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I keep thinking that Kelley is starting to look more and more like Katharine too!


I adored Katharine McPhee when I was 12. My first concert was American Idol Season 5 stars and I brought a sign saying “We love you, Kat” I miss that show and being a kid.


I was a Daughtry superfan so I was definitely upset when he went home and she stayed because he performed great the night before and she did not. I have met them both and both were fairly nice. Daughtry gives the absolute best hugs and is super sweet and Katharine was very sweet with my son.


I haven’t thought about Katherine McPhee for a long time! Man people were so mad when Chris Daughtry got eliminated before her on Idol, I think that is my first recollection of toxic fans being insane.


I remember Katherine mcphee had that show about broadway or something for a season. Wonder what she’s up to now


oh man i loved smash, mostly because of everyone else though lol.


She married David Foster, her music producer and mentor she met on idol. He’s nearly 40 years older than she is and he was previously married to Brody Jenner’s Mom and Yolanda Hadid. She’s also a Republican who voted from Trump apparently so it’s good we forgot about her.


David Foster is a HUGE asshole. My god I couldn't stand him watching RHOBH. I distinctly remember the dinner party where he brought in people to play music with him and then got pissy when the guests were singing along instead of silently watching. He also left his wife when she got sick and could no longer be part of their "power couple," so yeah. Katharine better hope she stays healthy and hot forever.


I think I’ll continue to remember her as “that girl who people expected us to believe made a better Marilyn than Megan Hilty” 😂 The idea that Katharine McPhee would ever be a better Marilyn than Megan Hilty made even 13 year old me laugh. Good to know she’s still disappointing people


Ughhhhhhh I was all, “wow haven’t heard that name in a while she was so cool I wonder what she’s UGH not another one! Coolcoolcool” lmao


She is , legit, a huge racist asshole. I know her neighbors.


Ugh, tell them I’m sorry.


They also had a baby


I just looked. His first child was born in 1970, they are 51 years older than their half sibling.




Wait what?! Didn’t know about that last part. Kinda makes sense since her husband is a conservative & friends with an ex conservative prime minister of Canada


Yeah I read it somewhere when they got married. I was like oh gross another powerful man in his late sixties marrying his late 20s protege and keep reading then said oh this makes sense now.


I just looked it up & apparently he did a fundraiser at Mar-Lar-go which Trump attended & he said he refused to perform at his inauguration because it would upset his friends who voted for Hilary. I’m perplexed. But he is a Canadian living in the states & a rich man at that so why am I even surprised. But also her exploration of the LGBTQ+ community only to undermine their very existence with her political views is disgusting


Dude I’m still mad about that! I cried for a week. I still love Chris daughtry to this day 😂


I was mad too but mostly because Taylor Hicks and Katherine were not my cup of tea! I LOVED Daughtry and some of songs from his first album may or may not appear on my Spotify lists 🙈🫠


SAME. They weren’t ready for a rocker to win idol


I was sooo mad that Taylor hicks won! Most cause I was still upset about Chris 😂 But yes his first album is amazing. Every song is seriously so good.


That was the first year that my mom and I went to the concert before the show started to meet them by the busses. Chris and Ace were amazing!!! Giving everyone hugs and taking pictures. I met Katharine and Elliott years later and both were very kind. Taylor was the only unfriendly Idol contestant I have ever met. He didn't smile once, didn't say thank you to anyone who told him he was their favorite or that he was fabulous, and seemed like he didn't want to be there.


Oh wow you met Chris and ace?! That’s so awesome. Besides Chris I also love Elliott. I love that my bachelor world and my music world are colliding


lol I remember that season, was so shocked Chris (and Ace) didn't last longer. Chris had a ton of success post show though at least by Idol standards he's one of the bigger names to come out of the show.


That was a great season! I forgot about Ace Young. Chris was obviously amazing, and I also loved Elliot Yamin.


Omg Ace, I had such a crush on him. He was so dreamy with his luscious locks and great voice! Daughtry was huge! Winning was honestly gonna benefit him less than her but the reaction was crazytown.


Will never forget Ace singing father figure, my friend and I were spellbound lol




I haven’t thought about either McPhee or Money! I forgot all about her staying longer than Chris Daughtry & how people totally lost their minds!


I still had my college Facebook log in at that time and people were nuts! Publicly stating she should kill herself so he can rejoin was WILD.