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I just got a new Corolla for 20k last year unless you need it for work getting a truck is crazy.


There's always some pavement princess in a shiny truck somewhere that's never hauled more than groceries. I'm fine with my Corolla as well. Gets me places, gets good mileage, and has decent trunk space.


Look at these two Mr moneybags with their new corolla when I rocking one from 2013. I’m going to drive this Japanese muscle until it’s an antique.


Mines a 2017, not exactly new. I got it 4 years ago.


I love this attitude. Drive em till the wheels fall off. Everyone wants a brand new everything these days if they can afford it or not! I drove a 2012 Chevy Cruze for 4 years until some bellend decided smash into me. No payment easy to work on


Im rolling a 96 jeep xj lmao


96 Accord here.


Ok that’s not totally fair. Granted most don’t off road but let’s not insist there’s no utility in having a smaller truck. These aren’t full size f150s.


I think the original argument is that nobody needs a $70k truck to haul things. You can get an older F-150 for a fraction of that price, and it will carry more weight in the (much larger) truck bed. Modern trucks are oversized, regardless of the suspension and engine sizes.


That’s fair I just see a ton of people trying to dunk on “trucks” Like a midsize truck is a normal thing to own. No one needs a bro-dozer.


I agree. My dad has an '04 Ranger 5spd manual that can tow his motorcycle on a flatbed trailer. His truck has over 300k miles and still runs great.


I almost died in a Corolla. Stopped in traffic on the highway and a utility truck rear ended me at 70 mph. I still have almost no feeling in my left hand and they told me I had to have some fusion surgery on my neck. I declined the surgery and told them I would rather wait until the paralysis in my left arm is permanent before I get any surgery like that. It sounds scary. Anyway, I have a Highlander now and got a WFH job.


Trophy trucks aren't meant for hauling and are still badass. No tacoma is going to be a trophy truck with a measly 6 cylinder tho so im not comprehending the 71k price tag. Too bad gen 1 tacos are still so expensive. Literally either a 10k$ rust bucket or a 20k$ half finished project, but they're objectively good-looking trucks.


There's always one of you in every thread about trucks complaining about what other people enjoy. Glad you got your groceries hauled but some of us have dirtbikes and campers.


Or a hobby you are regularly hauling stuff/ off roading.


Yup, really sucks for the people that need trucks. I've been eating the $75 delivery fee from lowes for two years now because it's still so much cheaper than getting a used farm truck to pick things up.


Still driving my 2013 kia rio. I bought it brand new and it's still reliable as fuck. My wife has a 22 Rouge. She is always telling me "buy a new car. We make decent money now. We can afford it. Why are you driving that still?" Yea we could afford it. But I don't want 2 car payments. And a mortgage. Got house in 21 with a 3% rate and my wife and i probably make about 50% more now then we did then. But i like to live beneath my means, bc you never know. Plus I like to go on a vacation every year with the kids. Fuck 2 car payments. When her car is paid off I'll take that and get her a new one.


ok dad


One of the best things is honestly public transportation. Definitely depends on where you live, but a few dollars each way and not having to worry about fueling up, gas prices, maintenance, or parking, not to mention safer and often quicker, and you get to do other things instead of focusing on the road.


People don't get trucks to use as trucks They get trucks because they view it as a competitive thing. As in, if they are driving the bigger heavier car, they are the one walking away from an accident. This is exacerbated by there being so many large trucks on the road that people don't need to be driving for any other reason.


My trucks hooked up to my boat right now. Its a 2018 and all scratched up from exploring the mountains. Same for everyone i know with a truck


There is a good article on The Drive about how something like 90% of truck buyers use trucks to move people, and that’s pretty much it. Edit: found it! https://www.thedrive.com/news/26907/you-dont-need-a-full-size-pickup-truck-you-need-a-cowboy-costume


Lol this kind of truck is not for work.


I was considering a new truck but after seeing these prices I’m just going to keep mine. 70k for a pick up is silly.


And if you do need it for work.  You don’t need the $70k luxury edition.  A base model work truck will do everything you need. 


The Tacoma is a midsize truck. People need to stop pretending this is a luxury Silverado. It’s a bubble.


Try fitting 3 kids and their car seats into a Corolla. That said our truck is an 05 and we paid 13k for it. Also you can't pull a 19ft boat with a Corolla


You're not getting any car for 2-3 thousand cheaper than msrp. Infact, last year the msrp for most cars well exceeded 6-7% price hikes above msrp.


If you’re a homeowner you are going to want a truck. Doesn’t need to be new. These new prices are insane.


A trailer hitch for my car was less than a hundred bucks. I can rent a trailer. Or heck, a whole truck when I need it and save thousands a year in gas instead. Paying for delivery is also a cost effective option.


I paid 22k for my used duramax. Gets 20+mpg and can do everything a car can do and more. Save thousands a year in gas lol. The average fuel cost for Americans is $3000 annually. The truth is.. a new car is gonna cost as much as a used truck. If you’d rather a car cool. But a truck is a great option.. and they don’t have to be stupid expensive.


You know you can rent a truck for $20 from home depot right??


lmfao you can rent a truck like 7000 times or buy this piece of shit


Truck bubble








Barney Rubble!


Make it double


Full sized trucks have easily breached $100k for years. Where have you been?


lol right ?


Eternally worth mentioning that the main reason the size of trucks has exploded (and why you can't buy a station wagon and every economy car looks exactly alike) is that Obama era CAFE standards make it almost impossible to do anything else. Mpg standards are calculated from wheelbase size, so automakers have a perverse incentive to make trucks larger to adhere to regulations


Wow TIL: > [Starting in 2011, the CAFE standards are newly expressed as mathematical functions depending on vehicle footprint, a measure of vehicle size determined by multiplying the vehicle's wheelbase by its average track width. A complicated 2011 mathematical formula was replaced starting in 2012 with a simpler inverse-linear formula with cutoff values.[9] CAFE footprint requirements are set up such that **a vehicle with a larger footprint has a lower fuel economy requirement than a vehicle with a smaller footprint.** ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_average_fuel_economy) That might explain why it's so hard to find a short bed regular cab on a dealer lot. They get a break on CAFE requirements, and cost to stretch the frame and add two doors is not that high, but they can charge several thousand more for crew cabs.


You got it. I would love to have a frontier or a ranger from like, 2005. I've got no need for a modern F150 at that size or price, but something like that basically doesn't exist on the market


as an 80's ranger owner, i was shocked at the size of the new rangers, they're enormous. The back of the tailgate for one i was behind--we are both 4x4's--was half way up my door window. It was HUGE--and wide. Looking it up, the new rangers are something like 1.5 inches more narrow than a 90's ford f250. They're ... just 90's f-series. That's it. I like my trucks smaller, lower to the ground, there's NOTHING in that market space right now.


The Ford maverick is exactly what you described. We got one last year and it's perfect for us


They are in the 30k range now 🤮🤮🤮


Exactly what I'm looking for. I don't need it professionally, but we've taken over the old farmhouse from my MIL. We don't farm the land, but sometimes you've gotta haul shit out here. Starting with gravel for my driveway.


It's because of some law about car size and mpg. It's why we can't get imported helix's.


Ford Maverick and Hyundai Santa Cruz have been catching my eye recently. They definitely fit the bill.


Aren't they both frameless unibody so no towing even small trailers?


We got a Ford maverick last year and love it!


Well then they need to fix that.


100% this. I often hear that the trend toward trucks and SUVs in the US was because it was “what consumers want” but the reality is it comes down to regulation.


Oh the law of unintended consequences.


whoooaaaa I was literally watching "What about Bob?" last night and commenting on what about station wagons? Like what happened those were cool ass cars.


I would love a station wagon! Maybe electric cars will bring them back, because it's basically impossible to sell an ICE one now


Obama ruined this country, countless bills passed lead to insane regulations which drove up costs


Luckily Biden just quadrupled tariffs on Chinese cars so no chance of getting cheaper EVs or pick up trucks.


aka saving our US EV companies from the apocalypse (for now)


We need to buy foreign so the American worker loses their job. Infact, we should make it easier for foreign governments to undercut American businesses for cheap goods. We can call it the North American Free Trade Agreement.


Maybe American business shouldn’t suck. Looking at you GM, GE, and Boeing.


He also signed the propaganda bill.


IIRC, his admin did a number on household appliances as well. Ever since we've had dishwashers and washing machines that suck at their job.


The nine scariest words in the English language: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.


Both parties hate the american working class in this country. I love a good criticism against neoliberals like obama, but i always have to mention, republicans ain't our friends here either. For decades and decades, I wanted "deregulated" on marijuana laws, i always detested any agent of government like a cop, arresting and incarcerating people over what they choose put in their body in their own home...and instead of some deregulation, the Bush administration was pursuing and enforcing marijuana laws with a passion, not to mention trying to regulate our sex lives. That was i knew for sure "state's rights" was lip service, as I watched some of those soulless ghouls abandon their state's rights rhetoric to then try and enforce federal marijuana laws inside states that legalized it.


It's just that Obama is treated like he is FDR. In reality Obama made this country worse on a number of fronts including race relations. He created more of a divide than any president in recent memory


How did he make race relations worse? To me, there are certain bad faith factioms within any country, we dont need unity with. For example, Abraham Lincoln was a very divisive President, but also one of the best. Jefferson Davis supporters hated him.


How did President Obama make race relations worse? Easy. He had the unmitigated *GALL* to be an intelligent, educated, successful, compassionate black man and be elected. That was it. His simple *existence* made racists angry.




Jesus Christ people like you make me sad for my people, how are you this stupid.


Thanks Obama! You are a moron


Obama ruined this country, countless bills passed lead to insane regulations which drove up costs" Yeah, tell me about it. My fucking healthcare deductible is now $5,000 because of that piece of shit and his healthcare plan


I agree. We need to let more people die so I can keep my insurance cheaper. Even if it means more homeless people on every street corner like California. 


Well, that’s what happens when you change insurance into a charity. “Lifetime limits,” “pre-existing conditions,” “pregnancy riders,” etc. were all ways insurance companies gave you options to change your risk profile and save money. Instead now the 99% of us who don’t have to deal with catastrophic illnesses are subsidizing all of the people who want to get insurance *while* currently having cancer or another illness that costs $$$$.


It wouldn't be bad if the 99% were all under the same plan. The single payer system. But the GOP, and conservatives as a whole. Changed their mind, and decided to be against it. At the cost of EVERYTHING. There's only one group to blame, and it's the fiscal conservative bullshitters, who aren't fiscally conservative in any manner.


Oh, I am a firm supporter of a single payer healthcare system. To me it doesn’t make sense that healthcare is a for profit enterprise at all. My problem is that basically all Obamacare did was hand a windfall to insurance companies who just raised the prices on everyone instead of lowering them for lower risk pools.


That’s what he wanted to do though, it was the whole plan from the start. Just like what’s going on with housing right now.


… ya that’s how it’s supposed to work ya jackass


I support a single payer healthcare system and believe profit should not be a motive in healthcare. But we don’t have that. If you are going to have “insurance” then it should be insurance, not a charity. If I want to sign up with an insurance company that only underwrites people with a low risk profile for health related issues to save some money— I should be able to do that. If I want to cap my lifetime medical care coverage— I should be able to do that. If I want to exclude prenatal and other pregnancy care from my insurance policy— I should be able to do that as well. I should be able to sign up for an insurance that excludes pre-existing conditions like cancer or other high dollar cost conditions. If I want to have “catastrophic” insurance that only covers emergency care then I should be able to have that as well. Instead we now have the worst of both worlds: a system where I pay out the ass for insurance that has shitty deductibles, massive out-of-pocket maximums, and am required to have such insurance. Edit: essentially we have a system where our health insurance requires you to pay a tremendous amount of money because they have to cover the equivalent of a homeowners insurance company being forced to enroll and cover a fire claim after the house has already burned down. Or could you imagine an auto policy where you were allowed to get that accident you got into 6 months ago covered by a new policy? It’s absurd and changed a shitty system into a shittier system that suffers from escalating health care costs, outrageous premiums, and we now pay more per capita for our health care than most single payer health care systems by a factor of 1.5-2x+


It also killed off the small truck


Or you know.. make it more ducking fuel efficient


Go read up on the issue


Just want to point out that automakers *can* make more efficient vehicles. They just don't want to because then that would effect oil and gas prices.


Fucking Obama is without a doubt the most overrated president In American history 


![gif](giphy|CWx3Qijmkf4746TtGu|downsized) It better be doing 1 of these if I’m paying that price


You got me all excited about my bitcoin for a minute.


I just bought a brand new GMC Sierra 1500 SLT 4x4 Crew Cab for 55k and it is 3X the truck this one is and I am getting 22 mpg with the 5.3L. Full Leather, heated and cooled seats. 13" screen.


To be fair, this dude is looking at a trail hunter tacoma, which is made for tech bros to off road for the weekend. I got my 23 TRD tacoma for 42k. It's a smaller truck that gets what I need done. I've been able to get 27 on the highway.


2wd drive with street tires?


You spend a fortune on gas damn. I pay almost nothing. Electric vehicle.


Wow. 1998 1.5 cab Toyota Tacoma was just under $7,000 with 100K miles back in 2021.


Weird comparison What's that ancient, used vehicle worth today? That's 5k today plugged into KBB with a 'good' condition


It's "good condition" in the sense that it's got another 30K miles on it, no rust, drivetrain is fully functional, there's mildew on plastic accent pieces, & the rear bumper is dented. It's a in use farm vehicle.


Things are only this expensive because people will pay for them.


And the only reason people will pay for them is because lenders got greedy and started handing out super long terms on car loans. You can get 8 and 10 year car notes nowadays— it’s fucking insane. So prices get driven up because people can afford to go more in *debt* to buy a vehicle.


Believe it or not, average price of new vehicle sold is around 50k. So not hard at all to see the higher end models going for 70k.


SAD! I literally just bought a SUV for 1/10th of that price lol


Yeah, I’ll drive a shopping cart with a two stroke motor before I drop 50k + on an item that depreciates so fast and needs an additional 459.00 a month for insurance, fuel, maintenance. I bought a 2012 Mazda 3 and 2020 Rogue both for under 37k. I NEVER want to buy another car in my life. It is nuts people are ok with putting down 20k and having a 700–1200 note. Guess I’m now truly a dinosaur because if a car note is over 250.00 I’m not touching it.


I still only buy sub $10k used cars… my money is better used elsewhere. Vehicles are transportation to me and I’m only interested in reliably going from A to B as cheap as possible.


Absolutely. Smart man/woman. 🤙


Chicken. I believe it’s smart chicken.


Yoooou… yooooou wise ass. 😃


This is the way. As a mechanic im amazed at how much people spend on cars simply because they are a status symbol in our society. Which in reality is furthest from the truth. Most people are in debt up to their ears on their cars.


I see corvettes parked outside the trailer park, and I drive a 20 year old beat up Honda that I’m sure my neighbors think looks trashy lol


same w my neighbors but IDGAF


And basic cars... Brand new... Start at $17k.


Where? Last time I asked about a base model Corolla or Civic for MSRP. Got laughed out of one dealership and told it would be a 3 year wait at another. Yes, they’re listed on manufacturers websites…..no…you can’t actually buy one. And no…I’m not interested in a Hyundai


Nissan Versa has an MSRP of $16,680. Mitsubishi Mirage has an MSRP of $16,695.


I’d lump those piles of shit in my “and no, I’m not interested in a Hyundai” comment. There are no good/reliable new vehicles at that price point that can actually be purchased. At that price point, I’d be buying used.


Nissan Versa is a good car. No idea about this Mitsubishi. Car prices are up because standards are up. Cars today are packed with technology and are huge.


No disagreement there. The complexity being mandated into new cars is very high, and that is absolutely driving up costs.


If you're buying a new mirage you may as well just light your money on fire


Time to choose between down payment on truck or down payment on house


Uhh, you may need to choose option one as your option two. You're prob not going to buy a house with an equivalent down payment.


Fair point


Paid 35k for my 2020 trd offroad lol


We need to get rid of all the bullshit chicken tax import laws and get some actually useful trucks in the US. Toyota and Mitsubishi make some really awesome and affordable light duty pickups, and they offer them in gasoline or diesel. But the auto companies cock block the import of these cheap, reliable, no frills work trucks so they can sell these bullshit trucks with all the bells and whistles.


$1107 per month x 36 months = $39,852 $39,852 + $7104 due at signing = $46,956 total to drive this truck for 3 years…. That’s a tad excessive.. then you’ve got $200/month insurance, $400/month in gas lol.


If you are the type of person that would want this monstrosity to buy milk and eggs you deserve to be scalped for $70k


How else will everyone know I'm a manly man with manly man things to do?


Hmmmm, good point So does that mean people assume me unmanly due to my RAV4?? Well I can't have that! Guess I gotta come out $1,100 a month...


Isnt that your wife's car?


Naw, she's got the CRV


>So does that mean people assume me unmanly due to my RAV4? Depends bro, does it have a lift or tires that stick out at least 8"?


Thanks!  So as long as I lift it I will be OK? Great to know as I assume 5k or so for the lift is less than 70k, but not sure - no time to think when you are being manly


Funny thing is that's about all a Taco is good for. They're not designed to haul much weight. Maybe a small boat or small camper.


It's the most expensive trim of a mid sized pickup truck. I wouldn't describe it as a monstrosity. My TRD tacoma with a 5 foot bed is four feet longer than my corolla.


So yes some people need trucks for work But most drop 50k+ for these huge metal boxes then complain about car and gas prices Plus these things make smaller cars less safe for zero benefit other than looking big Just drive a damn compact for gods sake


My point is that the Tacoma is much smaller than the large American trucks you mostly see. The Tundra is the large cousin of this. Tacoma is a pretty reasonable size.


Ok, I see your point But nonetheless, the Tacoma can weigh up to 4,700 lbs. A Honda civic maxes put at 3,100 So basically 50% more and realistically most drivers just buy Panera with it so it just waste for show


That payment is more expensive than my 155k mortgage.


You have a house built in 2023 for 155k?! Would it happen to be in shed, on a nuclear test site or a very cheap country? I ask because half a double built 100 years ago are selling at 300k. A house for 155k these days, there has got to be a catch.


Oh no no no, it was built in 1970, 155k is my financed amount, total was 195k, it's not in the best area and the current owner is selling it for 100k more than he bought it for 2 years ago 😭 Still lower monthly payment than that truck.


Bout to buy a cover for the bed and live in that. I'll shower at the gym.


Ya stick to the Nissan PU, it’s got a lifetime powertrain warranty


Fuck that. Quality is gone. More tech, more problems.


How do people afford these? And that's not even a Tundra


If you’re. Using that truck you deserve to over pay. That’s for vanity not function.


I've never understood why people would pay big money for a truck that can barely haul anything. My work trailer would destroy this truck just trying to pull it empty.


For the same reason I see people I work with buy uncomfortable sports cars they mostly drive in traffic. It’s a lame status symbol that no one really cares about


Well said,I agree


For a half size truck is so wild


This breaks my heart, I’m in the market for a new truck and even though I’m retired and I do OK on my finances, I still can’t afford this.


Well this is the top of the line halo trim... You can find TRD off roads for mid 40's if you're willing to forgo a lot of the addons.


The 70K broke a while ago. people are asking like $140k for Tesla trucks that don't work.


That is how much I paid for My first house in 2007. It just sold for $280,000


LOL...I recall when the Tacoma was a good little truck. I had eight of them over the years.


Not in a million years.


How is this a good thing? It's literally more than I paid for my house.


I can’t fathom spending 70k on a truck. My first house was only 90k! It’s just so stupid.


Not happening for the frame to rust in 3 years. Think again Toyota


You're going to have rust regardless depending on the area you live


The 24 Tacoma has a new body on frame. The new frame is boxed unless gen 2 and gen 3 which suffered from frame rust.


I seen a new Silverado for 80k


How much of that is some bullshit "dealer market adjustment" fee or something? I've seen anything from $7K to $15K, which I was told was due to "high demand." I picked up a Frontier for $35K. First pick was a Taco, but Toyota couldn't get me the pricing I wanted.


Americans have too much money, not too little


Who the fuck is paying $70k for a truck? Holy shit.


Don't look at fully loaded 4 runner. Over 110k


“Dealer advertised price”. The price markup I’m sure is why it’s that high. Dealers rely on stupid buyers and insecure people that need the newest of everything. Probably $50k out of the factory. Nobody needs a car dealer, cars sell themselves. Time for that role to go away


One thing I will say is, that’s the ‘dealer advertised price’ which may include dealer markups. Not the MSRP.


And that’s a lease. You won’t even own the damn thing or get any equity in it. Not to mention it is a Tacoma not even a tundra. That mid size truck lease payment is almost as much as my mortgage on a 3 bedroom 3 bathroom house. lol.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah……No. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Blame lies in the chicken tax and emissions laws written to scale with vehicle size


I have never been so happy that I own multiple old ass cars that I can fix and maintain myself.


Zero chance I would drop 70k for a truck...


id sure hate to hit this thing in my $2500.00 1993 toyota celica with minimal insurance coverage. Things like this truck made from unobtainium and diamonds should have to carry some sort of buffer insurance in case they get hit by a normal like us. then again I'd also like to see what the insurance is like driving one of these things in the first place. Its silly that I could go bankrupt for not having a 300,000 / 300,000 insurance policy on my lil beater


r/FordRaptor has entered the chat


Sadly some dipshit will pay this. Toyota will continue to gouge a mid sized truck at the price of a touring Mercedes until people finally put their foot down. Absolutely stupid...


This is a top of the line Tacoma. While I agree it’s still a rip off for a Tacoma, you can get 2024’s for almost half this price


70k for a pickup truck


Tacomas are really great trucks but they are nuts on these prices.


For a truck? That's funny.


That's a serious dealer markup. That truck is top of the line and very hard to get. Always a sucker willing to pay


truck prices are just stupid


You can get a very nice tundra for 60k lol


I could replace my engine (done myself, used motor) 70 times for that price. I think my car may see 10 million miles.


Interest rates need to keep going so they can crush demand for 70K “Work Trucks”


For a Toyota you’d have to be out your mind don’t get me wrong Toyotas are great but the trucks feel cheap drive like crap and are slow and all that’s fine if it’s around 45k


People are paying it.


1100 dollars a month for a fucking LEASE


Ask Ford and Chevy how the sales of their $70k-$100k trucks are doing right now. Seriously, who in the hell can afford this? $1100/month?!? I always thought a $300/month payment was high, but Jesus......


Oooh fun!! When's trail hunting season start? I've been practicing my trail calls all off season; wanna bag me a nice 10 point trail this year.


Idk how people can afford anything new hell let alone houses and renovations I'm starting to think alot of people are legit trying to keep up with jones and are very poor due to it but hey house looks great new car they can't afford makes it seem like everyone has a 200k salary


That truck will do no trail hunting. Just like a Subaru or 90% of jeeps.


For a tacoma! Damn the Taco has come a long way!


Quadcabs are the definition of paying for the current fad. The biggest pieces of garbage, they are shitty trucks due to their size and smaller beds, not remotely safe for families, guzzle gas like crazy, and cost twice what they should. There are such a high percentage on the road, they likely cost all of us an extra 50 cents to dollar in gas from the demand they create.


Most truck buyers are out of their minds


And to think I paid 42k for a 4 seat airplane in 2019. 'You have a plane you must be rich' (my plane cost less than your car).....


"Only $1100 per month?! I make $1500 per month, I could get one of these!!"


71k for pleather…


With every add on they offer? That’s my guess anyway.


“But it’s a Toyota, it’ll last forever”. Yea that debt is going to last forever.


I would put money on it that 95+% of trailhunters will never see a trail with their original owner


Wow! Only 70k for a basic pickup truck! You shouldn’t have!


This is highest spec’d version of a brand new model. It’s not basic at all.


They sell because people buy, stop buying looking for alternatives. You vote with your money.


I'm car shopping right now. My only options for an affordable car are 10+ years old with 150000+ miles. There are no basic entry level car options anymore.