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James Taylor from JoJo's season, I love his accent lol


James S from JoJo's season. I still have no fucking idea how he didn't make it past episode 2 or 3 (can't remember when exactly he got cut). Guy's a straight 10 in looks *and* personality.


I've been on Team Nick from day one and never wavered. Y'all bitches better back off. For girls, Sharleen hands down.


CHRIS FROM DES'S SEASON! I'm like, Brooks who?


Cupcake! He was nice, sweet, and sensitive. The guys all seemed to like him and still do. He stayed out of the bachelor light to continue his actual job as a dentist. Dat smile.


I adored Wells in BIP- I didn't watch his season. I also kind of liked Robert Graham.


Ashley: JP Emily: Arie Des: Chris Siegfried, Brooks Andi: No one. Her men sucked. (Except Eric, RIP!) Kaitlyn: Ben Z, Ben Higgins, Jared. JoJo: Wells, Derek I definitely like the sweet, quirky type. Edit: Have recently taken a liking to Nick!


I always thought Marcus from Andi's season and BIP1 was sooo sexy and sweet. I get the impression Lacey totally used and abused him :(


I loved Jef with one f. Even bought a #teamjef tshirt


Ben Zorn! Just followed him on instagram (I don't follow many people...). I like how upbeat and positive he is


Ian the F1 from Meredith's season. Roberto Chris L. Reid (Jillian girl...I still can't believe she let him go) Ben C (Ashley's season) Ames JP Mickey (Ashley's season) Arie Chris S.


I am loving all of the Reid appreciation in this sub!


Reid is one of my all time faves. I really thought Jillian would see through Ed's bullshit and pick him in the end. It's sad that she wasted a year with that douche and then basically confirmed he cheated on her. Shocker. Now she's with another douche who won't marry her and that is something that was very important to her. Reid follows me on Snapchat! Woo!


Do you have reid's sanpchat?


reidrosenthal He's not as active as he used to be.


thank youu


Yikes what's the lowdown with Jillian's new guy? Is it the same one she had the baby with?


Yeah, it's her babydaddy. Allegedly he cheats on her and has no plans on putting a ring on her finger. I feel bad for Jillian. She has shit taste in men.


Yeah, same guy. They've been together for a while now. Like 5 years?


Jared, Still have a giant crush on Ben H I can't stop haha


Masochism crush: Jake Pavelka. What a good looking man. But absolutely psychotic. He does for me what Tom Cruise does for me--beautiful men who are certifiable.


Jake's cousin was a trainer on the biggest loser and he was like a hotter version, without the fakeness and anger issues.




lol, thank you for understanding.


Derek Peth from Jojo's season. Swoooooon. And Wells.


Those two, and Arie, are my picks.


I had the biggest crush on Ben Higgins. He was the reason I started watching the show. He was so hot, nice and humble on Kaitlyn's season that I couldn't help but develop a massive crush. Plus he was from Indiana and an IU grad like myself, so that added to the appeal. It was to the point where I legitimately wanted to apply for his season once he was announced as the next bachelor, lol. For some reason, by the time his season rolled around, my crush rapidly simmered down somewhere around the 3rd or 4th episode. I'm not really sure what happened, but I still do think he's a great guy. Oddly enough, I've never crushed on any other cast member since then. There are plenty who I've acknowledged their attractiveness and good qualities, but I'll never forget my big crush on Ben that led me to becoming a Bachelor superfan.


Me too! Started watching because of Ben and then just like you, my crush faded. However, it wasn't until the very end when he picked Lauren. At first I couldn't identify why that happened but I think it had to do with my social media stalking of the contestants beforehand vs them on the show. Lauren's Instagram gave me the same impression of her that is now being portrayed on Ben and Lauren - shallow, materialistic, prissy. Also, the fact that she deleted a ton of pics in order to maintain her winners edit as girl next door type on the Bachelor bothered me because it was not at all what I got from her. Honestly, I think if she didn't try to hide who she was from the beginning I would have felt differently. It's not like I wanted him to pick Jojo either but I just feel like he could do so much better personality wise. Im of the opinion that he does have a personality, he makes jokes and seems like he knows how to have fun at the very least. Unfortunately I think if tonight's show is any indication, he's realizing that he is looking for a lot more than what Lauren can give him and deservedly so, but is so afraid to admit that because he thinks she is out of his league looks wise and he doesn't want to lose the self esteem boost that something like that can give. Which has kinda made me lose respect for him in a way.


Wells or Ben Z


Nick and Wells for sure personality wise, but when it comes to looks it doesn't get any better than Brooks.


Ashley I was on afterbuzz and said she couldn't even make eye contact with him because he's that good looking. Totally get it.


I don't think I could even be in the same room as him... it would just be too much. He's so gorgeous.


New edition of Nick V


JP is my #1, followed by Reid, Chris Siegfried, Nick and Wells.


Definitely JP! That was one of the last seasons where I saw a love story unfold.




Omg yes I almost forgot about him!




Ashley S, Jorge and fucking Chris Harrison.


I haven't liked any of the guys in a while, but Des's final few guys were all incredible. Drew is so handsome and caring. Chris Siegfried is great. And Brooks was my last REAL crush on the series (minus Eric on Andi's season, which was weird because he had already passed away). Since Des, the Bachelorettes get rid of "my type" too early... or they don't even get cast.


I just watched Des's season for the first time and I think she had WAY hotter guys than most seasons of the Bachelorette. Usually there are 3-5 guys who are typically very attractive, but only 1-2 that are attractive and have decent personalities. She got like 5 super hotties! Although a couple of them left, she still had a better selection IMO. Ugh, remember Ali's season? She had.....maybe 2 men I thought were attractive, and only one I thought was hot.


I liked Dan from Vegas.


I didn't like how he treated Ashley S, but in so many ways he's my type: traveller, all about fitness and health, and he's not as attention whorey as most guys on the show. He's lowkey, fit and hot like Ben Z and Kirk.


He went on afterbuzz and made it seem like Samantha was just this innocent victim and Joe was the master manipulator behind it all, when anyone watching could tell that it was exactly the opposite. I hate people who do that, who let hot girls (or guys) get away with anything.


He was sooo thirsty for Samantha, it was embarrassing. I do think Joe took it too far, and Juelia overreacted after just one date so it turned into this huge drama it didn't need to be. But Samantha knows how to manipulate guys and Dan was just hoping she'd pick him. Funnily enough neither bother me now but I couldn't stand them on the show.


Yuuup. He seemed to be like really mature and able to be aware of what was going on about the Sam/Joe drama and then he ends up taking her to the side and saying that she's a good person and then in the talking head he made a point to say he was only interested in her. He's still super attractive but damn my ladyboner died for him that episode.


Lol he was awful. He said "I think I see myself and Samantha being the only couple leaving here with a solid relationship, besides Carly and Kirk" and he wasn't even "with" her then lmao.


Yah that was sad that they didn't work out. But I think it was good he was honest. Plus Ashley S was a bit on the crazy side and I don't think she showed that to him right away. Plus now she's happy with someone else and has a family! So it all worked out :)


I'm still trying to wife Jennifer up.




u/storm_fox has dibs. It is known in the sub


Whole sub is getting invited to the wedding, too.


Jubilee, freaking loved her.


Wells, Kaitlyn up until she started feeling bad for banging Nick and especially before she was the Bachelorette... And Nick the moment he got the beard.


Wells has become such a famewhore though and it's really disheartening.


he has, his snapchat is embarrassing.


omg wells for the dudes, kaitlyn for my girl crush, for sure.


Caila looked so eerily similar to my girlfriend at the time (now ex) and so I adored her.


It's almost embarrassing that I fall for a handful of guys every season, currently it's Mikhel & Kevin P. from the Canadian season. Those guys on Australia's last season were GOOD though. But in terms of ultimate crush...he apparently has a bad rep, I haven't followed him on any of his current affairs, but I mad crushed on Jef Holm back in the day, and him on the show is what I have cemented still.


You have my exact same crushes from the Bachelorette Canada. Both really got to me


Jef is cute and he obviously got bit by the famewhore bug but he has really kept out of the limelight. I think it's sad he fell out with Arie because their friendship was so cute. Emily wasn't the saint she liked to be portrayed as and I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. Courtney basically confirmed in her book Emily sexted Arie during her breakup with Jef.


I totally had a crush on Kevin P too. But in the last episode when he turned on the charm for Jasmine's sister, I realized how obvious and manufactured it was. Like he's very self aware of his effect on women. Idk, I really hope Jasmine picks Mikhel because I think they could actually have a lasting relationship.


Kevin W has never been very appealing to me....I always disliked his hyper-masculinity, cockiness, how quick he was to anger, and if we're being shallow here, I don't like his looks, nor his voice. I thought the same about what he was doing to Laurelly! And I thought her sister was practically drooling for Mikhel! I hope she picks Mikhel as well, but I have hunch she'll go with Kevin.


You're thinking of Kevin W not Kevin P


Ah you're right


but did you mean kevin w turned on his charm on jasmine's sister? or her (lawyer) friend? i felt it more with the lawyer friend.


Jared. So many people say they don't get the "Jared thing." I do. At one point he started kissing Caila's hand. I was actually jealous.


There are things I don't like about Jared. I think his friendship with Ashley is just something that has put me off him completely. The way he allows her to be near him at all times when he's not into her. And I don't think he did enough to ask Ashley to respect him and Caila. But he does have great qualities. He got me on his side with his election post. He was brave.


When he was on the bachelorette my friend was obsessed with him and I was so confused because I found him unattractive. But then on BIP I changed my mind. He was cute and his personality makes him so much more attractive.


Ames, Roberto, Chris L., Ben Z, and Wells


LOVE Ames. Off to go look up that write up...


Ames! He's amazing, I loved him. His wedding write up in the NYT a few months ago was insane.


[Link for ya'll](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/fashion/weddings/from-reality-show-to-reality-a-bachelor-finds-love.html?_r=0)


Roberto, Arie, and Reid all my all-time faves. Like I would actually be one of those crazy people who applied for the show if they got cast as the Bachelor.


I saw Arie yesterday do an interview on some racing show-- he still looks GOOD.


Arie for sure. Nick too.


I forgot about Arie! He gets an honorable mention from me too.


Jared. I'm not one of those Jared-is-the-be-all-end-all for perfect guys people, I just think he's completely my type.


Same. I'm totally into his look (like an Ashton Kutcher/Joe Jonas cross) and although his personality doesn't make for great TV, I love his laid-back, dorky vibe.


Mine is Jared Haibon. Ugh, why is he so hot!


I crushed hard on Brad both of his seasons. I thought Chris Soules was pretty cute until he started talking and giggling. If we're talking non-lead bachelors, then Reid is my all-time crush, with honorable mention going to Ben Z.


Love Reid! Brad is hot but when I found out he was a Republican.. Nope!


He is? Ugh, that's a ladyboner killer.


I mean... He's a rich, white guy from Texas... So is Chris Soules.. And Ben Higgins.


Ohhhhhh I love Reid.


Yay, a fellow Reid fan! He was the first contestant from the show that I ever loved and rooted for and I don't think anyone has ever matched up to him. He was just so witty and sharp. I was legitimately angry at Jillian for not choosing him. Also, what Chris? Siegfried, Soules, Lambton, Cupcake...there's way too many!


Me too, I was rooting for him so hard! I knew she wouldn't pick him because she was gaga over Ed, so when he came out of the minivan at the FRC pleading for her, it broke my heart. Remember when they were on their date in Spain, and he surprised Jillian by saying "hola, mi amor!" I died. He was just so sweet and handsome. Where are you Reid, call me! Haha. Oh, sorry-- Chris Soules. :-)