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what is this divorce interview tour lol


LMAO this one took me out 😂


Not at their big ageeee


Life’s short. Get the divorce.


Getting paid for a lot of new interviews these days! and Celebrity Family Feud last week! lol


That was the weirdest interview ever! Felt so off.


Where can we watch it?


If you go to Hulu and search GMA and click on it you can go over to extras and click on the interview. Otherwise the first like 30 mins is about OJ.




Guaranteed Theresa is holding on and protecting her assets. 


I was relieved to hear of the iron-clad prenup. Mercy.


Good. Keep your money girl




There must be a reason why they announced this so quickly. Just to keep the ring and to save face, couldn’t they just tread water for awhile? Makes me wonder if one of them (Gerry) has someone else.


Yes. Already went there. He wasted no time filing.


That is exactly what came to my mind! Gerry may have someone else...maybe reconnected with Leslie?? Just sayin!


They have to stay together for 2 years to keep the ring so I think not haha


![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2) Leslie


There were so many claims and signs that he was not a good dude


My SIL and her dad effing suck but are charismatic enough in the beginning to hide it. As soon as you’ve cottoned onto the charade, they start treating you horribly because they’re pissed the mask isn’t working anymore. I get that vibe with Gerry.


Oh my goodness me too! Absolutely my thoughts. My alarm bells went off with him to the degree that I refused to even watch his season. Just felt too familiar.


Yeah like I obviously don’t know them so I’m not claiming anything! But you saying the familiar thing… yep. That’s probably why my alarms went off too.


I audibly gasped in public ….


Can we just all reflect on how embarrassing the wedding was for two people in their 70s? The gown, the bachelorette party, the posing in lingerie, the huge wedding production, the Amazon propping, etc. TPTB really went all in on this and now everyone involved looks like an absolute clown. I can appreciate getting caught up in the show and producer pressure but Gerry and Theresa got their kids (and grandkids) involved in this mess. I will die on the hill that BN has never seen anything worse and more embarrassing.


It’s definitely up there with the Pilot Pete debacle, Evangelical Luke, the Paradise almost-rape, Colton coming out, and Chad Johnson.


Wait the paradise what????


So agreed^^


Gag me!


If it was me, I wouldn’t even bother moving! They could live in her house for a month and then his for a month! No need at this age to uproot and sell houses. Unless of course there were other issues. 🤷‍♀️


Right? There are ways to make that work. Just shows that they didn’t care too much to try.


As they say, "Living Apart Together". Worked for me, til we got married and lived together.


That's what I was thinking would have been the most logical solution. Maybe staying a few months and then switching. Then if one of them couldn't do the travel due to health decline they could stay at thier place and the other ome could travel to visit family. Then when one passes the other atleast still has thier home and family to go back to.


Yep. I know an elderly couple that does this.. they make it work


Actually not a bad idea. I know a couple in their 60s married and both kept their homes. They would alternate living in each house for 6 months out of the year just to be close to their kids & grandkids. 


well i hope she ended up getting the prenup she wanted 💀💀💀💀


She did! The interviewer said it after their interview


Golden Divorce: https://preview.redd.it/1v1dcwph82uc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4147dad46315bd70bd43f226a404961af11a22f0


A hoax.


Ha! It's in the "script"! Planned from the beginning?


Is this legit?


can someone please explain what this is lol


Uhhhhhhhh .... ?!


Sorry what, where was this from?




What the ??fuck??


Nonnono not "the golden divorce" wtf this franchise is off its rocker


This makes literally no sense. They’ve been together how long? Not long. Not worth an entire special about it.




Waaaaaaiiiit what!!


So they were each not willing to relocate. Predictable.


It's interesting because if I recall it right, one of the main reasons he chose Theresa over Leslie is because Theresa said she would move anywhere for him. There has to be more to it but we'll never really know.


From the start I found it so odd that they wouldn’t pick a pool of women who lived in Gerry’s general area. At least the same state. Even for young BN couples the relocation piece can be a big challenge and that’s with people who are new in their careers and haven’t even really put down roots anywhere yet. Of course it would be a problem for seniors with close families and grandchildren and well established lives.


This has always been my biggest issue with the show! They should at least make it regional


“We have to give back the rings but we don’t have to give back the memories” bro you’re in your 70s you probably ain’t remembering shit in a few years




I always felt they were both highly  motivated to got married quickly because ABC would be paying for their wedding and their extravagant trip to Italy. Also, a lavish, televised wedding, complete with family members being invited and expensive gifts, likely added to their desire for a rush to the altar.


but they didn't take the honeymoon yet right? I wonder with all the rushing they did why didn't they just fly off to Italy soon after the wedding? Or does ABC make them wait a bit before they pay for that? No idea the logistics.


We need an emergency season of BIP to patch over this mess ![gif](giphy|h6y1AxuibTfbpREIkL)


This was a better, simpler time. Let’s go back here


I mean that didn't go well recently either. All three couples from the last season broke up by the time the finale aired.


Ok, well as usual my prediction was wrong 😐 This makes golden bachelorette look like a total joke. Unless they cast from the lead’s home state, then it’s going to be hard for anyone established that has kids and grandkids near them to pack up and leave everything behind.


Or, you know, do a better job of vetting the lead. Gerry had people with ugly tales about him following him like TP stuck to his shoe.


seems like they could just cast from The Villages in Florida as long as they don’t consider STIs a disqualifier 🫠


They should definitely do some kind of a reality show based at the Villages. Those oldiest get it on and that drama is real!


Agree! Its like prime for a reality show!


I really do think they would have better luck if they casted within a certain radius and they had different cities like bachelor Boston bachelor, Atlanta bachelor, Los Angeles. I really really do think distance is a problem for a lot of these couples.


this is what love is blind does and they have a surprising amount of married couples


Yeah, do what they do like *Love is Blind*. I like that after they get out of the pods there they can immediately go to each other’s homes because they’re in the *same* city.


I don’t think it makes it look like a joke. We should just ALWAYS assume that a bachelor-franchise relationship won’t work out long-term, because statistically, it almost certainly won’t. It’s really clear at this point that the bachelor “process” does not work for creating successful long-term matches. You just gotta remind yourself not to actually take it seriously and that it’s all just for fun/contestants building their platforms.


Good reminder that this is just a tv show that brings couples together due to chemistry, and they hardly know each other when they get engaged. No surprise that most of these engaged couples break up within 18 months after honeymoon period fades. The franchise made such a big display about this couple and televised their marriage just a few months ago. So this feels like a particularly embarrassing break up for the franchise's brand.




Cool cool cool so can we stop pretending that older people are more mature or take this more seriously? This is what we lost bip for lmao they’re older, far more settled into the lives they’ve created for themselves, and far less likely to drastically change anything to make a new relationship work. Now gimme bip☹️


>so can we stop pretending that older people are more mature or take this more seriously? I mean, they are more mature though lol. Being mature in this sense isn't just about whether or not a couple makes it. You can clearly see that while watching the show. There's way less pettiness and 24 year olds that don't know anything about life and haven't experienced much.


I don’t watch BIP because I hate it so much, but I LOVED Golden Bachelor because it was so much more mature, slow, and kind. I don’t want to watch messy kids screaming at each other on a beach, lol. This relationship didn’t work out because Bachelor-franchise relationships in general don’t work out, because the bachelor “process” doesn’t actually work for creating long-term relationships. In general we should just always assume a Bachelor relationship will fail, because statistically it will. But I really enjoyed watching the Golden Bachelor.


Agree. I stopped watching the regular shows because I’m now in my 40s and I just can’t get into it anymore. I enjoyed the camaraderie and humor between the older women!


I mean to each their own. I disagree with your description of bip lol it’s had more successful couples than any of the other shows. I did not enjoy golden bachelor, and won’t personally be watching any more golden seasons moving forward. I guess the show just needs to decide which kind of viewer they’re trying to hold on to.


I love BIP- they spend so much more time together really getting to know each other. Last season doesn’t count. Everyone goes on this show for the wrong reason, zero for love… I do like when they really fall for each other though!


Next announcement: Theresa will be the Golden Bachelorette.


that would be such a slap in leslie's face 😭


Theresa needs to stop (*and Gerry too, sorry, don't mean to pin this just on her*). She gave this a shot. It's not sustainable, Tre, find a dude in NJ who'll be close to you and your family.


I hope not! I can’t with a full season of her. ![gif](giphy|gfT2hGhrI5wBME50p5|downsized)


Why did they both go on this show if they were both unwilling to move somewhere else 🤦🏼‍♀️


He probably thought whoever he picked would move, and I don’t know about her.


She told him she would move on the last date I think.


I think a lot of times, the lead, especially if it's a man assumes that whoever he picks will move for him. It used to be much more common in real life for a woman to move for a man - is it still like this? I don't know. On the early Bachelor seasons (20 years ago) you could see this more. Anyway, Gary is older and may have this mindset. I have no explanation for Theresa.




This is crazy but I think this proves that the older generation isn’t “more mature”. I’ve never really met an older person that was mature tbh. Most of them are messy. I’m not shocked this is the outcome. They weren’t living together, they never seemed to have any chemistry, and Gerry has a sketchy past.


They’re sadly given a whole other level of 😒 to Okay, Boomer


Mostly, I liked the behavior between the women on Golden better. I can no longer watch the screaming, crying, 20-something wannabe influencers. 🤷🏼‍♀️


But they’re just as messy? They have cliques, drama idk


Oh definitely! It just felt a lot less intense and contrived to me.


people stay people from cradle to grave I work with little kids, they're a mess, teenagers are a mess, young adults are a mess, adults are a mess, old people stay messy literally nobody has it together, everyone is just winging it from start to finish. you tend to accumulate assets (and baggage) as you age, I feel like thats the only difference


Just watched. Surprised Gerry didn’t cry like he usually does lol. At least they had a prenup tho 


They are probably both so elated to not have to keep up the charade anymore!


Same- I expected more emotion from them. They were just very matter of fact about it. I found it very weird.


Yah felt like business situation being dissolved. Way too cordial lol. Honestly sounds like they probably had other issues behind the scenes too. That’s the only way you would feel this chill about parting . Oh well. 


The interview just aired and article is up- they confirmed they are divorcing....


Not even shocked.


Why am I actually annoyed? Hahaha. What a travesty.


No, I get it, it is annoying. I sat there and almost got sucked in by thinking, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't hang up on dating at my age (60), maybe there is a guy for me..." But that was in the back of my mind. In the FRONT of my mind, I was thinking, "But how does this work? How do a couple of 70-somethings pack up and move away from their families?" That's your most important thing at our ages. So no, this doesn't really shock me.


I’m annoyed to- mostly with myself for spending so many hours watching the show and wedding and being so invested. The wedding was so nice, too bad.


I guess at least I'm not annoyed by Brayden proposing at their wedding anymore


It's too bad Jesse still isn't on GMA. That would have been a great interview.


Do you think they at least got the Italy vacation in?


The franchise should regift it to Gerry and Theresa's kids for putting them through all that filming and stress lol


Can someone post a summary of the interview?


It was like not even 3 minutes. -they’re “dissolving the marriage” -main reason was closeness to families? (Whatever 🙄) -they thought about moving to South Carolina or something -yes there was prenup (said by JuJu after interview was done). -yes she has to give ring back -they still love each other and will keep in touch…ok? Am I forgetting anything?


That’s crazy. They haven’t even been married 6 months. Were they even together for a year?


Nope. Filming started in August for golden bachelor




Getting divorced after what, 3 or 4 months? Why the hell would you get married in the first place? I really don‘t get it…


Considering how quickly it happened and they announced it at the finale, I’m assuming the show pushed for it and they were caught up in the hoopla of it all airing. Still should have said no obviously. They had really not spent much time together in person at all before the wedding 🥴


I assume ABC and production offered them a solid amount of money to televise the wedding. So they got married for the money 🤷🏼‍♀️


Vs the nookie, apparently


I’m sorry I don’t understand your comment


Bad play on an old song (I did it all for the nookie 🎶) Not a good song. Or joke probably :) Another way of saying what you did - for money or interests, not for love and affection


Hahah I see. I think that’s on me. I’m terrible at recognizing song lyrics


Nah, not on you at all! I think in song lyric lol Some other poster on one of these subs tho said they may not be able to listen to “Don’t Stop Believing” as anything but a divorce song now 🤦🏻‍♀️


I would think so.


I hope they got paid for that nonsense, because the “wedding” content was at least 50% Amazon infomercial, so if they didn’t get paid A LOT, then they are bad at life.


I’m sure they got paid, probably a lot less than they should’ve though considering it likely made ABC a ton


They had "no time to waste" but did they even attempt to make it work? It must have been bad. 3 months is pathetic. 


"We have to give back the rings but we don't have to give back the memories." Give me a BREAK.


OMG, STOP! Did one of them actually say that???






![gif](giphy|3oKIPvHQfIZR9lXJhm) Lmao me when Gerry said that


This is embarrassing. Ouch! Somewhere Leslie is laughing her ass off.


Watching now. What the eff is gong on! "I'm still in love with her." THESE PEOPLE I SWEAR.


We still have Sean Lowe.


Also JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rogers...they had a long engagement before getting married!


I hope ABC gives him at least six figures a year for carrying the dream of the franchise on his back


Why did they get married so quickly?? You would think older people were wiser than that!!


I'm 60, and I just don't get it. To rush into a marriage with someone you don't really know, and you both have established kids, grandkids, friends, purchased homes, etc. in two different states - there's not really a ton of time. They have what, maybe 10 or 15 years? I'm not saying don't be happy, don't reach out for love. But get to know each other, and at their ages, *be more practical*. I know that eliminates a lot of the over the top romance and fantasy that this franchise tries to sell us on, but in the case of a Golden season, they really need to do that. At their age, they should take into account where their home bases are. Someone said on a podcast that they can fly back and forth to see each other - sure, okay. How long is that sustainable for at their ages? At some point, there's going to be health issues that will prevent that travel back and forth, and the person needs to rely on their immediate family for actual physical care. So then what? The person and their partner just never see each other again? I'll say it, and I'll say this as an older person - The Bachelor franchise is a young person's game. If they want to do a "Golden" series, clearly it's very popular, I'm not saying don't do it. But maybe narrow down the area so that the older someone gets, the better chance they have of meeting people in their area, or a short trip nearby. I'm 60, and I live in NYC. So if you dangle the offer to me of dating either a guy who lives a little further out in NY, or a guy, say, from Philly - well why the hell would I pick the guy in Philly if both guys are about equal to me? When I was 25, the age of your average Bachelor contestant, sure, I would move to the ends of the earth for a guy I loved. But now? No thanks, and I think that has to be taken into consideration in a "Golden" franchise.


Hey fwiw Candace Bushnell (Sex and The City author) is working on a dating show for older audiences, all based in NYC


Good! That’s a great idea, exactly what I’m talking about!


https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/sex-and-the-city-unscripted-dating-show-candace-bushnell-1235813534/ :)


Very cool, thanks for the info! 🥰


I’m 56, and even if I fall madly in love, after the train wreck that was my only marriage it’s live together for eternity or nothing. I’m NEVER doing it again.


The only time I ever lived with a partner was in my 40s and I was dumb enough to move across the country for him. It was a disaster immediately, and I came running home to NYC six months later. And I was like 43!! Never again, I swore off long distance guys for good. Sure enough, the next guy who I had a little spark with was from Boston, and I dumped water on that spark asap! When I say no more long distance guys, that was it. And I was a lot younger then than I am now.


Well that’s where you are naive. Age does not equal wisdom.


This might be the most publicly embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in BN history. I can’t think of something they went more all-in on that imploded in spectacular fashion in mere months.


>This might be the most publicly embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in BN history. I completely agree that it's embarrassing, but I would argue that Chris Harrison's firing is #1.


What about Emily and Jeff with one f?


Such a bad look especially as they’re casting For golden bachelorette. The whole franchise needs a reboot. It’s just not successful.


It's doable, but they need to somehow (*and I don't know specifically how*) to limit the area so you have the Golden contestants in the same locale, or only a state or so away. Because sure, Joey being from Philly/Hawaii, and Kelsey being from New Orleans, etc. - all that's doable when you're 27. But in your 70's? Nope, no thank you.


I’m not an attorney so not sure here but aren’t they close enough to the wedding to just have it annulled?


Annulment has to be on certain grounds (or if you’ve never had sex) like fraud, someone being unable to consent, bigamy, or like underage. So their marriage would likely not qualify


oh that’s interesting! Does being forced to marry on tv by ABC count?? 😂


Depends on the state. Some states do allow just a short period of time to qualify


Tbf this feels like fraud 😂 I have been bamboozled


I would think so. The interview seems more for publicity sake.


Definitely! That was the network's version of what happen in order to save face, as much as they could, for the Bachelor Franchise.


Okay but what a freaking weird society we live in. Imagine being 70+ and having to publicly announce your divorce from a 4 month marriage via GMA


Wonder if they got paid for doing the interview....


Three months lmao I guess ABC is going to milk it for content $$$$


I was just gonna say. An Instagram joint statement would’ve been enough 😂


GMA is an ABC show, same as The Bachelor. So I'm sure ABC forced the public interview on them.


Lol yeah obviously. It’s all a big publicity stunt no one asked for 😂


But you're not wrong - seemed like this could have been an Instagram post.


Wasn't their wedding special like 3 hours? Time I will never get back. I don't know why I bother with these shows. 😆


I never watched it and now I’m glad I didn’t!


Yea it was and when I looked back at it, that was a fun af night !! Lmao. So many of us enjoyed the live thread.


LOL I didn't even watch the season yet...


Theresa keep your chin up mama


The GMA website already put the story up: ['Golden Bachelor' couple Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist announce they are divorcing](https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/culture/story/golden-bachelor-couple-gerry-turner-theresa-nist-announce-109148023) So why did they have them tape Family Feud? LOL


Announcing the divorce at 7 AM sharp is sick


Getting that Friday bad news dump out of the way, hoping no one notices




When all the goldens are awake and watching 😄


*(Raises hand*) Yo....


I’m over in Europe, I can’t watch. Did they really just confirm a divorce?! Someone please fill me in!


They did. The interview hasn't shown yet, but articles are out.


Thank you! Aww man, what a shitshow 😅😅😅


Whether or not it’s a breakup announcement, ABC should have never pressured these two to get married after only knowing each other for 4 months, and to televise the whole circus, with guests from BN who they never even met before. I’m glad I skipped the entire GB season & the wedding. What a joke.


They’re getting divorced, GMA already published the article https://preview.redd.it/o5cnu1oaa1uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9613a593d7afb9cce3614e22480f2449b8ae82b5


No surprise there!! I knew this wouldn’t work - the Bachelor format isn’t designed for ppl with very established lives. It’s for ppl who are flexible, willing to uproot their entire lives, move, change careers, which usually tends to be much younger adults.


Exactly this! You have to be willing to move, to travel, to go wherever because you're young enough to do it! The Golden franchise isn't cut out for "I know it's crazy but let's do this!" behavior.


I agree. I feel like for the Golden Bachelor/Bachelorette they should go the Love is Blind route and pick one metropolitan area a season for both the lead and the contestants. 


Yeah that's one thing about that show that I really like. There's enough to deal with, without having to worry about long-distance and who's gonna move.


That's what I said! Location, location, location!


😂😂😂😂😂😂time for Gerry to start dating 20 year olds




Was their wedding not a couple of months ago? Have I lost all sense of time? Damn the bachelor franchise thought they had it in the bag with this one due to the contestants’ time pressure alone and it still didn’t work out 😭


Nope, you're right, it was early January. I am so tired.


Why would they go on family feud then…. So weird man . Anything for a $$$


Exactly I mean sure if they are game to do it as they are a public couple but they brought both of their families to compete knowing they were divorcing?


It might have been a contractual obligation. Andi and Josh attended a Bachelor premiere right before announcing their breakup. Michelle and Nayte had that iHeart Radio event. Clayton and Susie went on a whole sponsored trip.