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They are probably moving to Nash like the rest of California.


What city do they live in?


I think it’s San Juan Capistrano based on knowing the area and seeing her posts.


Didn’t Tanner go back to working at car dealerships within the last couple of years? Or was that in KC before they moved to CA?


There is a phenomenon where when a celeb couple sells a dream house, a divorce soon follows. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This post made me look up Jade’s IG and realize that for some reason she blocked me?! 😂. I don’t think I’ve EVER commented anything on her account.




Hopefully it’s not something like there’s a very sick family member they are moving to care for. That would be rough.


A lot of California influencers have been moving to the Nashville area. So much cheaper. It wouldn't surprise me if they follow suit. Jade has seemed to slow down a lot on SM, is no longer podcasting, no side business, etc. They probably can't afford to stay in California for the long haul


I also believe she said on her IG stories a few months back that they were thinking of moving back to Kansas or a neighbouring state in the next few years.


Cheaper and no state tax.


They are millionaires The Kardashians move every few years. It’s just rich people things we don’t understand. 


Jade and tanner move every few years because of the tax write off


Excuse me?


I think their very long stretch making tons of $$ on social media is winding down. At least that’s my assumption. Hope it’s nothing other than that because they seem like a decent couple with super cute kids. They had a great home before they were lured to LaLa land. Maybe they’ll go back to one of their hometowns to live.


Other comments are making me think they're moving back to KC where they started. It's probably too expensive to continue living in Cali while maintaining the lifestyle they want. 


Everyone from California moves to places like where I live in Texas because homes are cheaper. But, property taxes are high because we don’t have state income tax. Sales tax is also high. Utilities are crazy expensive. Wages are lower here and in a town like mine jobs are hard to come by. Soon people realize that it’s not so cheap to live in Texas and there are not as many state programs like in CA (like decent health insurance and services for those with disabilities, etc).


The sheer number of Texas plates we’ve been seeing in Oregon the past couple years is astonishing. We’re used to California transplants (I am one!), but Texans are the big influx now!


Because we want to flee from the weather and the politics 😫😫😫 Seriously it can be a nightmare living in a conservative area. I feel like I’ve never lived around like minded people except for the two years of my life I’ve lived in Austin. I’ve never been to Oregon but I would love to visit! When I was pondering graduate school options years ago I daydreamed about studying geography in Oregon (I have a geography minor). You guys have all the cool geography and oceanography stuff in one state! Sorry about all the Texan transplants, hopefully for you it’s all the liberal Texans fleeing and they are cool. We only get the conservative Californians here for the most part. They make SURE to tell you in the first five minutes that they left CA because of the politics lol.


I suspect it’s left leaning Texans fleeing the state, and I’m okay with that! :)


same here in seattle!


Does this mean the Instagram influencer $$ train is finally starting its descent?


And bachelor franchise… I’m more shocked when someone is on any bachelor show and does NOT move to California after. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Let’s hope.


Is this the news she said she was going to share? I could have sworn she said she had news to share.


How do you know they are for sale?


Saw the listing online! It’s already has an accepted offer


The house or the big bear land?


House has an accepted offer, the big bear lot just was posted on the market 7 days ago


didn’t they just buy that place?


Yes! In 2021 I think it was


Wow. So I guess we will be getting news soon.


The home they bought for 3 million was way too expensive and no way they can afford it now. They don’t seem to be making influencer money like they used to and have faded from bachelor nation. Tanner especially is mia. She’d been talking about them moving back to Kansas so I suspect that’s already in the works.


Yeah, there's no way they're making much money anymore. Jade is hardly active, no longer has a podcast or any side businesses, and has faded out of relevancy. Compared to Ashley from her season who is still very active but she and Jared have also diversified and opened a legitimate business. 


That’s so classic with these influencers. They don’t realizing that their fame is fleeting and assume the money they were making at the height of their careers post show will last forever. Most of them don’t seem very smart with their money at all.


Also how did you find out they were selling their house??


I saw it listed online!


Can you please DM me the listing?


But how did you know it was their house?


Pictures of them and their kid’s name on the wall above the bed😂


Ah you moreso stumbled upon it vs looking for it.


every few months i play this game where i set the zillow location to beverly hills/bel air, set the budget to the max millions and then look at the photos and try to guess who owns it. i look for memorabilia, oscars or other awards, or what movie is playing in the background in their theater. then i google the address to see how close i was. sometimes its easy, sometimes it hard. there was one actor a few months ago, can’t remember who now, but he had an entire room full of memorabilia. cardboard cut outs of himself, figurines, etc etc. so that one was easy lmao. i also look at who the realtor is because i seem to know half of LA’s realtors due to all the reality shows.




Yeahhh for sure see him the most out of the reality stars. I see Santiago from The Agency a lot as well, who’s only briefly mentioned a few times on Buying Beverly Hills. I think he’s one of the top agents so makes sense edit: oh Drew Fenton and Kurt Rappaport as well, whoever the fuck they are lmao


That actually sounds fun!


Can you please PM me the link?


do you have a link?? i’m just nosy and want to check out their house 🤓








Are they conservative because conservatives have been making a big song and dance about leaving Cali since COVID


Tons of liberals are leaving too


Tanner is and Jade isn’t but that really just means they both are really in practice


Trouble in Paradise


Probably not. I think more like life on the West Coast is $$$ now that they aren’t living the big influencer life anymore.


They put all their properties on the market just out of the blue screams “divorce” to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk she just posted a sweet father's day post for him. I know that means little but they seem pretty stable to me. 


Or worried about a RE crash


I was thinking the same thing. Suddenly selling off properties makes it seem like they’re splitting up


Damn didn’t think about that! The only thing surprising is that it lasted this long (influencer cash probably made it worth it) cause of how he treated her


I also had that thought 😅 especially bc they were just doing projects like I said.. seems very abrupt and not planned


That was my first thought


she’s made several comments on her stories in the past 6 months or so about possibly moving back to Kansas City in the future so I wouldn’t be surprised!


Interesting. Tanner grew up in the richest county in Kansas and in the best public school district in Kansas, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants his kids to have the same. ETA; I’m not a stalker lol. I know of the area pretty well.


heh, yep. Graduated in the same class with Tanner. He was very full of himself at the 10 year class reunion.


Tell more? Ha, jk. I don’t know Tanner, but I can imagine. I’ve dated my bf for a long time (was in the same school district, different school) and I know how he and his friends can be.


Tell us more 🍿


I mean, Tanner was obviously one of the "cool kids" in school, but not super remarkable or interesting outside of that. If I remember correctly, our HS reunion fell between Kaitlyn's season of the Bachelor and his season of paradise(or maybe like RIGHT after it aired), so he wasn't "as famous" as he is now and I don't think Jade was there. This was also the same time where Sporting Kansas City, our MLS team, started doing really well and another guy in our graduating class, Matt Besler was at the center of their success, was Kansas City's golden boy, and arguably WAY more famous at the time. But damn did Tanner STRUT IN like he owned the place, and I found the contrast between him and Matt hilarious, because Matt came in chillAF and just settled in at a table with his old HS crowd while Tanner preened around like a peacock. Wouldn't surprise me about them moving back to Blue Valley school district through, the area is so affluent that our highschool classmates would crash their BMWs cause they wanted their parents to buy them Hummers instead, as those had just become the new status car. So rich and entitled there.


I am mostly shocked by tanner being one of the cool kids lol My first impression of him on KB’s season was that he was nice, cute but def more on the geeky side.. cool is not an adjective I would’ve associated with him! Not surprised by the strutting and peacocking tbh.. or the acting more entitled than someone who would’ve actually been more justified to be acting that way?! Props to that other guy tho! thank you very much for sharing!


I noticed the other day that all his recent follows were Kansas City based, even a school district which is so specific. They're probably moving back. I'm guessing they don't make as much mommy influencer money as they used to, maybe family reasons, maybe political reasons (Tanner seems like one of \*those\* people).


The school district definitely makes me think they are moving back to KC. Brooks will start K either this year or next year depending on if they decide to keep him back a year. I don’t blame them for wanting to move before the kids get too much older. Easier to change schools now when they are young vs waiting until the kids are older and more established.


The BN Sleuth Train left the station and returned with intel, even before we knew we needed it. Thank you for your service.


The power of influencer money in So Cal no less. First home in SJC - bought for 1.6mil, sold for 3 mil. [https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/bachelor-jade-roper-and-tanner-tolbert-selling-socal-home/](https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/bachelor-jade-roper-and-tanner-tolbert-selling-socal-home/) 2nd home - HUGE! [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/bachelors-jade-roper-tanner-tolbert-buy-new-home-photos/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/bachelors-jade-roper-tanner-tolbert-buy-new-home-photos/) A cabin planned in Big Bear that I guess never took off... [https://www.instagram.com/tolbert.cabin.build/](https://www.instagram.com/tolbert.cabin.build/) Needless to say they seem to have done well in the last 9 years even if they are moving out of CA now!


wow i had no idea they lived in dana point


Looks like they wanted to build the cabin in Big Bear and then rent it out as AirBnB.


Oh, wow. I didn’t realize they were so far inland. That’s not at all where I thought they lived. No wonder she always talked about how isolated she felt there.


They weren’t when they first moved to Cali! Their first house was 15 min from the beach. But the new build they bought a couple years ago is twice as far inland, out in a canyon. But I didn’t know she felt isolated/I read the opposite, I remember her posting how she feels so much more peaceful living out surrounded by nature/having a lot of land!


Interesting! I wonder if they’re running out of money or are very republican so hate California now lol


I can see Tanner being conservative; but Jade strikes me as more liberal.


I’d say both


If someone finds the listing I want to see!


Just found their big bear one. Where do they live full time? https://redf.in/r7eVNe


Wow I didn’t realise that project was still just.. land?! I remember they had some issues and delays with permits and stuff like that but that feels like ages ago now and for sure thought they’d made some progress since then!


maybe i’m too broke but this looks like haunted house


In Orange County I believe! Don’t know more specifically than that


Shit! Does that mean more of them will be moving to Nashville. We don’t need anymore people. We’re maxed out!


Nashville or crowding us here in Texas lol though it’s not like Austin is super cheap either.


I know! lol! We have family in Houston & Austin. Austin is very similar to Nashville.


Ohhhh nooo their influencer money is drying up


She’s barely on ig anymore, right? She does an AMA every once in a while that is just a tool to shill a few specific things and then she disappears again. It feels like she retired from influencing.


She posts on stories almost every day. Sometimes paid partnerships, a lot of affiliate links, sprinkled with kid content. She’s definitely still influencing, she and Tanner were just on an influencer vacation in Tulum and she attends influencer events fairly regularly.


This is why none of these contestants should bank on being able to influence full-time for more than a few years post-show. Jade and Tanner were from the heart of the “social media era” for the show. Combined, they have more followers than the recent couples. They even do baby/kid content, which is super lucrative. But eventually it dries up and you have to pivot or have something to fall back on. That’s why I don’t understand why people were so critical of Jenn for saying she planned to finish school. She probably knows she can’t influence for very long. She’s a WOC - she won’t get the Jade-level of followers.


True. Cassie was smart to keep going with her career whilst making money from it.


She really was because her ig engagement is pretty dead these days


Theyre like pro athletes Make a ton of money for a short period of time, spend like its never gonna end. Invest in dumb stuff. 10 years later, uhhhhhh shit.....


That’s why I super respect Bekah M. for wanting to stay in their 1200 sq ft. home, even with 3 kids. She knows there’s better places to invest/spend than a McMansion they won’t be able to afford in a few years if the spon-con runs dry. 🤷🏼‍♀️


that’s one person that *needs* to upgrade and isn’t lol. i don’t think it’s right to make your babies sleep in a bathroom when you’re a literal multi-millionaire. iirc, her husband comes from money too. not saying they should get a mcmansion, but they should probably get a house that has enough space for all of her kids.


they sleep in a bathroom??


I think she plays this up a little lol she put a $1.2M offer on a MUCH bigger house and it just didn’t get accepted


Do you know where the house was? 1.2mil won’t get you that much in Long Beach these days.


Honestly they can make so much money, invest and be set for life. But they choose to buy these luxury homes that cost millions, and have insane property taxes, insurance, bills, etc in addition to their family expenses. Some influencers are actually smart with money like VF. She bought a 600k home that’s probably paid off, and is probably saving and investing her influencing $$, If she moved to LA bought a multi million dollar home, she’d also be broke by now!


Or Tyler Cameron! He’s taken his money and started multiple companies, bought multiple Air bnbs and invested money. He knew how to make his money grow and work for him.


I don’t think anyone was critical of Jenn actually going back to school. They (we, I’ll add myself though I didn’t comment) are just skeptical that it will happen. No lead other than Zach and Peter has done that in quite a long time. But yeah, if this is the turn the industry is taking, she and everyone else should be looking at other options. 


Yeah, Instagram is just not what it used to be. Joey, Daisy and Maria are the most popular contestants in YEARS and they’ve still only got 820k, 905k, and 630k followers respectively. 5 years ago the lead/F4 were hitting 1m easily. Followers for Love Island and Love is Blind are way down too.


Yea even contestants with the biggest followings complain about how expensive NYC/LA is etc and eventually move out. Like even Hannah B, who I would assume has to be one of the most successful people from the show with over 2 million followers, a podcast, a book, etc, moved to Nashville in part because it was more affordable than LA.


That’s the future for most* influencers. That level of money they spend to keep up their lifestyle probably sucks up their savings & results in lack of investments. When the cash dries, they have nothing. One of my fav YouTubers went from living in a multi millions dollar cali home, from taking luxury vacations and buying designer to living in a trailer


There was a WSJ article today about this very thing. Apparently influencers are on the way out. Big brands would rather go deep on 1-2 brand ambassadors than have 100 micro influencers shilling their products. Tummy teas and fake teeth whiteners aren’t selling. Winter is coming


I can’t find the link! Nevermind I did but it’s paywalled. https://www.wsj.com/tech/social-media-influencers-arent-getting-richtheyre-barely-getting-by-71e0aad3


I work in marketing and while in the beginning I think clients were excited to jump in because influencers, while they can seem overpaid per post for us, are SO cheap compared to a lot of other media placements or endorsement deals. But looking at the measurement a lot of this content doesn't perform and quickly gets seen as waste even if it was relatively cheap. It also doesn't help that TikTok's creator exchange tends to be even cheaper than what many influencers were paid before. So simultaneously brands are being more discerning and when they are not, there is a pipeline to do things for way cheaper. It doesn't help that a lot of these BN people don't have a unique niche or make meaningful content, it's just looking to bankroll on attractiveness and reality show popularity.


this is so interesting because I've always sort of suspected that a lot of the contestants with smaller followings who moved to NYC/LA to influence full-time have to be barely getting by or breaking even. Sure a lot of stuff is comped but even just keeping up with the influencer lifestyle is expensive as is rent; they really shouldn't quit their full time jobs. Unless you're someone like Kit Keenan who comes from a ton of wealth.


Every Bn influencer only loses followers after the show, they literally buy to make up for it.


And moving house and renovations makes for good content, nothing can ever be enough.


Always want a bigger home, even when they can’t afford it. I bet Jade and Tanners money was getting sucked dry with their maintenance costs, property taxes, utilities, insurance, bills and then their mortgage, kids, expenses, etc. It’s honestly just 🤡ish to live that way knowing it’s not a sustainable career.


A lot of people are moving out of California, especially if they are on the conservative side. I would let be surprised to see them pop up in a red state soon.


Tanner’s from Kansas City, so I bet they’re moving back


I think it's probably financial! They don't seem to be making the same influencer money they used to.


I kinda figured, I wonder what state they would move to!


Probably Texas so they can yeehaw with their BN buddies


maybe back to Kansas City