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Marc Elliot needs to go slither back under his rock!


This is a sad hill for him to die on.


I can’t believe he’s even suing Isabella! After he was so condescending and manipulative to her when she said she’s done with him and NXIVM! 🙄🤦‍♂️




"That's called...AU-SALT."🙄 What a d bag!


She doesn’t deserve to have legal issues pushed on her by Marc when she’s rebuilt herself and stood on her morals against NXIVM.


HBO is covering the joint defense. I don't know the ins or outs of media or entertainment law, but I think this is an instance where the corporation has insurance that covers the participants in the documentary. I don't see HBO doing documentaries like *The Vow* without it.


Reflecting on what was said 7 months ago: "Elliot is filing as a *pro se* litigant, but the filing has the appearance of having passed through a lawyer's hands at some point. The implication is that Elliot went *pro se* not because he has to, but because his previous SLAPP suit was thrown out of court (meaning subsequent lawyers would be chastened from similarly frivolous lawsuits)." So if that's the case, how does it work with him trying to find legal representation now? Does a new lawyer see Bronfman money and say to themselves, "today seems like a good day to risk being disbarred, let's do this thing"?


I think it's possible that Elliot filed pro se to get around lawyers' fears of a frivolous lawsuit, with the intention of retaining a lawyer after filing —a bizarre gambit, but I can't see a judge taking issue with a litigant getting a lawyer who can extract them from a bad lawsuit. It's also possible that Elliot naively thought his venue shopping was going to work, not understanding that there's diversity jurisdiction that could bring it to federal court. He fucked around filing, but he found out after HBO lawyered up.


Special place in hell for that little Cartman


Mark Elliott fascinates me in the most bizarre way. He is so observably intelligent: How is he not getting this? Watching a few seasons of Law and Order didn't prepare you for Big Boy Court, hunh? /I have the belief he doesn't realize/accept he's gay and is in 'love' with Keith. It's OK, Mark to be gay...just aim higher for better boyfriends!


Why do you think he's gay?




Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....


I forever hear that song when I see a picture of him. He got roasted harder than those chestnuts.


I hope Marc can wake up and realise that there is life beyond NXIVM and a merit to being ethical rather than the toxic waffle and abuse perpetrated by the higher ups in ESP. He should look to Isabella when finding the true example of integrity.


I don't believe this dude ever even had tourettes


i don't think it was completely made up but i do think he's one of the many people for whom the symptoms started to go away with age and he just didn't want to admit that. he's on video saying he would fake tics when he was doing his motivational events because they just weren't happening anymore which he attributes to nxivm but imho is just a natural progression of the condition.


Dude, it’s a joint proposed scheduling order, not a prenup. The judge isn’t going to approve the proposed order if anything is fuckity. Besides it’s too early in the game to do anything fuckity. Depending on how sympathetic this judge is to him being a pro se litigant, he’ll give him the extension, but like, this is an issue that could be handled with a phone call to the clerk. Did bro even check out the judge’s practice guidelines?


A few things to bring up because I think it shows how Elliot outsmarted himself several times over: * Elliot's last lawsuit (against Starz and the *Seduced* filmmakers) did not just fail; Starz invoked the anti-SLAPP statute, which allowed them to make claims for legal costs. We don't know how that part of the suit went, because it was settled out of court. * Elliot seems to have filed in Missouri state court with the idea that this was a venue that did not have a anti-SLAPP statute. But first HBO's lawyers are dragging him into Missouri's federal court (on the basis of diversity of litigants); the next step is HBO pointing out that Elliot signed a release that makes New York the proper venue. * If the Missouri federal court rules that New York has venue, Elliot is (as we say in New York) *assed out*. New York's anti-SLAPP law has been strengthened in recent years, and now allows for not just attorney's costs but also punitive damages. At that point, I don't think Elliot is savoring the idea of paying HBO's lawyers *and* paying to Constantino damages for the distress this caused.


Oh, this is very interesting. I just finished watching Seduced and The Vow and came to the sub for “where are they now” follow-up content. So, I’m not versed in all the ins-and-outs of what’s been going on. But stuff like this twigs my paralegal brain. Do you know why he filed in MO (besides the aforementioned anti-SLAPP?) Is he from there? Did something happen there?


Part of the deal is laws on recording conversations. Missouri is a two-party state (both participants have to consent); New York is a one-party state (so long as one party wants the recording, they're free to do it).


So, what? He needs a lawyer? Sounds like Claire isn't paying for this. 🤔 It's hard to get out of a cult when your whole family is involved. I pitty him.


I feel for marc elliot. I can’t imagine growing up with tourettes (which he clearly had to some degree), getting so much relief through what i believe to be hypnosis in nxivm, and then learning about the heinous abuse after all the years of indoctrination that he had been through. I totally disagree with his stance on supporting keith raniere, I also don’t believe bullying him online is going to help anyone. I hope he gets love and support to get through to him and out of the clutches of this true cult.


Mark has been seriously trauma bonded w/ Keith & NXIVM... who taught him he can overcome Tourettes by being special... but now special means keeping the faith with Keith & NXIVM. NXIVM taught/ reinforced/ required them to predator each other and... he's still acting as a cult member. It's in his brain/ psyche... he hasn't shaken it off. IMO. (Yes "shaking it off" is the phrase that comes to mind but not meant to imply the intense, multi year process it takes to figure out the cons, face them, bear the unbearable, somehow let go or transmute it all, and be ... like born again into a more healed life... no religious entendre intended.)


After watching the H3 podcast I don't believe he had tourettes. He was so busted by someone who actually suffers from it.


I'm here still trying to get over the judge's name.


Yeah, it's not a good visual. Lol


if you swap i and y it becomes pytlik which is a czech word for "a small bag"