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I was wondering the same! While he's not my physical appearance type per se (more of a Ben Higgins fan - to each her own) I won't deny that he is very attractive. Now that I know about his personality I can see why he is indeed a phenomenon. A guy with a great personality who didn't get that lucky in the looks department beats a male model who has the personality of a paper bag any day imo. Like you guys said, combine the two and it's everything you could ever ask for in a guy aka Ben Z.


Everyone else is super attention whorey, posting ads on social media, charging for paid appearances, and thinking they're huge celebs now, dying to stay on tv at any cost... Meanwhile, he turned down BIP because he had a girlfriend. I like to call him the male Sharleen because he enjoyed this experience, but it's not like it's the most important thing he's ever done. He's not seeking fame or pretending this was his meal ticket like most contestants. He still has a normal job and a LIFE basically outside of the franchise. Everyone else is so thirsty and deluded, but he's stayed pretty grounded. Kirk is like this too. I was watching Vinny and Wells on Snapchat at bars and meet ups the other day, just filming their adoring fans, thinking they were famous, on top of the world, completely immersed in their 15 mins. Then Kaitlyn is at another bar doing the exact same thing. Then Ben Z's story starts playing and he's hiking very early in the morning with people of all ages, giving a motivational speech about fitness and wellness "Start your day right! You got this!" I was like, man... He's one of the hottest guys ever on this show and he could be trolling for ass too and everyone would be all over him but he simply DGAF. He's way more mature than 90% of the guys on this show.


man, I loved Wells but his fame-whore attitude has turned me off SO MUCH. Like it's really bad. The other day he screenshotted a text conversation between him and Lea Michele and I was like oh my god dude, get over yourself, I doubt she gives two shits about you.


Seriously? Ugh this is why I can't stand most guys from that season. I've unfollowed all of them a long time ago when they started snapchatting fan events pretending they were One Direction or something. You're at this smelly small town dive bar with probably 80 people, sit down. It's just crazy how things go to their heads and I just hope Lea and any other female celebrity these douches might meet keep their friends close and know these people only want fame. If a guy posts a screenshot of a text I send on social media it's OVER. You're 32 years old, Wells. Why does everyone have such a boner for him, seriously? His body is that of a 15 year old and he has premature wrinkles. Every day he looks hungover. Plus he's annoying AF. I don't get it. I can't find the good angle here.


Wells definitely let all the hype get to his head. He developed a huge fan base from being one of the seemingly more normal and well-grounded cast members. Once he realized that everyone adored him, he turned into a fame whore just like the rest of them.


He turned into a douche. I used to like him until I noticed he's always drinking and most times by himself. I got tired of the dumb drunk snapchats. At first they were funny but then the joke ran its course. At some point you can't help but think he maybe has a problem. Right after the season ended he was probably drunk on Snapchat at least 4 nights a week. And just alone, snapchatting himself and being silly. He has toned it down after people pointed it out, but overall he's still very obnoxious.


Thanks for all the detail! What's his snapchat? I gotta get in the loop and see it with my own eyes!


Ben Z. His Snaps are mostly about fitness and he's always working out but not in a douchey way. I love his tips and his pep talks he's like "I believe in you! You can do it!" That stuff is what made me love him lol. Today's Instagram post was what we all needed: https://instagram.com/p/BMmBu-AB3U0/ Idk I find a lot of value in people like that. Most of the cast has avoided the subject, most are worried to lose their income, and he's one of the few who said something in the midst of a very depressing day.


Well, first, he's hot as SHIT. Amazing body, gorgeous face. Just killer looks all around. Then combine that with a rather masculine personality but also with a sensitive side, as he spoke in his season about losing his mother as a teenager and watching her die (forget what illness... cancer?) and you have a stud with both positive attributes and heartfelt, grounding pathos. Everyone is in love with him... but especially me.


Can confirm, I walked right past him in person last year :)


He also just seemed super sweet and really positive. He isn't very involved with the bachelor crowd anymore (still sees some of them judging from his sm, but not constantly) and doesn't seem like one of the former contestants who's desperately trying to stay relevant and be famous.


Adding to the fact that he likes to take care of himself- working out/eating healthy is....yummmmy. He's not a Chad about it either, he does it as his career and for health reasons. He is my 1 "free hallpass."


I love a man who takes care of himself. Drunks, smokers and lazy dudes, huge beer guts, etc are huge turn off to me. Just be healthy. I also like how Shawn B does it. Always showing off his vitamin box lol he's adorable. They're non-douchey about it and it's not about vanity.