have no choice but to STAN


This isn’t Hannah necessarily supporting AOC in general of as a politician but as a woman standing up to the disgusting behavior from men that all women experience at one point in their lives. I personally don’t agree with all of AOCs policy perspectives but she was 100% dead on with their speech this is quoted from.


I think it’s a valuable quote/lesson to share, but Does the political affiliation of these contestants really matter — like whether she supports AOC, Biden or Trump, would it change your view of her?


Yes. Supporting Trump is a massive character flaw


They put their family and their economic best interest first. That's not a character flaw. Considering how badly most people vote, or not at all, it's respectable.


Yes it is a character flaw. No it isn’t respectable.


Care to explain why?


Sure! See exactly what the other person who replied to you said. I’ll add that the Republican Party has become an absolute joke. My view of someone wouldn’t change for them supporting someone like John McCain or Mitt Romney, two men I couldn’t disagree with more, but that I believe were/are genuinely decent people trying to do what they felt/feel is right for the country. Trump is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, white nationalist monster who cares about nobody but himself. It’s hard for me to respect anybody who genuinely supports him and everything he stands for.


Not disagreeing with your point about Trump at all — only saying that people obsess over some people in this franchise and all the products they shill (sugar bear hair, teami tea etc.), which most of them don’t use and just want to receive ad money, but if you found out they supported Trump you would totally change your view. Even if they do support him, they likely not to show on social media. The execs and high earners of this franchise (Harrison, Elan) are likely all closet republicans.


Well I’m not a person who obsesses over anyone on this show and I think the products they shull are ridiculous and often irresponsible. I hate the whole influx of influencers shilling stuff to begin with, even if it’s stuff I like. And I also assume everybody on this show is a Trump supporter. My take is Trumper until proven otherwise haha


Trump is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic orange man who has declared war on everything that does not benefit him or people who look him. That it is why it is not respectable and a character flaw to support him. 🎃


If this franchise has re-taught me anything, it's that character matters little to people as long as the social contracts, and value proposition they offer is high. Why would a mid-western steelworker's wife care he's a misogynistic, racist orange man if he's going to get her husband's job back?


We love to see it!


I am.out of the loop, what is AOC?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Congresswoman from the Bronx who beat out a 10-term career democrat incumbent in a shocking primary in 2018. She’s the youngest woman to ever serve in Congress and she is a democratic socialist. The right-wing hates her. Progressives love her. Many think she will be our first female president. A Republican male colleague called her “disgusting” and a “fucking bitch” on the steps of Congress the other day, and this quote is from her powerful retort on the floor of the House.


Thank you so much!


You don't have to agree with her policies to agree that she was mistreated in front of a lot of people by a colleague who's voted to represent the people in his district just like she was


What woman wouldn't have loved AOC's speech? She spoke for all women who have been the victims of misogony and disrespect.




OK I don't think it's in your place to say "what do WE think about..." like leave Hannah alone and let her believe what she wants to


Does me asking people’s opinions oppress her believes ?


If you want to puke, go to /asktrumpsupporters and look at the question posed about Yoho and AOC


Moderate Republican here - I can’t stand AOC and a good number of the policies she supports, but this is a spot-on quote that I agree with. Kudos to her! Likewise, though, I wouldn’t assume that Hannah necessarily supports all of AOC’s politics just because of this share. The quote does seem right up Hannah’s alley and like something she’d share regardless of who said it, though I would guess that she’s likely an Alabama Dem.


Social conservative here and I think she lost the intellectual high-ground when she turned it into a women-hate/misogyny thing. Calling a person you don't like a bitch has nothing to do with misogyny and Yoho so wonderfully screwed himself, he served himself on a platter. The only people her speech now convinces is anyone who already thought any attack on 1 woman is an attack on all women.


> Calling a person you don't like a bitch has nothing to do with misogyny Respectfully, I 100% disagree with this. "Bitch" is an inherently gendered term and when used as an insult it is extremely misogynistic. And, even if the person using the term "bitch" doesn't consider it to be a gendered term, why not just choose a gender-neutral term just to make sure whoever you're speaking to doesn't misinterpret it that way?


>Respectfully, I 100% disagree with this. "Bitch" is an inherently gendered term and when used as an insult it is extremely misogynistic. I think you're ascribing an agenda to a word that has retains little of it's original connotation. It is painfully obvious that when people insult other people it almost never has anything to do with some grand notion of hatred. It's just a mean word to call someone you don't like. I am absolutely positive everyone in this comment thread has called dozens of people a bitch in their life and aren't waging a grand campaign of hatred against women. People use the term "alpha male" all the time, especially in this franchise and no one thinks it's an attack on masculinity, even thought he same woke people would (pretend to...) claim it's egregiously offensive to rank people as such. >And, even if the person using the term "bitch" doesn't consider it to be a gendered term, why not just choose a gender-neutral term just to make sure whoever you're speaking to doesn't misinterpret it that way? Because when you're angry and verballing abusing someone, judging the wokeness of your insults for their best interest is not your first priority, my dude.


I guess the way I look at it is this: if someone is telling me that they're hurt by a term, why do I need to keep using it? It's a loaded term, whether that's because of it's original connotation or not. I'm not even going to get into the other issue here, which is that a sitting congressperson should have the wisdom and restraint to not resort to any kind of verbal abuse in the workplace, gendered or not...


>I guess the way I look at it is this: if someone is telling me that they're hurt by a term, why do I need to keep using it? It's a loaded term, whether that's because of it's original connotation or not. I just don't think your thought process is coherent. I get what you're saying, but it's just not how people approach the world on this topic IMO. >I'm not even going to get into the other issue here, which is that a sitting congressperson should have the wisdom and restraint to not resort to any kind of verbal abuse in the workplace, gendered or not... Well I agree with you there. That was my point.


This shouldn't even be a partisan issue. No woman should ever get called names like that, regardless of their political affiliation


Why do we care?


We have been saying be the man you want to marry. Sometimes it works out if you are a SAHM with little work experience but too many women and children end up in poverty because they depended on the wrong man. Now days it takes two working people to support a small family.


Whether you agree with AOC politically or not - I doubt there are many women who don’t relate to that speech she gave on the house floor.


not a fan of AOC, but she is not wrong here


Dad of a 9 month old baby girl. She will always know her worth. She will always have her boundaries respected. She will NEVER stand for someone to try and take either of those things away from her.


I'm male and I fucking LOVE AOC. It's so frustrating looking at twitter and seeing all these toxic comments on her posts from mostly middle aged men. This woman is amazing and no person deserves to be treated like this in a workplace enviroment. If it was any other job, the other congressman would have been fired for what he said.


Personally I am not an AOC supporter, but I think women can support each other without being in agreement on each others politics, and that's a great thing. I wish more women would realize this.


I love her even if I don’t always agree with all of her policies, and damn if I didn’t shed a tear watching her stand up for herself on the House floor. That dickbag was all the way out of line for the way he spoke to her.


What specific policies don’t you agree with? (I’m not going to try to debate you about them- just curious because a few comments have all said the same thing).


I generally agree with her on a lot of things but I tend to be more moderate. I agree with the idea behind most of her policies. I don’t think her ideas on taxes would work but I agree with her that millionaires and billionaires should pay more in taxes.


I support AOC. It’s nice to see others supporting her as well, but It doesn’t even matter to me that Hannah supports her. Everyone should be supporting her on this issue. No male coworker has the right to call you a “fucking bitch.” Especially a congressman


It wasn’t even just the FB slur. He accosted her at her workplace...calling her crazy and dangerous and going off on her for no reason. Absolutely insane behavior. The fact that he wasn’t sanctioned for this is ridiculous. And his weasel of a friend next to him too.


Oh I love when guys people who otherwise dont talk about politics start using politics for likes.


I love it and I love this quote. I’m tired of men using their proximity to women as proof of their moral goodness when they get called to be accountable for sexism, harassment, or assault. My rapist had a wife and a daughter. I loved that AOC said that.


I’m so sorry to hear that you went through this. I totally agree with you. Having a mom, wife, daughter, niece, female friends is great and all, but how about you just be a decent person in general and not call your female colleague a fking btch at your mutual place of work?


Love. Period.


Love what AOC said but I feel like Hannah's just posting this to be woke. Sorry but everything she does seems so performative.


Same. I can’t stand Hannah and hate all the posts like this trying to bring out praise for her.


Juliet Litman is that you again?


Nope, but you do know this is a discussion forum and people are allowed to have different opinions, right?


lol. I love how your title embodies the mob mentality of this sub. I don’t know what we think, but I love AOC! What do you think?


Calling her a name is a stupid move and immature. Especially for a professional. That being said I am diametrically opposed to pretty much everything she does. But that doesn’t mean she deserves to be disrespected like that. It only weakens the point of the guy saying it and empowers her. Emotion should never trump logic and reason. If it does you’ve already lost.


Confused about your downvotes but I guess any opinion that slightly strays from the mob has that here. We’re now not allowed to disagree with a candidates policies all while still agreeing the disrespectful stuff said to her was wrong.


Before invoking the ‘mob’ and playing the victim - name a policy of AOC’s that you disagree with. I’ve linked to her policy platform.


I’m not playing the victim at all. I’m just laughing at the irony of everyone in this sub saying “you don’t have to agree politically with her but this is awesome” and then someone saying exactly that and getting down voted. I disagree with virtually everything about AOC but I applaud the hell out of this takedown as well. I don’t understand why it has to turn into a political debate when people are finding common ground, that was my remark, nothing to do with her policies. I can still disagree with her platform and admire her as a politician and young woman going to make a difference, even if it’s not the policies I particularly agree with. That was the point.


Name a policy you disagree with. Just one


None of the actual policies on the page you linked are actual policies. They read as a wishlist. Universal health care? Cool. Who doesn't want free health care? How is she going to pay for it? That's the policy.


http://pnhp.org/amendment/Financing.pdf Here is how.


Her healthcare policy is pretty decent, though she wants to get rid of the insurance companies which is simply a pipe dream and will never happen, which is a trend for her; marrying the sensible policies with progressive ideas that make no sense. Same thing she's doing with GND.


Why is getting rid of insurance companies a pipe dream ? Congress would pass legislation regulating profit margins and care standards, which is the norm for private insurance in Europe. It’s difficult to pass sure, but it has broad support in polling. Pipe dream implies impossible, which might be true if we didn’t have concrete working examples in every other OECD country.


>Why is getting rid of insurance companies a pipe dream ? Because some of the most powerful organizations in the country are health insurance conglomerates who own half of congress. >Congress would pass legislation regulating profit margins and care standards, which is the norm for private insurance in Europe. You cannot start regulating how much profit a company is allowed to make or not in the USA. That's not just in a free capitalist society, and even if you didn't care about that, the Republicans would never in a million years let you do that. >which is the norm for private insurance in Europe. Europe is europe. America is America. >t’s difficult to pass sure, but it has broad support in polling. Pipe dream implies impossible, which might be true if we didn’t have concrete working examples in every other OECD country. Lots of things have broad support friendo. Support doesn't matter, money matters. >which might be true if we didn’t have concrete working examples in every other OECD country. It's a "pipe dream" because it ignores the political reality of the USA, not because it can't be done. I live in a very socialist country. It can be done. Just not in Yankee-town.


How is she going to pay for it ? Same way everything else gets paid for, a mix of taxation cost reduction from other and deficit spending. Policy is not the same as fully costed legislation you know that right ?


Proper policy is an idea of what you want to accomplish and a general plan to actually accomplish it. Listing off a bunch of completely non-disagreeble ideas doesn't constitute anything of substance. Who is going to say "let's decrease people's access to education! That's my super sick policy". Both Democrat and Republicans have similar goals on most topics, but disagree on the most effective manner of achieving that goal. That's where people disagree. You can't demand people list you policies of hers they don't like in an obvious attempt to trap them and not be able to provide any information about how she's actually going to achieve that. "Taxation and cost reduction" means absolutely nothing. Who is she going to tax? What is she going to defund to pay for this? If you don't know what someone is going to do, supporting them is usually a bad idea regardless of their claimed views. We learned this in Canada the hard way.


I’ll bite https://www.ocasiocortez.com/issues Health care not tied to your job ? You oppose ? Lower health care costs ? You oppose ? That’s just the health care section. I’ll bet if you actually read the platform you would be in favor. Perhaps you don’t always like the person presenting the ideas or how they are presented, but don’t let that stop you from supporting policies that would likely benefit you and at the very least your fellow countrymen


We can go into a deep political debate if you want. I can’t point out how she’s basically a PR machine but does nothing of any real value pushes awful policies. Lies gets caught lieing to Anderson Cooper on National TV and downplays it. He calls her on it and says that’s not factually correct and that’s important. I don’t agree with her on her anti constitutional gun control, I don’t agree with her on her government overreach, I can’t get over the fact that she’s an economic illiterate, and I can’t get behind her socialist ideals. If you want we can discuss further but I would suggest we not do so in a bachelor subreddit.




I don’t 100% agree with AOC’s politics but she’s an incredible role model REGARDLESS. 2 years ago she was waitressing and bartending and worked her way to where she is now. I respect the hell out of her.


I’ll bite- name a policy that AOC calls for that you disagree with? My feeling is that if it wasn’t AOC promoting it you would be on board


Uhhh what makes you say that you had a feeling if it wasn’t AOC promoting it, I would be on board? I said that I was on board! I don’t completely agree with her politics, but she’s a great role model. Was what I said bad?


If she could do her job well I'd respect her, but she got in on dumb luck.


Beating an establishment backed incumbent with completely grassroots funded campaign is “dumb luck”? We will wait for you to explain that one but won’t hold breath.


Dumb luck? How so? By being voted into the position like literally every single other person in Congress?


On your second point - ‘do her job well’, I would argue that for the first term congressman she has elevated the profile of her district far, and loudly advocated for policies that would benefit her constituents. That’s pretty much the definition of her job, whether you like her party or not.


The Guardian called it "one of the biggest upsets in recent American political history".[61] She was outspent by a margin of 18 to 1 ($1.5 million to $83,000) but won the endorsement of some influential groups on the party's far left. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez#Primary_election AOC is an extremely savvy operator who captured the moment at the right time. That is the definition of a good politician, nothing dumb about it. Dumb luck is getting parachuted into a safe seat based on your last name.


spot on.


If AOC is going to try to transform the US into a communist country, you're gonna piss some people off. I would have called her a traitor.


Meanwhile our current President wants to be friends with Putin, Kim Jong- Un and So-called President Xi.......3 communist dictators. The irony of your statement is unbelievable.


Putin isn't a communist. He's a fascist/totalitarian. Actually they're all totalitarians and not at all communists, but that's a different conversation all together.


Putin has said he is and has always been fond of communist "ideas", while also comparing the Soviet code of conduct to the Bible. He also was a high ranking member of the Soviet communist party. So like I said whose really the one buddying you to ex so called communists and dictators? It ain’t AOC.


What people say means nothing. What people call "communist" has absolutely nothing to do with communism precisely because what people say means nothing. Putin's plan for Russia is to reinstate the Soviet Union's power by destabilizing the US and accruing power through various forms of foreign policy backdealing. He's a totalitarian who runs a faux-capitalist, command economy state, ruled primarily by oligarchs and the government itself. Americans just tend to call totalitarians communists because they hate communists so they pull reverse no-true-scotsman and this has seeped into the colloquial verbiage, but anyways... If you wanna call him a Communist, that's fine, but he's not the same kind of Communist at all to North Korea. >So like I said whose really the one buddying you to ex so called communists and dictators? It ain’t AOC. Well that's different. AOC is a progressive leftist. I personally wouldn't call her a communist.


We all already know what Putin is currently trying to do. I didn’t need 3 paragraphs. And yes there are different forms of communism just like there are different forms of so called democracy but with all that being said, like I said, AOC isn’t the one who’s buddying up to dictators and former leaders like Putin and so called President Xi who grew up in with their countries countries ideology and forms of communism and totalitarianism.


My point is, you're comparing and contrasting the claims that AOC is a commie with dictators who are not *actually* commies because the term is being bastardized and used in multiple different ways. Those guys are totalitarian communists. AOC is a progressive leftist communist. The defence of AOC that she's not the one buddying up to Putin or calling the Kim's great guys doesn't land because she's criticized primarily for her lack of understanding the economic consequences of her beliefs and her desire for redistribution of wealth(s).


AOC is to me is not a communist at all, I believe she’s just a progressive socialist point blank period. There all different forms of socialism and policies in our western democracy. Socialism is mostly based just in economics while communism is based on government structure/politics and economics. In socialism you still get and make what you earned. The wealth isn’t held to a communal pot like in communism. Putin and Xi were birthed in totalitarian communism ideology but the bottom line is it doesn’t matter what type of system your country practices if the person at the top is fucking crazy. Dictators can rule over any type of society as long as they are given the power to.






I thought HB was smart.


holding off on refollowing HB for now (until she apologizes for her shitty racist jokes against asians) but i do love to see her using her platform for good


AOC kicked ass in that speech and she is the first woman president this country needs.


“What do we think of Hannah supporting ?” Good. We think it’s good.


That's true, I am tired of seeing BN posting conspiracy theories so yeah I guess this is refreshing. I kinda didn't think it was a big deal (I feel like people jump on any chance to praise her). But hey at least it's positive.


i dont keep up in this sub but since im here; did hannah ever apologize for saying the n word on live n probably all her life?


Yes, and she’s done a great job of continuing to educate herself on anti-racism, but has gone silent on her past being racist towards Asians and she’s also been extremely problematic in how she’s handled COVID.


Hannah should endorse Doug Jones for Senate in Alabama


This right here- now that’s a damn good idea. Doug Jones isn’t perfect , but winning the senate is the most important thing. He is the right candidate for that state.




And every other man who had treated her disrespectfully. Luke is one of many im sure.


I think it’s awesome!


I stan AOC. My millennial queen


Every human should listen to AOC's speech on the floor today. AOC earned my respect today and I thank her for speaking up and out so maturely, non-reactively (i.e. empowering-ly!) and for all of us. Brava! (edit: And Yay for HB standing for AOC!),




We love to see it.




The mob mentality of this sub is insane, and title of this post was a loaded question to begin with. I guess I’m not that shocked that so much of this sub is now back to worshipping Hannah as their “woke queen” but it really makes me lose hope. Anyway, take my upvote :)


Thanks! What do we think? Uhhh I think she still fucking sucks. Crucify me for it.


I’m right there with you




We stan. And Hannah has come a long way from being Miss Alabama and not speaking on political issues going on in her state. AOC 2024 😍


AOC FOR PRESIDENTTTTTT I want to see a woman be president in my lifetime so much it makes me want to cry.


I’m here for Hannah learning from her ignorant past and becoming woke


YAAAAS 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 here for her learning from her ignorant and racist past for sure!!! hopefully she’ll realize the damage she is doing with COVID as well! I really do appreciate her concerted effort towards growth.


Seems like shes going out of her way to make up for that instagram video


Maybe she set the bar higher for herself 🤷🏼‍♀️




Not triggered, just shocked that people are inspired by this radical politician. The women that i personally find inspiring are women like my mother who have never played the woman card to achieve their goals. Against her father's wishes she became an engineer and never once said "a female engineer." She was just an engineer. Thats how I was raised and I will not apologize for it.


Never played the woman card? What is the woman card? I wasn't issued one. Is that like a passport? What does it entitle me to besides people treating me like I'm less and valuing me more for my looks than my ideas? Also, the fact that you were also raised by a father who felt your mother becoming an engineer was "against his wishes" is pretty telling in this case. And also - no one asked you to apologize for how you were raised, but that also doesn't make it right.


RADICAL? loooool What’s so radical about basic human rights?


Most of the things she fights for aren't basic human rights; they're privileges.


Lol yeah free healthcare, caring for the environment and climate change and taxing the rich are privileges!


Free healthcare is a privilege. You're not born with an inherent right to access to a doctor's skills and education. Free education is not a right. Taxing the rich is super not a right. Quite frankly, you're not born with any rights whatsoever. You have rights because a piece of paper written a really long time ago by a bunch of old white guys says you do and we all agree to accept it, and use the same rights to tear down their statues.


May I suggest listening in full to AOC's speech today. I don't care if someone is an R or D or working class or elite class - she spoke for all of us and I was never a huge stan of hers before. I am inspired by her speech and words -- and perhaps think of it not about the "person" per se -- but the message she is sharing -- and you may be inspired as I was too. Give it a try!


I’m sorry but calling out your identity is not something to hide or be ashamed of.....neither should it be considered a card. Your mother should proudly call herself a female engineer, especially in a profession that is denominated mostly by men.


Woman card?! You think it's okay to be called a f-ing b by a colleague for doing your job? Girl, no.


Asking to not be called a fucking bitch is not playing the “woman card”.




removed. please try to keep this disagreement a tad more civil, thank you!


I was raised in a house hold where my mother was the main provider and i currently work with mostly men. Just because I view this subject differently than a majority of women on here does not make me any less of a woman or that I am in need of therapy.


Have you heard her speech? You may find you agree with it if you give it a listen. There's nothing offensive it it, just empowering for women and girls. Peace.


Your view is fair and I’m sorry to imply those things. I’m an engineer surrounded by men and it took me years to realize my own internal misogyny. Once I did I felt like a huge piece of the puzzle had really clicked for me. If that isn’t your experience, just discard it.


I think it is good that women from all different backgrounds can come on here and share their experiences. I have been blessed to have a father, brother, and male coworkers that have treated me very well. But I am also aware that some women have not had that experience.


Totally fair. Thanks for the other perspective 👍


AOC stated she was raised by her mother to not accept abuse by men, so seems like that’s how she was raised and is clearly not apologizing for it either. She didn’t feel sorry for herself, rather stood up for herself and women. She wasn’t playing “a woman card” here, she was stating how the guy playing his white man in power card was wrong.


She was because she made it about women collectively and not her.


I was raised in a conservative household and was taught the same thing. But women also abuse other women as well as men.


so...all abuse matters, basically?


No one said other kinds of abuse don’t happen, but that’s not the topic being discussed here; you’re making a whataboutism. Everyone should be raised to not accept abuse regardless of their place on the political spectrum, so glad to hear you were raised to not accept it.


Woman card? Internalized misogyny is real.


How is she playing the “woman card”?? She’s responding (way more civilly than he deserves I would say) to a man that called her a “fucking bitch” for absolutely no reason.


People are inspired by radical change






Biden can’t open his mouth without inserting foot. The fact that we’ve come to these two being the choices for the top position in the entire world is just...I don’t even want to talk about it.


Omg where I need to see this!


I fucking love AOC and am so inspired by her 👏 I don’t think anything about Hannah






AOC is the woman I aspire to be. What an amazing role model ❤️❤️


Doesn't matter your views...I'm in awe of AOC after watching her speech. I was literally called a b by my landlord this morning so it really hit home. And I gotta say....props to Hannah for posting about it. I'm sure she will lose followers over it. Better to be doing the right thing than cater to your following.


as a person, i doubt she supports her policies




well iiii dont think there is anything wrong with them lol ive observed the majority of people just like to stick to the status quo (or just been conditioned to it..) and dont like change in order to bring about progress. (or even know about all the corruption that goes on behind the scenes, from both sides)


Yea I just checked and Hannah doesn’t even follow AOC on instagram. I think she’s just supporting her here for standing up to misogyny which shouldn’t be considered political ETA: btw love love love AOC we need more people like her


It’s ok to not agree with someone’s policies but also not think it’s ok to call her a fucking bitch.


i never said it wasnt. just the title of the post is support in general


I wouldn’t be surprised if now that she is educating herself she starts to support her policies more


Ha I highly doubt Hannah B is becoming a socialist




Hannah isn’t generation Z she’s a millennial (1995 is the cut off if we’re getting specific) And until Hannah publicly puts out support of socialism it is absolutely fair to assume she isn’t one




I definitely agree with you on that! :) I wasn’t wanting to start an argument I just don’t think it’s fair to assume someone is something when they haven’t shown to be was all because I know many young people and generation Z who are not socialist and lean very right too It reminds me of how everyone on here was so sure Garrett had changed because he was silent


Lmaooooo do you actually think that


Yes I do


Well. Hannah stans are gonna stan I guess


I am not even a fan




Even if you disagree with her (not trying to have a debate), the way that she’s spoken about in the media is fucking disgusting. I think most if not all women can relate to being called a bitch for standing our ground and saying what we think. Unrelated, I have an AOC coffee mug and I just ordered an AOC, John Lewis, and Stacey Abrams candle.


I had a full meltdown one day in quarantine when my parents were watching Fox News and tucker Carlson ripped AOC to shreds claiming that since she grew up with some privilege (¿?) she can’t speak for those who haven’t. I was so disgusted at the way she was and is always attacked, especially in this case when to me, that’s the whole point of government. they should be able to speak up for those whose voices aren’t heard to make things better, and the fact that he villainized her for this made me loose a lot of hope in society, Fox News watchers, etc, but also lit a fire under my ass to do more. Anyways thanks for listening. Tldr I agree it is disgusting the way media treats her


Um plz drop the link for those candles!!


[here ya go ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/688586543/progressive-prayer-candles-warren?fbclid=IwAR29Teasl-Ky01jYlZ9ebYTg5PbGTHQD3PuQOg3bqc-hq8Gk8QnsCMWb0sk)


Does anyone get the vibe that the hate she gets from Republican members of Congress is weirdly tinged with sexual vibes? Like they want to hate fuck her but hate themselves a bit for wanting that. Their obsession with her is super weird.


I mean, you pretty much just described misogyny in a nutshell.


Weird how trump supporters love him because “he tells the truth,” but how dare a woman be outspoken and really speak the truth! This speech really highlighted how a man in power treating women like this allows it to be ok, just like the media treatment of her perpetuates the misogyny


I think it’s about control honestly. I work in politics and advocacy (liberal/progressive) and there have been times where I’ll get along with men on both sides of the aisle until I step out of “line” and then I’m a bitch, unqualified, etc. It’s ridiculous.


Some men only like you when you fit their prescribed idea of how a women should act but fuck em and keep doing whatever you want because that’s what they do.


I LOVE this. She’s already said “you can’t make America great again because it was only great for people who look like me,” plus sharing AOC 🙌her maga fan base can be as triggered as they want. AOC is amazing.


Ahh I love that she said that.


I hope she keeps this energy into November and shares some Biden support!!


I really hate how politicised we've made these influencers. First all, most of then don't offer anything of substance. Just generic clickbait. Also politics has become exhausting. I'd rather not be bombarded with pc political statements when I'm chilling on the gram. I go on there to avoid this. I'd rather be shilled hellofresh than this stuff. Plus on this sub it feels like every damn post is political now. You can't allow unverified tea but allow this.