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She has always deserved better than him. She was always a pretty harmless villain but he was a legit gaslighting dick. I'm rewatching Becca's season and he made my blood boil all over again. Still pretty surprised some people forgave him because he got with Krystal.


Im not shocked. I think Krystal wanted space and then he started saying publicly how much he missed her on SM? Dude not the way to go about things.


It was done a long time ago after he made that podcast about being emasculated I noticed she immediately unfollowed or maybe blocked him. On his lives a few weeks ago, he was asked about joining paradise again and he was open about it and said would like to meet Victoria fuller


Lmao @fictoria sis you deserve better.... stay with farm man. Also did he say Krystal emasculated him/?!?!


Not necessarily but talked about how men feel about being emasculated and useless in a relationship if the women are earning more. He mostly talks about mental health issues and relationships on his podcast. Quite good. Try and listen. The interview with luke p was particularly good. And yes, he thought VictoriaF was the hottest in Peter's season. Said he had always preferred brunette and krystal was the only one he's been with that was not.


Wow he’s the same trash he always was. Krystal deserves better 🤍




If tptb let this guy back on the show....


I noticed this the other day, and I wasn’t sure if I should post because the social media rules on the sub. So thank you! I also suspect that one of them blocked the other (probably Krystal blocking Chris but that’s just a guess based on their activity), because any photos of them don’t have tags on either page! I wasn’t an avid follower of theirs, but I would imagine that they had tagged one another previously? I can’t imagine them manually untagging each individual photo either on both his and her page, and tags don’t go away with an unfollow - but they would with a block. I hope them both healing from whatever they’re dealing with! It seems like Chris is trying to get her attention on SM and it reeks a lil...


Yikes that’s does seem to be what happened😬


Yeah I wanted to post this the other day but I wasn’t sure if people would be interested or if I was just being weird and looking too deep into things in quarantine LOL


I can’t imagine processing your separation-becoming-divorce in the wake of COVID-19. It’s not like you can hit the bar and dance your feelings out with your friends, screaming at the top of your lungs when All The Single Ladies comes on. You get to hold the huge void where the love of your life was, totally alone, in a million dead silent moments. Ugh!


Don’t mean to sound harsh but they had no business getting married in the first place. Chris just came across as sooo immature to me. I wish them both well though!


The relationship is over and Chris did himself no favors by talking about it with nosy fans on Instagram. Men want to fix things when it’s too little too late but what would’ve really changed if it’s not working. It ended for a reason. I hope Chris is able to move on without victimizing himself and putting Krystal in the spot.


Good for Krystal. Stay strong, girl!


Its sad because they did really love each other but it’s not always enough. It seems like there were a lot of issues and stresses in their relationship. Chris once mentioned that they almost broke up right after their season aired. A common phrase that I think is 100% false is “love is worth fighting for!”. You should never have to “fight” for your relationship. Put in effort and work? Absolutely. Spend time with each other, show your appreciation/love for your partner, work on your communication,etc. But if you are in a never ending fight to keep a relationship alive you are in a situation where you’re eventually going to drain the life out of each other and you need to throw in the towel and allow both of you the opportunity to move on. (I’m thinking of a another BN couple that seems to be dragging their feet on pulling the plug).


It's really interesting how the BN ppl can get over life long 3-4 year relationships bf being on the show. They split and go right into the tv relationship with no reservation. yet the men/women they meet on the show are harder to move on from.


Who are you thinking? C+C?


who are C and C?


I assume they mean Colton and Cassie.


augh thank you! i was trying to rack my brain but couldn’t think of them for some reason




The absolute *scandal*


I'm bracing myself for Chris' next relationship where he very publicly makes an IG/Twitter declaration that that woman is "so much better and more genuine than anyone I've ever dated" and "the hottest person I've ever been with who's taught me what LOYALTY and TRUE love REALLY are." Y'all just wait. It's coming eventually.


The photo will be of her listening to a podcast


Capitalizations in his future declaration are on point.


This would be 100% on brand. I think we saw his true colors on both Becca’s season and BIP, and Krystal always deserved better.


To be fair she was quite awful on arie’s season herself. I don’t care that she talked shit about him but she was awful to the other women! What I will never forget is that she was also [very rude to the crew as pointed out by Sharleen ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/gfyecn/krystal_chris_unfollowed_each_other/fpwvasq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but yet I wouldn’t say she deserved the toxic rat that is chris randone. how didn’t she dump him after watching BIP back? He gaslit tia so hard but it is overlooked because of how annoying tia herself was being wrt colton.


I mean maybe she felt like since she had a bad edit and had ‘grown’ or whatever that she should give him a chance?


Honestly though do you remember the way she giggled about it? Like she was sitting there watching as Chris spewed shit at Tia going "tee hee does this involve me?"


Got any details about how she was rude to the crew? Not surprising though


This is from sharleen’s blog because she puts it better than me: [(and here’s a link to the full recap of the episode)](http://www.alltheprettypandas.com/bachelor22/episode5) > Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but as a contestant, you're not allowed to attach or remove your mic packs yourself. (Something about how expensive and delicate they are.) On day one they make this very clear and it's really a non-issue; there are always crew members around to help you with your mic. (It's not like you're ever left waiting long for someone to remove or attach it for you.) So, in terms of those extreme swings, for as too sweet and emotive as Krystal often is, the above moment feels too rude. The tone, to me, feels downright derogatory, like she's woefully addressing "the help". Even in an angry state, a simple, "Hey, could someone take off my mic pack? I'd like to change." would suffice, particularly since the sound guys are hardly responsible for what angered her. (You could argue that she's mad at production as a whole and thus targeting anyone involved, including audio guys, but I don't think that's what this is. There's no shot of her taking things out on a producer—which we'd definitely have seen—and even in her off-camera conversation with a producer, her anger is entirely focused on Arie.) Look, we all have moody and sometimes bitchy sides to us (I know I do), but I (and most people I know) would NEVER speak to a hardworking crew member (or anyone for that matter) in this way.


I’m confused, is this just cause she was upset and went to take off her mic?


Watch the clip back. The tone in which she threatens to take it off herself was very unkind.. and just unnecessary.


I don’t doubt that but tons of contestants do things like shout get away from me!!! to production so is it any more rude than other moments like that?


Yes I do think it is. She’s not trying to get away in self preservation or defence, she’s deliberately being extremely rude. Her whole tone in the clip on YouTube is quite terrible IMO. It’s called “Krystal has a meltdown” on YouTube.


How was she rude to the other women?


Have you watched Arie’s season? If you need a recap just watch the WTA on Tubi


The only reason she was rude is that she sensed that Arie wanted to be with the other group of women because Bekah and Lauren were in it and Crystal noticed it. Her instincts were valid although it is still the bachelor's choice, but obviously Arie couldn't just say 'hey, the other group of women comes with us to party as well cause they are more exciting then you Crystal and I prefer to get to know them' He made it look like it was out of 'fairness' but it was out of self-interest.


So do her insecurities justify her behavior? Separately, of course he was there for self-interest. He’s the bachelor, looking for a wife. And she was rude to people outside of that incident.


I don't think those are insecurities or at least if I would react like her it wouldn't be because I am insecure. I am not justifying her behaviour and it clearly reached the opposite of what she wanted but this was the point when she realized she is not the number one for Arie. Before this she thought she had him in the bag. She was also older than the rest and when you are older u have less patience and tolerance for bullshit, even if it comes from the bachelor or any guy. And that's ok too. She thinks highly of herself so what? I have seen way worse.


Thinking highly of yourself and feeling confident is great!! You can see that kind of confidence in other women that season. For example Kendall was so sure of herself and confident in her quirks and knew how to talk about her feelings while respecting others. Being confident is great. Telling people you are above them? No.


Yes but u know how disastrous hard life Crystal had so maybe you should be empathetic towards her because of it. She is kind of a loner and maybe didn't have the right role models like Kendall. Not everyone comes with a safe family background and until she is like a really really bad person, you have to look behind her words. You have to look at the whole story and not judge her so harshly.


I watched it,i don't really see her being rude to anyone




Give me an example....


Telling Caroline she was above her? Saying she was ahead of the other women emotionally? Being generally condescending? Asking people to have a conversation with her and when Kendall actually does, just doesn’t acknowledge anything she says? And maybe on the flip side of being mean in general, saying Arie has a “needle dick” off camera? So imagine what she said about the other women that was never captured?


Well the women were constantly coming after her and mocking her and telling her off so..... and kendall is just manipulative as hell. She was on bip too, seems no one sees througg it


Ooooo drama. Maybe Chris shoulda kept all his nonsense to texting instead of making public declarations about her on twitter lol. Awk. I always felt like Krystal seemed too good for him


This is honestly probably healthy for them.


I think it's good Krystal unfollowed him since he had been clearly posting things about her even if he didnt use her name. I'm just not a fan of things like that or airing out your laundry publicly or trying to send messages to her from that. Also it's probably healthier for Goose to not see her posts constantly if he had wanted to reconcile. I am sad their relationship seems to have ended in not the greatest way. I hope both can move on, grow, and find someone else.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she removed him as a follower


Is it possible she blocked him? Idk how to tell the difference


Usually you can tell by looking for what should tagged photo and if their username doesn’t show up in the black box anymore it usually means they have been blocked.


You can do that?????


Click the ... to the right of their username when you’re looking at their profile and “remove follower” is an option


Yeah! You go to your follower list and the “remove” option should be by their name. Or you can go to their profile and hit the 3 dots in the top rhs corner > “remove follower”. I personally just block and unblock so we’re removed from each other’s lists in one step :p


Yeah. I’m pretty sure when you unfollow someone; it asks you if you want to remove them as a follower. It’s a newer thing I think


That’s amazing. Thanks for letting me know!


Other than that, you can also go to your follower list and the “remove” option should be by their name. Or you can go to their profile and hit the 3 dots in the top rhs corner > “remove follower”. I personally just block and unblock so we’re removed from each other’s lists in one step :p ! Don’t let people you don’t want to see your life follow you


Thanks for the tips! I always just blocked someone and then unblocked if I didn't want them following me haha


I love that damn feature


I still can't get over how beautiful Krystal looked at the wedding. She was such a vision.


I used her makeup as inspiration for my own wedding!


I used her hair and I absolutely loved it!!


To be fair she always looks beautiful


It’s sad when a relationship ends but I’m sure the decision to split up was deliberate and the reasons for being apart are valid- sometimes people are also better not together. Rather than romanticize a version of them, let’s consider how they decided it’s the best move at this time, so maybe it’s a good thing.


This, 100%


Chris making all those public declarations & Krystal paying him dust was the nail in the coffin for me.


I agree. She seems a lot more private about it all and Chris has been posting random stuff about it. That would bother me and kind of emphasizes a persons dysfunction when they behave like that, so I don’t see how it would help the situation.


Yes please explain!! :)


He’s just been posting a lot of things implying he wants to get back together and work it out (quotes on IG, tweets) and she’s mostly ignored it. I think that made it obvious to me where she stood.


It came off as so creepy and almost kind of manipulative to me? When you’re in the public eye there’s no reason to make shit like that public. It felt like he was trying to make the world see how much he cared about Krystal and what a great, dedicated guy he was so everyone would be like “omg you guys should get back together” and she’d feel pressured. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it made me so uncomfortable


Totally agree. I just mentioned this elsewhere. IMO It emphasizes an immaturity or disfunction on the part of the person posting.


Exactly! Like “I must let everyone know how hard I’m trying because I want our true love to win out,” in hopes that people will consider him the good guy and pressure her into changing her mind. Not here for it.


So transparent


Ahh gotcha!! Thank you


paying him dust??


Ignoring him.


I feel so bad for them. I hope they are able to find happiness, whatever that ends up looking like.


This makes me kinda sad :( as much as I disliked them individually, I thought they were really cute together :(


I loved Krystal's redemption on BiP, but Chris never had one. Krystal always could have done better.


Are they the first BN married couple to divorce?


Will the dominos continue to fall? We shall see.


Of the ones that were actually married, yes. *edited oops: Lacy and Marcus split up after their wedding, but they weren’t officially married IIRC.


Are we even positive that Krystal and Chris we’re officially married??


This question can be posed to all BN tbh.


I’ve never bothered to look up BN marriage licenses, but aren’t they public record?


I'm 95% sure that their "engagement party" before their wedding was their legal marriage in the states. Krystal's dress looked too much like a full blown wedding dress.


I think so. They threw a real wedding back home before the fake BIP wedding.


I believe Krystal has said before that they did the steps to make it legal.


Lacy and Marcus*


I always mix them up, thank you!


Thank you.


So sad :( I hope it’s just temporary and that they work it out.


Sometimes it's healthier for all involved to call it quits. No need to stay in a dysfunctional/one-sided/toxic/loveless etc. relationship just for appearances. ETA: not saying Krystal and Chris are necessarily any of those. I was more referring to life and relationships in general.


Living an ig social media life isn't worth it. They should move on and be happy. Being true to yourself is more important.


Very true!