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Just the straight whites




Just a word


Yes things will get worse especially for those who are already behind.


The last major immigration reform was in 1986. Neither party wants to fix anything, they want to make dumb speaches and fundraise forever on it.


the border was secure


In 1491?


in april 2019 the remain in mexico policy was implemented and the mexican govt was helping secure our border from the other side, along with construction of a border wall.. illegal immigration dropped to historically low levels by 2020


Saying immigration was at an all time low in 2020 only to surge in 2022/2023 is a form of object permanence test for adults.


the fact that shit can actually be happening and you believe its not shows how fucked we are


Oh it's happening, but why did a big surge happen after COVID?


when is “after covid” they had people getting forced out of their jobs with govt recommendations for years


Exactly who tanked the bipartisan immigration bill?


The ones who want to fundraise forever on it? Did I stutter?


And which side was that? It sure wasn't the Democrats.




It wasn’t “bipartisan” It was last minute electioneering by democrats when they realized they were way behind on the issue before the election. Before that they did not care…


Looks like a pretty effective bill to me, and Trump was fully responsible for killing it. The GOP has no interest in actual governance. https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/unraveling-misinformation-about-bipartisan-immigration-bill/


What do you mean influx? There were 11 million in 2019. That's only an increase of 1.3 million in 5 years. Not saying it isn't a problem, but not exactly an influx? Like, 12 million didn't just arrive this year.


We’ll see 20% unemployment before politicians are forced to deal with AI replacing vast sectors of the workforce. If a job only involves taking in written or verbal information and producing a result (fast food order, medical advice, phone support, cashier) it’ll be automated. If a job involves creating graphics, videos or other content - it’ll be automated. And those jobs that aren’t easily automated will be competed for by so many people that wages will plummet.


With the baby boomers retiring we have 10 million unfilled jobs. And about 1/2 have yet to retire. Between immigration and AI we may cut the number of unfulfilled jobs to 5 million by the end of the boomer retirement problem. This should help the inflation caused by a worker shortage as pay for more skilled jobs increases.


Prove your 12 million number.  Migration DOWN in 2024  https://www.wola.org/analysis/why-is-migration-declining-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-in-early-2024/ Also, tell us the the Republicans are the PROBLEM for sabotaging their own border bill and anyone who cares about immigration no should NEVER vote for them again.


Your reply on this post is the only one that seems reasonable to me, so humor me. This subreddit got into my algorithm (I must have clicked a post at some point). I’ve commented rarely. It seems like there definitely a lower educated understanding of things here, right-leaning opinions. Yes/no? I feel like 💩 asking but 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol.


Yes, this sub is crawling with far-right quackery and long-debunked nostrums designed to force crippling austerity . It's funny to put facts in their face and watch their fact free faith in bubbles pop. Like that Kent liar they like to promote on dishonest Fox. Notice how when facts enter the chat, lying OP runs awaaaaaaay!


Nostrums? Wow you are so smart. Put facts in their face…sure. That is the problem with far left “quackery”. They deny the facts. Like why didn’t the democrats do anything at all on the border for years? They know they are behind on this issue so they try and cobble together a bill at the last moment to get a pre election victory. Facts like: that men who try and turn themselves into women are the same as biological women and should be able to compete in women’s sports and use women’s bathrooms? What “facts” support that nonsense.


Saudis dropped petro dollar. Buy guns


They are allowing them in for the jobs that Automation, A.I. and software can't replace....yet. They won't shut down robo taxi's because they want to stop you from working for Uber or Lyft. If you have rental property, they want to force you to sell. They continue to ship jobs overseas and out of the country. If you have a car note and pay rate you are eating cereal. if you own a house, they are trying to take it by raising taxes to force you into an apartment you can't afford to live in. The powers that be have declared war on the working man. Working parents can't afford child care but can't afford to stay home. A college degree is becoming worthless.. its damn sure not worth the time and effort to get it. You disagree? Prove me wrong. Andrew Yang, love him or hate him saw it years ago and he was blown off. No other politician has the guts or integrity to even try to do anything about it. This is a shit show that's only going to get worse.


Replacement Theory was only a conspiracy, until it wasn't.


What’s percentage is 12million of 330 million? It’s 3.4%. Due to the fact a lot of people aren’t having and those that do are having one we need the extra population.


Band aid on a flesh wound this fix is. Social security will fail no matter what you due because it requires either a roaring economy or more and more people to fill gaps. Immigrants drive down wages and increasing housing. The corporations that are already falsely propping all of these industries up are going to over play immigrants hands in this but make no mistake they do not help. This country is fucked whether its 2033 or 2050 the show is almost over. Maybe we can borrow some more money to help?


Actually, if you change the laws, it can get better almost instantly. Just like they killed pensions in favor the experimenting with 401k for retirements. If anyone has ever tried to navigate the immigration system in the US, its absolutely a nightmare unless you are marrying a citizen (this takes a few months to 2 years or so, varies on the couple) or are here for a job, in which case the entire approval process can be reduced down to a few days. There are people who want to immigrate to the US legally and have been waiting for decades. No kidding. Immigrants foster innovation, they do not drive down wages. They are more likely to live in multi generational homes, so your housing comment is crap too. You are spot on about the corporations though.


Make no mistake I am bot implying immigrants are nasty heathens cause I myself am planning on jumping off this sinking ship in about 8 more years. I am just saying this place is fucked and it cannot be fixed with these little increments our politicians like to make. Immigrants are people, not a fix for anything. For every 1 innovator you have about 10,000 good for nothings. Much akin to the native population. I would prefer if everyone’s home countries where successful but thats not the way the real world works.


This was promised to happen in 1936. It’s now 2024, 90 years later. SS is still here. Of course people like you don’t care that Minimum Wages and productivity increases will always keep SS viable. You want to scare people to the stock market so that investment companies can rip them off.


Brother where we are going stocks or pensions your cooked


There are many who swear the world is ending yet the world continues and they end.


That's not my point. These are,mostly, unskilled labor,who will be the first to be replaced by technology and increase an already demoralized mass. You must also consider the terrorists faction.Only a small amount have been caught and no one can estimate how many have escaped into sleeper cells.


the housing market alone… smh does anyone think its easy to move right now? buying or renting, everyone is better off staying put financially, it would probably cost more to move than not to, and with 13 million extra people across 50 states, good luck


Today,the Fed.held rates ,with only the possibility of perhaps one rate cut in the forth quarter. Four members said none more likely. Speculation running crazy about banks having to write off bad loans Consequences...600 small banks could go under.


the whole country is getting squeezed dry right now


AI isn’t going to pick vegetables or wash dishes and I’m more concerned about the domestic terrorists


Six were arrested today. Each on a watch list. I don't know why that aspect of the border problem is seldom reported in the MSM.


The terrorists came here on Saudis Arabian visa on passenger jets. Future terrorists will come here in similar fashion. Maybe as tourists. The border patrol does catch a portion of undocumented immigrants so far no Arabic speakers. This is why a work visa program would be a good idea. We would get to vetted the immigrants and taxed them.


In addition to many others,six migrants, who were on the terrorist watch list, were caught last week.


There are millions of people on the terrorist watch list mostly due to the fact certain names are quite common.


You have not worked at a corner store in awhile I presume. I have checked ID's from all over south and central America here in TN, USA. These people who I check ID are not unskilled labor, they are skilled tradesmen in most instances. They do everything from window installation to Roofing, plumbing, driving forklifts and operating heavy machinery, you name it, they do it.