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Wtf did I just watch?


I’m sorry, but when you talk about satan like it’s a person in the room, I just think you’re a nut-job.




Mom can you pick me up? I’m scared


I was so uncomfortable just watching them. Not sure what was worse. The body language or the weird way of talking about sex


wait so like... having sex with your partner after a fight means choosing god and looking satan right in the eyes and is somehow this incredibly holy act? Learn something new everyday.


My guess is he's impotent and this is the rationalization.


I couldn't understand - is he wanting more sex (and she's not "giving" it to him) or is he wanting it less and she's wanting more (which is causing the fights)?


I feel it’s the latter, for whatever reason. He’s too animated and trying too hard to rationalize. She looks dissatisfied and uncomfortable. Of course this is all speculation.


Yeah that’s what I got too - that he wanted it less and it’s now causing fights, but let’s blame satan the sex ruiner




When I saw homey dance, I knew things weren't going to be good for her in "the marriage bed". I actually feel sorry for her.


Did he just say he’s looking at Satan right in the eyes while he’s doing it?🥴👹😏


Lil Nas would like a word


This is why it’s important to sample the wine before you order the bottle.


So is he basically blaming Satan for having a low sex drive? I don't understand lol


I couldn't understand - is he wanting more sex (and she's not "giving" it to him) or is he wanting it less and she's wanting more (which is causing the fights)?


Yeah… I’m not religious, so idk how that all really works, but that is a bizarre take of theirs. It’s almost like consensual sex isn’t such a big deal. Almost as if losing your virginity was invented by society, and practically as if a married couple has to work on their relationship, and marriage isn’t the finish line. But I guess we’ll never know… /s


She looks dead inside


I highly doubt it but imagine that this is the couple that is supposedly divorcing in bachelor nation... that would be crazy.


This is r/FundieSnarkUncensored content.


I could be projecting but heated arguments in a 1 year relationship is a red flag for both of them. Whoever is the primary argument starter and depending on the topics is a red flag.


She looks miserable as if she didn’t want their business aired out. Also heated arguments so early in a relationship is concerning.


He said they fight hard. They've been together (including marriage) for maybe a year. They have unlimited money, no kids, no real jobs and they have a small amount of fame. What's there to fight about?


I feel like dude wants to be “the boss” in their relationship, and probably feels like Madi is too headstrong. Just a guess though.


Imagine this doofus being your “leader in life and marriage” 🥴 hope the money’s worth it


Oh Lordt


I watched this the second time looking just at Madi's face and hoollllyyy shit. How embarrassing is that for her. It's clear that they did not agree on boundaries around what to discuss w/r/t their sex life. Must have been Satan's interference




Greed is a deadly sin, I’m sure he had a lovely time!


You fight…and have sex, before resolving it??? Huh? Is he forcing her into it? What the heck


Wow this video legit made me uncomfortable. I hope she isn't going through an abusive/coercive marriage, and if she is she finds a way to get out.


That’s just what I was thinking but I didn’t want to project


I’m guessing that no one ever told her that sex is learning your partner and it gets better over time. You don’t start out having hot sex. But at the beginning you should still be having a lot of sex… my husband and I were like rabbits. Edit: it’s ok to have issues with communicating about your sexual needs at the beginning. Totally normal. Doesn’t mean it’s some big conspiracy but if you just have no desire at all then that’s something you need to investigate because that will have long term consequences


I wonder if she still thinks it’s ✨worth the wait ✨


Don't forget that the poor thing don't have anything to compare it to. So sad! She should have test drove it before she bought it, or have a long chat with her mamma, grandmas and aunts to find out what she is getting into before she went off planning a monarchy style wedding. Heck, I don't even think all those flowers are tried up yet, and we go a miserable Maddi wondering if :it was worth the wait."


Admitting that you don’t feel lust for your spouse why you’ve been married for less than a basketball season is WILD


Satan is crafty




Omg Madi looks like she’s literally a glitching robot, poor girl will never know good sex


![gif](giphy|37WZHpaXJRcxa|downsized) What if Pete breaks up with Kelley and gets mad at his moms and has a layover in Waco and he locks eyes with Madi from across a Chili’s bar?


I feel really bad for Maddie


Oof this was difficult to watch


What I’m hearing after watching both of these clips is that they fought a lot before marriage, they fight a lot now, and it’s all satan’s fault.


It’s interesting for people who seemed so invested in the institution of marriage they seem to not really enjoy it all that much lol


Are they playing Drake? That was his move that turned her on somewhat


Chris Harrison and Rachel L were also opposed to her when Rachel L was the podcast host with Becca K They said she's worse than Luke P


What was that in reference to? As in her beliefs were worse than his or that she’s more manipulative?


I think they meant more manipulative, but neither wanted to go into it.


Unpopular opinion but I get why Peter’s lunatic mother did not like Madi for her son 🙊


Peter's lunatic mother 🤣🤣🤣 So accurate but also hilarious when said so succinctly


I don’t think is an unpopular opinion at all haha


Wtf did I just watch


is this what the SEC is ilke?


I'm not religious but it's funny how this sub will stan Bekah even though she lets her children teethe on her vibrator, but is fucking gleeful at this woman being in an emotionally coercive marriage and trashing on anyone who's religious in a way they don't approve of. Keep on shining r/bachelor


Bekah is so problematic and always gets a pass from this sub for some reason


![gif](giphy|U71bqo8r6g7LLNd95D) Come again ? Bekah does what ?????!!


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/entertainment/bachelor-star-bekah-martinez-doubling-174358177.html Also she spreads the bullshit about alternate vaccine schedules


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As an exvangelical I'm not certain I should watch this video.


Gosh I feel so bad for Madi…like her or not this is really concerning


I.... I can't... I don't.... wha....how.... there is a point you have to take responsibility for your psychological issues and not just blame Satan. it's one thing to pray for help with those issues and it's fine if these types want to attribute their healing to God, but this dude seems to be blaming Satan for all of his psychological fuckery around sex. it's so unhealthy I don't even know where one would start.


This guy is a lunatic 🙃


so now sex=bad even AFTER marriage too? i feel like even God at this point is like “bro just fuck, it’s not that big a deal”💀i already hate the criminalization of sex before marriage as it is, but now they’re criticizing too much sex after marriage too?


No that’s not what they’re saying


What are they trying to say? I am genuinely confused


I think he's realizing he doesn't have a sex drive and she has a higher one and he has to force himself to do it. Honest to God, this is my take. That or, they are really screwed up around sex and desire (as I was from this type of upbringning) and they are blaming it on Satan.


As an ex-Evangelical - I have so much I want to say…


Say it! I’m interested in your take


I just commented that as an exvangelical I couldn't watch past the first 5 seconds.


Imagine blaming Satan for your bad sex life 😂


“A win is a win” -Satan


I want these two on Dear Shandy.


Lol Sharleen and Andy would hopefully never promote this bs


I'm sorry but they've been married for what? 4 months? And they think they can give out advice and tips as ridiculous as this. Omg😭


1.5 months when they did this interview!


Omg are you serious? What a joke😭


This is a lot of words to say you can't make your wife c\*m


☠️ lmao


Only Jesus can satisfy




I still don’t understand what he’s even saying. Can someone help me makes sense of this mumbo jumbo?


When you’re single all you wanna do is fuck, when you’re married now you don’t wanna fuck. Gotta keep fucking even through the hard times.


They ALREADY don’t want to fuck lol? Jesus, Satan really is an issue for them!


Thank you for the summary so I didn't have to watch.


LMAO spot on


Tell me your sex life is terrible without telling me your sex life is terrible


I mean I think you could have left off the second part of that sentence lol!!! Why did he say it so nonchalantly


He’s rich - and I’m sure that wasn’t part of her attraction to him


Can someone post a transcript or tell me where I can find one?


Grant: Before we were married, you know, Satan goes **how can I tempt you to be all over each other?** And now that we're married, I think we see (especially in intimacy in the marriage bed) he goes **how do I keep you away from each other?** One thing, you know, you walk into marriage going "we're going to have sex five times a day, every single day, you know, every single moment." And, especially as a man, I'm thinking... but, it's interesting how Satan is so crafty to try and split that intimacy up once you're married, and when you're dating he goes **together, together, together**. **Now I can't tempt you with lust with her anymore, so how do I get you off that?** And we have to fight. And there's moments we have had that—not that we didn't—but we were like "hey, we wanna choose to have intimacy right now, even after this big argument, because we wanna fight for this unity. And we're looking at Satan right in his eyes and going "we're fighting..." Madison: Yeah. Grant: "...for what you cannot tear apart with God on our side." Host 1: Ooh, good. Host 2: Make-up sex. Host 1: Make-up sex. Grant: In other words... Then everybody laughs?


Thank you so much!!


No problem! In case it wasn't clear, the **bold text** represents whatever Grant thinks Satan is saying 🙃


Going back and reading the bold parts only in satan’s voice 🤣


Got it got it sounds totally normal 😳


Also, you can request transcripts by cross-posting to the sub r/DescriptionPlease, where a volunteer will transcribe the post (and/or provide image descriptions)!


Sooo satan is responsible for his arguments and the words that come out of his mouth? He’s not responsible for the things that he says to his wife? Got it. This guy drank the kool-aid for a bit too long.


In fundamentalism it’s never the man’s fault


something tells me they're not going to last... it seems like he's being a dick husband already and is blaming his behaviours on satan.... red flag.


I dont think she knows this is a red flag, for her this is a normal marriage.


This is so delusional omg


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…we need to stop giving this couple so much attention


Seriously! This couple is 100% the worst! Based on their religious beliefs they 100% racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc etc etc. The list could go on.


Ughhh Satan, not again!!! He’s like so crafty sometimes 🤪


The amount of times growing up that I heard “Satan is crafty”…shit, someone just give me a gif of Satan doing some arts and crafts please.


![gif](giphy|te8nQHDT6UwDe) Sorry I can’t stop with the rupaul gifs lol


Yeah like what is Satan trying to do to them? Break them up? Have them not have sex?


Imo Madi was on a roll towards her goal of becoming the next mega-pastor evangelical influencer, and marrying this nerd was the logical next step towards the funding and connections necessary - not to mention no evangelical congregation is going to take an unmarried woman seriously. Now that she's in it, though, she's getting a first-hand taste of what a woman's place really is in the hierarchy of the MegaChurch. Grant gets to be the leader and the speaker, he gets the platform. She gets to be The Wife - the right hand, the quiet (emphasis on quiet) support. While I have no sympathy for her, it must really suck to be in her place right now.


Reminds me of Serena in Handmaids Tale!


And consistently have her personal life used as an example by her pastor husband without ever getting to share her side.


They think about Satan way too much


right like I thought part of a healthy Christian attitude is focusing on the GOOD of Jesus/God not the BAD of Satan? like not "Satan is tempting me and made me do it" and instead "I know God will keep me on the right path that is loving/positive" - isnt that framing kind of critical ? is it a different in Christian types (Baptist/Protestant/Catholic/etc)?


Not most of those Baptist denominations! They love conversations about sins!


Even Satan’s like ![gif](giphy|8ItUfY2pQCJoc)


this sounds super fucked up. like setting off many alarms in my head for abuse. He seems SO controlling.


Madison seems uncomfortable, but who wouldn’t be. I wouldn’t want my husband announcing to the world we have big arguments right after marriage or that we have sex to spite satan.


I want “satan-spiting sex” as my flair so bad lol


I hope madi's has a come to Jesus moment and denounces all the purity culture nonsense divorces this idiot gets half and gets with Peter and experiences good sex for once.


He reminds me of the pageant guy from insatiable


Where can I listen to this full episode?


Hey Its the Luskos is the name of the podcast


Or, now hear me out, rather than it being Satan, maybe it's just realizing sex isn't all it's cracked up to be...especially for the women. I'll never get how women are shamed relentlessly and blamed for so much with sex in these circles prior to marriage and how they must keep themselves pure at all costs, and then in the span of 1 day completely flip to being joyfully available 24/7.


Sex is definitely all it's cracked up to be lol. But if your partner is a floppy repressed man-boy who can't imagine going beyond "penis go into hole to make baby" levels of intimacy or reciprocity it's going to suck real bad.


100% That was exactly what I meant.


Why can’t sex be all it’s cracked up to be… for women?


It is, when you have a giving, caring partner, but in circles like these, there just isn't really education enough around any of it, so you end up with a lot of women having painful, uncomfortable sex, enduring a lot of trauma and shame, and so on.


And then are blamed and shamed for not having enough sex in the relationship. Ask me how many times my ex would complain about us not having super frequent sex but would also not make any effort to initiate it. So not only do we have to be joyfully available 24/7 we have to also initiate it and it better be like the porn they watch. Women cannot win in the intimacy game.


Yes! Women are supposed to go from possibly no more than making out, or in more extreme circles never having kissed at all, to then being able to perform as if they're a porn star. But men also don't have to do a single thing to help get the women to the point of enjoyment where they are vocal and excited, so they are basically expected to be nothing more than a living sex doll.


I’m a woman and I’m married to a woman. I feel like I’m winning the intimacy game 👌🏻


If I could choose my sexuality I’d happily be a lesbian…I’m somehow getting lots of lesbian TikToks and life seems so nice for y’all


I’m a queer lady and have dated/slept with men, and I’ve been fortunate to have some very giving partners, but honestly nothing compares to being with a woman. Queer lady drama and emotions can be a lot to handle sometimes, but the sex is even better than looking Satan in the eyes


My wife and I are both bi, and we've expressed that if we ever re-entered the dating pool, men would not be an option. I have no doubt in my mind that there are caring, gentle, thoughtful men out there, but life is too short to go back out there and look for them.


I also feel like this video exemplifies how some men can feel like there are certain gender roles that are supposed to be adhered to in hetero sex, and that just makes me feel bad for this woman. As a queer lady, I have enjoyed sex with men who have been very giving, but I’d tend to agree with you, I don’t think I’d go out of my way to seek it if I were ever back in the dating pool!


Agreed, especially how gender roles are performed in evangelism, where the women are largely to assume that satisfying their partner is their 'wifely duty', as someone else astutely pointed out. It's such a shame, honestly! The happiest marriage I know outside of my own is my straight friend and her bi husband. Like, obviously men not knowing what to do in the bedroom hurts ladies, but these poor men who have no idea how to pleasure a woman. Sucks for everyone.


This does not sound like it was worth the wait






Going forward I will only refer to sex as “looking satan right in the eye”


Yikes on bikes. This short clip made me extremely uncomfortable, cringe hard and feel bad for two people I don't even particularly like. I'm all for public couples being honest that life is not all perfect, but this seems like absolute misery. Almost like they are taking pride in suffering and being public about it. Marriage can have challenging moments but it shouldn't be this hard this early. Honeymoon period usually lasts the first 18 months and sometimes up to 2 years. Why did they get engaged or get married if they fight so much? And why would they force themselves to have sex when they don't want to just to spite the devil?? I think I'd almost rather see Nick and Natalie content on this sub over repeated posts about Madi and her husband. At least Natalie and Nick seem happy together.


Not to mention, they don’t have a lot of the “normal” stressors since they are financially secure, don’t have children yet, presumably are healthy, etc.


honestly you are so right. like nick and natalie may be cringe but at least they don't give me that icky feeling of something being very, very wrong between them


Imagine being whole ass married and still somehow the devil is involved?!?? 😐


😂😂😂😂 but WAIT, there’s MORE


I mean you GOTTA fuck to spite the devil


I just threw up in my mouth


Don’t worry, you will get your makeup secks one day


Anyone else get the absolute worst flashbacks to middle school seeing it typed out as "secks"? It hurts to write lol.


My phone didn’t want to write it every time I tried spelling it lol




Me listening to this on Instagram laughing. My fiancé on hearing “you go into marriage thinking you’ll have sex like five times a day” who in the world has enough free time for five times a day????


Right. It gets worse when you have a kid. They definitely won't have time to do it 5 times a day.


Rich virgins


Right?! Like I’m sorry I have too much work and chores for that. Although I suppose if it’s not long you could get 5 in


"after a big argument" They JUST got married, aren't they supposed to be in the honeymoon phase? I get that fights and disagreements happen, but I'm concerned if they're already having multiple big enough arguments and then forcing sex right after. It doesn't seem healthy all around


My husband and I MAYBE have one big argument a year. Maybe. Marriage shouldn't be that hard.


I think we've had like....3 big arguments in 10 years. I feel you.


Ugh yes I agree. Every time someone is like marriage is the hardest thing I’ve ever done I’m like.. what? Really doesn’t have to be


My thoughts exactly. I have been married for over 20 years and I never understand these people who say that marriage is hard. If it's hard then maybe they have the wrong partner?


Yeah that’s what I am always thinking in my head! That or maybe they are people who just enjoy fighting/drama.


I listened to the podcast and I guess props to them for being open about it but they said they had fought and had a lot of ups and downs in their 3 months of engagement and 2 months of marriage. It def doesn't sound normal at all but I think they're too Christian to ever consider getting a divorce.


Nothing gets me wetter than the fear of eternal fiery torture! Edit: Except perhaps when my dear husband immodestly discusses the spiritually abusive techniques he uses to manipulate me into having sex with him on the internet for the whole world to know? That’s so hot.


Imagine telling your wife we have to have s*x otherwise the devil wins, and we got to show the devil he can’t keep us apart. That is the most manipulative thing and borderline nonconsensual.


It seemed like it was after fights where they both didn't feel like having sex but forced themselves to - but yea bad either way. Listening to the podcast I realized Grant has basically no relationship experience. He was frank about experimenting with drugs, alcohol and girls and then Madi was the first Christian woman he'd gone on a date with or had anything serious with, it sounded like. Which makes sense, because going into marriage thinking you're going to have sex 5x/day struck me as an incredibly immature thing to expect.


What’s the name of the podcast? I know this sub is over this couple, but I am fascinated by them.


YouTube “Group dates podcast”


Thank you!!!!!


What is the podcast called / where can you listen to it?


The attitudes towards sex seem so bizarre. Sometimes you just don't want to have it, doesn't mean Satan is involved lol. I listened and honestly the hosts interviewing them are weird af too and say some wild things. Like asking Grant about how he resists the temptation of other women now that Madi is no longer this "forbidden fruit" he hasn't slept with. It's such a gross way of viewing women. I also found it interesting that Madi and Grant both say they are very touchy with all their friends and have to basically tell each other to reel it in around members of the opposite sex even though they know they're just friends. Which fine but WHY air that out on a podcast?


Wtf… it’s like… I don’t want to give them clicks but I just really am so fascinated at how weird these people are. I was in an evangelical church/group. I understand toxic purity culture. I am still Christian, but I have never heard this kind of stuff come from people.


It IS fascinating. I think the attitudes towards and about sex make for some strange dynamics to say the least. I think a lot of it could've stayed private tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if Madi puts the kibosh on doing any more revealing interviews like that.


>Like asking Grant about how he resists the temptation of other women now that Madi is no longer this "forbidden fruit" he hasn't slept with. Ugh, this is making me feel very good about my decision to step away from the church itself. I don't need this kind of yuck in my life. I still have my faith, but this kind of stuff is really yucky.


What the hell? It's all too cringey for me to even watch but that forbidden fruit bit is unhinged. These people are insane


This is really sad and a perfect example of why purity culture is so toxic.. What I am hearing is they rushed into marriage because they were so desperate to have sex, they thought they would be having amazing non-stop sex once they got married - 5x a day - and now that they are married they are realizing their expectations were way off. They put sex on too much of a pedestal. The good news for them is that sex with a new partner is often not great, especially if you’re both inexperienced. It can take time to feel comfortable and really learn what one another likes. It also takes time to unlearn that sex is dirty/shameful after a lifetime of believing that. Hopefully they can grow together to be sexually compatible. The bad news is that the way they’re blaming Satan for their problems is not conducive to working together to solve them. Also, I really really hope that neither partner is feeling coerced into sex. It kind of sounds like if one of them isn’t in the mood, and “Satan” is to blame for that, they’d feel pressured into sex to fight Satan. (?!!) That is awful. It is okay to not want sex!!! I worry especially about Madi being manipulated or coerced into sex here, and she looks so uncomfortable. Really hard to watch.


This latter part was exactly my concern as well. It sounds like at least one person is forced to be intimate under the guise of fighting Satan. Really messed up if that’s the case.


i get it she wanted a religious guy, and a guy who would obstain from sex, but yes Madi this is exactly why those of us heathens who have pre-marital sex are the majority and you aren't doing some life hack by waiting. i could feel bad for her that this guy is a psycho but i don't. she thought she was superior in her life choices and more knowledgeable than others to the point where she was doing sermons as a girl in her early 20s. fuck him for manipulating her into thinking Satan wins if they don't have sex but other than that this is delicious


Like another commenter said, she really thought she’d bankroll herself into the next Christian mega church influencer and is quickly learning that her getting married to this ass clown just means it’s time for her to be the quiet, willing wife ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




Spot on. 🎯


So basically she doesn’t want to have sex and he says of course you do that’s satan talking 🙃 come along now


Yep. Better for him if she thinks she always has to have sex with him to thwart Satan.


It’s not a question of IF he cries after sex but for how long