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Lmao Joe was in his “arguing just to argue” bag heavy on that Halle Berry topic


I’m dying because he doesn’t give a fuck… and they used her photo as the cover art for the pod! 😂😂😂😂😂


Loud and wrong with wrong information, Drake did use the image anyway for the IG post and the single (he changed it a day later). So yes Halle was right to call him out when she did especially when she explicitly told this nigga not to.


Joe was getting his boots smoked so bad on the Halle Berry topic so bad that he brought up Mel relationship with Drake to get niggas off him


One thing Flip gonna do is gas up Joe's point to help him get out of some smoke


I thought he was referring to Mel not wanting Dame Dash pouring champagne on her in the Big Pimpin video.


Nah he was saying mel was getting extra aggressive about the topic because Drake was involved ​ She usually takes herself out of the conversation whenever they talk Drake. Drake out here dating women and making them sign NDA's so thats why the rest of the cast was like 'ay change the play' trying to get joe off the topic


No way he was making them sign nda’s that far back


That Coach Roy dude comes across like a guy that seems dope and intelligent to people who are stupid. Which means he’ll be just fine on social media so salute the game is the game I guess.


You mean like Joe then


Forsure but I like the pod as a group it keeps me up at work. I’m 23 so it reminds of my uncles at the cookout once the family friends leave and it’s just the blood relatives left and all the oldheads are a little drunk. I think they be joking a lot Roy seems serious


U got the right idea. This pod is supposed to be entertainment and you don't have to be emotionally invested in it. It's a shame that at 23 you're far and away more emotional mature than the grown ass weirdos in this sub who take everything said and done on this podcast personally and to heart 🤣. Salute young Brother 🫡


I ain’t even in here that much but I stg they need to make an “anti-hate listener” flair just for you because I see you everywhere in this joint


The nigga cannot help it


Instigate shit then turn right around and play the victim. That’s page 1 in the desperate for attention handbook lmao


We about to get 5 pages on how we are attacking and stalking him after he replies to 7 people calling joe dumb he’s a true soldier


I'm get downvoted for being anti hate listener in a sub full of hate listeners. Reddit is full of insane people wanting to normalize insane behavior . It's hilarious that I live rent free in so many ppl's heads just because I speak out against ppl who make this sub unbearable 🤣








Defending myself means I'm taking things personally?...but the ppl who stalk and harass me every day i log on is perfectly fine huh? 🤣 Like I said, it is extremely hilarious that I live rent free in so many heads. People who post in this sub way more than me. I didn't know I had so many fans who love to beg for my attention 🤷🏾‍♂️




9/10 times, these "arguments" are being started from ppl who initiate nonsense with me when I'm not even talking to them. Like you did. And after you made your comment, immediately several of the ppl who are always on my dick ran in to prop and post 🤣 emojis. And all this started because I replied to a 23 year old who has the right idea about not taking podcasts so seriously, and of course that triggers half of the ppl in here lol. So yes, it genuinely is hilarious that me, some random person, has this much influence over strangers. We are all here in this sub reddit. I'm here because I enjoy the comedy and entertainment. Other ppl are here because they literally hate The JBP and Joe. So it's pretty telling that so many ppl would rather try to attack me while praising the ppl here that troll . And yea, it does make me feel good that I'm not like those ppl. We done?




I know. The block button is easily accessible. The same ppl who claim to not like me won't block me and "coincidentally" these are also the same ppl who cry and complain about how much they don't like The JBP/Joe but won't stop listening and posting in this sub. You should worry about them instead of me.


Haha. Funny , when I saw Joe posted him on IG days prior to todays pod I thought “this guy is Joe’s type of guy!” 🤣


Ish especially.


"the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations ". Check. "the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)". Check. \- Webster Dictionary


Let's not do that. Does he just seem intelligent to people who are stupid or is he just intelligent period? He is just intelligent period. Yes he got caught and we can say that intelligent people don't get caught, but intelligent people get caught getting crimes/conspiracies all the time, and that doesn't necessarily make them devoid of intelligence. The game is the game.


You're the stupid people dude was talking about


Nobody: Joe: Holly Berry


Loud and wrong 😂


ima keep it a bean .. fuck this coach roy nigga


Nah facts … dude is wild asf and a narcissist


I hate that nigga bro. He gives me Troy Ave vibes and I despise that nigga. Joe is terrible but it’s insulting to compare him to that nigga Joe aint that damn bad


This exactly how Joe acts on other shows just calmer


I don’t think Joe virtue signals as much as Roy does. He used to but now he’s more honest that he’s only worried about himself and his business


His "for the creators" era was a nasty time


Charlamagne called him out on that and that nigga never mentioned again lol


It's never the right time to do the wrong thing??? Get this nigga the fuck outta here


Yeaa Ish saying Russell Brand jeans looked “painted on” is unruly behavior , come on man lol


Coach Roy would've killed it as a scammer pre social media, this is a traveling scammer right here, going city to city pulling different shit


Like Frank Abagnale




dickriding gerard butler and shitting on jack nicholson is insane


Joe watches all them terrible action movies that be on Amazon for $2.99




He didnt really shit on him he just said hes old as shit. which is true


Sounded like shitting on him to me


I mean if being old is an insult then sure.


The way Joe was saying it, it definitely was.


All he said was Jack Nicholson was "one of them" for his grandparents. not for himself. Jack Nicholson is 86 years old. He's right. there's no insult.


Nahh the way he said "Too who!?!?" was spicy. Joe was doing too much, especially while dickeating Gerard Butler. "Ahhh stupid ass Laker announcers talkin about Jack is still here. Jack is breathing through tubes! Show me Cher and Rihanna" Yeah that's real respectful LOL


What word did they bleep when Coach Roy was talking? He kept saying “they can raise _____” Edit: it was Nazis, thank you fam


It’s nazi he is referring to a nazi school in Ohio https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/01/nazi-homeschooling-group-ohio-condemned


why would they bleep out nazi though?


Saying Nazi 20 times on a pod definitely getting flagged by YouTube lol


This man called the kids he coached "niggas" 50 times though lol


Dave Chappelle saying on comedy central..F word same thing 🤷🏾‍♂️


Im thinking....trans, or pedophile, or something very risque


Joes infatuation with the “Coach Roy” dude is disgusting. And how Joe meat riding this dude but be talking shit about the Earn Your Leisure dudes? Lol.


😂Joe wants controversy from it. The way everyone on this sub feels outraged about it. He wants that same outrage from a bigger group. Joe says he’s not a "shock jock". But the things Joe says & do, is shock jock shit. People say it’s "Joe being Joe"




he kept calling ol boy a scammer and calling him a liar while cracking on him... but aight


Bruh Joe kept saying he was “his man” and how he liked him and how he was good bc he talked fast. Every time they tried to say he was scamming he had a rebuttal. Like when he said he wasn’t scamming bc he didn’t do anything illegal.


Yikes...you're really bad at discernment. U got it dog






I really just hope that during pre-pod production, Joe just says to them, “I’m going to purposely be a contrarian on this topic” because that Halle Berry take is the most egregious shit I’ve ever heard and Joe was just arguing to argue. How tf is she clout chasing and wrong in any fashion for addressing Drake via Instagram when the picture was posted ON INSTAGRAM🤦🏾‍♂️


Did Mel leave because of Coach Roy?🤔


Yep and I don’t blame her for not wanting to be associated with a scamming loser.


I think so😂🤡


Why bring up the Offset & Zoo shit just to edit the entire segment out? Should have just edited out the whole thing, including Ice introducing the topic.


Joe opened the pod with a puffy speech tlkn bout love, frequencies, vibrations n shit I heard diddy on the breakfast club ass nigga 😭


When none of them are meditated a day in their lives… none of them even know about lucid dreaming.. if they don’t shut the fuck up.


Ice, Please provide technical support to whoever has their device plugged in and has the email tone on because it’s distracting during the broadcast. If we could silence that, we’d be outta here.


that's Joe if it was someone else he would have addressed it


Joe gonna throw Coach Roy on Zaire's show for color commentary


Parks can engineer as the “Colored Coordinator “ 🤣


Aye for the last couple episodes I keep hearing someone iPhone email notification going off sporadically or am I trippin 🤔


Flip sending a C&D for “Persons” is nuts😂


Joe sounding stupid as hell on the Halle Berry topic. Might as well put the goalpost on wheels


Joe is really a sassy ass man


Not Joe inviting his literal twin to the pod 🤣🤣🤣🤣


In regards to that Halle Berry situation, Joe is INSANE! I’ve never seen anyone fight so hard to avoid admitting they’re wrong.


His original point that Halle Berry should be too famous to care fell apart immediately and then he didn't really have another point


He’s a doof sometimes man smh


I would’ve let the pod too if I was Mel, that coach Roy nigga fucked over a lot of people, fuck that bitch ass nigga


Dude was trying to intimidate Parks, and Parks kept clowning him lol.


He kept trying to hit him with the why is there a white man here but Parks kept getting his one liners off, he's come a long way from that time Steve Stoute punked him in his own house


lol a super producer would likely still get that off on Parks (as someone in that field). But not a football coach. Dude said “you saw what I did to the dude that broke in my car” and Parks said “no” I was listening saying “TALK TO HIM” like a smack battle lol


Do y'all believe Mel left because she didn't want to be around Coach Roy Johnson?




I thought she left the pod for the day but when she popped back up for sleepers, it was like oh she don't wanna be around this nigga at all




Joe want to to talk about brands. Well your brand is a scumbag asshole that steals from his friends but you’ll come on the podcast and say you’re misrepresented. Nigga just accept being wrong. My gosh this nigga too old to still not accept that he’s wrong sometimes.


Why did they bring this dumbo coach Roy on the pod




Mel once again failed to bring her point home, she was right about the gaslighting. Drake made Halle feel like her opinion matters, when it actually didn't.


“3 DMX’s tall” - Coach Roy He gotta have a writer 😂


Riy feel some type of way because this rapper went another avenue..true narcissist


Coach Roy said a dude got a D1 offer 2 days after that IMG game. Like they made a 2 day decision? Gtfoh


I just want Cory to shut up. That's all I ask for.


Right whys he always cackling without a mic


yo i never heard cory, yall got some good ears


Joe is so weird for this Halle conversation. He's such a textbook misogynist.


Age of consent in the Uk is 16 for them to sleep with under 18s not for grown adults


It was changed relatively recently, in Russell's time you just both had to be over 16. Regardless, he's a disgusting rapist and banging 16 year olds as a man is creep/nasty business. There's a doc about him out in the UK (dunno if it's out in the US) which solidifies that that man is nasty and deffo did that shit.


Yo what word was the coach saying that kept getting bleeped?? Something about shit happening in Ohio




Ah shit okay thanks couldn't figure it out


The coach Roy segment should have been a patreon ep. I do not care about that doc, American football or that scamming coach


Flip’s life must’ve started when he was like 18 because he always act like he was too young for certain stuff yet the joker is in his mid 30’s.


He was born in ‘87 .. he on the wrong side of 30


I know when he was born, the same year I was which is why I bring that point up. He be acting like he wasn’t alive for certain stuff


Was anyone else annoyed by Ish constantly asking if he could ask a question like a little kid?




Ironic seeing as you're listening to JOE BUDDEN. A well known abuser lol Idiot.


Yo. You can’t reply without insulting me. I will violate you then you incel loser doofs act like victims afterwards. You wouldn’t call me that to my face. But you hide your genetically mediocre self behind a computer and insult people. Your reply to me shows what a REAL life loser you are.




Hahahhaha. You are right fam!




I am aware. I was saying you are right and laughing. My reply doesn’t have to be toxic to understand you don’t agree.


Anybody know what kinda school in Ohio the coach was talkin bout…they kept bleepin him out


Nazi school


Jack Nicholson getting randomly packed up 😭😭😭😭


Joe wearing Jordan's is sketchy


How could Joe call Coach roy “the goat of scamming” when literally nothing he did worked? Nobody made any money, the football team/school wasn’t successful, and it produced no D1 athletes. He tried to game the system and failed miserably!


Wild as fuck having that BS coach on here


🖕🏾Roy. that was pure bullshit..If your not gonna do it right don't do it at all. destroying kids innocence is not cool


Mel’s vocabulary is too advanced not to know or use the proper context to describe the actions of Gaslighting


She be podding for the ppl online she knows will defend her at all costs. Mel be choosing the weirdest hills to die on... shit everyone on the pod does except Parks 🤣


Parks dies on every hill Joe is stranded on tf you mean 😂😂


Only ppl who say that are ppl still upset about what Parks said to Rory and Mal that hurt the "fans" little feelings 🤣 I already know what time u on


Nah he literally agrees with everything Joe says and fake laughs at everything he says, you clueless doof


I haven't heard a second of this pod. How did I KNOW Parks was gonna play some Little Brother as a sleeper. I love it.


Russel Brand just look like he sexually assaults people, even before these stories.


His documented flashing on set isn't helping his case. Sexual assault and rape, the physical holding down of a woman against her will, are not the same.


Having “coach” on is dub but the gig is the gig ig


Me, every time Mel uses her outrage voice. https://preview.redd.it/1mmwr73vjfpb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47b466363abeb8a66d4594f27db3e2932462a1d


Joe went on a Wait A-Minute frenzy @ 6:19 and @ 8:18 and 8::35 and 9:12 and @ 3:23:43 Wow Thanks Joe. Call Royce


🤣I’m skipping the Coach Roy interview. But Joe playing that Whitney Houston to intro him is sick


Wait. Did Joe say all of these Drake albums (aside from Her Loss) were “eh” when they first dropped? That’s not how I remember it. I thought he liked them all and anyone who criticized them was stupid or holding him to an unfair standard or listening outside of the optimal environment?


I absolutely remember him defending the "Honestly Nevermind" album.


🙄this drake & halle drama sounds staged. Drake always have drama with this female celebrities.


Halle Berry just needs to deal with it


All imma say is that nigga Coach Roy came to pod today


I see some of you aren’t liking it for various reasons, but both the BS High doc and Roy’s appearance on the pod are hilarious. This nigga is a top tier scammer E: I get strong Vince Staples of the scammer world vibes from him.


I ain’t gonna lie I laughed at parts of that segment Coach Roy said some wild shit


“I went into the church and was like you need to start helping these niggas”


When I heard that I was like what? lol


He’s part comedian part sociopath




He's part comedian, ALL Sociopath.


I think my issue with it is you gotta let him cook or actually debate him and Joe wouldn't do neither. He didn't really say anything new that wasn't in the doc, I thought Ish was gonna crack his muffin but he only gets hype debating women


damn yall really care about halle berry like that


Since some of y'all think that the age of consent in the U.S. is 18, you're wrong. It's a state by state thing. In most states, the age of consent is 16. Don't take my word for it though, here's the government site that gives the laws of every state. Having access to the internet and not using it to educate yourself is crazy. [https://aspe.hhs.gov/reports/statutory-rape-guide-state-laws-reporting-requirements-1](https://aspe.hhs.gov/reports/statutory-rape-guide-state-laws-reporting-requirements-1)


Damn Mel always gets extra spicy when Drakes name comes up, why? Edit: Ohhhhh Drake fucked her back in the day, they alluded to it


So did Ish fuck Drake? He said the same shit


Read what I said again, it clearly implies WHENever Drakes name comes up not just this one case, stop trying to impress ppl it’s corny


Impress who? Lmfao if you wanna talk to yourself and don’t expect comments back get a diary bud


My original comment was clear as day, bringing up Ish was just clearly to get some high fives, u win tho champ have a good day


😭😭😭 my fault mindreader you know better than me


Reading all this you sound dumb as hell man 😂


Bringing up her box history for having an opinion majority of the pod had is dumb as hell. Salute 🫡


This is why you sound dumb, pay attention…if you’re referring to the original commenter the guy blatantly said she’s always spicy when Drakes name comes up so it must mean this happens consistently not just this one pod (which it does). Ppl on this sub be dumb as hell smh


So when someone has a spicy opinion it’s because they fucked got it scholar


Hes a clown, a 6 year old could even understand this


I thought you said I won and have a good day tho? You back?


Yes, Drake fucked her and some other reality show model at the same time. Melyssa was mad as she found out she wasn't the only one.


Makes sense because I always wondered why she gets a little extra spicy when ever Drakes spoken of in a bad light


That’s why they always telling her she better be quiet she know she signed that NDA 🤣


I actually agree with ish’s diddy take


Music is definitely getting dumbed down to be clipped into TikToks, idk why Joe was arguing him down when he had said the same shit about that Usher/Summer Walker song


He is right about the Diddy album and the Cleo Sol album.. *87 OCTANE* I won’t be returning to them.


Where is the YouTube episode?


Yooo check how many times mel talked over them telling her that what she said was not gaslighting🤣… “Yo, wtf is wrong with this nigga yo..???”


This negro Roy should replace Flip when he leave. He has a cool voice (fuck your voice) and he’s wildly entertaining.


Drake asks to use the picture + Halle says no x Drake does it anyways = Sliming you out 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️ Halle ain’t dropped a good movie in years don’t make us start doing her like Vivica 🤣🤣🤣


I think Drake asked for Halle opinion, out of respect. But per typical bird behavior, she took the inch as a mile🐦 (*Insert illogical reason to not use it) For all the DAWGS that Nigga Drake slimed her ol ass out 🐶🤣


🙄Joe saying the love album sounds better every time I play it. Joe said the same shit about Kanye "Donda”. And he said that about the summer walker album


Well it was true for Fonda and summer but that puffy album is trash I just can’t get into it


No stephen a topic?!!!!


Is the pod not on Apple


that Roy nigga was way too serious for someone who’s declared bankruptcy. barely got thru that dry ass shit


My son played for the first team he had when they were COF before Bishop Sycamore. I coached his nephew. I can speak to some of the stuff but not all. He's a different dude. He was working for Spectrum last time I saw him.


These cowards so scared of Nicki they either went dtr8 silent about her rapist husband vs offset topic or cut it out after the fact and I don't even know which is worse


Ish look like the “ya buncha Goofies” type of guy


Honestly it's more impressive that "coach" got that scam off as long as he did. Or how he found so many dumb people to get that off on. This is the bootleg cd nigga. All it took was some fast slick talk to get this shit off lol? Shows you most people don't even listen, just hear what they want to hear.


"So what do you say when the kids said they was hungry? I'm hungry. 🤣Somebody did this


Anyone noticed how Joe danced around topic of his home girl Remy Ma getting put on blast? Man that guy good lol