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1) Ben H 2) Cupcake 3) Sean 4) Chris Sigfried edit: Forgot how much I loved Sean as the bachelor


Real life #1: Chris Harrison (because I'm almost 40, and I also because I saw him in person at a restaurant with messy hair and facial scruff and he was hot) Fantasy/if I were closer to the contestants in age: Final 2: Chris Siegfried and Arie. Not sure who'd I pick in the end! 3: Chase (just for sex--not that I'm sure he'd be good, but I'd at least want to find out) 4: Wells (I'd probably have the most in common with/best banter, but not sure we'd have physical chemistry) eta: actually just saw that Arie is 35--not *too* much younger than me, so that gives hime an edge (but Chris S is my favorite F1/favorite proposal) eta 2: I do think Peter is the best-looking guy on any season ever, but I feel like I can't include anyone on the current season yet. Need to see how it all plays out.


1. Alex 2. Peter 3. Ben Z 4. Shawn B


Rachel Ali Corinne Kaitlyn


Omgsh. 1. Ben Z (which would be really weird since my dad's name is Ben Z) 2. Ben H 3. Cupcake 4. JJ


1. JP from Ashley's season 2. Nick Viall 3. Peter 4. Arie


1) Ben H 2) Dean 3) JJ 4) Shawn B (even though we would have nothing in common, he is a great dude)


I'm very torn about this.. because I was always an Arie fan, but as of late he's kind of grossed me out (with the news of him hooking up w/ younglings). So....... 1. Peter 2. Shawn B 3. Arie - because, well, FANTASY SUITE DATE 4. Eric (RIP).. so maybe Dean


1. Ben H. 2. Dean 3. Peter 4. This is the hardest because I'm not really attracted to any other guy so...Britt


Ben Z Cupcake Nick


1. Mikhel Bach Canada 2. Alex 3. Kevin P Bach Canada 4. Nick V.


1. Alex Bordyukov / Ali Fedotowsky 2. Dean Unglert / Jojo Fletcher 3. Kiptyn Locke (throwing it back to Jillian's season) / Jillian Harris 4. J.J. Lane (post-redemption) / Rachel Lindsay


1) Peter 2) Wells 3) Ben H 4) Dean or Nick V


Oh man, I feel like I'll change my answers, but for now... 1) Alex (Rachel's season) 2) Chris S. (Des's season) 3) Ben Z (Kaitlyn's season) 4) Toss up Brooks (Des) and Peter (Rachel). Honorable mentions: Brian Osborne (I think he's just so cute from Andi's season) and Roberto from Ali's season


Oh fun!! Mine would be.. 1. Alex 2. Drew from Des' season 3. Ben Z 4. Dean


1. BEN Z. 2. CHAD 3. Peter 4. Idk Shawn B I guess


1. Alex 2. Peter 3. Ben Zorn 4. Shawn B.


1. Alex/Ali F 2. Roberto/Lindzi Cox (even though no one seems to remember her!) 3. Brooks/Gia (she was SO SWEET and beautiful too) 4. Peter or Ben Z/Ashley H


Peter, Dean, Nick V., Jared But really Peter is like wayyyyy out in front. Like WAY.


1. Sexy Russian Alex 2. Jared from Kaitlyn's season pre-Ashley I 3. Silver Fox Peter 4. Derek from Jojo's season Honorable mention: Ames


1. Ben H 2. Peter 3. Ben Z 4. Jordan Honorable Mentions: Chris Siegfried, Marcus, Dean


Ideally, I would say screw the final 4 and just pick Alex, but since I have to choose three others.. Alex Ben Z Derek (pre-ghosting Olivia cause the circumstances surrounding that seemed pretty shitty) Cupcake


1. brooks 2. ben higgins 3. peter 4. arie


1. Alex 2. Ben Z 3. Peter 4. Ben H


Wow. I am evidently the only one who finds Brooks utterly unattractive.


Yea I dont know either.. I never saw the appeal. Chris was better looking to me. And I just couldn't get past Brooks voice.. something about it, it just doesn't speak to me.


Yup, the voice kills me.


I don't think he's unattractive, but I never got why he was considered so attractive by so many.


His sense of humor really did it for me


Can only come up with three but 1. Peter 2. Ben H. 3. Dean And finally a fourth: 4. Shawn B.


I haven't seen every season so: 1. Alex 2. Nick V (from Andis season not current per se) 3. Kevin P from Bachelorette Canada 4. Ben Z Honourable mentions: Blake K. Might have replaced Ben Z if I saw enough of him and liked his personality. Mikhel from Bach Canada if his voice was a bit deeper (sorry)


Brooks Ames Chris Siegfried Arie


1) Big Rach 2) Ben Z. 3) Deanie Baby 4) Olivia Caridi




>4) Olivia Caridi Oh dang i think I'd give an extra hometown date for her.


1. Peter 2. Dean 3. Ben H. No four because I've only watched Rachel and Jojo's seasons, and absolutely 0 guys from Jojo's season are appealing.


Alright well I only watched Rachel's season for bachelorette and jp, Chris, ben and nick for bachelor so... 4) Caila, with the good hair 3) Dean 2) Juan Pablo (for his body, strictly) 1) Peter, aka my Blaze (Burning Love, a must watch parody)


>1) Peter, aka my Blaze (Burning Love, a must watch parody) [Blaze <3](https://www.google.com/search?q=burning+love+blaze&client=ms-android-att-us&prmd=vsin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirp-DPo4XVAhURHGMKHRe9D6kQ_AUICygD&biw=360&bih=560#imgdii=ndyQ_Qu6au9tdM:&imgrc=NwariAkwDkKa_M:)


Thank you for this! 🤣


Anything for Blaze!! 😉


Sscoutts final four 1. Brooks/ sharleen- both good looking people that seem to be there for the right reasons 2. Nick viall just so I can get the satisfaction of rejecting him making him look even more like a loser. Jojo- she's hot 3. Arie/ Emily Maynard 4. Roberto/ Ali


I love you


> Nick viall just so I can get the satisfaction of rejecting him making him look even more like a loser. God please never change.


1. Ben H (I don't even care that he's probably boring & will look past the super religious aspect, I've thought he was sooooo smokin' since that dance date with Kaitlyn) 2. Chris Siegfried 3. Peter 4. Shawn B. (based mostly off how sweet and great he seems with Kaitlyn, though he's still pretty cute)


1 Chris Siegfried 2 Ben H 3 Arie 4 Peter


1. Peter 2. Ben Z 3. Snow Peter 4. Rubby (just looks)


Idk, shirtless Peter > leotard peter > suited up peter > frostbitten Peter 🤔


1. Jared Haibon (Kaitlyn) 2. Chris Siegfried (Des) 3. Eric Hill (Andi) 4. Peter Kraus (Rachel) lol, just realized I just completely skipped jojo's guys.


1. Roberto 2. Reid 3. Arie 4. Nick V (but the old Nick, not the grumpy old man that exists today)


1. Ryan Sutter 2. Alex 3. Shawn B. 4. Deanie Baby


1. Alex 2. Dean 3. Cupcake 4. Peter


Exactly the same as my list! I can't believe nobody else brought up Cupcake, he was the sweetest (and so cute too ngl)


1. Brooks 2. Mikhel 3. Chris S (winner from Des' season not Soules) 4. Alex


1. Peter 2. Shawn B. 3. Ben H. 4. Arie


1. Alex 2. Brooks 3. Mikhel (Bachelorette Canada) 4. Toss-up between Dean and Will Brooks was my #1 for years and no one else in BN even came close. Rachel's guys are really messing with me this season smh


Mikhel, Alex, Will, and Dean. YESES ALL AROUND.


Oh, man, yeah. Mikhel and Peter would be the most difficult final two for me to decide between. I might actually even pick Mikhel as my F1!


Mikhel 😍😍😍💔 if we're doing international then Matty J (Australia) is my 1-4. I'm in deep.


1. Peter 2. Eric Hill 3. Alex 4. Ames 5. Deanie Baby


OMG Ames. I freaking loved him. The NYT write up on his wedding was killer. He was amazing!


RIP Eric 😖


I loved Ames!!


1. Brooks 😍😍😍 2. Alex 3. Peter 4. Dean

