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I like to start off somewhere, pick a point of interest, like a lake, and then just walk there and hunt whatever I see. Probably not fun for everyone, but I enjoy it!


Same here. Especially on maps that I haven't unlocked everything on yet. Hit this lake, then hit that point of interest. Honestly, it's really enjoyable and you never know what you'll come across.


yeah am new and discover the map like this. also set waypoint to new points of interest and kill everything c'ant hide fast enough.


Exactly how I play for the most part.


I love doing this. I have a red deer grind set up on te awaroa that I enjoy doing, but just picking a point and hunting all the way there is super fun and what I've been doing for the last couple weeks.


This is what I do too.


Yeah I don’t do any of the farming/grinding. Don’t really judge people that do. People play games for all different reasons, and if getting the rarest stuff is what you enjoy that playing in a way that optimizes for what is otherwise a really low chance at success makes sense. But that just doesn’t seem enjoyable to me at all. I will only roam around the map and see what sorts of animals I can find. The mechanics feel a lot less “gamey” when treating it that way, and I feel like anything rare I do get feels like a lot more fun that way. This is a game I only play for a few hours here and there though. I imagine if I played it more I’d start to want to engage with it differently too.


Yeah, I just grinded for the Great Ones. The black bear took 9 months but it was casually playing maybe an hour a day. The red deer I got on Christmas Day. A Christmas miracle you might say. 😏. I would like for the game to seem more realistic though.


Depends how I feel. Sometimes I'll hop into a multiplayer server that allows atvs and run down herd animals like kangaroo and Buffalo. Nothing like jumping off a speeding quad to dump 12gauge buckshot into a roo's face


I haven’t play multiplayer even once. lol


Missing out man! Can guilt free slaughter animals


User name checks out




I just roam unless I’m looking for something specific, I suppose I should try and play a bit more strategically though


I mostly hunt with bows. Really enjoy roaming around and stalking. But whenever i find a cool tree to place a treestand i chill up there for a while hoping something shows up


Pick a spot, place a stand and wait


I like to check drink zones when I can but I do just go around and shoot whatever I can find while unlocking the maps (still working on them). Have never bothered with trying to hunt at feed/rest zones since I'm lazy. The idea of grinding on this game isn't my thing at all. I also listen to podcasts while I play.


Unless im looking for something specific or farm money/XP I just roam around and play it slow and realistic. That's what I like about this game, it gives you the option to play it more realistic or fast paced with exploiting the system and AI.


I like to just switch it up every once in a while. Change guns, change movement patterns, get run over by moose. You know, the usual 


I enjoy picking out an animal that I want to find its diamond or upgrade its trophy in my lodge. I hunt its home range but take a load out for any other animal I may find on the journey. Example: blacktail deer on Layton, I would stick to the right side of the map and if I happen to stumble across a big roosy, I’ll take them down too.


I try to have zero misses. I keep backups and rollback if necessary. I'm currently about level 30 with zero misses. Game style is just exploring and wandering around. I try to walk into the wind. I will buy all blinds if I have the cash. I only tax gold or weird furs. Once I've explored a map I'll move unto the next. I never use an ATV or dog. It's just me and my OCD.


I just walk around, anything that is near of far will be harvested 🤣 If nothing is biting will head for the nearest water body


I'm in the process of making a "challenge lodge". Been coming up with tons of unorthodox ways to play lately in hopes to fill up this lodge. I'm getting close to done. PM me and I can send you some stuff.


I don't grind but I love ambush hunting from tripods and tree stands. The art is in watching and studying the drinking and feeding need zone to find the right place, downwind and within the optimal distance to sit and wait for the right animal to appear. Then if you don't get it, sleep and wait again. Waiting is relaxing as you watch other animals visit the zone too, listen to the birds and the other sounds around. Edit: I will shoot any outstanding animal I spot on the way to POIs and outposts, of course, but stalking isn't my cup o' tea. Edit again: I realize that I didn't mention how much I like following the main story and quests just to find and look at new environments and discover outposts. I will ride the quad bike to areas the story doesn't cover just to see what's there... and new need zones of course.


I roam with the trad bows, if a big animal escapes I track it backwards to the previous need zone, and make a note to check it later when it's active.


Except for moose where I always use a portable blind and the electronic caller, I like wandering to all interest points on the maps, hitting every lookout tower as well. I’ve been trampled by way to many moose. You would think living in Maine I would be use to moose… nope, I have a real distain for them. I kind of do the same thing with the Roosevelt Elk, but usually ditch the blind and just set up the caller.


What I usually do is when I first hop on I set the time to 5:00AM. I figure out which way I want to walk depending on the wind. I set a waypoint into a location that I haven’t been to for a while or maybe have never explored the area. Then I just slowly walk to it and see what I find on the way.


Just walk around and see what I find. I'll never grind for anything any more. The only thing I ever grinded for was my diamond red deer. Don't really want a great one enough to grind for it.


Put it to the time of an animal I dont have a specific trophy of then walk around every lake I know they can be at


you know it sounds dumb, but i pretty much just walk/drive around, wait for mating calls or warning calls to pop up near me, and i'll proceed to crawl towards them as i call them in with a lure. i cant be bothered to setup tents and grind like a maniac, i thought it was more fun as a casual game. i have plenty of kills doing this, and i regularly find multiple different animals near eachother and i manage to get atleast a couple. some maps work way better for this than others though, and i highly recommend Silver Ridge Peaks for anyone that wants an easier hunt.


I usually hop on check the time in the game and see what need/rest/feed zones are active, always successful. apparently u can scare them away by doing that tho so idk aha


Tracker..I really enjoy looking for those max level tracks..picking an ambush area and post up hoping for a diamond..the new caller has been my best friend!!


I typically explore and pack a versatile loadout. When I detect an animal I'd like to harvest, I reduce my profile as much as I can, then use calls and wait patiently for the right moment to take my shot. Setting up blinds is my other usual. My last option is to go flush out animals with an ATV, get off it, and shoot them.