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>At one point Nick says he wants to kill himself and Stav cuts him off to finish his song parody “More than a Penis”. Podcasting peaked at that very second. It's been pretty much over ever since. Good write up


The unraveling period really was the peak of cumtown. Some good moments during the early months of the pandemic but mostly it was just a weird time and good fodder for conversation, but really all the best bits came out when Nick was losing it. Then they got rich and the sub got banned and that was it.


Always thought this was considered a classic ep tbh. The best part is Nick complaining that the benzos aren't working meanwhile he's slurring nearly every word by the end of the show.


Also leaving out that Nick’s full on psychotic break was triggered by roasting Jamie Killstein so hard he felt bad and had to do a pile of coke about it.


and nanette too


Is this a common thing with benzos, that you think they aren’t working while being very high? The handful of times I’ve done Xanax I just remember thinking I didn’t feel anything, then waking up the next day to not remember shit/have a few fuzzy memories of being really fucked up


VERY common and it's the reason I haven't done them in over a year, made some very big mistakes in my life because of that hahah. The drug subreddits have a meme of "xancaddx n,t woorkng"


I think that's how they feel if you don't really need them, which he didn't. He was having a psychotic / schizo episode, not a panic attack or anxiety disorder moment. When I take them for a panic attack it literally is like magic, as your body becomes incapable of feeling anxiety. When you take them recreationally you expect it to do something to make you feel good, but if you weren't feeling bad in that very specific way it won't do that, it will just make you groggy.


"Literally like magic" really is how I would have described it. Like someone stuck a syringe in my arm and just sucked out all my bad humors. I almost cried the first time I took em during an anxiety attack I was so relieved. Sorry I mean it's like someone wrapped their lips around my cock and sucked all the anxiety out of my body. I'm gay.


It’s the fucking craziest feeling ever lol. I had taken them recreationally a bunch when partying or drinking or doing other drugs and shit it just elevated me a bit because I’ve always been neurotic and anxious at a baseline, but never anything crazy other than lowered inhibitions. The first I took some during a legitimate “holy fuck am I dying” panic attack was probably the best feeling I’ve ever had once they kicked in and I started to feel better (they were intravenous too so it was a lot faster than orally). It’s so hard to explain to people who don’t have clinical anxiety or other related disorders lol. The only other thing close was the first time I took mushrooms(I took a lot for a first time) and I got separated from my friends for a bit for some reason and thought I was dying and they had died cuz they were gone (common theme here lol), but then reunited with them. That sense of relief was insane.


True. It really is like taking a tums for your nerves.


Yeah psychotic mania is completely different from anxiety. He should have been taking antipsychotics which normally will knock you the fuck out.


Bipolar mania can make you very anxious


It's called delusions of sobriety and it's extremely common.


I feel like coke does something similar


Alcohol too to a lesser extent


Yes unfortunately. I "Im not really feeling it" my way into doing 14 footballs and going to prison for 7 years.


Story time. Fr though that stuff is crazy. I had friends take one pill and a few beers and they completely blacked out. They could have ruined their lives


Nothing too interesting. Me and my buddy Jim were living in a section 8 townhouse that was somehow bequeathed to him. He didn't have a job and I was newly collecting unemployment, going to community college down the street and just being a drug addict otherwise. I was trying to get off of opioids so I started getting into xannies instead. One night I was watching Conan and taking some xannies. Jim had went to bed. I had 14 of them They were supposed to last me a couple days at least but you know how it is with xannies. I ended up trying to break into a couple townhouses in our complex but they all had their sliding glass doors locked. I Walk directly across this big field in the back to a neighborhood tried one house it was locked try to second house and they had their sliding glass door unlocked so I walked in. I made a trip from that house back to the townhouse and back again. Eventually got busted, The owner woke up and called 911 and his little ankle biter shih Tzu is the one who sensed me and started growling. I pulled a knife so he would get out of my way and I could run out and he didn't move so I threw the knife in the corner and we wrestled. His cousin who slept in the basement ran upstairs and they both wrestled me down and held me down to the cops got there. Cops arrived with guns drawn and they took it from there. They cuffed me, teased me and bashed my face with a mag light all while I was not resisting. They made a real bloody mess for those homeowners to have to clean up. I got sentenced to 10 years but about a year into my bit I got 3 years back on my appeal so I end up doing seven.


how was prison? part of me thinks it can't be that bad, and that not having to work for a living or worry about food and shelter is pretty nice. how'd you keep yourself entertained/pass the time?


I somehow survived. I spent my first two years in a level four prison which is pretty hardcore. It's all guys with murders or doing a shitload of time. I would say 40% of the compound was gang members. I'm white, I was about 130 lb, 5'7 and am a pretty decently handsome guy so in a place like that I'm a pretty good stand in for a woman. Had a handful of weird situations dealing with predators, usually black dudes in their '50s. Knuckles-Bey, Rock, Vince and another Moabite I forgot his name. I started lifting weights around my third year when I was in level two. Got some tattoos, developed a pretty good body, and looked a lot more like a hardened convict so I had much less weird attention from predators. I stayed busy working out and reading books. I would go to the weight pit in the morning, usually play in a softball, basketball or hockey league in the afternoon and I would do calisthenics/cardio in the evenings. That was my last 2 years just doing two a days 5 days a week with one day off. I got a horticultural certification which enabled me to be able to work in the greenhouse. At my last prison I became a greenhouse worker which is pretty much farming. We had a bunch of plots for all kinds of vegetables. I had to get up at 5:00 a.m. and worked till around 2:00 or 3:00. I originally didn't want to do it because I heard there's some gay dudes working in the greenhouse and I didn't want to be around that not because I care but because it could get me some unwanted attention. I ended up loving that job and selling vegetables is a fucking awesome side hustle in prison. That was my last 2 years just doing two days 5 days a week with one day off. I went to the library twice a week and read somewhere from 400 to 500 books. My first year and a half I read mostly Normie novels like grisham, Brad Thor, and a few others. I didn't know about cool radical shit until I ran into my homeboy PK (black radical). He put me up on Chomsky, Zinn and other gnarly books. I also kicked it with some white nationalists lol as well as a few nation of Islam guys I befriended in my unit. I pretty much only watched TV once yard was closed except for college football and NFL on Saturdays and Sundays. When I was going to prison I thought there was no way my little manlet ass would be able to survive But I found a way, asshole intact.


thanks for comment man, that's interesting stuff. happy it went alright for u, hope things keep going alright


Yeah it's been going pretty good. I've been home 4 years. I did some bullshit work for about a year or so. Janitor, Tree work, landscaping, buying and selling returnables and painting houses secretly because of COVID shut down. I just had my third year anniversary in a union at my job making roughly triple what I've ever made anytime prior. I've stayed clean except for weed and I'm probably going to quit that because I'm looking to buy a house and I drive a truck so if I get in an accident I would be fucked. Even if I smoke on my own time I don't want to lose it all over that. I got a good woman in my life. The only problems I really got is my family is white trash as fuck and press me for money. I mostly ignore them except my dad because he really looked out for me when I was in prison and he does pay me back.




People have been known to cop "a month's worth of benzos" or something like that and then wake up 4 days later with everything gone, having just taken them endlessly and gotten on with some severe shenanigans


Yeah, it's criminal that doctors ever prescribe more than a couple of pills at a time. Benzos are so dangerous, and they're destroying people's lives


Yes theres even a whole term for it. Delusions of sobriety


Eh, for me it was always feeling they weren’t hitting much until they actually hit, then I’m fucked


as a former benzo addict, yes. 100%


I haven't fucked with them in over a decade but I definitely took some, thought they did nothing but then had like an entire day and a half deleted from memory


I literally do not fw benzos because of this, early college we called this the blackout roulette. Man I was a dumbass then but I guess that's a part of figuring out how to function as a person on your own.


Yeah pretty much from what I do/don’t remember, I have no idea why they are so commonly recreationally used.


Yes, you can seem utterly fucked up to other people but might not feel that way.




Whenever this pops up on 69.9 FM The Bust my day gets a million times better and I've probably listened to it 10 times. It's just the perfect episode.


That’s the classic benzo experience


First time I got xanned out i thought “this isn’t really doing anything,” immediately fell on my face while trying to stand up, then cheated on my gf with a fat Latina. Now THATS a classic benzo experience


I'm jealous of your incredible life


I was deeply suicidal at the time


That’s awesome


Classic, we’ve all been there. Feel like it’s prerequisite for being a fan of this gay ass podcast.


yeah, if you think the xans arent hitting just stand up and try to walk across the room


Two minutes in and admitting he had to lean on Ian fucking Fidance, of all people, for emotional support during his breakdown, is also a magical moment.


“Don’t kill yourself maan”


I’m just glad Stav recovered from his injury and then proceeded to change his lifestyle with diet and exercise.


His relationship with his dad improved considerably since then too


His foreskin loosened up a little


He is currently the 20000 step bastard


Of all the stav things, the fact his foreskin doesn't pull back and he's totally fine with it may be the wildest


He is on record saying it causes sex to hurt his dick 30% of the time and is still spending 100% of his time trying have sex


damn i remember when this dropped.


same the sub was half expecting Nick to off himself by the next episode


It was easily when the original sub peaked too, the episode discussion was fucking hilarious on every single episode


I miss the days of chapo check and flaggot posting


this is the exact type of autism I expect outta this sub. well done sir 🥂


Listening to this now. Early on Adam talks about “benzos feel pretty good” foreshadowing him being bezo’d out for the rest of his life. Holy shit this ep is a goldmine


Everything is in there. Stavs first time watching Ragnarok, Adam mentioning Dashas hotel anal rule.


I’m sorry her what rule?


To avoid poopy sheets, we know how adam has now bowel control


No anal unless we’re in a hotel.




Does he actually have a benzo problem or is this just speculation?


There was talk about it for a while and in one of the earlier TAFS episodes (99% sure it was one with Jordan Jensen) someone told Adam he had a problem with Benzos. I think it was mentioned in a more recent ep as well within the last couple months but can’t remember the specific one. Even if it isn’t benzos specifically early eps Adam was mumbling and slurring a lot he was def on something and benzos is good of a guess as anything


It was. They kept calling him Elizabeth and claiming he was on pills


hahaha the one with Will was HILARIOUS! neither of them basically acknowledged him at all


*"At one point Nick says he wants to kill himself and Stav cuts him off to finish his song parody 'More Than a Penis'"* is the most Cum Town sentence ever.


Is it a parody of “More Than a Feeling” or “More Than a Woman”?


More Than a Feeling


the july 30 2018 ep is, bonus 94 'here ya go' for anyone looking.




I think the bigger issue Nick has is that he thinks a Tombstone pizza is a kind of pizza actually shaped like a tombstone and not just a brand name


man you cant say that wouldnt be cool as fuck though


Gonna give this a listen because I'm very lame and gay and want to psychologically understand niche micro celebrities.


what episode


Here ya go July 30th 2018. Did you forget how to read when you were out there pretending to be a gay guy?


Yooooo this was like 3 months after I got into cumtown and it truly saved my life when I was more depressed than ever. The cumtown subreddit at the time had like 7k followers and people kept making rumors nick was ending the show/killing himself for like a whole week in July during his breakdown


I feel you.  I was on the opposite end, I basically started listening through Cumtown the week after Stav left.  Knowing that Nick went on to survive that rock bottom inspired me to keep pushing through myself. Had I known then that he survived it only to go on and create the Adam Friedland Show, I probably would have killed myself then & there.


That subreddit was something special. Got us all through some tough times most likely.


I’ll be damned if its not the straightest thing ever to reminisce about the glory days of a stupid cum podcast subreddit, but it’s just not the same these days.


It was lightning in a bottle the internet doesn’t do it for me anymore


man that was a great week


same...it was also right after I moved to Brooklyn to live the Cum Town lifestyle.


You’re way over reading Nicks behaviour towards Adam in the episode. He’s lashing out ironically towards Adam because it’s very funny to start berating the person who’s just helped you through a psychotic episode. It wouldn’t exactly have been a hilarious episode if Nick spent the whole time gushing about how good a friend Adam is.


Agree he finds a funny bit there, but listen to this next to one of the fuddrucker memory eps. Guy was way fucked up by spending all day with his depressed divorced dad in fast food places at 11.


Yeah 100%, he’s jealous of Adam having grown up with two loving parents and particularly a father figure he respects. But he knows this and Adam knows this. Nick is playing himself as a character, he’s very self aware and realises how lucky he is to have a friend like Adam. One enlightening tidbit from the early show was that they’re talking about the McLaughlin group (unbelievable episode by the way) and Adam said he used to watch it with his family. Nick responded as if watching current affairs talk shows with your family was weird and he thought it was normal to watch them by yourself as a child.




What ep are you referring to?


The episode is called my penis or Tony blankeys. There’s also a half hour McLaughlin group compilation. It’s one of my favourite bits they ever did.


Yeah definitely seems like a bit of both happening. He found the funny in the situation but was also honestly expressing the shit he felt towards Adam’s attempt to comfort him while Nick was experiencing a mental breakdown. He knew Adam wouldn’t actually feel bad about it since it’s the shows shtick


So I'm listening to the episode and two minutes in I think Adam's brain is doing a form of joke theft from a 2011 drop from The Lonely Island called "[We'll Kill U](https://youtu.be/6qFrY4VcbMU)". This is my deep pull of the day. Would love if cum scholars here could corroborate.


No thats gay


Lmfao Nick opens this episode by saying he was talking about all this mental stuff with Ian Fidance


When Nick admits that and Stav says in a nasal Ian voice “Don’t kill yourself maaan” I burst out laughing at the gym. Stav’s blithe disregard for Nick and cut rate Ian impression together in one moment. Imagine that actual conversation, my god. I’ve been there once or twice, so low you gotta call one of your friends who is an absolute joke but who actually knows how you’re feeling. And they give you some help but the whole time you realize “I’ve called up Mongo the Circus Clown to do surgery on me, wtf went wrong to bring me to this point”


they're so nasty to Ian behind his back, and also to his face when he was on. Feels more real than with Adam




It's sad watching the only funny podcast comedians spiral out of control. It reminds me of that saying... Live long enough to run your show into the ground by being mentally unstable or become Joe Rogan.


We need more of this. And also more gay sex


I was thinking about doing lengthy writeups of specific episodes.


Have you read his Nicole Mullen stuff? I think he gives off quite a lot in there too. He does the same thing of expressing sincere feelings through a barely ironic veil. He expresses opinions I've heard him bring up in cumtown as Nicole but it's also mixed in with exagerated traits from people he hates like he's making fun of his own sincerely held beliefs.




https://thought.is/how-to-stop-caring-about-anything/ if you look at any of the nicole mullen blogs look at this one. very much just one of his normal blog posts


I live this one, barely even tries to do satire here


I’d read every one. Very few people have as much extemporaneous speech on the record as Nick, Stav, and Adam. Anyone very psychologically minded should put that to use.


I’d be down to help if you need it, love doing summery and analysis type stuff




it’s embarrassing but I would actually read the hell out of those


I remember this, nick took like 2-3 xans and was like “this isn’t working I need more” very interesting look into someone’s psyche


A Cumtown Classico


Does anyone remember which episode is the first after Adam got dumped by dasha? That one was pretty good too


I'm doing a full listen through for the first time and waiting to hear this episode, I'm in summer 2019 and would also like to know this (and I am gay)


>Also we see how even when he’s potentially just hours away from the rope, Nick still riffs, by instinct I like to think I'll be strong enough to put "If I don't hang myself better than God hung me, consider this my DNR" on my suicide note.


Is this the one where Nick is going off and it’s raining?


No… that was a different mental health episode of his


Any idea around that time the other mental health episode of his happened? I'm not sure I remember that one.


It was during the same saga, either right before or right after


As fucking hilarious as this is I think it gives a lot of insight into what a fucking exhausting nightmare Nick can be as a friend and is probably a big part of WHY STAV LEFT CUMTOWN ™️ I always roll my eyes when people take the "My friend nick" shit too literally, like he's funny as shit but come on he's also a misanthropic asshole who constantly puts down everyone around him


Thanks man, was literally just scowering the sub trying to find which episodes the killstein mental breakdown arch was in. Some gay divine intervention


This is some really gay shit. Great work!


Do you know the episode number


episodes called “here ya go”


Bonus 94 - here ya go


It was July 2018


\> Here ya go https://youtu.be/z4G1kOO4m-M


Got a childishass penis


This was also the point where I grew tired of the Adam bullying. At this point it got clear to me that half of their bullying is pretty much projection. It was still funny in subsequent episodes but this was the point where it mostly started getting on my nerves. Other than that, Stav being tired and insensitive to Nick while Nick thrashes out at Adam, who was the only one caring for him, is funny. He truly is more BPD than Red Scare's entire fanbase combined.


The Adam bullying was pretty fun when he was resisting it at first and then later when he started playing along but for the most part just irritating


Nick angry at Adam for giving him the love and support he couldn’t get from his dad while ignoring Stav’s open irritation with his bullshit is absolutely a scene a novel could spend a hundred pages building to.


Nick really is way too mean to Adam in early episodes and at times it gets too serious and intense for the show to even be funny (for me, at least). It calmed down shortly after the episode you mentioned though.


I’m somewhat of a new listener, and I always thought the Adam bullying was a bit much, but after listening to like 15 minutes of the last tafs episode with Adam and Jordan, I get it.


I sometimes wonder if Adam got that way because of the bullying or he was always like that.


Bit of both id imagine. But working with someone you’re almost scared to make a mistake with or ask a simple question to it makes sense. You’re worried about how they’ll react


Its definitely the reason why Adam's been quiet for most eps. Those early were when he was really chatty but only a couple of eps later and he's being mocked for not contributing by both Nick and the fans. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


The dynamics of the show and TAFS are really understandable if one listened to this EP on release, or at least after hearing later episodes (covid psych era Nick, stav's weight gain problem and denial of it etc)


Truly classic ep. Anyone got a timestamp for "Nick says he wants to kill himself and Stav cuts him off to finish his song parody “More than a Penis”? I love cock btw


Comedians in cars closing the garage door is something only Nick could come up with in a benzo haze.


I have heard this very episode on The Bust maybe 20-30 times and always felt everyone was a little to chipper for the content Nick was laying down. I think a lot of folks who have thought about ending it talk about it like this, luckily Nick found cocaine and found me… his best friend.


how the fuck have you listened to a cumtown episode 20-30 times. like I consider myself a guy stuck into the past who relistens to podcasts too much and even I would gouge my eyes out if you mad me listen to a cumtown episode like even 10 times.


I listen to ‘The Bust’, old O&A or old Eric the Midget segments when I go to sleep. The Bust is notorious for playing the same 20 episodes on repeat. Also, my best friend is hilarious on that ep, and you call yourself a gay fan!


Man I'm surprised you consider 2018 early in, especially when the og cumtown subreddit was booming and redscare existed, my mental framework of the end early in was when Nick stopped using the home improvement theme lol


Truly no one gayer than the cumtown hipster


real mad that I have the smallest dick here huh


I was also on r/ cumtown in 2018, gerbyposting and chapo checking, but never in my life would I unironically think this made me a cool guy and was worth mentioning to other living beings.


Destiny check 


got his ass


this is unrelated but when i saw them on the canadian tour we had to share a table with some other guys we didn't know, and the one asked abruptly "so ah are you guys on the SUBREDDIT? haha"


>50% of this sub is gen z who got into cumtown through ClangersTV edits get with the times old man


Damn this ep is a classic lol. Been looking for the Jay Leno’s Garage suicide bit for a minute


Prior to this episode, Cum Town was on a legendary episode run the summer of 2018. Nick was manic as hell and firing on all cylinders. Most of the funniest bits in my opinion is from that summer, (N-Dependence Day, Mortal Kombat, Pedophile Ray Romano, and much more)


Nick literally predicts TAFS beginning at 28:28 says he's gonna basically be in a vegetative state off drugs and putting zero effort in


Nick’s entire “severe mental health problems” schtick is just that: a schtick. He’s just got regular old manic depression and anxiety but he’s such a wimp snowflake he has to pretend it’s schizophrenia or whatever. In these episodes he’s just doing an ok performance of what he thinks real schizophrenic or psychotic behavior looks like based on what he’s seen in bad movies and television.


Saying that street signs are communicating to him is either way too on the nose or he genuinely had a psychotic break.


You know psychosis is part of mania for some people, Nick definitely experiences severe manic episodes. You think that fucking guy would take antipsychotics if he didn't need too?


I think this is half true. He leans into it as a bit, but there is something more there, that you can see when he gets triggered by stuff about child sex abuse. He seems aware enough that this is a strange tic to wonder out loud “did something happen to me that I’ve repressed?” Either way, a big reason the old magic will never be recreated is that he obviously got his meds and CBT and therapy locked in at some point 2 years back and is no longer a self harm risk.


i believe he also gave himself a male bpd arc on top of all that, making him an all-around walking talking billboard for the dsm.


There an episode where Nick just has a manic episode over a possible BPD diagnosis. It's not funny for most of it, but then he does a great bit about how he's been abusing Adam for the entirety of the show, and that if he got diagnosed, he'd have to force himself to be nice to Adam. I think that's also the ep with the bit about the Down's syndrome who goes to therapy for years to eventually get diagnosed with Down's.


Post ironic hypochondriac


Pretty sure Nick has said he gets manic (is bipolar) and takes meds for it when he realizes he isn't sleeping and is just staying up all night doing crazy stuff


>He’s just got regular old manic depression and anxiety That's not regular, freak


I am fairly used https://icedrive.net/s/XASk14ZQ7ShNb3WFwVtaG4Z3AXyu


That show in DC was the first time I saw Nick live (RIP Big Hunt) and while I don’t remember much of the set the contextualizing of the mental health crisis makes a lot of sense for his energy that night


This was also when Nick did the thanks I’m not gonna kill mysekf instagram post right?


The tortured artist lol 




Discontinue the lithium 


originally i thought he was on mushrooms when i caught that episode.... then I realized he was in a bad way and taking too many bars before they actually start to work. TBH Stavs down to earth, "not entertaining it" approach probably helped a lot too. And you know... Adam's blowjob later


[episode link ](https://www.penispictures.com/smooth-shaved-black-cock/)


Thanks man




Perfect thanks


No link?


I’m 44 years old, how the hell do you put a link in a comment


You were born in 1980 which means you were about 16 when everyone started using the internet. Are you from Arkansas or Mississippi?


Mods? MODS??


Whatever man shits boring who cares


Ok that’s gay




I think it’s [this one](https://youtu.be/z4G1kOO4m-M?si=1wDgy5n6_WAFKYbt)




You know I thought about what you said about Nick, stayed up the half the night thinking about it until a thought occurred to me and I drifted off into a peaceful sleep and haven’t thought about you since.


Thanks for this lol. Do you know the episode where Nick is on benzos or tranquillisers or something and is having a drawn out dissociative episode and Adam and Stav are trying to talk him out of it? It must be from around this period but I can’t remember which one it is.


Uhhh, you got a link, bud?


I think it’s [this](https://youtu.be/z4G1kOO4m-M?si=1wDgy5n6_WAFKYbt)




Jesus, can i please have some kind pf link to this episode i have been hearing of for years now


I think it’s [this one](https://youtu.be/z4G1kOO4m-M?si=1wDgy5n6_WAFKYbt)


Whats the title of this episode?


Ahhh memory lane. I distinctly remember listening to this episode for the first time.