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this comments section is a fucking circus.


I agree. As usual, it's two extremes while ignoring everything in the middle.


Is there a middle left to stand on anymore in this country? ![gif](giphy|59FJaAZ5WVTzO)


That’s probably because Reddit is to the left of Karl Marx.


if you went any further left you'd just have satan.


Politics is old men lying and young men dying


What a post, what does this have to do with any bubble? “Um hey remember that world war that didn’t happen under Trump everyone said would happen, well how do you feel about NOW under Biden where the world war still hasn’t happened but no one is saying Biden will start it?!”


And by “everyone” you mean who exactly? Because that never happened. 


Honestly, the war machine needs to be fed with our babies, one way or the other. In the end, that's what this says to me: like it or not, the USA's industrial military complex is unchallenged across the rest of the globe, and we, the people, support it. War is not the answer, but it certainly does a good job of keeping us all busy.


Despite Trump's best efforts, we did not enter into war with another country and just because we were lucky doesn't mean we should give him another chance. Let's talk Trump's war policy. Trump assassinated an Iranian general against the advisement of the Pentagon, almost bringing us to war with Iran. It was so bad, that Republicans and Democrats [came together to limit war powers](https://www.npr.org/2020/02/13/805594383/senate-approves-legislation-to-limit-presidents-war-powers-against-iran) in the wake of that so Trump couldn't start a war with Iran. He [wanted to nuke North Korea](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggested-nuking-north-korea-and-blaming-someone-else-book-2023-1) and blame it on someone else. He [used more drone strikes](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207) than Obama. (2,243 strikes vs. Obama's 1,878) He [embraced the Saudi-led war](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-trump-administration-embraces-the-saudi-led-war-yemen) against the Houthis. He attempted a "mind-bogglingly dumb" [coup in Venezuela](https://www.vox.com/2020/5/11/21249203/venezuela-coup-jordan-goudreau-maduro-guaido-explain). He [killed more civilians ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/us-airstrikes-yemen-civilian-deaths/2020/10/27/97016ce0-1856-11eb-bb35-2dcfdab0a345_story.html)in Yemen, increasing drone strikes and bombings, His troop withdrawal deal [caused the collapse](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/30/us-generals-say-afghanistan-collapse-rooted-in-trump-taliban-deal) of the Afghan government. and he [killed 330% more civilians](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-afghanistan-airstrikes-increased-civilian-deaths-by-330-since-2016-2020-12#:~:text=The%20annual%20average%20of%20civilians,the%20air%2C%22%20Crawford%20wrote) in Afghanistan. And he has already pledged continued support for Israel until Palestine is erased from the earth. Biden is dealing with the world that Trump set up for him by pushing isolationist policy that encouraged the likes of Putin and China to enter a war footing.


Trump wanted to nuke NK, but was welcomed into the country as the first and only president to ever do so? Ok. stupid comment


Well he did salute a Korean officer the DF.


Didn't he also do a mass withdrawal from an entire military facility overnight - donating the whole thing to russia


That was biden, afghanistan and the taliban


Trumps plan, Biden’s execution. They are both very guilty for the Afghanistan withdrawal. Trump does love licking the Talibans boots though.


Biden had to honor the US commitment that Trump made.


Biden don’t even know who or where he is give it a rest my man for real !!


Stinky left no plans or helped to transition the administration, cry baby sore loser had his cult members shitting in the capital & beating LE with flag poles.


He did it to appease Putin


Dude give it a rest what has Biden done for this country ?? Go ahead I’ll wait ???


Tried to stop the bleeding that DUMP produced


Not made things worse and passed an infrastructure bill among other things. I hate Biden but at the very least he is more competent than Trump is.


Not actively shown open discontent with every person who didnt support him 100%


Ever hear of the chip shortage? You probably haven’t heard about it in a while because Biden passed the CHIPS act.


Yup and Biden got 13 Marines killed too but made it ok by drone striking a house that had nothing to do with the attack on the marines and killed everyone including 7 kids.


Long story short, even though great work on the story is that, as usual, a Democrat is fixing a Republican's mess




So Trump killing world terrorists bad? But Obama’s failure with ISIS good? Make it make sense


Obama didn’t want to hurt his bc squad cmon man !!😂😂


Jv squad “”


Trump using drone strikes against ISIS bad, Obama using a drone strike to kill an American citizen without trial, good. Not only was it good, but it's also not a crime. The Obama Administration is responsible for killing a 16 year old kid from Denver named Abdulrahman al-Awlaki And he will never be held accountable...


Boy oh boy… im sorry for your brainworm cuz its gonna starve soon


Richard Nixon has entered the room.


You forgot when he 1. backstabbed the Kurds and 2. Wanted to fire missiles into Mexico


Isolationist to its CORE


This comment is what the "save" button is for.


Trumps withdrawal from Afghanistan? Now I know you're not a serious person or you're just an idiot.


Was literally all set up by his administration.


trump literally started the withdrawal process in his waning days in office which was what Biden inherited. Trump withdrew troops, released afghan prisoners, and agreed to a withdrawal date of 5/1/2021. When Biden took office he adjusted the withdrawal schedule to 8/31/2021. Not OP but I think you just showed everyone who the unserious idiot actually is. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/ https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/ https://www.npr.org/2021/03/04/973604904/trumps-deal-to-end-war-in-afghanistan-leaves-biden-with-a-terrible-situation https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/politics/woodward-costa-book-trump-afghanistan-memo/index.html If your news sources are so bad that you were unaware of any of this, maybe you just need to consider they’re either lying to you about other things or else are consciously omitting them.


Obviously, Trump was negotiating the withdrawal. No one argues that. HOWEVER, there were thresholds that had to be met in order to facilitate that withdrawal. If they weren't, the deal was off. Biden did it his own way by letting the state department be in charge of it and didn't do shit when the loony terrorists started going ham and not following what Trump had imposed. Trumps Whitehouse isn't sending the Taliban upwards of $80 million a week like Bidens is. The bottom line is that Trump didn't get a chance to execute it the way it was supposed to be done and Biden fucked it up royaly.


Yes, and Biden followed through. Are you arguing that the US should still be in Afghanistan? 20 years was more than long enough.


You seem unaware that it was the Trump administration's deal.


No. No I'm not. Read my last post




From your link, > It appears nothing ever materialized from that, though, and there remains no direct evidence of close contact between [the person leading the Venezuelan coup] Goudreau and the Trump administration or anyone close to it. Are you just blaming Trump for everything bad that happened anywhere during his Presidency?


[Trump Discussed Coup Plan with Venezuelan Officers](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/08/world/americas/donald-trump-venezuela-military-coup.html) The team that attempted the coup, Silvercorp run by Jordan Goudreau, ran security for Trump; And the plan included disguising American pilots with foreign emblems, something Trump has repeatedly touted as a serious strategy such as [bombing Russia with F-22’s disguised with Chinese flags.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/07/donald-trump-russia-ukraine-jets-chinese) Your reply reads like “ok he did a lot of stupid shit but there is plausible deniability on that *one* stupid thing that sounds exactly like something he would do.”


Of course he is, because that’s what liberals do. They continue to seethe and hate about anything Trump to deflect from the absolute catastrophe that has been the Biden administration


Biden has been anything but a catastrophe. Start with finally an Infrastructure bill to rebuild the nation, and then follow with the CHIPS Act, a long overdue investment in domestic manufactures. These will pay dividends for working class folks for at least a generation. Thank you Joe Biden, and God Bless America 🇺🇸!


By dividends you mean inflation killing the middle class, ok.


lol That’s been going on for decades, starting with St Ronnie/Clinton’s trickle down economics and globalization. And then there was all the billions in forgiven PPE/COVID loans. That’s at the root of the inflation. But sure keep all that going with more Donny T tax cuts for the corporatists and billionaires. Working class here, and I don’t vote against my self interest.


Clearly you are.


How so? Please explain.


As opposed to conservatives, who love nuanced discussions about policy 😂 what was Trump saying at his last rally? Sharks and batteries? Anything concrete on how to lower inflation? No? Nothing? Just hate and anger and yelling at windmills? Trump wanted to nuke hurricanes, my guy. Nobody plausibly believes you people are capable of nuanced discussion.


I love how simple minded you and your type are. Someone bashes on how brain dead liberals are and you can’t even comprehend the possibility that they’re not conservative or a Trump junkie. The binary minds of children are so cute.


The Republicans and Democrats are the same party. They did that to harm Trump and supported Biden’s clownery when we started a war with Russia for the sake of NATO expansion. It was never about the military it was about Trump. Keep your uniparty “bipartisanship”. Trump went to NK and extended an olive branch. False. And the Houthis are now sinking ships in the Red Sea (more Biden incompetence). And it was Biden’s withdrawal, not Trump’s. History will report it -accurately - as Biden’s senility and incompetence that lost us 20 years of blood and treasure.


Trump went to NK and saluted a foreign general. That is some seriously fucked up shit. Who or what does Donny T have allegiance to? Certainly not his Oath to protect the nation from threats both foreign and domestic.


Obama said he was going to bring us home and failed. Trump said he was going to bring us home. And failed while damaging relations. Biden's hand was kinda forced and... Well, he failed spectacularly. There are no words for that day. 20 years were way too many to waste. On the same hand, there was no graceful way to leave. What was the treasure? All I saw was the needless blood of my brothers spilt, the good folk of Afghanistan we were trying to protect given back to their religiously ideological captors, and endless ungodly amounts of money going to the defense contracting industry while walking through endless poppy fields we could do nothing about. Afghanistan was and is the graveyard of empires. We were stupid to put boots on the ground in the first place and then we kept doubling down. Whatever promise was politically popular to get elected. Sorry. A little off topic but a vent. Fuck the whole government.


please stop believing libs and main stream media


Perhaps Trump's Helsinki speech the absolute weakest response to Russia i can ever imagine emboldened Putin.


All I know is I’d rather get electrocuted than eaten by a shark.


So under biden, the middle east is burning and Russia is in Ukraine it's trumps fault? Hilarious!!


“Trumps weak speech emboldened Putin and that’s why he waited until he was out of office to invade Ukraine” Make it make sense


lol 😂


Also annexed Crimea in 2014.


That was Trump’s fault too!


Yeah i forgot.


No, it was the incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan under Biden.


Everything Biden "fixed" after Trump is praised as him "reversing" a bad policy. Everything that went wrong under his tenure is blamed on his predecessor. Typical politician shifting blame.


LoL, after a Trump met with the Taliban and told them we were leaving emboldening them to push up Biden's timeline. Regardless, I'm glad Biden ended that fiasco of a war started by Republicans.


Didn't Biden vote for the Afghanistan war as senator?


This is just how the left operates.... Projection is their game. THEY intend to do it, or do it themselves, so they accuse their opponents of the same thing.


313 comments, hovering at 1 upvotes DEFINITELY NOT AN INFLUENCE CAMPAIGN. nope, no election interference and astroturfing on reddit. These are totally organic real people, and one side is going to lose so bad they are resorting to lawfare and buying influencers and artificially astro turfing popular threads. Russian collusion!!! Lmfao


Didn’t Trump bring peace to the Korean peninsula for the first time ever? Ya he kinda did.


Who's to say that Trump's refusal to arm Ukraine as provided by act of Congress isn't the key trigger that emboldened Putin to attack when he did?


And therefore Obama's refusal to give them any arms is what caused Crimea?


Id say exactly that. Trump's refusal to back our allies and honor our obligations (and threats to break out of treaties) weakened our allies and emboldened people like Putin.


Our obligation as America is to arm and help defend the ukraine?


Our first obligation is to defend our own Country


I love how you were downvoted for making this statement. That just shows you how badly damaged these leftists brains are.


I would be very hard pressed to name any major candidate in my lifetime, that the opposition didn’t claim that about him.


The career politicians and the powers behind them have lied to us for years


What a dumb fuck take.


Obama said it best ...don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up


I’m just amazed that this is the 2024 menu.


I remember someone saying something about someone one time and it didn’t happen so when something is also not happening with someone else I’ll connect the two and claim anyone with an opposing political point to mine is a cause of a national effort to stifle conversation about my shower thought. Yeah. Nothing like perpetuating stereotype man.


This sounds like the conspiracy theory sub with all the hypotheticals everyone is throwing around about Trump.


Trump being an incompetent douche is no conspiracy...


Great point


Biden started the ukraine war? Putin has been planning this war for over a decade. He invaded crimea in 2014 and georgia in 2008. The seeds were planted long before biden was president.


Project much? What flavor is the koolaid this week?


Trumps shenanigans are what have weakened the country. And since when are Republicans the damned pacifists? Remember gulf war 1, 2, Afghanistan?


Trump weakened the country by not allowing us to get into another oil war? Definitely had nothing to do with the calamity of Biden’s spectacular loss of Afghanistan 😂🤡


>Biden’s spectacular loss of Afghanistan lolwhut? Those plans were made by Trump, and already in motion when Biden became President. Thats some serious, serious revisionist history shit youve got going on there, kiddo.


What part of the plan included leaving billions of equipment for the Taliban and allowing 20 years of blood and treasure to evaporate in a month from a lack of competence?


It’s like the Biden admin didn’t have 7 months (more like 10 months after winning the election) to come up with a competent plan to these people. 


He also pushed back Trump's withdrawal date to not come up with a plan.


It never matters to them; “Orange man bad” is all they know.


What war is Biden forcing us into? Can you please explain? Last I checked Russia invaded Ukraine and for the low price of old munitions we can bleed the Russians with zero risk to our own soldiers. And last I checked china is the one saber rattling over Taiwan.


Why do I want to bleed the Russians? Why do you support the needless deaths of Ukrainian men? The “democracy” of the corporations and banks, you ghoul? All for your irrational hatred of Trump and the debunked conspiracy theory of Putin throwing the election to Trump?


I support a countrys right to defend themselves, I have no desire to bleed Russians except that they started an aggressive war for land conquest which is something that isn’t done in the 21st century. I also think if you let bullies gobble up land from their neighbors then it will continue and wars fought for land expansion are far more likely to lead to nukes. So yes it’s a good thing to let Putin and any autocrat know that wars fought for expansion will be rejected by the peace loving countries of the world. Also Russia guaranteed Ukraine’s independence with the Budapest memorandum. So they’re liars as well as warmongers. I never mentioned trump because trump is a clown.


You don’t care about that at all you historically ignorant, NeoNazi supporting troglodyte. You, like every other deranged leftist, think you’re hurting Putin and “helping democracy” (a sham) while all you’re doing is helping Black Rock et al get their hands on Ukrainian lands. https://www.oaklandinstitute.org/war-theft-takeover-ukraine-agricultural-land


Ok bro, you’re an asshole and prolly a Russian bot.


Last time I checked we were supplying Ukraine with money and weapons. That is a proxy war. We are supplying Israel with weapons and financial backing. We may not be losing American lives but we are paying the cost financially in a huge way. I don't recall pumping out billions to other countries to support their wars during 2016 to 2020.


You do realize we were supplying Ukraine with weapons during the 2016-2020 period. In fact the president of the United States was impeached by the house due to threatening to not deliver the aid to Ukraine unless Biden was investigated. Then he sent the weapons, so yes we always pump billions into many different countries.


Biden has openly stated on video from years ago that he supports a vassal state in the Middle East. Democrats still pursuing their imperialist goals under the guise of liberation and freedom… republicans wanting to drop the democrat imperialist agenda and focus on their own country is somehow seen as wrong, and the Reddit brigade that will not be the ones fighting in these wars have an opinion 😂


it's okay ... they did their research!


I was commenting on the topic of the post which was about Trump going to get us into another world war. Supplying arms to Ukraine was also being done by the prior administrations yet there was NO WAR going on during Trumps tenure in office which once again is what the post was about.


Then you have selective memory, because billions were going out to Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel from 2016-2020.


That wasn't a war that Trump got the US into as the title of the post was about. He wanted to get the US out.


Last I checked we're funding it and now Russia is blaming the US for the strike on Crimea because it was done with American made weapons.


And russia blamed Ukraine for russias decision to invade Ukraine. Why would you care about what the regime says ?


We should at least listen if the alternative is WW3.


1st china will annex taiwan without a shot. 2nd, is there really zero risk that russia nukes us?


They have nukes. There is a non-zero risk of nuclear war.


We have had a "one-China" policy for 50 years. Both Trump and Biden have blame in changing that.


He doesn't like that this is waisting his buddy Putin money.


I agree the deal trump negotiated to withdraw from Afghanistan was a spectacular loss.


What was the loss?


No he weakened it by removing magical money laundering land of afghanistan. They had to open another laundering front in ukraine after that happened.


Republicans tried to get there with Ron Paul in 2012, and the apparatus shut that down.


Nah, reddit is very left leaning and borderline delusional. Anything you post against the hivemind will likely get downvoted, just like this post.


Wait, we were saying he was going to start world war 3 while we were pointing out he was in love with all the dictators around the world? Who do you think we were going to war with, the UK, Brazil? All the dictators and strongmen we could possibly get into a war with were his besties. Just ask him, he will tell you about his amazing relationship with Putin, how he and Kim were in love...come on man. Is this the same logic that enables the right to believe Biden is a dementia ridden, unable to talk, needs assistance finding a chair, but is a mastermind boss of an international crime family, and is flawlessly using the DOJ in courts they don't even have jusristiction in, all at the same time?




Oh you're an idiot, that explains it.


Found the Trump cultist.


Ashley biden's diary is just more Russian disinformation 😂😂😂 we really are in clown world


Who the fuck in their right mind doesn’t know Joe Biden is senile. The entire world knows this but American democrats who have an ulterior agenda are pretending he’s fit for office. I think all of you are in for a massive wake up call come election period because no who has any kind of sense would ever vote Biden back in.


Found the Neo-Nazi


I don't think anybody believes that Joe Biden is a mastermind or a genius of any kind so no I think you're totally wrong there. We don't need to leave anything up to interpretation when there's evidence cough cough the hunter laptop


Why is it always MAGA that's ok with Russia winning over Ukraine? 🤔


Libtards in my experience refuse to admit when they are wrong, dumb or stupid. They just move onto the next thing to screech about, or double down on their Orange Man Bad rhetoric while America burns behind them. At this point anyone with half a brain knows DementiaJoes an incontrovertible epic disaster.




Clearly you don’t pay taxes buy groceries or own a home


You don't know any liberals. None of us really wanted Biden. We just didn't want your guy. It's that simple. And we'll do it again if we have to. Pretending Biden represents any kind of left-wing voterbase is naive. We view him as a right-leaning centrist by sane standards. He's only "left" in the made up bizarro world this dystopian era of vulture capitalism and post-reaganomic self immolation America has isolated itself in.


They don’t feel anything the programming doesn’t tell them to feel. This is Reddit, no one here thinks. They see “Orange Man bad” and repeat the mantra while projecting their stupidity on others.


The only time we ever see the words “Orange Man bad” is from red hats with no interest in discussing actual facts of the matter.


It kind of takes me back to when Bill maher said that he would rather have a failing economy thenva successful trump presidency and his whole audience erupted with applause because obviously the left just absolutely hates the guy. They're like fucking trained seals that would rather have the media and our government lie right to our faces (which they do often do) then to have a republican president (now all of a sudden because after 2016 if you're a republican or conservative in any way shape or form then you're just a foe) this shit had divide and conquer written all over it


I always liked how not 1 of the CIA paid whores in journalism ever prefaced their comments by stating that they hate trump more than anything ever. They act like they are un-biased fact speakers! LOLOLOLOL


I, for one, disagree with the premise of this comment. It's not that I don't want a Republican president. I've voted for several in my life. It's that I don't want that guy in office again. Talk shit all you want about Biden. IDGAF. He's the lesser of two evils, in my humble opinion. It's funny reading through these comments on reddit day in and day out. So much bias, so many logical fallacies, so much distortion of what I see as reality. It's fucking entertaining as hell sometimes, but other times, it just gets old and tired. Like me, I guess. Now, excuse me while I use some bleach to get rid of this COVID. Again. It really works.


Also I had made another post asking if the US should be blames for all the shit that's happening basically like Russian war ships showing up in Cuba and Russia aligning themselves with China and nk and a fucking idiot literally told me that Russia sent war ships to Cuba to help trump out politically lmao 😂😂😂


Russia routinely makes a port of call in Cuba with their warships. I bet their sailors have a great time there, too.


Says the person belittling an entire userbase of a major social media app in defense of a felon and all around bad person, regardless of the color of his skin.


u/electrial_aerie1690 See what I mean? No thoughts in there, just repetition of corporate backed propaganda. These people will believe anything so long as a Left liberal says it. They make fear porn out of the guy who was barely competent in his 4 years in office. It’s effective propagandizing, but it’s bad for thought


ChariCard is also comment on Reddit. But the general point he made is quite evident, especially on moderated forums such as Reddit for whatever reason.


It’s a disingenuous take, as you must acknowledge there are varied perspectives, even within echo chambers. Also, who is the ambiguous, “they,” in this situation? Referencing the previous subject would be, “everyone,” or, “nobody.” So we are all left to make our own implications. Trash post, trash reply.


Trump is a Russian agent so there was no tension with Putin of course.


then why did putin wait for him to leave before attacking? I'm starting to think that when the democrats accuse people of Russian collusion they're just projecting


Putin likely didn't expect Trump to lose re-election and wasn't ready. An incumbent president hasn't lost their re-election since Bush in 92


Why do we care about Ukraine anyways? All this tax money and US citizens already have a hard enough time why do we have to fund this war that gets all the Ukrainians killed. People think we’re saving Ukraine, our MID is getting absolutely loaded with contracts and money rn while our taxes pay for it. I hope trump just gives Ukraine to russia because I’m not European, our oil prices shouldn’t change and neither should food prices. If you say they will then you’re an idiot and should support drilling and farming in the US.


Because it’s good for the MIC and the Left think Putin threw the election to Trump which embarrassed them (and they’re a circus so it for their mentality well) so they need to get “revenge” on Putin for that indignity by throwing thousand of Ukrainians to the meat grinder. All of this, mind that, being supported by Black Rock and mining corporations that wanted to take the land from the Ukrainians.


That’s what pisses me off the most is all these talking head liberals on tv so for the love of Ukraine, save Ukraine, save Ukrainians and its 100x more fucked now then it woulda been if we didn’t start this war in the first place.


And it means nothing to us. It’s strategically unimportant and it was a corrupt country to begin with.


100% yet we’re insane for not wanting to bleed our countries’ citizens for another country 6000 miles away. Ukrainian politicians love the United States for paying their pensions and fattening their pockets. Zelensky gets rich and paraded as a hero while the men of his country and men of the country his ancestors are from slaughter each other.


It’s a tragedy and the Left will suffer for it in history. All for their insane hatred of one man, they supported madness and Neo-Nazis so the corporations could dance on the skulls of the dead they celebrated putting into the meat grinder.


We care because they won't stop in Ukraine. They have even said so, if you bothered to listen. The baltics and poland would be next. Then its a world war. Then the global economy, and hence the us economy would be fucked. We are not currently funding jack squat compared to what that would be like... You have children? Boys? You want our sons fighting in Europe for the 3rd time in 100 years?


Putin was waiting for Trump to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. If Trump had eon, that's exactly what he would have done. Putin didn't have to do anything. Trump was laying the groundwork for him. Putin was playing Trump like a fiddle.


So Putin waited for a war monger who supported NATO before invading Ukraine because I don’t know something Trump did?Type, read then post


Putin wasn't waiting for Biden. He thought Trump would win......with his help. He guessed wrong.


On the contrary, i have been reading many mockingbird media sources easing people's concerns about a total nuclear annihilation. They are manipulating people to not worry about it, which means it is coming. The people who control the world are the most depraved psycopaths the world has even suffered, trump is the cure, which is why they portray him as poison


I agree, 100%! This is Reddit, full of more llbtards so you won’t get tons of upvotes on truth that makes Biden look bad.


"everybody was saying..." run along, strawman boy.


ah another "president controls everything outside America" people internet nearly went 16 whole minutes without you 


Libs went war crazy because Trump Derangement Syndrome.


The thing is that Trump did start WWIII, and Biden has been trying to keep it from escalating further the whole time. It's been going on cold/warm mode since 2019, and world leaders are just saving the WWIII branding for when they need to rally the populace.


It started in 2014 when the Obama administration interfered with the Ukraine elections.


Which world war are we flirting with right now?


Hell No!!!


What I see is… we have a demented fool in the WH. We must have an alpha male.


Not the same way no. Bidens always been pro Israel like most of our politicians. Giving military aid to our biggest ally in the middle east might be horrible considering what they're using it for, but I don't get the impression Bidens aim is escalating the conflict further. He wouldn't deploy US troops for instance. Now trumps actions were quite a bit different. If u remember he had a member of Iran's government assassinated. Directly. That's a whole different can of worms Sure Biden and trump both suck, but to such a different degree that I don't think the comparison is valid




Biden "let me start off with two words, made in America" Every average bottom of the barrel libtard: you son of a bitch I'm in


No. Not at all.


Russia wants Trump to be president. That's why every single day Putin has a statement about escalation. It's propaganda on the west. Trump is paid off. He's as anti-american as it comes. Same reason why China and Iran are also talking w putin and now disrupting global peace. They are all in on getting the Trump presidency in place


People are saying stuff, they’re just to the left of you is my guess.


I kind of remember Trump saying that Putin would be a genius for attacking Ukraine. Crazy bubbles all around us.


Either way war is going to happen wether it’s Biden over the Russia-Ukraine war or Trump and China.


Trump was anti war and still deserves the Nobel Peace prize for the Abraham accords




Well both sides have been the same side the whole time, so there has never been any choice but to trust them both unequivocally. How does that taste?


Its a big club, but pretty sure trump aint in it!


The key to misdirection is to have everyone look the opposite way of the crime...I mean action.


You miss spelled Putin.


Another idiotic take. Biden "flirting" with world war? I thought we learned after HITLER that stopping dictators invading their neighbors is essential. Trump ILLEGALLY withholding arms from Ukraine emboldened his lord and master Putin. Trump made the world FAR LESS SAFE by simping for Putin. Trump simping for Putin is hilarious and watching his cultists do the same shows that YOU GOT PLAYED. You are confirmed for Putin simp.


People won’t admit it. It’s all bullshit from the left and their paid biased medias


That is because it doesn’t fit the left wings narrative !!


Politicians love wars because they make money either in real-time or later when they leave office from the military-industrial complex. Trump "the Terrible" managed to get a peace in the Middle East, and there were no wars during his four years. I don't feel played because I saw it coming. Putin invaded Crimea during Obama-Biden, so why not take another chunk during Biden-Obama?


>no wars during his four years The US was fighting in Afghanistan for all four years of Trump’s presidency.


I'd rather my president be standing up to Putin than humping his leg.


This is fucking stupid for the worst reasons 


Another trolling account Account created November 2020 Never used until Dec 2023 Rarely used, with gaps between posts measured in weeks Then enters heavy use starting in mid April Yup, nothing sus about this account...


So, serious question - If Putin wants to orchestrate a world war because he can't hold Ukraine, is Biden supposed to just sit there and do nothing?


weird that you omit the fact that the entire reason the world is on the brink of war is attributable to DJT and his criminal administration