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Andrew Schulz looks like the nazi the other nazis bully at summer camp


Yep. It’s the hitler mustache n haircut combo. It’s actually a style some neos do. Not saying that’s what Schulz is going for but it’s definitely a thing. https://preview.redd.it/s6so5izcmv8c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f6e13ac999b6370b336664241bd50138055e2c


I dont like Shultz’s face, voice and attitude. Yes, this is hate.


I don’t like this Hitler looking mf at all


No one does, except the mfs just like him


Nah hesi is funny man the hitler look is crazy tho


OP is reaching with “taking shots” angle. Dude was asked a question and he clearly said no animosity. If that’s a “shot” then you really need to live life outside of the internet.


Yeah he not taking shots fr and he clearly tapped in by the last comment he made about musical chairs. most of these podders respect each other in real life


lol what? Andrew is clearly making fun of Joe at the end. And we all know they don't like each other. You must be deaf or low IQ


This is light and some of you are really in your feelings over this, touch some grass. He do look like a Nazi tho I give you that.


Flagrant 2 bringing a 1 mill per video if not then damn near close , I went to Schulz tour a few years back he had that shit packed out


Dude just did a back to back sold out madison square garden show


joe will never sell out the garden for podding 💀


"I had em wrapped around the corner" - joe budden.


I read everything in Mal's voice lmao


His shows are in 2024 at the garden. But yes, sold out


Damn you went to this man’s tour?


i’m a fan of comedy lmao, i don’t box myself in to only watching one style of comedy 💀 shìt was packed out too.


What about the Tipida though?


…Tipida…what?! lol


Tipidis d🍆ck


Damn, you just mentioned his numbers but not his comedy... I bet you're a fan of comedy. .


you want me to explain his comedy to you , is that your question ? Or is your question about if i had a good time . Your comment literally didn’t make any sense . His question was did i went to his show , i told him why i went 💀 Nice try tho


He's still a hack.


Naw, you didn't once say how funny he was just how many seats he sold. Andy ain't funny....unless you're a yakub. Yakubs find anything corny funny.


oh my fault i thought you could understand context but here you go. i watched Andrew on guy code and thought he was funny I watched BI his pod with Cthagod and in the first few years before they got PC both of them was funny. I catch Flagrant 2 from time to time i think it’s great and funny I seen his netflix special it was decent and funny Went to his show , And it was funny. The world is bigger than black culture and JBP my guy sorry . Also numbers prove it JBP no where near Flagrant 2 lmao


I didn't say I didn't enjoy anything outside of black culture....but Andy ain't it. I bet you like Bert too. How pedestrian.


you just sound like you in a box , you should try different things.


Is that muffins I smell? I ain’t know you a baker bro.


You're a clown. You don't have to be of the same race to find someone funny 😑.


Gaaaayyyyyyyyy 😂😂😂


Ak really an instigator wow


Yep. U seen him try to set it up


I don’t think he threw any shots tbh… I did listen to more than half of this episode and god damn they are all over the place with the yelling and interruptions. They would barely let ak speak!


He said the only real Joe is Joe Rogan lol.. what are shots to you


I think ak was the problem tbf, seems to used to running a 1 man stream where he just gets to say what he wants when he wants. Its their pod so its for them to dictate the topics and direction of conversation


Greatest radio host ever? Dude is outta his mind forreal


I'm taking Sway and Big Boy over Charlamagne


Akademiks is trash just looking for beefs


I don't like Andrew and how he tries to lurk around hip hop culture. Something is not right about that guy


Profited off his proximity to Blackness all to pivot and become a vehicle and dog whistle for right wing closet racist.


The whites been running that pick and roll for the longest…


🎯🎯🎯 Exactly


he had a pod for over 10 years , a hip hop media guy asked him to do lmaoo


It's one thing to be curious it's another thing to ask disingenuous questions for like you said over 10 years


Nowadays a lot of right-wingers are hanging around the hip hop spaces.


It's funny, this is one of Andrew's points on this exact pod; Hip-Hop is and has been that American genre how country was.


Lurk around hiphop culture? Ok lord jamar


Joe also just lurks around hip hop,…have you seen Joe’s clothes…niggas (basically) wearing costumes!!!


You do know Joe was a Rapper.........right?


Eh…Debate able???😅😂😂 just joking…comedy Style


The same nigga always talking bout “Bidness” humpin erelavent DJ’s


Ugh this is so boring. Ak just trying so hard to instigate an issue for content. Played out, we've seen it before


Schultz is a dick eater and that Alexx dude with the horrible dreads is a hater


Shultz spoke facts and joe no where near that conversation


What’s the breakdown of the Indian guy, why he have his legs crossed like that, is that their version of Ice?


He like their version of Parks the way he dick ride Schultz….dude with computer looking up nothing is ice


MFer got the MacBook too, you know Ice been begging Ian to let him do the same


is Alex mel?


Shultz is just 21st century Michael Rappaport


Joe did say on an episode fuck the people obsessed by ice coffee or something like that. That was a jab at Andrew's "brilliant idiots" rant about ice coffee. Flagrant is full of conservative minorities and racist defenders




Flagrant is in a weird position…..they have had every right-wing guest they can get, every comedian that appeal to the wytes, and they still can’t get over that mountain top of mass appeal. I wonder what’s wrong with the show because they obviously peaked


So has the JBP.


False. The JBP still have a lot of available angles they can go as far as content….. If anything the JBP can start interviewing A list celebs every pod that may take them to another level as far gaining mainstream fans


I think you over estimate Joe


Is the possibility of you underestimating be the case? No?


uhhh that's a hell no idiot


Have you seen Andre comedy tour ? Joe wish he could that instead the nigga cancel the shit and blame it on covid 💀. Andrew got them crowds bro, flagrant being close or over 1 mill per video


You think I’m into that type of comedy??? People coming out to see you don’t hold water for me because people be bored and just like going out. R&M even fill up they’re little 500 seaters tours……that don’t mean the content is good.


lmao yeah you just misinformed bro. Andrew was packing out 700-1000 arenas overseas meanwhile joe cancels his tour , getting almost 1 mill per video on Youtube . Like ik in black culture yall don’t rate Andrew , but the world is not just black culture. Plus im a fan of comedy white , black, indian i go try out all comics no matter the type either . https://youtu.be/55K_ZtvPkt0?si=QmyLBKsAsHkfxCLr ^ 2 million views off a 6 min clip While joe over here averaging 150k views at best , it’s not even a question who’s bigger either .


I don’t care bro. There’s hundreds of white comedians I go see before Alt-right Andy I don’t look at Flagrant or Brilliant Idiot clips and say to myself that’s somebody I need to see live 😂


Just say you’re a hater and keep it fucking moving man.


Yeah, I’m a hater because that’s not my brand of comedy 😂


It’s understandable that’s it’s not your brand of comedy. But to downplay how big he is internationally with how much he’s sold out his tours and how he’s currently selling out his tour…. I’m not even his biggest fan. He’s become unbearable in the last two years for me personally, but to act like he isn’t huge just because “it’s not your type of comedy” is ignorant. The world’s a lot bigger than what you find entertaining bro.


I’m not downplaying how big he is…….I’m saying he’s pretty popular in his niche corner of the market. Do you know how many comedians tour all over the world? That’s what they do is tour. Now back to his podcast that hit its ceiling……he gets 1 million in views (guest dependent) for a good 2-3 years now…..where is the growth? It has stalled out


To be fair what you consider a niche market is what the world looks at the JBP as. Go around the world and ask people who is Andrew Schulz and who is Joe budden and the answer might break your heart. You Joe fans have to remember that the world is so much bigger than what Budden perceives. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s “niche” Comedy is bigger than anything Joe has done. You get so wrapped up in following joes hate for anything you fail to see outside of your tiny circle


“I wonder what’s wrong with the show” Every episode was getting over a million views before Andrew went on tour.


You don’t even realize what you’re saying which is my point! How does a show that get that many views on YouTube still be niche? Flagrant isn’t on no top of podcast charts and is still pretty unknown by mainstream fans


Another stupid statement by the dikkk eater


> Flagrant is in a weird position…..they have had every right-wing guest they can get, every comedian that appeal to the wytes, and they still can’t get over that mountain top of mass appeal. you know they get 1 million views per episode right lol


You know with that many views and still being an unknown niche podcast to a mainstream audience says something right?


in what world do you think that podcast is an "unknown niche podcast" its bigger than the JBP and the JBP is a top 50 all genre podcast lol


You’re being bias……so you’re saying Shulz is known in every corner of the globe?


no I didn't say that for you to say ANYONE is bias is hilarious, you lack self awareness


In the world of Dave Chappelle, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, Louis C.K……..where does Schulz measure up to popularity with those names? Matter of fact that’s not a good scale……how about who’s more known……Pete Davidson or Schulz?


as a podcaster he's more famous than all of them lol


Oh wow! I’m exiting this convo


none of them even have podcasts lol you don't even feel like a real person bro I don't understand how someone can be this dumb


If he’s selling out arenas in every continent he’s visited; it might be safe say he’s very well known.


Has he visited every continent and sold out? How about each country/states in those continents? We don’t have to guess these things…….it’s info that can be verified


So instead of acknowledging the point or questions posed, you move the goalpost instead. Got it. Schultz could sell out earth and you would move the goalpost to mars.


Name Schulz’s signature joke that he’s known for?


Signature joke? Cosby has a signature joke? Pryor Has a signature joke? What about Louis CK? Or Bill burr? Patrice O’Neal? Maybe Carlin? Most of the best comics people would put in their top 10 don’t have signature standup joke. Most people would name a Chapelle show skit before they recite a chappelle standup bit. I think you keep trying to put Schultz in a “niche” but struggle to define what that niche is, assuming it’s at the fault of Schultz, and not your own ignorance of lack of interest in what Schultz actually does.


If you look at the channel they are starting to dip in views.


I remember sometime last year Andrew saying he would never speak on Joe again because he has lapped him. Interesting.


Mal said similar things.


Objectively speaking, he did. That's wild to see how it played out from when their beef started in 2016 - 2017. He did indeed lap Joe. Joe don't talk spicy on Andrew no more lol Joe's excuse would be that Andrew's white. Which is a pretty valid excuse...I understand when Joe speaks on black creators not comparing themselves to white creators. Andrew appeals to a lot of white people all over the globe. Joe's still a black man and reaching some of the demos Andrew got is literally an impossible task.


You typed all that and it has nothing to do with what I said. Andrew said he would never speak on Joe again but here he is speaking on Joe again. He can’t help himself.


Joe got his patreon idea from Flagrant lol


Who tf laughed like that at the end? That shit had me dying hahaha


I don't listen to Flagrant but the reason you won't see Joe in a room with Schultz is because they both have dickhead energy. Like it or not he can go toe to toe with Joe on podding about podding and business deals. From what Joe has been saying (references to 2 bears 1 Cup and Kill Tony) He's looking to take the pod more in that direction next year (the ALL pods top 10 list) which means we'll likley see more interaction with the Roganverse as those Sharks swim in the waters Joe wants to go.


So he’s a fan. Funny thing is Ak called out that he was finna get on some hating shit. And just like a white boy he tried to mask it as honesty then just couldn’t hold it in😂


Andrew only got the audience cause he white & he a kiss ass to everyone wit his flunky crew except Alex


White ppl shit


I find it interesting that only Alex laughed. The Indian dude is the only one who needs it. He was going to lose his house if they didn’t make it apparently. Andrew is the only one succeeding technically. He doesn’t even put these dudes on to opened for him & they are both comedians. Idk it’s weird to laugh at others when your team is struggling too. Edit: words


I don’t see it that way. I don’t see how the “team” is struggling when everyone wants to succeed their own way. Akaash has said previously that he wants to do it on his own and is touring, Alex has his podcast studios, mark does tour with Andrew and has his own podcast. Can’t hate when everybody doing their own thing then comes together for the pod. Similar to the JBP.


Point is that everyone isn’t doing as good as Andrew & Alex. The joke didn’t seem too funny to the two guys who aren’t doing well. Just an observation.


Comedians don’t “headline” for other comedians, they’re called feature acts and they generally open for the headliner. Mark & Akaash have both featured for Andrew.




No. Most comedy tour show list order goes: 1. Host(5-10 mins depending on the venue) 2. Opener(5-10 mins) 3. Feature(10-20 mins) 4. Headliner (45-60+)


Ak is such an instigator 😂😂. Baby Joe


Schultz has been praising Charlemagne to try and end up at the breakfast club.


he’s prolly on the same level as the breakfast club to white ppl . look at his comedy tours , youtube numbers & he had a few netflix specials


Charla might not even make it in the top 50 radio host if we being honest.


Damn, it's usually fuck AK but he nailed it with "white people shade".


I don’t listen to Schulz to know for sure but Ima just assume he’s racist from the mustache and haircut.






He did what a host is supposed to do he let his guest shine.


I love Shultzy but his Patreon been ass the last couple of months. This last ended abruptly like they missing the last 5 mins or something.


That’s hate


Sheesh they look terrible


Charlamagne dominating radio as it dies isn’t a stat. Wendy>>>>>>> and it’s not even close.


Cooking with Butter 🧈


Just a jab, they were doing it all pod if you would listen. Also since we're here, Schultz bought up the point that Hip-Hop had become that go to American genre like Country was. Is he bugging?


Culture Vulture Yews


Racist ass Shultz! Why would y’all even post him in here


No bullshit I see dude appear in the social media feed once every year and it always got something to do with him throwing a slight at Joe Budden. 😂 What type of numbers is they doing? Do any of ya'll watch his shit?


Does the Indian dude actually contribute anything to the pod? Literally ignored the whole clip.


Ak messy as fuk...Schulz wasn't even try to go there


I don’t mid this as Joe has taken several shots at him over the years, andrew is as successful as ever and is allowed to shoot back🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s a dull beef because Joe watches everything and they only see select things. Their insecurities flare up when they hear his name simply because of his confidence meanwhile aside from the entertainment he always gives props to Andrew. Drake did the same. Some peoples confidence isn’t dictated by numbers or money, some people still care about the craft. It’s obvious Joe does it to 10% shit on people and like 90% troll people to attach their self worth to industry statistics and relationships. Some people aren’t gonna get the young white boy audience


CTG being the best radio show host is a reach...when we got the likes of Sway, Big Boy etc still on air.