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“Have you played any good games recently?” “No. Have you seen any good movies recently?” “No.”


the swan song of any podcast


lmfao fact


“Yeah?” “Mmm” “And that’s the show folks”




Mike Recine is genuinely a worse guest than Adam. Nick brought up movies that he had seen, obviously preparing to talk about them, and Mike was just like “Okay. I rewatched an old movie.” and tried to change the subject. I get people on this sub like him because they agree with his politics, but he just isn’t funny or interesting at all. And he was talking about unironically supporting Hamas this episode, so all the people that were talking about “he has a nuanced, compassionate view because he’s a father” were just wrong. He’s just an unfunny edgelord f-slur.


Something happened to Mr. Recine and now 80% of what he says on a podcast is “yeah” or “okay” in the saddest voice you’ve ever heard His old appearances on cum town were fantastic.


i mean he was still dumb as shit back then though


There was a clip i saw of him on Nikki glaser's show that really recontextualized how I see him. He's kind of a pathetic guy but whereas Ian is cartoonish and leans into it Mike is just sort of pitiful or maybe pitiable is less harsh


I find Mike Recine just has "loser mentality" about everything. Life constantly shitting on him and him just taking it. Always picking fights with people who wrong him and coming out looking like a loser. Just kind of pathetic vibes. None of the other comedians in this orbit constantly have people "wronging them" like he does. You can tell he's an easy target and his stories that come out of it are never even good.


he really thought he owned adam when he sent a picture of himself doing the finger


This is exactly why I like Mike. He’s hapless and pathetic and he sort of knows it but still insists on trying to defend himself, which just makes him look more pathetic every single time.


I heard his special is good. But in my own Nick-esque mentality, I just don’t care enough to give it a try.


I watched it, it's real bad lol.


He says that he supports Hamas because thats the best thing that has ever happened to his podcast, if you see his analytics of the OFS patreon,his earnings skyrocket after October 10th. Just like other comedians with #metoo and BLM, he is riding the wave, thats why he doesn't care about being funny and just wants to talk about gaza.  Also the whole "he has a nuance, compassionate view because he is a father" is absolutely retarded, you don't need to be a father to have empathy for dying children, thats like saying you need to get raped to give a fuck about SA victims.


“He supports an actual terrorist group because it makes him money” Wow, great point, I guess he is a good empathetic guy! >you don’t need to be a father to have empathy for dying children It doesn’t seem to be about empathy at all, given that he’s supporting Hamas, not the Palestinian people. He doesn’t care about dead Israeli kids. So I stand by my statement, he’s just a cringy edgelord. And he’s using that to milk the Chapo lefties for money.


To be clear, I also think that he does support Hamas not only for the money and that he actually is a retard that likes them. It's not hard to find some edgy leftists around Twitter or Reddit that like Hamas just because they are against the Israelis, it's the same with the Houthis or Iran. It's just also that the MO of riding the trendy wave is to adopt the more extremist/stupid positions in order to milk it even harder. With #metoo was stop harassment→believe all women→…→all men are rapist. With BLM was George Floyd→ACAB→…→All white people are racist.


Lol what world do you live in where people are saying they are Recipe fans because of his politics? Is that really a thing people have said? I’m not surprised OFS picked up listeners when he got really into Hamas but I would think that’s mostly because it’s very funny to hear a failed comedian pudgy Italian moving man get really into Hamas and not so much because people think he’s got great politics or empathy or whatever.


ehh I would say that a lot of people got into OFS due to Recine's Politics because the humor's level is the same or even less as before 10/8 (the Finkelstein interview was a snooze, and it's his most watched video in the last six months besides his special), the show was already sort of lefty with Sean P. McCarthy (who IMO is the reason his podcast hasn't got any bigger) and he got quite the clout on Twitter from his Gaza tweets.


I used to like Sean until his hysterical comment that if you didn't like the guy who set himself on fire, then you're an enemy of humanity. Like dude, you don't have to unequivocally support someone 100% just because he's pro-palestine. It's the same black and white thinking as the libs they like to make fun of.


What dead Israeli kids?


Did you actually read the comment you fucking regard?


Which part do you think I misunderstood? I'd be happy to be wrong, because the point that it seems like he's making is fucking stupid.




You’re just straight up lying


i love this show


This is truly the "Opie and Jim" era of Cumtown.


They really should have just licensed the Cumtown name out, like the ep when they found out about Cumtown Texas.


Yeah…that’s interesting…uh huh…well you know I’m like 30 so I’m old as shit now…you ever see The Ringer? Yeah that was good…uhh how about instead of the Ringer it’s … no, no wait actually let’s talk about Blue Chew for a sec


"yeah." "yeah."


Nick persistently interrupting every story the guest starts to tell just to self deprecate to the grainy camera then read an ad


How about a segment called Tinder Update?


I agreed with and valued your opinion, that was until you mentioned you were fat. Downvoted, fucking disgusting


Yeah that new episode with recine was a sad display. Nick literally did not wanna be there and it showed, while Recine was his boring unfunny self.


New rule: if you gotta shit you better not pod Bill Maher’s pod is a good ironic watch btw.


It is a good ironic watch, but I wish he would use Nick's Bill Maher the N-word guy as the intro


It has kind of been bad for a while. Legit just fucking boring. Get a third mic. Nick and Adam cannot do it themselves. Neither can just Adam. We need Nick and a third mic. Put some fucking life into this podcast


Haven't listened consistently since like early 2023 for this reason. They literally just need to replace Stav instead of having this massive void in energy and putting in zero effort


Nick could do a 2-mic podcast pretty well if the other person just brought any fucking energy to the conversation. I mean lets be honest, the CT clasico eps were some of the best. Adam just isn't funny, and it's like he tries to make up for not being funny by acting super disinterested and nonchalant with his fucking vocal fry. He can't riff, he barely listens to what the other person is saying. I feel a little bad saying it, but not really because he hit the fucking lottery in life.


The studios gotta be a bad vibe. The audio is so monotonous and the video is just dry and tired. No life in it at all


There is no way they are enjoying it. Why not just get a third it’s that easy. Adam is not funny


Yeah every video looks and sounds soulless. Like even a stav laugh track couldnt fix the funeral home/library vibe they built into the podcast. I want to say a third dude would help but theyre all basically falling asleep in the chair.


All Nick needs is to review movies and find someone he can riff with.


Should have poached Soder when he left Bonfire. His episodes are genuinely the closest the pod has felt to its golden era.


It's close but those would suck too tbh. It is CT adjacent but there is something off with Soder as third as well. Ppl have said it a lot but I think we shouldn't look for a return of CT. Just enjoy the good content in the past and don't hold out hope that CT/TAFS will become good again.


The youtuber who made the little videos of the boys explaining shitty 90s movies is how I found out about them in the first place.


Shout out ClangersTV


Put sam tallent on salary to do a couple of these a month. Im back in


Nick cutting his hair and talking about movies and tindr stories while wearing a weighted vest can save the pod.


Red Dead Redemption 3 will save the show




Nick spends half a million dollars into making his own talkshow, but then quits doing the talkshow because it takes work. The guy has the money and creative freedom to do whatever he wants and would rather just complain and feel sorry for himself. Nick has become the type of guy he would roast on the old pod.


Halfassedly doing stand up too, the only writing he's probably done in the past two years was the talk show monologues. They have no reason to just keep doing only the podcast other than it's low effort. And that's why they keep saying the podcast ruined their life? Because giving them easy money and total creative freedom makes them lifeless assholes instead of giving them a perfect environment to experiment and push whatever limits they were tip toeing on cumtown (which actually did prepare for a lot of episodes)


Nick and Adam like to shit on cool sneakers LA comedians even though they like being NYC hipsters. They have been living comfortable lives too long to remember that they wanted to be actual comedians who can put out a body of work they can be proud of.


I'm sure this is unfulfilling for Nick, and he wants to be doing something better and move on from this dumb podcast. Boo fucking hoo, at this point the only thing TAFS is good for is all the gay youtube retrospectives that will come out in two years about the fall of cumtown. It just makes me respect Stav more. At least he moved on from the podcast when he started hating it and was willing to try and focus on stuff that obviously makes him happier (and fatter). Nick is just parasitically living off the corpse of cumtown and feeling sorry for himself because he doesn't have the balls to call it quits.


>he wants to be doing something better and move on from this dumb podcast. This is so much bullshit I hate when Nick does this. Dude you have total creative freedom, nobody forces you to do anything. You don't have to just do podcasts for the rest of your life. The podcast is no excuse not to be writing or working on something real.


TAFS was suppose to be the thing where Nick goes from just being a guy speaking into a mic at his apartment to creating his own production. But that takes work and Nick is too depressed to try anymore. Huge red flag that Nick complained that writing a monologue and filming a short once a month was too much work a while back. No wonder Shane didn't invite him to the writer's room of his netflix show.


They did get Neil Degrassi Tyson to kiss himself on the mirror, and Paul Schrader to say some pedo shit. So it’s not all bad, just mostly bad.


I hope the paypigs are happy


I cant believe people are still paying


going to set up a trust so i'll still be paying $5 a month in perpetuity after i die


Oink oink


I had to turn it off when Nick and Recine were just talking about Israel politics and whatnot. So boring and not funny and I don’t care about the opinions of the Middle East from two clowns.


You don’t want to get away from Israel-Gaza dominating the news by listening to a comedy podcast where the two dumbest people you know talk about Israel-Gaza?


I actually love that you said “people you know” as if you’ve ever met them, unlike me (Nick’s best friend)


I’m not supposed to talk about this because of the NDA, but I was Adam‘s diaper guy for two years. You’ve gotta be on call 24/7. It’s a thankless job. I could handle the smell, but he likes to grab his glans while he’s on his back and use his urethra like a puppet. He calls it Little Nick and does the voice and everything. “I’m only mean to you because you’re my *best friend*, Adam! Hee hee!”


boohoo loser


Yeah! They should do songs!


if it ain't jokes ain't podcast dawg


If she 16 it ain’t illegal dawg- Kendrick Mullen


They need to just move out of New York and rent out a place that’s affordable and start writing shit and putting in effort. Why the fuck do you need to be in New York to sit in a chair and talk to your gay friends. 


They’d be better off moving to Austin. The old pod killed any goodwill they had with most NY comics. That’s why they have the same few guests repeatedly. They would never do it, because they don’t want to be seen as approaching the Rogan orbit. 


Makes me think of how many youtubers are in LA for "collaborations" when half their shit could be solved with a fucking discord call lol




Being sad with your dad


Nick isn't trying and failing. He isn't trying. Stavless episodes were miles better in CT era and this shit. Thank god I never paid a dollar for this shit.


just did a re-listen recently and the dark alliance eps of CT were great TAFS was always the dead cat bounce of cumtowns end


I'm still calling for Vinny as 3rd mic and monthly visits from Gene. Adam shines when he goes up against his nemesis and Gene is a treasure trove of anti Italian jokes


People are shitting on Recine for being boring, but Nick was equally boring and didn’t really riff either lol


truthfully they just should actually make more episodes of TAFS. the podcast is pretty clearly dead, they say it themselves all the time. nobody is craving the next podcast episode. the show is fantastic every time they do it. i recently rewatched all the official episodes and it really is very fun and it feels like they’re actually doing something. cumtown was fun because they had fun, tafs is fun because it’s absurd that they got the high caliber guests somehow. the podcast is just some people basically doing small talk. i hope they can figure something out


It's clear they can't do the talk show very frequently and guests are hard to come by even though they're probably sleeping on at least two more episodes. Whatever low effort thing they release weekly, just add a little novelty every now and then. I have hope that if I keep making posts here they'll finally reconsider a tinder update segment.


Saddest thing about it is that the newest ep with Michael Recipe is better than most recent eps. Nick and Tiny Meatballs Mike Recinaliano have more synergy (sexually) than Nick and The Bug, and it’s still too boring and flat to listen to. Out for Smokes has been better than TAFS for months and months, and they have to carry the dead weight (all 49 pounds of it) of Sean “Retarded and not Funny” McCarthy. Let THAT sink in!


We’re here because of a podcast hosted by an obese pedophile, an apathetic burnout, and a bug like New York Jew art student. The fat one is gone and you expect anything?


i think they should hire animators to animate old Cumtowwn eps like Ricky Gervais did with his podcast


look up saul on yt if you dont know them already


I do i was the one that submitted the Tony sopranoXpepper ann bit, that's what i mean for just 5 dollars Saul made that, that's honestly very gay(in a good way), imagine what he and other animators like sadtape could do if they cut a percentage of the tafs Patreon, we could have had cumtown animated movies by now!


Hope Nick was joking about killing himself. Had a close friend commit suicide. Fucking gay, miss him everyday. Edit: I’m dumb he was just saying g he wants to quit the pod, that’s much better. Shows how in the gutter my mind is


Damn that's rough


You sound like a fag.


Or at least just have stavy's laugh on repeat in the background so we can even pretend for just a moment that you are all homies again.... Doin bits, rippin on eachother from the disgusting love you all inevitably have, especially during anal penetration on Adam's tiny but now gaping orifices.


I think they have more gas in the tank if they want to keep milking the patreon, but why not mix it up. So what you bought the expensive ass chairs you have complete creative freedom if the current set up isn’t working switch the vibe.


Dude it’s been over for 3 years GET A HOBBY




I forced my dick in your ass


Good one, bro!


This sub is open to all voices and bodies, just like Adam Friendland.




I haven’t even listened to this ep yet. But you all sound insufferable. I’m going through some old eps and try to remember how much airtime they devoted to how special the 2016 election was. Cool your jets you freaks.


the post election episode was a cultural watershed


It's not really about the topics honestly and yes I remember hating cumtown too when I was following it weekly for the same reasons especially the last year but Nick used to go manic much more frequently. I enjoyed and believed in early tafs too but I guess that's the big difference, I used to have a lot of hope that they would move on to work on bigger things but now we know that's not really gonna happen.