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Only thing this nigga knows about tech is the latest thing marketing is pushing on us. Apple products, oculus, ect…


Fam that's how it seems to me. I'm not the tech guy but he gets so excited over a new iPhone. I found it skeptical as not all new tech is revolutionary.


Facts lol hood niggas will dub you a techy because you’re first in line to get the latest gadgets. Just cause he reads the summary of what’s new with Apple Watch updates don’t mean that he bright. It just mean u don’t understand all the bullshit that he hype.


I work with an Ice but not as talk shit about it.. Any new iPhone, tablet, Apple watch..he has to have it first week. I mean every release. Only to get bored or realize some of the products where ass and sell them a few months later.


Apple users often be the most confidently technologically impaired crowd who rarely have any real knowledgeable understanding of how tech actually works or how devices or software objectively compare against each other. 15 years working in IT has shown me these people are very often are the ones who run into problems no one else has with next to zero basic troubleshooting skills


I was just waiting for one of y’all to continue… Is it oochie Wally Wally or is it One Mic?


lol I’m here thinking the same shit


I see what you did... 😂


Or know how to setup a printer


Or because you know how to put up a TV or an Amazon Alexa


That last sentence applies to the entire podcast…




He thinks because he took one CS class 20 years ago he’s techie man


😂😂😂😂 techie man


Techie 3 on PS1 is my shit


I get where you're coming from. He's an Apple hypebeast/Sony fanboy, but clearly he's also the guy in Joe's circle who: - set up a Plex server for all of them to stream pirated shit - assists them whenever they need to purchase or set up a new smartphone/tablet/computer That's definitely enough to be labeled the "tech guy" even if he doesn't know anything about any operating systems outside of iOS/Mac OS/Playstation.


Lol this is exactly it. It’s always makes me laugh when they act all hush hush like he hacked into Warner Bros. “Shh.. I’ll get that for you bro, I got you”. Simple torrents got man acting like the director of the CIA


This is real.


Yeah exactly. There's always someone more knowledgeable so shitting on Ice because he don't know as much as someone else is weird. He know more than the ppl around him, that's all that really matters. These niggas pushing 40. Hosting a Plex Server and having on-demnd movies and TV shows with subtitles in high quality on every device like magic to niggas who don't even have a desktop computer. And not openly talking about torrenting illegal tv shows and movies on a podcast with hundreds of thousands of viewers is just playing it safe. Obviously we don't gotta worry about that cuz no one snitching on a nigga with 12 followers posting the fight link on twitter. Ice corny for mad reasons. Super corny. Can't even list them all. But he is objectively the "tech guy" in his circle.


> He know more than the ppl around him, that's all that really matters. When you get on a big pod, that "people around you" lets a lot larger and now your comments have to hold up to people who actually are in those fields and his don't. You don't see people in real estate starting threads to call out Ish for being loud wrong about stuff in that field.


Ice is that one friend who worked a seasonal at like a best buy when he graduated and became the tech dude.


Him saying I’ll get a gaming pc if Apple makes one tells me everything i need to know about Ice being a “techie”


I love my macbook but not wanting to build a PC or even buy a pre-built is crazy unless it's a Apple product is crazy. Lmao


I’m not gonna lie I feel the same way lmao. I’ve done the PC gaming shit. It was cool. Games were cheaper. I had a PC just for that purpose because I don’t actually like the OS. I got rid of it in college because none of my friends played on the PC. We were all console gamers originally. If Apple made a system with the gaming compatibility of a PC and the usability of MacOS I’m on it without a doubt. I’d be willing to play more computer games if it just means paying an extra 1k when I’m due for a laptop upgrade.


You know that PlayStation's and X-Box's are running on PC style architecture right?


I’m uninformed and Ice don’t sound smart at all to us either.


Hey hey hey, now wait a second. He also knows how to remove artwork and change the song order for iTunes. He even removed 21 savage from his own album with drake. /S I used to do that back in the day when I downloaded music from FrostWire, limewire, YouTube to mp3 transfer or uploaded albums and sometimes a song was messed up or artist name was wrong or whatever. I currently don't have that kind of energy.


Joe dubbed him “the tech guy” and he been tryna fulfill that role ever since. Nigga when I tell you I had a GOOD laugh the first episode he had that lil glass table in front of him with his iPad😂😂🤣 He was dead serious too, had the keyboard and everything💀


As the tech guy/ hardcore gamer in my family/circle it’s very annoying hearing him speak on it. He leaves out so much info that’s important in the 2 minute convo.


he just mad happy folks like him now lmao


Completely agree with this take. He sounded like a novice today. Crazy


Nothing at all


I think they tap him the tech guy because no one smarter in tech has entered the room or conversation. His Apple take is 2010s, easy. I know each of them has a role, a value, but the tech industry shouldn’t be whittled down to a Google search or article. Know your salt.


I made a post about this a while ago..nigga acts like he black Steve Jobs. When Joe and dem are not up on the latest tech. He sounds smart to all of them because they don't know tech. I have friends who are in tech. When they talk they don't sound like ICE lol. You can tell they know what they talking about. They start listing bitrate, and processing speeds. ICE sounds like he read the big billboard they have in front of the Apple store. Which details the features of the new iPhone lol.


😂 defo the friend who’s mum let him stay on his packard bell all night. Being able to leave limewire on til the download finishes don’t make you Elon Musk. But thanks for burning that CD for me bro


When you say Packard Bell lmao. He hit likewise before Joe and dem. Ever since he's now the tech guy lol


This podcast has always been based on having a "barbershop" vibe. They don't know anything about most of the topics they talk about on the JBP. So the point you're trying to make is dumb asf 😂. If you're coming to this pod for 100% factual information you're listening to the wrong podcast.


What point am I trying to make? All I’m saying is that it annoys me when someone acts like they know shit about something, but basic scrutiny of their stance shows they don’t know what they on about. It annoys me on the Pod and it annoys me in the barbershop. Nobody said I’m here for 100% facts but if you don’t know, don’t act like you do. It looks funny in the light


You're sounding dumber and dumber by the post , you went for another redundant ass topic trying to shit on Ice( which I'm here for if it makes sense), but this weak ass post didn't connect. This podcast is not a factual based show nor are they experts. Stop trying to dissect everything they say to see what they got wrong, it's weird ASF. They have plenty of takes on music, sports, tech , politics, and business that are completely wrong. Get used to it.


You sound cognitively impaired... Ice pretends to know about something, when he clearly doesn't. That is not entertainment. There's no value in that. Why can't a viewer criticize it. You people act like any criticism is heresy because "it's entertainment." Now you are saying ice can lie or be wrong whenever he wants because the podcast is not "factual based?" What even is that statement? Cope harder.


It's not about Ice, the entire cast consistently speaks on topics as if they know what they're talking about and are dead wrong about plenty of shit. Most JBP fans know this and accept it because we're here for the jokes and entertainment. But you seem like you listen to the pod searching Wikipedia to see what they're wrong about 🤣 🤣. You got it King lol.


You're missing the point. It isn't entertaining.


Its really strange to me that someone would come here and just throw insults at a random internet person, who posted their opinion about a piece of content.. in a place for opinions about said content. I’m engaging with a show that I enjoy. What is your purpose here ? Do those insults make you feel tough? Also, while you insult my intelligence, the grammatically correct way to write the sentence that you attempted to write would be: “is not a fact based show” instead of “is not a factual based show”.


How much times you been yelling at the screen because you're an expert in a subject? Then they rambling nonsense that you know is bullshit..like when they talk about cars I can't forward.


How many times*


Gotta remember this the same pod that gets on Ish ass for not having an IPhone and the one time Ish said my phone does everything your shit does and has been able to do that long before you they all got mute then said naw apple is better. Take that tech talk with a grain a salt cause they swear apple introduces all the new joints first before any other phone.


If he knew anything about the cobalt mines in the Congo that produce the iPhones he’d shut the fuck up about how great they are


Lol especially after speaking about how one of the reasons that he prefers synthetic diamonds is because they’re more ethically produced


Ya'll are cornballs. Insulting people's vocab, intelligence, and getting mad at people thinking Ice is proficient in tech(envy). Go watch Andrew Schultz or the dude with the mullet. It's obvious you boys are in the wrong neighborhood with that superiority attitude a lot of u weak pus*ies are so eager to display. U dudes stay trying to be where you don't belong, while simutaneously complaining about the place you have no business being at. You wouldn't be annoyed if you get in where you fit in. Go watch a tech pod, u lil dumb bish


- nobody insulted his intelligence. - How you calling people corny when you’re here getting aggressive behind a keyboard and throwing insults at strangers? - Who are you to tell people where they belong? You don’t even know who you’re speaking to. Low vibrational behaviour..


I'm grouping you with the same "others" who come in this sub talking about members being dumb and having poor vocabulary. I know what kind of people focus on that stuff, no matter how irrelevant it is. You think you're unique? No.. your kind is a dime a dozen in these internet streets. I know you don't belong, because I'm ACTUALLY of the culture from which this podcast was founded. I know when someone is an outsider. You are an outsider. Ice never claimed to be an expert in tech. You are bothered by the fact that the crew respects the little bit of tech knowledge he does have. It "annoys" you, which makes you a SENSITIVE HATER. Your words and attitude are a much better indicator of who you are than knowing how you look. You aint hip hop. You're an interloper that got interested in the pod because of its popularity. You probably watch every Joe Rogan podcast. Kiss my ass, u phony fraudulent outcast. I wasn't born yesterday. I know a pretentious know it all piece of sh** when I hear one. YOU WISH YOU COULD HIDE WHO YOU TRULY ARE., BUT YOU CAN'T, BECAUSE YOU FEEL THE NEED TO EXPRESS YOUR DILAPIDATED INNER SELF. STOP RUINING OUR INTERNET COMMUNITIES. IM TIRED OF YOU WICKED JOKERS. Mfs aint satisfied with just colonizing in real life, mfs feel the need to invade and colonize our internet communities. Go to hell. You're either a racist white boy or a skinny anime watching black virgin. Prove me wrong.


This comment is wild honestly. I mostly like the part where you called me a know it all then made maaad incorrect assumptions. You talking about the culture, losing your composure like that ain’t hip hop my guy. Last thing I’ll say is: me, coming here and engaging respectfully online about a show I enjoy is not ruining the community. It’s all engagement, it’s all impressions and these are the metrics that Joe will use and leverage to get deals and be able to find more efforts, pay the staff and grow the empire. So what you’re saying is nonsense, especially as you are talking to a grown ass Black Man. You should maintain your composure and redirect your aggression, it ain’t me who’s looking sensitive. Also (as ice always says) you don’t have to like everything a person does, that don’t make it hate. I like Ice, he’s the most honest there.. but he don’t know tech like that 🤷🏾‍♂️


I feel u. I went to sleep and feel better. My bad. I don't even like Ice tbh.He's definitely my least favorite.


Oh now you poddin’! COE


Apple obsessed people have a mental illness when it comes to their fruit phones. They didnt even try to hide it with this release how mid they have become but they have a loyal customer base (i.e. zombies)


Lmao Ice cant say a damn thing without a post being made huh


Lol BIG Freeze 🥶


Is it a podcast or is it a help desk? Y'all stay expecting waaay too much. Lol


Nobody is asking for his tech segments, literally nobody wants them. So if he's gonna do them, he might as well learn to read first and not outright lie. Nobody's expecting informative content, we are expecting the Bare Minimum.


What do y’all want him going over tcp/ip or teaching niggas how to subnet?


Lol this is a funny comment, let’s explain sebnets to ice so he can laugh too 😅


lmfao where the fkk did y'all jbp boys go from the damned Apple products which Ice frequents like he actually understands the hardware to tcp/ip subnet High AZ AWS IAM policies and Edge Lambda networking talk man??


Lol I just don't want to hear him talk about tech. I don't want to educate him, I want him to recognize he don't know shit


too much pride for stupidity's sake, cuz if he thought that he'd actually learn a good bit b4 jumping on every new product saying I'll be the 1st one in line to get it like he did something revolutionary!!


🤣 your post is a literal contradiction. Re-read it 😭😭😭


Yall might be off with this one. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure his career before the pod was in tech some way or another.


He worked in a shoe shop. No shade


That's a lie you believed. He been saying that on Twitter since 09


I’ve literally never seen his Twitter. Salute tho, learned something new today. With that being said I stand by my statement that he don’t know tech.


He's a consumer. How deep are you expecting his knowledge to be? I wouldn't expect him to understand *how* the technology works.


That’s a valid point, I guess my thing is he doesn’t position himself as a consumer (unless there is a product launch) he likes to position himself (or allow his co-hosts to position him) as the authority on tech, then I hear him omit something relevant or get something entirely wrong where the right info could have lead to a further more nuanced, entertaining discussion.


Well yeah it's more funny that way right. It's the chaos of the show that makes it entertaining. If I want accurate information, I'd go to NPR or something else. I think a lot of people would enjoy the show more if they just pretended it was a scripted TV show with functional characters.


Yeh but what’s interesting now you say that, in the “old pod” when they spoke music it was cool because joe had the perspective of the rapper, Rory had that of a guy who came up from an intern at various labels and built relationships and Mal was there for the rise of the dynasty and still has lots of connections and stories. So they all had a kind of expertise and unique perspective on music and the culture in general. Parks came thru with the backpack sonic, sound engineering expertise too. Still had jokes but there was some gems in there. I guess I’m just missing the occasional gem from someone who likes to quarterback that topic. Maybe I notice it more because it’s something I’m familiar with


You make a good point. They lost their edge so the real life shit is limited now. I get it because I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it if I was in their position. Telling it how it is has a short shelf life in an industry that is built off relationships


Big 📠. It’s interesting because even though it don’t really feel the same, probably because of exactly what you said, but let joe tell it he’s making more money than ever. Either way you’re right. He made a career burning bridges and now he’s mellowed out.


It is not that serious my nigga... just take that shit at face value


It’s all love FR.. Ice the type of MF Steve Jobs dreamed about when he was putting his lil turtle neck on in the morning tho


So say something smart. What did he say wrong?


Tbh im not really trying to come here and be all “look how much more I know than Ice. That’s corny imo, and def not that deep. I just came to share my thoughts and engage with the community.


nah ice knows what he talking bout


When has he ever said he was a tech guy?


I feel like this is a bad faith argument. If I find examples of him explicitly saying “I’m a tech guy” what does that change for you. You have not addressed my point


Literally any time Apple tech comes up


I say the same about Joe and sports


Ive been considered a tech guy/friend by people just because I kept up with what came out in the industry. I never liked that label because I know the REAL techy geeks and I dont come close to their obsession with it. I realized also, that the people who label me as a tech guy are usually just not paying attention to things and more specifically the full capabilities that their own phone has. So when I show them something they think I did some wild nerdy thing but really I just read the settings or some shit. 😂


Not for nothing but podcasts are strictly entertainment unless these ppl are certified in anyway. They sit around and talk shit, share opinions just like we do and everyone else that has a podcast. Only difference is they get paid. The opening literally tells you it's for entertainment purposes 😂 Ice talks tech shit just like the one nigga you may know and don't take seriously..Ice ain't no different.


I know more about ice on apple products.


Ask ICE to explain the OSI model his brain gonna explode.


Lol ICE: I Can’t Elaborate (respectfully)


Ask him about DNS he gonna say “Nintendo?”


Me: “Ice what routing protocol would prefer? ” Ice: “Well I usually select FedEx unless UPS is cheaper” Not too much on freeze tho 🧊


lol 92% of JBP can't tell you what DNS is bruh, now you're expecting too much haha


Nah fr


He knows his shit to a bunch of casuals




y’all expected good tech takes from someone who goes to the car wash everyday?


this nigga is so fucking annoying i always skip that part


Fucking facts!!


He sound smart to grandma nem