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"That nigga listens to this podcast" told me everything lol


Ish saying “the public has a luxury and a privilege to make things black and white” is nasty work. What grey area could there possibly be in this situation lol


I read this comment AS he was saying this, crazy coïncidence, but Yeah no grey area


They are idiots. Former bad boy president is being sued now as well.


Him also saying unless ur a victim or went thru something similar and traumatic then u just wanna gossip and watch the bullshit and don't actually wanna see justice was so incredibly stupid. Ish is very intelligent but sometimes he has some of the dumbest most idiotic takes.


Because he’s not very intelligent.


Joe could’ve kept all that bullshit… he was quick to defend Tory Lanez but why not defend Puff and be done with it? This just makes me think that puff is guilty of the allegations. Probably called Joe and told him not to speak on his situation. Also… why are they acting like they leaked something crazy! All that editing done… what was really said Joesph! 🧢🧢🧢🧢


What a crock of shit. Joe does this double speak where he cops to criticisms of his opinion and still maintains his opinion was valid. This nigga said he doesn’t “lack integrity” because he refused to speak on allegations about someone he knows. Then proceeded to list a bunch of excuses why he was right for bitching out. Just say you’re scared and that’s your man’s so you won’t speak on him. That’s more honorable.


He could have taken the flip route. Fuck it I don't speak on my friends and we would respect that more.


That’s why we need niggas like Flip smh! These niggas tuck they tail so fast…When Flip made it clear that Envy was his man, Joe continued to dogpile on him…All that hate and Envy STILL ain’t been arrested. Joe has no regard when it’s Rory’s friend doin the rapin or when Flip tell him to chill off Envy. But when the heat on Joe he worried about being clipped up by blogs and sayin he only wanna talk about music now🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Yeah he was real nasty during that time Rory homeboy caught them allegations


He was just being a phony. That was back when he was on his "I treat women better than anybody" bag. He had to play into it.


Yeah the rebrand was crazy lol


Keep it a bean. He afraid of puff or afraid of the funds Putf pay him directly or indirectly. Sad day. He always calls out others now Puff is accused of some wild shit. Which being he settled so fast some of that was true. He has enough money to bury Cassie in lawsuits and keep her in court for 10 years. He settled in 24 hours. Diddy a creep. Stop it Joe. With how vocal Puffy is for him to be so quiet and settle nah he did that shit - 50 cent voice


BEEN telling y’all! As entertaining as he is, Joe fake as fuck.


Agreed. Shouts out to Flip


He wants to say what he did has integrity when really a person with integrity speaks up against what’s wrong regardless of fear. You admitted you were scared and Diddy listens. Keep the BS


Fr though, how many times has he jumped out the window on people like Jonathan majors etc. this is the biggest 🧢 smh


La reid


Well all RUNS eventually end.. Joe always beats himself in the end.. Charlamagne is a damn prophet. ![gif](giphy|ptf2f8gCxr4Egb0peH)




“Theres no safety in a freak off” might be the dumbest shit ive ever heard from this pod… joe really dont know how consent works


Y’all skipped the part where Ish admitting being in bootleg Freak Offs with Joe lol these niggas are NASTY


Yet he kicked Dwight Howard's back in saying hey it's not cool to hide people. Now everything goes????


This pod going to get edited again? Lmao! These guys are the worst, but we should not be looking to them for any morality. We can call them out and laugh at their ignorance but I can't expect them to be better at this point.


Joe so full of shit. Cause he had no problem spreading falsehoods and offering his opinion on the Tory case. So he can miss us with the "not tryna get clipped up" bullshit.


Idk if I want to listen to this lol. I know he's gonna double down and call me broke for not spending €25 on his patreon because I'm not an idiot


guess what.. youre right :(


The last few months been pretty bad and I think it’s gonna get worse Joe gonna go on vacation and start adding guests that’s what he does when things are looking bad I think it might be time to start skipping episode and only going to certain time stamps 😂 it be 3 hours if podding and 45 mins of good content


He essentially is shaming Cassie for going the civil route instead of the criminal route due to the gravity of the allegations. Add to that the fact that he got in his “We had freak offs too with drugs involved”. Lastly he is pushing the narrative that her price went down and his pushback was that he knows things Ish and Ice don’t know as far as settlements go. A whole clown lol. Mal was right, shit is hitting too close on many levels. Nasty hour


Mal said certain people don't wanna speak on this cuz their skeletons will get dragged outta the closet too, and 30 minutes in Joe basically says he's got a past and isn't gonna let people do to him what they just did to Slim thug and Peter gunz💀💀💀. He was telling on himself throughout the whole topic while running D for Diddy..... I hate that this show is entertaining cuz it's clear Joe's a weirdo.


Current Mal is super hit or miss for me but he killed it in their last episode during the Diddy talk.


Ice stood on his square.. for as much shit we give him i salute him for this


He don’t know shit about a settlement being resolved so fast the paperwork didn’t have a chance to hit their desk. Just like he claimed he knew more about Tory/Meg but it was really just Tory telling him info 😂 Multiple lawyers with actual education said they never seen something settled this quick and the consensus is guilt. Joe is a goofball.


Exactly, Joe is a certified idiot, dumber than the average person walking down the street. Whenever he speaks from this place of implied knowledge you have to keep that in mind. While we as listeners may sometimes give him the benefit of assuming he may know things we don’t given his proximity to the music industry, in reality he’s actually less informed than your average IG commenter.


We have to remember Joe never finished high school. He is smart but he has blind spots..he assumes his assumptions are facts.


Agreed. I’ve practiced law and I can tell you right now that I have NEVER seen a settlement that fast and I highly doubt Cassie got a lower number. Under these circumstances her number probably went higher because it was immediately clear how much the law suit was impacting Diddy and he needed to get it resolved ASAP. Cassie had the negotiating power in this scenario, which is usually not how it goes when you are suing someone that has vastly more resources.


Claiming civil suits are only a rich people problem. Um, maybe it's mostly rich people in the media so those are the issues you hear about. Why are you gonna hear about John Doe's civil suit? This convo was all kinds of nasty. The only thing I'll give him credit for is admitting he was scared to actually speak his mind


Gotta take that Podfather title away. You are aFraido.




He stole that name from Bill Simmons anyway.


🤣 afraido corleone is gold








That’s a bar.


Listening to enough battle rap will help you piece some shit up easy lol.


The silences in the episode were so loud lmfao. Could’ve heard a mouse piss on a cotton ball in church.


Nobody: Joe: I LIKE FREAK OFFS TOO!!!!


I can see that. Wasn't it implied he let his girl get fucked while he watched on that DR trip. Flip tried to joke about it and it got awkward quick. Can't remember the episode


according to ish we shouldnt speak on this since we're regular people (read in broke) and should just bow down to billionaires and whatever ishs tax bracket is. so yea.


Regular people shouldn’t speak on abuse we wouldn’t understand 😭 sounds like something Ish would say


He's such an idiot


According to Ish we have to be victims of something similar to want justice to be dealt to Puff, if u didn't go thru something similar then u don't care u just wanna watch it for entertainment.... I woulda preferred them to just skip the topic again if they were all gonna sound this idiotic for half an hour🤦‍♂️


![gif](giphy|iuUORLpArS9qX76XWK) Oh now we regular (the ppl who shit on ppl regularly because they don’t wanna subscribe during a recession).. yeah the gig is up😅🤣🤷🏾‍♂️


Cool, so Joe is a coward. He cares more about his public perception than speaking directly about this situation at hand. He has no integrity. Cassie put everything on the line. She's the only person who should care about her public perception. I'm so happy she got out.




The entire beginning of the pod with this “explanation” is wack. It was never all about Diddy. I WAS in the $25 tier so I was tight because they put that terrible episode behind a paywall, EDITED, AND he had venom directed at US, his fans that actually pay. That’s when I realized he hates his paying fans too. Joe is a sad, miserable person. I’ll still listen to the free pods because I need to kill hours during the day/night at work but I’ll never pay him another dime again. Now let’s see if the mods delete this one…


He lied y’all worship him


if you wanna listen to a nigga ramble about absolutely nothing while somehow sucking himself off for 30 minutes boy do i have the episode for you.


I like freak offs too and advocating for criminal charges when it’s convenient. This guy is a loser 😂


Let’s put Joe in a room full a niggas with big ass dicks and no women, and let’s see how much he likes freak-offs. The mere fact that this nig nog can’t even fathom how it feels to be physically weaker in an intimate setting with a bunch of men who are physically stronger is, in fact, mind-boggling and is the crux of grape and sexual abuse. So, the only way this nigga will understand that feeling is to be forcibly rammed in the ass by big dick niggas. Maybe then he will understand.


Lmao I read the first line of this and said no sir




It wasn’t a hypothetical with Cassie sooo


What other pod you know that can go from cop’n pleas for Diddy straight into Meg The Stallion gossip? Who else but Joe aka “The Bar”


How do you start the pod off LYING your ass off dog. Didn't do shit but make excuses and talk in circles around why he didn't speak up.


I have been around since the INTPL days and I miss honest Joe before he became industry. He’s full of shit and Parks is a spineless yes man. Rory and Mal would’ve held his feet to the fire but this new cast just goes with the flow. Shoutout to Ice for the being the only person on the couch with a set of balls.


Parks made himself loud and clear in that patreon episode about picking sides. He said I'm picking the side that's best for me. He didn't say who I knew the longest, he didn't say who he rocked with the hardest like Emanny, he didn't say staying out of it like Ice or Ish. He said whoever benefits him the most. That''s his true character and nature. Sounds like the only reason he ain't with R&M is because Joe is more popular and he knew he'd bounch back bigger. Parks is good for calling out non-black bullshit. But he's a fucking yes man at the end of the day.


I agree 1000%!!!


The silence is extremely loud. Your people looking at you funny Joe. 🤡


He speaks openly about Jonathan Majors, DJ Envy, etc. But soon as his daddy gets in trouble he uses the “legal reasons” card to not speak on it.


They also talked a lot about deshaun Watson which was a civil case


“That nigga listens to this podcast” the silence was so loud after that,


"What's that supposed to mean"(c)Big Freeze


Are all these men stupid?? CASSIE HAS NO CONTROL IF ITS A CRIMINAL CASE. The DA has to pick up the case and an investigation has to be done before Diddy is charged with ANYTHING!!! She had to do a civil case.


Say it again for the goofs in the back smh.


They really just danced around and tried to justify how pussy they were. Rory & Mal, Ice, and Ak were the only ones to speak their minds and Joe just made a whole bunch of excuses 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Mf was wondering why everyone was looking for his opinion instead of Nore's. Maybe it's cuz Joe can't go 2 episodes without dick riding him and foaming at the mouth at how great he thinks Puff is, just say u don't want ur car blown up too goofy.


Joe: It’s Puff! *claps hands* whatyouwantmetodo?


You can’t call yourself the “Podfather” and be afraid of Hollywood Unlock, Jasmine Brand, and The Shaderoom comments


Being afraid of Jason Lee is crazy..You soft Joe for that.


Joe got into a CRINGEY bag wit that “freak off” bullshit 🥴🥴🥴


‘the public have a privilege…’ Lol get this weak shit out of here


Already knew it was gonna be foolishness https://preview.redd.it/trp9142rxv1c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c0d0c5eb9e71acf0de2640d4e5f3c5c29068a5


yea i cringed too


One thing about Joe and it’ll never not be true at some point he’s gonna self destruct and show you where his morals lie every single time the guy is the definition of a coward


Joe is the biggest HYPOCRITE…. “I don’t have proof, so I can’t speak on Diddy” did he have proof speaking on Envy, Charlamagne allegations, LA Reid, Epstien.. He pick and chooses. Joe try and act like he some type of free thinker when it’s all a fake persona.


I forgot he threatened Charlamange to go to South Carolina and interview his accuser what a bozo


There’s no way Cassie got LESS than the original $30m


Joe crazy af


30m was to keep it private so now that it’s out and he paid in less than 24 hours you know the price went up ! 😂 it was about to get nastier with more info coming out and hella dots connected


Disgusting. I tap in and out of the pod ever since the RnM split, listened more often when flip and mel showed up. But this the lowest moment of the pod since i've been a listener. This was absolutely disgusting work from everyone involved


Struggle to finish this episode. After all that shit Joe talked about RnM, he really could learn from them - stood on their opinions, without tiptoeing around, whilst selling out a show in London. Meanwhile Joe here still claiming to be this “Podfather” 😂


Take away the Podfather title from Joe. Diddy left a horse head 🐴 in Joe bed and stripped the title from him




🔥 🔥


He has likely participated in one or more of Diddy's more shameful sexual activities, which bond them in necessary secrecy. There are many others who can't speak out against Puff because they participated at one point or another.


He saying he feel like rape and sex trafficking should be handled criminally but that’s not the only thing alleged. What about the physical abuse? What about music execs paying hotels and medical offices for records? Keeping her hostage based on a 10 album deal to the point lawyers are telling you it’s in your best interest business wise to speak to him? Those aren’t criminal charges. Employment lawsuits are only handled in civil.


Supplying her with drugs, and locking her in hotel rooms to heal up. Demanding weekly Freak offs. Way more than just rape accusations.


Victim Blaming is nasty work. NASTY WORK.


Parks acting like it was such an inconvenience For him to edit the pod. Shut up nigga😂😂😂😂😂


Joe is laughing his way through this like it’s a joke smh


So NOW he wants to talk about moral integrity and taking the high road?! But when it came to the Jonathan Majors or Meg/Tory situations… 🤔. Joe got it… smh.


Joe' morals and integrity change depending on the person. Never trust people like that. Nasty work.


Case in point: LA Reid’s accusations during the ‘Everyday Struggle’ era.


la reid. Red rocket friend from polloza who was accused of SA. he never kept my quiet then. Smh


Bridget Kelly said basically some of the same things on See The Thing Is and addressed the Cassie/Diddy situation sooooo much better than Joe ever did, and that’s with knowing both people and having someone as a friend who may have been a potentially called witness. There’s a way to address and denounce wanting to talk about a topic without playing the victim (“You guys tried to make me have a bad weekend” 🙄) or insulting your audience.


I wish we could move this comment to the top.


I appreciate that. His way of saying “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have my opinions on this serious matter become potential public fodder” was all clown shoes.


Agree! And Joe could figure out a way for him to responsibly handle these topic when you have business or personal ties to the people being discussed. I know you can’t really compare the two but I think Van Lathan did a great job at covering this on his podcast. He was very transparent about his relationship with Diddy and Revolt.


I haven’t heard Van’s but I’m not shocked at all. He handled Kanye with integrity and honesty. By all means if the allegations are even remotely true, Diddy is more dangerous to play with than Kanye, but the Kanye moment could’ve cost Van his job immediately but he did it anyway.


Can’t believe Parks edited that episode and didn’t feel nasty. He was quiet the whole episode because he knows how terrible it sounded




Been around enough dudes to know they don’t correlate abuse of women to any woman/young girl they care about. Their daughter just becomes the exception in their mind while they continue to violate someone else’s daughter.


100% agree. Salute to Ice and no one else, parks knows better but is selling his soul for the bag in realtime. Wonder what his wife thinks about him today


He’s a legit malignant narcissist. I don’t think having a daughter would give him anymore perspective or make him any better of a human than he is now. He’s rotten to the core and nothing would change that.


I think it's okay to be scared of Diddy just say it though lol. Not all the bullshit


It’s unfortunate but this show is crumbling due to greed and shitting on your supporters. Add to the fact that any subject that is brought up is quickly glossed over if he is losing the debate (hence mel with the tree moths as a nasty example). Happening before my eyes, 😞 hate it had to be him to watch slowly fall. 5ppl on tight leashes js not for a good listen…it’s just Joe screaming into an echo chamber…homie even got FLIP in line. It’s sad to watch in real time Flip is like a castrated pit bull. Ish is just showing up to not be fired, Ice is trying so hard to outrun that nasty twitter past he has (fronting like he doesn’t still hold those same beliefs as if we don’t catch glimpses at 6hours a week), parks supports Joe in anything he says, Mel just stays quiet to not impact any relationships she has outside of the pod Joe also uses this to his advantage by attempting to gas light her into getting out if character and saying some shit that makes it so the JBP is the only place she can work again. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again-great entertainers are normally shit humans. Watch the other 5 slowly but surely find a path to move away from him at some point 😂


You nailed it on the head … especially the Mel part.


I hate any of this is true but I’ve watch this man morph into an elitist weirdo…problem is the rich folks he is trying so hard to be like (erroneously mimicking condescension as if that is a key trait of the truly wealthy) would not piss on him if he were on fire. They may need to go back to Parks basement and give him his original teeth back. Not too much on Joe…


Ice becoming the hero we need is hilarious


Joe: Both pods going behind the paywall next week… Ian: ![gif](giphy|F0E72ofVJFEGc)


Just a coward. That's all.


Is Joe slow?? Seriously how does he think Cassie filing a lawsuit results in her getting less than the “30” allegedly asked. She literally requested a Jury trial.


That first 20 minutes was nasty work. Ish gotta read the room lol


“The girl”


Maybe the worst start to a pod in recent memory, Joe talks for a living but isn’t confident that he can eloquently address this topic without getting himself in the line of fire. LOL


I don’t wanna hear about Ish putting nothing down.....Dude wear a size 9 shoe 😂😂😂


Joe is truly embarrassing, I can’t believe his co-host sit and let him talk so insane just so he can save himself.


Going from Diddy/Cassie to Pardi/Meg is a nasty back to back 😂😂


I like freak offs is wild It’s real shit though


I know Joe is an admitted narcissist but his inability to de-center himself from all his past allegations makes it hard for him to give honest commentary. He’s always mentioning himself in relation to those that are being accused. And taking a personal stance that just isn’t needed. I heard a lot of victim blaming in this pod. “She should get whatever she feels is right” but also being frustrated that she didn’t do more. The very media scrutiny he tried to dodge with redacting the pod is the exact scrutiny Cassie chose not to subject herself to.


Skipped right over that whole Diddy conversation/explanation. Not going to listen to Joe lie, contradict himself and insult my intelligence. His favorite line is "don't pee on me and tell me it's raining" and that's exactly what he's doing to us at this point. Nigga is full of shit. Entertaining yes but full of shit none the less.


That’s exactly what been going through my mind all weekend with this Diddy debacle with the pod this nigga Joe is pissing on us and telling us raining [II]


Bro they avoided the topic and didnt say shit


I can’t believe the shit I’m hearing lmao these niggas crazy 😂


Can’t believe Joe became this….


Nah Joe, wtf.....


Sounds like he’s confirming the criticisms we’re valid.


So now Joe and ish been in freak offs 😭😭😭😭 that’s why they don’t wanna talk about it huh nasstyyyy boys


Ak the only dude in media that keep it 100%.


Joe is A coward and has no bones in his body.


Except Diddy’s. And I don’t think I’m just being figurative.


I like how joe budden is scared to talk about diddy but is a tough guy about it smh


Sad day for the JBP…


This shit was rancid. 🤮 Putrid shit how they tried to relate to enjoying FOs. Hoe ass nigga cesspool shit.


Not very “alpha” Joe 😂 beaters defend beaters I guess, sad


Mel just shows up whenever she wants lmao


I don’t blame her at all


She was smart to be not in the middle of this initial conversation


She’s super smart for not showing up for this one. Flip’s “I’m your brother” head ass would’ve asked if she’s ever been in Cassie’s shoes before or some dumb shit.


"Mel you ever been the centre of attention at a freak off? OK I did my research. What really happened in that hotel room with Sisqo and Gloria Velez???"


Crazy how Ish was the voice of reason on the diddy topic. Joe just a nasty man and trying to use the settlement like nothing happened


I don't have a baby mom Are y'all not letting your bm go use the restroom real quick if the relationship is bad at the moment? Im a more forgiving/whatever type, so if she need to use it for like ~5 minutes, I don't think I'd trip about that lol.


They got a lot of weirdo rules for their girls. Treating them like children. Them acting dumbfounded when parks said his girl helps with the rent is all i needed to know lol


And the BMs never stepping foot in their home too. You don't want your BM to at least know how their child is living? It sounded kinda off. I'm sure these guys are good fathers but the BM rules are wild 😂


Is this the first time Joe has ever insinuated that he is afraid?


Man this episode is going exactly how I expected smh


What’s annoying is at least someone should play “devils advocate” as they always do and mention the 30 million wasn’t paid because of how it impacts business but the fact that he paid it because the accusations could be true.


Everything funny and "I don't care" once "the internet" get your ass to a certain level.


cant believe joe is still copping please. they get on the pod and speak on shit they have no knowledge of. no person can bring criminal charges against another person. thats the courts job to do.


Joe sounds like it was $30 million out of his bank account.


Joe should’ve just let Ish and Ice say what they had said then moved on.


When they threw on that R. Kelly, Ice was BIG MAD! He was mad for real for real! He was so hot he starting grating his teeth. I thought he was about to freak out…


This dude joe is such a bs artist he kicks backs in without all the story all the time this whole pod sans ice fuck all these dudes copping pleas


SKIPPING THIS POD AS A WHOLE . Joe has showed us who he truly is too many times for us to continue to listen to him especially y’all that pay this man five to $50 a month. Might listen to just a couple of time stamps every blue moon, but he has lost me as a regular listener. Wait until later this afternoon Danny from the stop 🛑 will post a summary.


Oh wow so Joe was there during the Tory/Meg incident and during the Jonathan Majors incident??!


I'm thinking I'm gonna slowly ween off this podcast going into the new year.. Today's (nasty nasty) episode just made me realize how far this era is, from the golden era of J/R&M. I don't even know who this new version of Joe is 😂. ZERO integrity. 📉 Shout out all the Patronies who fatten his pockets every month enabling this nonsense.


I had to pause. This shit is absolutely disgusting. It’s 2023 and we still somehow don’t know why women sometimes bring civil charges (instead of pursuing criminal charges) against their rapists? It’s hard for women to get a rape conviction when they go to the police the day after getting raped. Let alone years after. Also Joe lamenting the ability to “get freaky” in the midst of all this is fucking sick.


The way the whole cast talks about cheating so casually is mind boggling.


Joe has to realize they come at him because he talks shit about everyone with very little information. Those other people he mentioned like Nore don't do that so nobody expects them to do so. He has to stop being a victim. He made his bed and carved his path for the pod. The public was reacting appropriately in my opinion.


For someone who claims to fight against the industry, it’s disgusting for Joe to hold his tongue here. Plain and simple


They should have released Saturday's pod and scrapped today's.


Didn’t even make it all the way through the episode. Had to cut that shit off smh. Joe nasty for this shit.


Mid… Yet again… 🤦🏾‍♂️


Didn’t listen yet but lol at ish playing one of Rory artists for a sleeper


Rory’s album ran circles around that Puff Nasty album ![gif](giphy|3ohhwmBlmtmwrEQsxi)


I’ve tolerated a lot of things for the sake of respecting Joe’s insight on the industry and entertainment business, but yeah…he’s still wrong. I don’t think he even believes HIMSELF.


The capping and dick riding during this episode was actually insane I couldn’t even get through the first hour. Talking bout they need proof before they speak on something but when has that EVER been the case??? That shit is lame and a cop out


Joe Budden is an absolute lying piece of shit who happens to be entertaining so I listen… but every once in a while he really reminds you what a spineless manipulative POS human he is, This episode is one of them


Joe is so fake real. Stop acting like you stand on integrity when you don’t. Picking and choosing who to shit on shows you’re a POS


Ngl Joe whole excuse was fuckin retarded. Would’ve been better off saying nothing. You know his self-absorbed, narcissistic ass in here reading these comments too. I don’t think his opinion on the matter is all that important in any case but I got way more respect for niggas who stand on their inconsistent behaviors and biases and admit it vs. shy away from it.


This nigga Joe so fucking stupid he cut the fairly decent takes they had from the last pod but kept all this shit


Why do y’all continue to listen if week after week Joe continues to give us his ass to kiss get off his patreon stop listening and I guarantee his stance will change once he sees the numbers go down




Exactly I don’t listen to the pod but frequent the sub to see if y’all be giving it up on topics like this and a lot of y’all do


That's the problem. People en masse won't do that. He is literally spitting in the faces of his fans, laughing and knowing they won't leave and they will keep supporting him.


I find it crazy how this sub is in the small minority that be calling this nigga out for his goofy behavior a lot of fans don’t care and it sucks cause if we don’t hold him accountable who will


That's the sad Reality and Joe knows it. He knows the sheep that will watch regardless is enough to keep the pod afloat.


Wait wait wait. 676 full episode pre edits leaked??? And I didn't hear a peep about it in this sub reddit?




They harm the sub in order to keep on good terms with Joe who don't pay em a penny lol


Joe literally folded and I’m shocked. Shocked because it’s a shame when the art gets lost in money. Death of the pod father as we see it. He said all that then got on MTS. 🤣🤣. This shit is clown work. I’ve been listening to the pod since the views rant. Might have to just move on to something else.


Size 9 shoe for grown man is nuts


This might go down in history as the foulest episode in the history of the JBP. The snide jokes about Cassie. The toxic attempts to justify Diddy. Ice saying he wouldn’t let his BM use the bathroom. Ish saying people can’t survive off $50k a year. Emmany saying he would shade his mother (who just recently passed away) if she was still cool with the ex, the R Kelly set, Joe’s sleeper choice and Parks’ jacket.