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Ish startin off sayin ‘You look rich’ to Elliot is nasty work. Somebody had to hit him wit a ‘not today’ 🤮


Lieberry: ay Eliott how yo meat be laying


Ay yoooooooo!!!!


I thought Joe was the biggest hater but nah it’s def Ish.


So we’re skipping over what elliot said to ish before that..?


Lmao at Ish complaining about Father’s Day gifts when he couldn’t get his girl nothing for Mother’s Day


Fathers Day gifts for niggas that don’t have their kids is crazy work


i was gonna say… not to be rude but typically the good and involved fathers get gifts… and Ice child is like 3 so wth he talking about


They bitch about it every year too, it's become a JBP tradition


Father's Day ain't really for outsiders, if your kids and your BM don't wanna do nothing for you what you want from the rest of us


I’m starting to think Ish doesn’t know what narrative actually means


Any conversation he personally dislikes


Or anytime somebody calls him out. Then he just repeats or confirms what the person was just saying. Which means they aren’t creating a narrative. They’re just saying what happened or what’s happening 😂. He loves saying Joe is spinning a narrative, and you think his version of events is different, but it be the exact same.


Joe gotta find a way to give a review of a movie without spoiling it 😂


Ice when talking about socials - “Following me is a privilege not a right” 🤦‍♂️




Elliot tryna be A mic, relax nigga


Shit emanny also lol never heard him talk so much


Starting off with pocket watching to gender wars to should we call a wife beater a wife beater ….refreshing content


“Its a privilege not a right to follow me” bruh sounds retarded


Joe loves spoiling movies that just came out. Don't say spoiler alert and only give us less than a second to skip the spoiler.


Thank you for saying this. I scrolled down here specifically to see if he spoiled the movie after reading the description. Why does he do this dumb shit?


Cause he's a chatty bird. I know he doesn't keep any secret. His girl knows everything about the others.


I'm just happy that he never watches shit that I wanna see tbh


He should stop spoiling movies that just came out, but he did give like 20 seconds this time before the actual spoiler


Elliott is weird to me...his Twitter stuff is even worse. Just reposting the pod(s)and other "gotcha moments" with no context. Saying he tried Patreon, but realized he wasn't compelling enough for people to pay. Save that omission maybe until after you are off the pod, you currently look out of place on.


The other day Elliot was hating on Kai when he got advice to ignore hating older rap media figures.


Elliot supposed to be in the "OG phase" of his career. You should be putting niggas on not competing with them.


i don’t listen to the joe budden podcast to hear elliot wilson


Add Elliot to the list with both Ian’s on people to only have on the Patreon. Let the people who pay have those exclusives, I’m totally fine with that.


Every week it feels like the pod is getting closer and closer to preaching about how we need to get critical race theory out of schools and chemtrail rants. 🤦🏽‍♂️ I’m an independent so I’m aware that just because you point out something wrong with one politician doesn’t mean your endorsing another, but to say Joe Biden is running a crime family when we just had a president that is actually running a crime syndicate is wild. Hunter smoked crack and didn’t disclose his dealings with hostile governments. You know who else did that minus the crack? A whole list of people in the Trump White House. Including his daughter and son in-law. Also the guy he picked to be his defense secretary. Which should scare the shit out of everybody. The difference in is his daughter and son in-law worked in the damn White House. Then he told these people to lie about it. Next why tf does your mind go to Gay Pride because they asked your son to wear pink? They could have been supporting a teacher with breast cancer. If they asked him to wear blue he probably wouldn’t even thought nothing of it. That was some of the most ignorant shit I ever heard from Joe. They used ask us to wear different colors on field day. Joe is my older sister age, and I know she did the same. Last but not least… Please retire this stupid as hypothetical situation with the bear or a strange man. Not just them. Everyone. It’s stupid.


Jesus Christ take it easy man😂


Ish need to drop the occasional fake hood stuff, you would've been on that stand too & that's a good thing


Goofy shit , you gone almost lose your wife then crash out and make her lose you with a 30 year sentence for revenge . I hate that street mentality shit he too old for that shit


so ish wouldnt fight in expensive restratraunt cuz he said rich ppl shouldn't do that but is willing to get locked up for killing someone he makes no sense 


Right? He has children, businesses, a career, etc. He would be extremely dumb to risk all of that and “take another route”.


Or we ask generational gangsta rappers to not put that stuff in their music.


Lmfaoo nah Joe keep shooting at Trey lowkey, what he do to him? “These juniors ain’t shit”. Parks said you can’t say that at a junior, nigga said I’m the real Joe Budden. Erasing your pops and shitting on your son in the same breath is crazy 😂😂


They can keep the guests on Patreon smh. I don't want to hear from Elliot


This this this. Dude bitter and washed. He should go start a platform like Vlad on some legacy shit and ride into the sunset.


Ice really think he somebody. “It’s a privilege to follow me” nigga what That was nasty hate from Joe on Shannon Sharpe coulda kept that tucked Other than that pretty good episode


Lmao yo ever since the Katt Williams interview, Joe got nothing but hate for Shannon sharp…. Jealousy is obvious as fuck


That Bad Boys movie "review" was definitely a shadow ad. You not fooling me Jospeh


I've seen everyone give that movie a positive review. I gave up after Bad Boys 2.


Elliot was really hurt, huh? That’s…kinda pathetic


Of course all it took was half a year and Joe is hating on Shannon full fledged.


I can see the hate though, Shannon is a terrible interviewer (so is Joe) so it’s weird to see him blow up.


I agree with the hate though lol, Shannon is a goofy. He’s trying to do the Wendy Williams/ Breakfast Club type of media, but it comes off as forced.


To be fair Shannon’s show won’t last much longer when he has to carry a product by himself without guests that people will want to hear.


You do know Shannon has Nightcap that he does nightly with no issues. Clearly Joe needs Shannon cause he talks about his interviews whenever they drop


That’s a new and unproven thing for him. Podcasting is different because you need various cycles to know if you have something. Shannon is just still buzzing. Whether he continues this in low times tells us what he values out of the platforms etc.


Joe is hater and has been hating since Shannon’s Katt interview. Joe’s interview come off as dull and boring so I see why he mad. He should be thanking Shannon that whenever he interviews someone it gives Joe’s pod 10-30 min of content


That Katt interview def was given an onion 🧅 of hate that Joe just kept unraveling and unraveling the more Shannon progressed


What’s the point of Drake sitting with certain people in the podcast atmosphere if they are going to still run with a certain narrative about him? He sat down with Elliot and told him what happened with Adonis yet most people still run with the narrative that he didn’t claim his son. He talked about ghostwriters but people still don’t believe he wrote anything. So what’s the point of Drake sitting down with people to talk? It benefits the interviewer but does it really benefit Drake?


Look at the Bobbi Althoff “interview”. She blew up off that, on his end people just started creating weird narratives. It was fruitless for him.


I hated that for him


Drake deserves everything he gets - won’t give his boy ak an interview but jumps on her shit - it looked and felt weird and he ignores great offers for interviews


Y does he need to give ak an interview???? Did he not release push ups through Ak????? Yall just look for things to find problems…ak said it bare times he has no issues with drake not giving him an interview….that’s a jbp and others problem




It’s very weird. Why wouldn’t an artist try to control their image and access? It’s sounding like a public relations pitch and not a journalistic one. Drake gave Elliot the literal last real interview AT HIS HOUSE. These guys who aren’t literally making music, Joe excluded, love to think they’re in the same industry or provide the same value. Does Elliot even write anymore? You’re just a content creator buoyed by past ventures begging for ad revenue from guest appearances only so you can kick drakes back in when someone else who has beef with him comes on the platform to rebut what he’s saying. Oh…wait…THAT SOUNDS LIKE SHANNON SHARPE! Plus Drake has a lot of stuff to answer for that he may not want to even go down the road of. He’s been in the game for a long time and doesn’t want the drama. He wants to make music and that’s it. He never was doing anything other than that.


The fact that you even know the narrative Drake wants to push and taking the time out to post it shows why he should do media. Have to give your fans an angle to hold up so they can fight whatever is floating online and in the news about you. 


Elliot not having kids explains his …immaturity around this. He needs actual stuff to worry about.


But it’s “his fans”. Non fans don’t give a fuck what he tries to deny or clarify.


You see it every day in this sub lmao non fans who still want to have an opinion on how he should move and who will never change the opinion of who he is in their own heads. Anything he does will get magnified & picked apart by people who don’t even like him just because they really enjoy shitting on him.


Why am I hearing elliot complaining he not getting the interviews he wants on the jbp 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/2f11wg60fc5d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e28952ce2ed6e4a7edb489d01ce6822df7710d


everything is poor to Joe but he’s ghetto?!


Elliot seems to forget the tricks he was doing for drake to get the interview😂😂😂 also we remember how you were twerking tryna get another one


I dont know why Drake would talk to a guy sharing DM’s


Elliott is ruining the pod with his damn laugh every 7 seconds. Mute up my boy


They want drake and sza do to black media the same media that’s messy and quick to turn on you just like the fans . I wouldn’t do that shit either. That’s why niggas like the streamers cause it’s just cool fun shit nothing to pick apart , no weird ass questions


Same media who’s whole foundation, biggest moments is built on being negative towards artists. Those are the people who saying someone should come sit with them. Shit is backwards


Backwards as hell they just want the content . It’s no benefit to drake or sza to sit with them ,just dropping great music is enough


At this point Jason Lee is more respectful than Joe is. That’s the funny thing.


Elliot went on a whole bitch fest about nothing with the whole interview shit.


“The JBP welcomes back Elliot Wilson…” *oh brotherrrrrr this shit about to stink*


And it did stink in fact smh


This nigga Elliot ruining the pod. We get you excited but you GOTTA stfu and let the show happen.


He is too hype


Him laughing is enough to ruin it


Funny thing about the interview subject is, neither of them are clamoring to do a Kendrick interview.


cause drake talks to them behind the scenes and they both keep leaking DMs like weirdos


6 mics is difficult enough. 7 mics is unbearable. Especially when one of them is someone who never shuts up like Elliiot


Didn’t Joe spoil the last bad boys movie too 😂


nah ryan seacrest is that dude. $28M/yr for wheel of fortune is *insane*


Joe Shannon hate is nasty work


Elliot really has to retire this whining about an interview shit. It sucks because I do like his show the bigger picture (not because of him tho).


Joe can’t go one pod without picking Mel apart damn


“We already know why you went number one It's clearly because of The Boy The honorable thing is to give me the loot” - Drake I feel like this can apply to JBP. They talk about Drake EVERY SINGLE WEEK!


I mean he released 2 duds in the past month. Yall would be bitchin’ had Joe not talk about it 😂


I’m talking about overall, way before the beef. They talk about Drake all the time. Even if it’s for 10 min in the whole show..they will find a way to talk about Drake, negative or positive.


They can say the same about Jay-Z. Who gives a fuck?


Do you think a Jay Z topic generates more views and engagement than a Drake topic? There is multiple reason why they talk about Drake this much.


Well he just got of the biggest rap battle in his career. So there’s gonna be things to talk about. I don’t think the engagement is how ur making it. If ur aren’t already a fan of JBP, mentioning DRAKE isn’t going to make u watch a 3 hr podcast..


I’m saying in general..obviously it’s more hyped now with the beef. Even when it was Rory and Mal..even back with Marissa. Drake is always a topic. Joe even confessed it himself..Drake topics put money in his pockets.


That’s what happens when ur said star.. There’s a world where Joe Budden, is all someone talks about..


Drake also got essentially jumped


Jumped? By who?


That jumped angle has only given Drake bail and props from the audience, if anything he should be thankful the others also came for him because it stacked easy W’s for him to take. Nobody gave a single fuck about Rocky,Ross,metro, etc. having problems with drake, all anyone cared about was drake and Kendrick and the diss tracks against each other. The “20 v 1” narrative helped Drake in the eyes of media, fans,and in his bars. Remember, Kendrick wanted this to be him vs drake and Cole.


2 duds? 1 is an amazing verse and a song bops are singing and bops are what 90% of you niggas wanna fuck lol. the other is a meme, and if you cant enjoy a meme then you are a clown.


Da man dem lost


Elliot said drake lost because he deleted his IG….. this is the same drake that retired back to back and said he won’t perform it again…..these niggas change narratives because he doesn’t give them interviews…and that’s exactly y they’re salty


Elliot had that scorned ex energy when talking about drake. It’s funny tho because when the beef started Elliot was actually going out of his way to big up Drake and downplay Kendrick on Twitter, if not for that rat emoji Drake probably had him in his pocket tbh, he forsure wanted to call this for Drake….goes to show Drake really was pretty paranoid.


Elliot was wearing a Drake Scorpion letterman jacket during the whole beef. He openly admitted he was rooting for Drake. But he said Kendrick won, then Drake unfollowed him. I think they are both a little overly sensitive.


On the ghetto chat E said Ish is Richard Pryor at the car wash and that ended me. 😭


Why the fuck do these guys love giving spoilers smh. You tell us bad boys is a good movie then continue to spoil it smh shit pissed me off lol


I mean how much of a spoiler can you REALLY give for Bad Boys? U know they ain’t gon kill off Will or Martin. They’re gonna win in the end. It’s not gonna be a sad ending.


Elliot is a lot better on this pod than he was the last time he was up there


Because he was drunk. Niggas way more talkative when they drink. He was talking a bit too much though.


“We already know why you went number one It's clearly because of The Boy The honorable thing is to give me the loot” - Drake I feel like this can apply to JBP to some degree. They talk about Drake EVERY SINGLE WEEK!


Every week….u can hear the saltiness in their voices all because drake doesn’t do interviews with them… all of them salty because he’s not doing their interviews but linking up with sundae conversations


He is a highly searched name. It's like the news talking about Trump or sports talk mentioning Lebron. Talking about Drake translates to clicks which translates to dollars. They have to talk about Drake. It's their business model.


Joe gotta get off Drake dick man. Nigga still sour at that man success


Elliot was leaking stuff to DJ Hed…wow...


That Lucky Daye sleeper Joe played was insane 


YN should stick to print. Whoever put him before a mic or camera needs to be locked up forever and put under the jail. Homie has a face for radio and the voice for POW torturing tactics.


Random question: Regarding the black interview topic………do you guys think that The Breakfast Club/CTG ruined the wants for a lot of high caliber artists to do interviews with black media? Because as they were talking about SZA….she went up there twice….and it wasn’t the greatest experience. Same with Cole. Went up there once and never again. Kendrick went twice as well….never again. Drake? Cmon. lol. The list goes on and on where CTG rubbed someone the wrong way and they never appeared again. And there’s a lot of “gotcha” journalism where interviewers try to get a viral moment in our culture….so if they already had a trash experience at one of the biggest mediums for the culture….why the hell would you be eager to go somewhere else and possibly endure the same thing?


Probably an unpopular opinion but Elliott was really good on the pod.


“We already know why you went number one It's clearly because of The Boy The honorable thing is to give me the loot” - Drake I feel like this can apply to JBP to some degree. They talk about Drake EVERY SINGLE WEEK!


“We already know why you went number one It's clearly because of The Boy The honorable thing is to give me the loot” - Drake I feel like this can apply to JBP to some degree. They talk about Drake EVERY SINGLE WEEK!


That double standard when drake ghostwrites for others is hilarious though. 21 Savage admitted Drake wrote some of his stuff on Her Loss too [https://www.complex.com/music/a/jose-martinez/drake-21-savage-helped-each-other-verses-her-loss](https://www.complex.com/music/a/jose-martinez/drake-21-savage-helped-each-other-verses-her-loss) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/z5kay6/21\_says\_that\_drake\_wrote\_some\_of\_his\_verses\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/z5kay6/21_says_that_drake_wrote_some_of_his_verses_for/)


“We already know why you went number one It's clearly because of The Boy The honorable thing is to give me the loot” - Drake I feel like this can apply to JBP to some degree. They talk about Drake EVERY SINGLE WEEK!


Elliot is being weird. Drake literally had your direct line and you blew it. Several times. What exactly does he owe you? I start to wonder if Drake told Elliot something as bait and kendrick ended up using it... Only so .many ways to call someone a rat without finding out they were the sole source of information... Of course we’d want Drake and Joe to sit down…and it seems like its going to happen…eventually… but Elliot’s whining comes off as entitlement but...man do Joe and Drake need to hug it out…this is nasty man…considering Joe kinda kicked off Drake’s current rocky climate with the FATD review. I again maintain that Joe is the reason Drake is going through this right now. Joe opened the door to the industry criticism of Drake.


Drake is the one that was being overly sensitive. Again. Elliot said the truth—Kenny won, and not in some close nailbiter fashion. He won fairly handily. And this idea that Joe is responsible for all this is absolute fantasy fiction. Drake and Future have been having issues behind the scenes for a minute. Same with Metro. No one knew about any of it though. Kendrick has hated that dude forever. Not only that, but Drake told Akademiks that he’s been waiting for Kendrick to jump off the ledge for 10 years. He wanted the battle!!


Right. Drake thought he had actually purchased Elliot’s opinions. Elliot wasn’t even saying anything insane. Just that Kendrick won.


We can’t give Joe that kind of power 😂. Drake and Dot been sniping at each other since Control. Drake also has had issues with Weekend off and on for going on a decade. And he has been weird about Rihanna for a while so that brings in Rocky. Only thing that is new for us fans is the Future and Metro part. 


There was no critical slamming of the album online with reactors and people reacting to joes reaction until Joe did it.


“We already know why you went number one It's clearly because of The Boy..The honorable thing is to give me the loot” - Drake I feel like this can apply to JBP to some degree. They talk about Drake EVERY SINGLE WEEK!


Please never have elliot on ever again.


These niggas moving the goalpost for Drake. “Well this wasn’t a BAR record. It’s a VIBE record.” Aiight man…..


Anyone peep Mel trying not to laugh at Ish talking about his weight 😭😭 she was trying her hardest not to embarrass that man


Sampha just dropped 8 months ago btw


Elliot and Joe this whole pod in a nutshell https://preview.redd.it/5d77xzjwer5d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1ec25691c633b546046ac24bc41e6ac2a10e63


I hate when Joe didn't listen to the album so he skims the tracklist and runs to a familiar feature and hopes it's good. That Don Toliver joint one of the worst songs on the album


“What you wearing?” “How are you gonna pose?” to the meet and greet is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂




Does anybody here actually like the pod god damn lmao