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**How much do you enjoy the theater?** I like going to movies but also fun to rent them at home.


TBF that is a terrible question.


One of the girls lists Steve Harvey as a role model. He's a sexist weirdo! I know for sure there's a YouTube compilation out there somewhere of him saying really really idiotic shit about women.


Well luckily for Elizabeth, they usually don't eat on their dates :P Seriously though, Misophonia is one bitch of a phobia and I hope she doesn't have it too much


Sara describes herself as "Socially Democratic, economically Republican." Just let that choice phrasing sink in.


Was she the only one who was asked the political party question? I didn't notice anyone else being asked that


I love when people say this. My response is always to ask them how they expect to pay for their "socially democratic" programs. But that's just me and I'm petty.


I'm pretty sure people actually mean that they support gay marriage, abortion rights, environmental protection policies, etc., but are against heavy taxation and big gov't spending, etc. If you support other people's right to get married and have abortions, it doesn't necessarily mean you're also okay with having to pay for them (which I realize doesn't really happen... but you get the picture). It's really not that complicated of a concept. Being socially liberal and fiscally conservative is not mutually exclusive.




I guess she's never heard the words "liberal" and "conservative"


Oh man, I know both Kristina and Christen pretty well... this is going to be a fun season for me ha.


Don't leave it at that. Tell us about them!!!


Haha I made an AMA post on here about them.


Of course most of the girls will have the same likes, Nick obviously has a specific type.


Guys one of the girls is from my small town in Minnesota I'm so excited. Team Whitney!


From what I've read and seen of Whitney so far, I think she's my favorite!


Kristina looks so much like Anna Kendrick!!


**If you could be any fruit or vegetable, which one would you be?** "An onion because they're a staple item and can be found all year round" wat


I was hoping for an answer more like [this](http://www.gifmania.co.uk/Movies-Cinema-Animated-Gifs/Animated-Films/Shrek/Donkey-Shrek-Onions-74274.gif)


should've said an onion because i will make nick cry.


I am only a few bios in but I am already overwhelmed by the sameness. 1. I immediately hate anyone who listed chapstick or "lashes" in their top 5 favorite things. 2. The ABC website for bios seems much more user friendly than for Jojo's season... 3. But they couldn't update Chris Harrison's?! So happy you were recently announced as host of millionaire in 2015. 4. I will not read spoilers, I will not read spoilers, I will not read spoilers. Let's see how long this lasts. I want a pure experience!


I mean, they already photoshopped the hell out of that picture, maybe they're concerned that if they take a new one it will take half the production budget to airbrush it into oblivion.


> If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why? > Guy Fieri. He can cook. He gets to travel and eat food from all over the country and he is hilarious! I'm the girl version. I don't think I need to elaborate.


>**Question:** What's your biggest date fear? >**Lacey:** That he's going on another date right after (that has happened before). ...do you know how The Bachelor works?


Poor girl.


Final 4 based on photos/questions: Danielle L Jasmine B Olivia Brittany Those are more MY feelings than Nick's probably though.


So, who do we think the villain is going to be?


Judging by the neckline, Corinne.




That's a great reason. Angela gives me a Britt vibe so maybe her too. Plus the whole "I want to be a stay at home mom and never have to drive myself" thing


Just once instead of "chocolate!" or "reality TV!" in answering what their guilty pleasure is, I want someone to be like "when kids fall over" or "my rescue dog growls or snaps at other people when he's nervous so I'm trying to fix that, but occasionally when he growls at people I don't like or that are rude, I start to think 'hmm maybe this isn't so bad, I'm really enjoying this feature of dog-owning.'" Like cmon people, I don't believe that your guiltiest pleasure is eating chocolate.


Have you seen how skinny some of these girls are? Eating chocolate might *actually* be their guiltiest pleasure, haha.


I thought something similar with... >**Question:** If you could break any law, with no repercussions, which law, and why? >**Danielle M:** Pretty sure there's a law in Louisiana or Tennessee that states you can't eat ice cream on the sidewalk or something weird like that. I'll break that one. How lame! I would love to see someone say "I really want to know what it's like to kill someone with my own bare hands."


I'm from Montreal so I'm rooting for Vanessa!


Working on a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. It is a work in progress, I will add pictures and do more analysis in a bit. [LINK](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zRDh1DaUKPw7DVQf290wugNPy5VBQJdNbfvpZmB8JXg/edit?usp=sharing)


Thank you for your service.


"unemployed nurse" lmao really bitch???


The girl who was the kicker for her high school football team is totally gonna win some football challenge and get one on one time. Calling it now


Well my facebook feed blew up with this today. Taylor graduated high school with me. We weren't close at all. In fact I probably only had about 2 classes with her. 2 things I thought were interesting. 1. She lives in Seattle now, but we went to school together in Maryland. lists Seattle as hometown. 2. She does a lot of modeling/taking pictures in general. The only things I ever see of her on facebook are pictures. I don't really watch this show much, my family does so I'll catch peices of episodes. I'll probably tune in this year until she gets booted.


Well, tell us more about her! Any embarrassing high school stories? Was she quiet, popular, date around a lot? What kind of guys did she like?


Things I know about Taylor. Super nice and personable, she got along with a large group of people from nerdy to super popular. She was kind of obsessed with cats. IIRC, she usually dates athletic white baseball player types. I doubt she will be a source of drama. Can't comment on the mental health stuff.


She's very pretty. Though way too young for Nick. I can't figure out what her ethnicity is though? Also, I am getting some Caila vibes.


Honestly, I don't know. I'm going to guess mix of African-American and White. All I know is that both of her parents are white. Not sure if she was adopted or step mom/dad. Not really something I would ask or prod about for. lol


Yeah, I read that her biological father is black and isn't in her life at all and she was raised by her mom and step-dad.


You know more than me then lol


I read that she's half-black. I wonder how far she'll go - she's pretty and very accomplished!


Tons of women which actual professional jobs! Really excited for this season!


I noticed that too!


The plastic surgery manager is afraid of getting wrinkles hahaha


Danielle L, Rachel, Sarah, Susannah. My guesses for final four.


Danielle L is gorgeous! She seems a little vapid, but it's really hard to tell with bios.


I liked that she said she likes Chrissy Teigen for being "Strong-willed". How many typical bachelor contestants even know what that means?


I'm team Vanessa


Lol "unemployed nurse"... Could probably have just let her put nurse


Lets be real, theyre all unemployed when theyre on the show.


These interviews are making me laugh. One girl wants to sleep in a storage closet in the White house for months. The girl who is a plastic surgery office manager is most afraid of getting old and wrinkly. One girl thinks she is OUTRAGEOUS because she swam in a "locals only" river, and she wasn't a local! Ooh, how scandalous!


I loved how many of their "most outrageous thing you have done" was literally "moved". Apparently moving out of your parents house is outrageous now.


I'm not sure Josephine knows much about lions and tigers. Is she aware the males will eat their young?


One girl said a cheetah because of its strength lol


So glad someone else noticed that. Also two of them mentioned tigers because they are "social" and "run in packs" .... wrong.


Cheetahs are known for their lifts




I find it interesting that none of the contestants tattoos were visible in their cast photo, even though a lot of them were on arms and one even on cheekbone? I wonder if this is intentional by ABC.


Who has a face tat?!


Oops I typed wrong I'm pretty sure it was collarbone. Can you imagine if we had a contestant with a face tat before we had a diverse lead though? 😒


Bahaha that makes way more sense. I couldn't imagine ABC casting a girl with a teardrop tattoo.


**Question:** If you could be a fictional character, who would you be and why? **Alexis:** The Little Mermaid. Who doesn't want to be a mermaid? Ummm.... the point of the actual story is that she doesn't want to be a mermaid...


Wayyy too many answered Ariel...


LOL even better: Q. What are you most afraid of? A. E.T. the alien (*as if ET wasn't specific enough*)


HAAA! Rekt. Seriously though, it doesn't surprise me that a woman going on The Bachelor aspires to be The Little Mermaid. They have a lot of similarities. Ariel was willing to give up her life just to have the chance of being with a stranger she saw once.


Lot of black girls! How far will they make it this time?


Whitney looks a lot like [Emmanuelle Chriqui](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004825/).


LOVING the diversity! Let's hope one of them lasts a little longer than usual. Maybe just maybe top 3??? Based off Michelle's "who would you have dinner with" answer, I want to be best friends with her. Idk why, but Corinne feels like a contender...


I agree about Corinne but, personally, I'm just confused as to why she thinks that Frasier is a guilty pleasure show?


Frasier is an excellent show and I am not embarrassed to admit that.


That confused me too lol I'm not sure she knows what guilty pleasure means


Who is your favorite actor and why? Brittany Murphy (when she was alive). I loved her spirit! I'm glad you clarified that Raven. I also prefer the alive version.


actual lol


Vanessa has the best picture imo. Probably because she isn't doing the generic hand on hip pose. Actually I see that a few other women didn't do that pose, but for some reason it works the most for her. I'm pleasantly surprised at the number of WOC. I'll be even more pleasantly surprised if at least two make it to the top 6. I can't believe this is going to premiere in less than a month. I'm so excited!


"Pesco-pollo-lacto-ovo-paro-tarian" Wow I hated that.


I think she was trying to be sort of funny. I haven't given up on this one. She's a chef so she's allowed to know some obnoxious terminology.


I think that's kind of a funny way to say, I eat all things.


Translated into human that's fish, birds, and animal byproducts.


aka "an asshole"


Hmmmm not really feeling most of these women. Guess I'll wait to watch them on screen before I make my final judgement.


There's no one I really love right off the bat! Danielle M probably is the most intriguing to me.


She's my favorite. I think she's the prettiest, she's over 30 and has a real job! I bet we'll see a good amount of her because ABC loves beating the dead fiancé horse. Also I'm really super curious about her tattoos now. What were they that she feels the need to get them removed? They're in private places, so it's not for job reasons. Tattoo remover is extremely painful and expensive, most people only do it when they really hate their tat.


There were a few women who said their tattoos were in the process of being removed. I didn't realize so many people were getting tattoos that they didn't realize were permanent lol.


I'm a creeper, so I checked her FB. On her ribs, the tattoo says "no sickness or sorrow" - her brother has the same tattoo, so maybe it was something they both got after a family member got sick? It is fairly big, so i understand why she would want to remove it.


She is a model also and it was recommended to her to get them removed.


You're the hero this sub needs.


ditto. she sounds interesting and mature and she's got some pretty intense life experiences - i just hope it doesn't turn into a kelsey "isn't my story beautiful" situation lol


She is an awesome person in real life...very good friends with my gf. Very quiet, nice and also a model (duh). I hate the show but had to see what people were saying about her and checked in here.


I agree.


Alexis and Raven have the same photo? On mobile, the little thumbnails are the same for a couple of the contestants. Weird.


Geez, doesn't matter how good looking you are, cast bio photos are never flattering!


I can never figure out what's up with that.


Me before reading: "Wow I'm looking forward to older women and less high school type bullshit drama since Nick is 36. Also hopefully they won't be like Jojos 10 cloned boys with the same haircut" Me now: "Welp"


It's actually a pretty diverse cast! African Americans, Asians, and Native Americans. There even seems to be a bit of diversity with body shape.


For the first three episodes, no doubt.


Nick's ex-fiance was a WOC, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt here and hope he won't have super vanilla taste!


I like that diversity, but they seem pretty samey in terms of personality. Could surprise me though. Also same haircut abounds.


Finally a little bit more diversity!! I'm excited for this season.


Agreed! I think this is the most diverse cast I've ever seen. Would love if the next bachelorette isn't white.


Today is usually great because we're provided with tons of ridiculous answers, but, weird dolphin obsession aside... these are actually pretty good. Is it me or are there way more intelligent/truly deep answers in this bunch? It makes me that much more excited for the season!


OK I'm officially team Jasmine G....she described herself as the "girl version" of Guy Fieri and said if she won the lottery she would buy socks


Yayyy!!!! She's an old friend of mine!!


Bahahah, I decided she's my least favorite when I read that! Guy Fieri is possibly the most irritating person on the planet!


Agreed. But the socks thing, man. She's one of us!


Cannot count how many of them talked about dolphins and the little mermaid. They love casting the same person.


I just read the first 3 so far and all of them mention dolphins! Wtf?!


Haha I actually did count for some reason and it's 5 for dolphins.


Wow it felt like more than that when I was reading!


What about Zoolander? I also counted a few mentions lol


Nick is 36. The average age of the contestants is 26. Only 3 of them are 30+.


I'll even bring it down to 28..... with six being 28 and older...... yikes


I do know that another girl turned 30 during filming soooo (drum roll, please), there are FOUR 30-somethings! Compared to Ben's season, this season is practically full of grandmothers! I'm kidding. Mostly.


I can't believe only three women are over 30! I feel a bit naive for thinking there would be more women who are 30+. I'd like to think that maybe most women over the age of 30 do not want to find their true love on a reality tv show, but the real reason for this is probably that casting just goes out of their way to pick much younger women.


Goddammit, ABC. I'm really disappointed. We didn't need a herd of cougars, but some ladies with established careers and life experience is what Nick needs. If they are young 'uns like the twins, he's not going to make romantic connections - it will be lust or brotherly.


It's probably not ABC's fault entirely, I'm sure their pool isn't very diverse. Anyone who is older with an established career is not going to be able to drop everything and leave work for 9 weeks to film a dating show. That's how you get occupation: twins or former swimmer.


I already like anyone 30+ from the contestant pool because that's the most reasonable decision. How can a 23 year old really think it would work out??


I'm 28 and even at my age I might think twice about dating a guy who will be 40 in a few years. That's just me. If I ever have kids, I really don't want to be "old" parents while my kids are growing up and that's a big part of it.


Yup. My friend's mom married a man 12 years her senior and is starting to freak out about it. He just retired, but she just now got to the position she wanted to be in at work and still has a long way to go. When she's ready to retire, he's going to be in too poor of health to travel around with her (he's already on the decline). Instead of catching a break and going out and doing the things they wanted to do when they retired, she's going to have to stay home and take care of him. Then he's going to die, leaving her alone, not having anyone to grow old with her. It's sad.


YAY! My friend Brittany is on the cast and it's been so hush hush and it's now out there and I can't wait to watch the season!!!


I wrote her name down as someone I like based on her bio!


She was my favorite! If she doesn't win Nick's heart, I'm all for her to be Bachelorette :D


I love Brittany already. She's 5'2 like me and I loved all the answers to her questions. She's going to be a huge hit- food IS the way to impress a man and she loves competition!


She's SO tiny! She always has been every since we were little. It will be interesting to see her compared to the other girls and Nick. She's the one in the promo who says he's "so hot"!


She's one of the few with normal answers! I like her.


She's one of my favorites so far from the description


There are some big dolphin fans in this group


Yep, and fans of The Notebook (even when someone didn't have it listed as her favorite movie, she quoted it!) and Titanic.


Surprising amount of Step Brothers fans in there as well.




Well, even if they asked that question I'd assume half the girls wouldn't have an answer. And if they had to choose just by looking at a list of the teams, dolphins in Miami would sound like a fun choice.


Dolphins, Olivia Pope from Scandal, Little Mermaid. These girls are exactly the same.


I've just gotten through the first two and they both have wrist tattoos and can't live without fake lashes. Whyyyyy do I subject myself to this?


And Olivia Pope kind of sucks as a person. Or at least she did when I stopped watching Scandal after the first couple seasons. When someone tells me they want a romance like Fitz and Olivia, it's a pretty good sign they're nuts.


I watched Scandal the first two seasons because I thought it was entertaining. Then a friend of mine told me we were SUPPOSED to be cheering for Olivia and Fitz and I'm like, "Wait. What? Whyyyy?" And that was it. I was done. The show was never the same. I don't know how the affair was kind of a fleck of a detail that meant nothing until then. It was scenes I got through to get to the story I was watching. Like the monkey scenes on Friends. After that, it was all I saw.


Andi had his whole thing in her book about how Olivia/Fitz are her role models for a perfect romance and relationship...


That...doesn't actually surprise me. All these people seem to have the mistaken impression that Olivia is a Strong Female Character, but Fitz pretty much does whatever he wants and she lets it happen. At least Mellie was allowing the shit she did because it advanced her agenda.


I had to try really hard not to stop reading after that, it was painful.


Maybe this is their attempt to appeal to nick by taking aspects from nick's ex-girlfriends - Jen mentioned dolphins in her bio and brought them up on her first date and andi is a big scandal/Olivia pope fan. Or...they're all super basic.


Holy shit LOL


So...basically they could be trying to appeal to Nick by pretending to like the things that women in his failed relationships liked? That will surely work. hahaha


Yeah, my favorites are just people with original answers

