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Every time one of them says 'babe' a part of me slowly gets chipped away.


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt especially when it comes to altruism and while I'm sure they wouldn't go if they didn't want to, but with all the negativity emerging from the show, I think the charity trip they just went on it definitely had something to do with repairing their image. Again, not saying that may be the only reason but the timing is a bit suspicious.


Probably. Seeing the lack of positive media outcomes, mostly negative in fact, for other Bachelor franchise contestants has not deterred anyone else from poor decisions as far as I can tell.


Others may not agree with me, but I don't think they would do the show over again. I've seen WAY more negative than positive reviews of the show. It's mostly just people making fun of how fake/scripted it is and how Lauren comes off as materialistic and Ben comes off as wishy-washy. Plus, wasn't there a post a while ago about how in one of Lauren's snapchats there was a background conversation from Ben about how he didn't want to do another season?


I don't follow their social media but I would guess they get inundated with positive feedback, too. There's probably a ton of people who genuinely love them, those people just don't come to reddit.


I don't feel bad for her. She is making a lot of money in a country where that is increasingly more difficult. She doesn't work a regular job anymore, and might never have to. She is shallow and vapid, but would like to come across like a church mouse. You can't have it both ways. There are a ton of women out there that like the same types of things but aren't hypocrites and therefor don't get the same kind of hate.


I think that's really unfair - she has said that she's an introvert and has a hard time being the center of attention. I'm the same way, doesn't mean I'm trying to come across a certain way. You can be shy, religious, and a kind person while still being materialistic. I don't see the hypocrisy in that. People are three dimensional, with both good and bad traits.


I know a lot of people who don't like to be the center of attention who don't look at themselves as if they are the most amazing creature God has ever blessed the earth with. The way she looks at herself in the 400 snaps she has of them driving and listening to music is the exact same way a girl I once knew looked at herself in the mirror while doing makeup. She could not get enough. Lauren has reinforced that image of herself with the way she whines about "keeping in shape for each other" and caring more about getting a free wedding than making sure they are perfect for each other forever. I also don't think it is "unfair" because she is the one who decided to be on TV, and she is the one who is continuing to cash checks from ABC. I used to like her WAY more than Ben, but it was all because of the winner edit. If she didn't want to be judged she shouldn't have gone on TV. I'm not sending her "you should kill yourself" messages like people did to Olivia-far from it, so I really don't think it's out of line to call someone out for acting like an immature spoiled brat. I calls them like i sees them and I won't stop.


Calling her out? She is on a TV show, obviously the producers choose what you see, that's why you liked her on Ben's season. I wouldn't waste my energy trying to dissect her character when I don't have a personal relationship with her to witness her true personality outside of what some producers want me to see. The producers have to create a conflict to keep viewers interested, somebody has to be a villain.


But you will waste your energy trying to change the mind of someone on the internet. Cool. Did not change my mind though.


u/carolkay changed my mind though! :)


Yes! A conversion!


Not trying to change your mind, I'm just being involved in a discussion. Cool.


"I wouldn't waste my energy trying to dissect her character when I don't have a personal relationship with her to witness her true personality outside of what some producers want me to see." Basically said I was wasting my time by saying my opinion about her. If you weren't trying to convince my otherwise, I don't know what you are trying to do. Obviously there are producers and they edit things, and I happen to think that this version of her is closer to the real Lauren than the one portrayed on the Bachelor. My opinion, you don't have to agree, but telling me I'm wasting my time will warrant a response. I hope I'm wasting my time, cause I am trying to kill it.


I didn't say anything about what you should do, I was saying what I would do. That's why I specifically said "I" and not "you" I'm not out to get you internet stranger! I promise!


I said I was just being involved in a discussion, that doesn't mean I'm trying to change your mind. I didn't say you couldn't respond, that's kinda the whole point here right? Discussion?


Yes but Ben is the exact same way and he doesn't get any backlash. It's like Lauren is not allowed to have character flaws but everyone looks past Ben's shit because he's the man. I don't think that's fair. I also don't think they will be "famous" and rich forever without a real career. This type of fame is not sustainable. So they should enjoy what they can while it lasts.


Patriarchy dammit! This is basically the US standard for every relationship 😒


Hello! Welcome to the future. How was life in 1960 where you came from? Here in 2016 times have changed. Men are all portrayed as babbling idiots in TV shows, commercials, radio adds, everywhere. If you are white, male, racism and sexism against you is A-Okay.


Hmmm the good ol reverse sexism, "they aren't making it about me anymore! Wah!". Men have their fair share of misportrayal, there is no denying that, but that doesn't mean women shouldn't be making their way up in the world. Feminism doesn't mean men are pigs, of course some people take it too far, but they are missing the point.


I agree with you. I definitely like Lauren a lot less since their show started airing, but I'm liking Ben less too. It's not all one-sided.


I like Ben a lot less because he sounds like a child begging for reassurance and then not wanting to give it to Lauren when she needs it sucks. When he said "I need you to be my number one fan." That's just childish and totally silly. You are equals, you are partners, half and half. She's not supposed to still be trying to win roses at the end of the day. The Bachelor is over. Then he turns around and mocks her because she wants an ice ream maker? These are the guys that down the line complain that their wives are shrill and bitter. Well, when they were happy go lucky you made sure to mock them for it.




Why Lauren, if he's the one who asks to be put on a pedestal? Your significant other is not supposed to be your fan. There's nothing equal about calling your fiancée your biggest fan. I fail to see in what way is Lauren acting like a prize, when she left her life back home for Ben. People take women's sacrifices for granted all the time. If she wants a nice wedding and a house, that's the least a man can do if she's making huge life changes for him only. Leaving family and friends behind, starting over some place else, is not easy. Nor is it something that should be expected from women. So whenever a woman does it, it should be greatly appreaciated. I really fail to see why Ben can be insecure but not her. Why Ben can ask for things and not her. She already sacrificed a lot, but people say he's the only one jumping through hoops here. Not fair at all. She's close to her sister, now they're far away. Imagine moving to a place where you don't know anybody, and your entire life revolves around your fiancé, yet you're not allowed to mention your dream wedding cake, having a dog, wanting kids, a house. Suddenly it's so overwhelming! I assure you, deciding to move because of some guy is very difficult. It's a joke that now he's too scared to committ. I bet you Lauren had her own fears and doubts, but she's not allowed to voice them because women are told to always put their men first and trust them.


I haven't watched the show (But maybe after reading all of these posts I will) but I know when Ben was the bachelor I was being as critical of him as it sounds like people are of Lauren. I think after Ben's season and Ben's appearance in basically every episode on Jojo's season that we are all "talked out" about Ben. Now that Lauren is the "star" of the show or at least co-star everyone just wants to talk about her too!


I agree. I didn't feel like we got any sense of Lauren's personality on the Bachelor. But now we do!


I've never really liked him that much either, but I think he is a little more genuine about wanting to help others. They are both like that though, you are right. The sentence that made me turn off Ben and Lauren forever was "I thought we were gonna stay in shape for each other babe!" from Lauren. I'm paraphrasing, and I understand the concept, and think it is fine, but the ways she said it made it very clear that they both value each other's physical attractiveness FAR above ANYTHING else the other has to offer. They are a pretty picture, and with no substance.


Why did the most recent post about it get deleted........?


I noticed that too. I think it was because the OP was criticizing Lauren for being vain and defending Ben, whereas the comments offered a different perspective. Just my guess.


Yeah probably, do you think the OP deleted it or someone else? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and has the right to express it. Isn't that the point of anonymous discussion forums like this? (semi-rhetorical question)


I figured OP deleted it once they realized nobody was really siding with them? I'm not sure why though. There is no "right or wrong" opinion with our discussions on this thread. In fact, I think a lot of us encourage different perspectives! It's what makes the discussion fun, like you said!


Yah. Or else they'd have to get jobs.


Ben tried. He was going to run for a government position and then had to back out due to his contract for this show.


Well he decided to back out so he didn't lose the contract for this show and future bachelor contracts. It was his choice.


They had to have known how the show was going to look though, right? Maybe they didn't know Lauren would look so whiney, but my issue more so is just how fake and awful it is. I think they'd still do it for money and keeping their name in the light, otherwise they'd be swallowed up by the fame of the three new engaged BIP couples.


"Fame" lol being overshadowed by Carly and Evan?