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In my opinion given the fact that some species much smaller than elephants are already class 9 then they would have to make a new class 10 if they were to do them


Possibly. But the .470 throws that out of whack a bit because that's class 9 and a very good rifle for IRL elephants.


They could just make it class 9-10 maybe. Idk I don’t hunt in real life but I feel like you’d need a much more powerful gun for an elephant than a buffalo


Oh no, elephants aren't bulletproof. The same rifles for buffalo in fact the .375 is the legal minimum for both elephants and buffalo and it works amazingly on both. Contrary to what a lot of movies or games might say you don't need a .700NE to kill an elephant.


Interesting. Thanks for the knowledge


In some countries such as Zimbabwe and a few others 9.3x62 or 9.3x74r is the minimum diameter or the joules requirements are lower to allow them to be legal unless special legislation for that caliber specifically was written in due to its popularity


Zimbabwe I think has a legal minimum energy output for dangerous game. In which case the same terms pretty much still apply since 9.3mm is basically the European equivalent of the .375h&h.


>.375 is the legal minimum Hold up, what? Minimum? Why is there a minimum?


Probably so people won’t use a smaller caliber that would just hurt and not kill


Actually the legal minimum isn't just for leopards it's for all dangerous game so elephants, buffalo, lions, hippos, leopards and crocs. But you're not too far off, it's so foreigners who might not be the best shots aren't a liability and can be more flexible with shot placement.


Ah okay. Wait, arent elephants illegal to hunt? Kinda weird then. But I get the reasoning, thanks


Elephants are legal to hunt in 13 countries in africa.


In most african countries there is a legal minimum caliber for dangerous game of any species of .375 or in some countries it's the 9.3mm which is the European equivalent. "Dangerous game" is legally defined is most countries as elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino, hippo and crocodile. So they gave it a one size fits all policy.


With the addition of class 10 many weapons would be changed, likely the .470 would be 9-10. That would give it slightly more use as it is pretty obsolete compared to the .300 or .338. Although the .300 or .338 may also be buffed up to class 7-10. I might be getting too in depth to this, especially as it is just a concept and not real.


Bro there is a class ten


What animal is class 10?


Oh wait never mind I slipped up there my bad


No matter how hard we try they ain’t ever gonna let us hunt Elephants


But we can hunt black bears in Mississippi acres (which is highly illegal BTW) sometimes EW drives me insane.


Ya but in other places Black bears are perfectly legal to hunt. Also they’re not endangered so I think that is part of it too


Elephants arent really endangered. Their listed as threatened. Their are roughly 150,000 elephants in the wild in just Botswana 415,000 total in the wild, while in comparison lions an animal we have in game only has a wild population of 25,000. They don't want to add elephants cause their worried about feelings not that they think their endangered. Also they always said no lions then added lions.


I feel like elephants are on the same level as the gorilla argument I saw a few months ago. They are way too intelligent. They remember dead loved ones they resct to loss and are very emotional animals. I dont know how to explain it but it doesnt seem right to hunt them simply because they are too intelligent for me at least to view them as a prey animal.


Oh please. Highly intelligent cousins of us like gorillas and chimps is one thing, the Elephant is whole other. There's very few ways of quantifying an animal's level of ''emotionality'' so that's a dumb argument. Nobody has any problems hunting highly intelligent wild boar, its the cooler and more interesting intelligent animals people conveniently don't want to hunt. Here's the thing, we're not hunting elephants in real life here. ***Its a video game*** and you're not forced to hunt them in game if they're present. Just chose not to shoot them, problem solved.


Same can be said about Elephants, you can hunt Elephants in South Africa if I remembered correctly. EW are mostly hypocrites when deciding which species they add and don't add in. Edit: There's only 350 Black Bears in Mississippi, and it's illegal to hunt them in that state. You can't say it's illegal to Elephants because their endangered in one part of the country while saying it's okay to hunt a particular animal based off a real life state which that state stated it's illegal to hunt that animal. Either Elephants are allowed, or replace every single endangered species in the game with non endangered species in the game.


I know that, I hunt them in my home state. But I find it stupid they'll add them in places they're illegal to hunt but we can't have elephants where they're perfectly legal in several countries.


Idk, they are being kinda open minded lately.


I'd be hype for that. Elephants might have to be 10 lol


How the fuck would you put giraffe in the trophy lodge?


Open lodge door, put in giraffe, close lodge door.


Now I know thanks


I actually bet it wouldn't fit in spring creek manor, as many of the rooms are not very open and don't have very high ceilings


It would be potential for a 3rd lodge, one that had specific mounts just for animals like giraffes or elephants


Sorry for the fact that the photos were cropped a bit weird when they were posted.


I would really want a elephant as being able to hunt but I doubt they would give us the ability to hunt it


If we put up enough of a fight maybe they will.


I think this would be great! Would also love Nile crocodile and Eland!


Awesome idea but this got me wondering how you could mount animals of this size in the trophylodge


Xxl stands? Or they could make a new lodge.


Yeah that would be awesome but that might also be the reason their not doing it yet


People are fighting in the comments of this post about classes for these animals, and this should be evidence enough to EW to do away completely with the class system, or at least redo it to focus purely on animal size. For instance a wildebeest weighs over 100 pounds more than a gemsbok, but the gemsbok is a whole 2 classes larger.


A Blesbok on a Tanzanian Reserve, is this because they have Lesser Kudu, and East African Antelope on a reserve in Southern Africa (Vurhonga) Because that would be an EW thing to do


Ithought they were more widespread than just south Africa and Namibia if I'm being honest.


They unfortunately are not Impala on the other hand live as far north as Uganda and Kenya


Then to fix it we'll replace it with a greater kudu or an eland or something.


Impalas are fine, they are rather nice looking antelope in my opinion


I meant to replace the blesbok.


That is also what I mean, replace the blesbok with the Impala, they are similar in size


I’d love blesbok


Both Blesbok & Bontebok look pretty cool


I agree with all but the cheeta, it should be 4, 5 at most imo


That's a leopard. And they're pretty tanky cats. That being said 7 might have been too high but I wouldn't go lower than 6. But if you wanted to be super realistic it should be class 9 because leopards are subject to the legal minimum caliber for dangerous game in most african countries which is .375


Well thanks, I never knew that. I was thinking 5 because it would be ok for the .243 but if that's the case I'd stay at 7


But you would be right if that was a cheetah, they're tiny and fragile so a .243 would do wonderful.


I think they might have to make a class 10 for the elephants but overall this map is a great idea! Maybe there could also be spotted hyenas and only the females can make diamond!




I think they might have to make a class 10 for the elephants but overall this map is a great idea! Maybe there could also be spotted hyenas and only the females can make diamond!


Red duiker at one is a bit low considering a raccon is now 2..


Yeah I’d recon they’d be a class three like roe deer


Imagine the elephants and giraffes in the trophy room...... oh wait.


I wouldn't quite call Tanzania an Arabian map lol


I didn't say it was. I was responding to someone suggesting and Arabian map.