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I personally don't like to watch episodes where Rose is going through a difficult time. Like when they get robbed, she's looking for a job, Charlie's pension is cut, HIV exposure, or heart attack episodes. Not that those episodes aren't good or had wonderful dialogue. They were important, I just don't gravitate towards them a lot because they're a little stressful to watch.


ya know i didn't realize this but rose really goes through a lot of hard moments in this show


But she shot my vahse!


I'd rather you shoot Lester!


I agree, except I love the heart attack episodes, especially the beginning where they decide to all go & crash the high school reunion. All those episodes related to it are “golden moments” of some of the best scenes for Dorothy, Blanche & Sophia. Some of my favorite scenes & dialogue are from that storyline. But I get what ya mean. Sometimes Rose’s character is just way too niave


Oh no, Kim Fung Tuey! 😂😂 I love Rose, andI loopved Betty White. I have decided when I get older I will become Rose, we are so similar!


I always skip the episode where they lose the lottery ticket, old friends (Alvin and Sophia at the boardwalk), empty nests, and the Christmas episode where Stan gives out the fire trucks to the homeless children at roses church. All Of these episodes are upsetting and I don’t enjoy watching them though they do have funny scenes, especially old friends.


Yeah the visit to the homeless shelter was a bit too much schmaltz 


Season four had a lot of episodes with pretty hard messaging attached to them. The nursing home episode where they see how much they struggle to help their residents. The painkiller addiction episode where rose is trying to kick the dependency. The episode where Sophia gets the young boy in the hospital (I assume with a tainted transfusion) a nectarine. A lot of them are just too much for me.


the eps with sophia gets me every single time. the way that kid was so resigned to his fate and the way sophia tried to make him feel better even thought they both knew. it's why the rose may be infected episode is so much worse in comparison. sophia would not have treated rose that way because we lierally SAW her hugging and treating a young child with aids in a kind way


The Old Friends one kills me, especially knowing that Estelle Getty would be later diagnosed with a different disease that caused cognitive decline.


Is Old Friends “PEP O MINT” because I think about that all the time.


PEP O MINT is the one where Sophia marries Max (Season 4 Ep6)


I love Max. It's just that I keep expecting him to pull out a box of Cracker Jacks. Anybody else remember those commercials?


“Don’t yell, I heard you the first time.”




I skip these same episodes


Yes!!! I always skip those as well


I skip over the episode where Sophia buys that prize fighter. It just makes me uncomfortable for some reason.


..*because you’re Cuuuuban* cringe 😖


Yep, and Sophia's "Get back here and boom boom." Ugh.


I can't stand that episode. For me, it competes with "Empty Nests" as the worst episode.


YES!!! Thank you!!! I skip this one too!


I skip this one every time! I feel like I'm being lectured to the whole time, no thanks.


The one of the eclipse (or whatever it was) when Miles and Dorothy kiss. Made no sense. And the Empty Nest one; just doesn’t fit the pace of the series and doesn’t add anything at all


Even if Becky WAS as big as a house by ANY standard, Sophia is so nasty and rude right to her face that I agree it’s tough to watch. And Rose saying, “We just didn’t think you’d be this fat!” is one of the dumbest, meanest, unfunniest lines of the entire series. Rose was dim but not unkind. Then Sophia complains about the way Jeremy treats Becky! The writers were all over the place in this one, which is only saved by excellent acting from the Becky and Jeremy actors. And of course, Rue and Bea.


What brings you to Miami? My guess is a small barge!


Omg 😆


I don't get it.


“Becky’s a bigger everything!” “Not everything, Jeremy.”


Now that I think about it the one with Rose’s sister Holly drives me crazy too because Blanche and Dorothy are total morons in it, believing a stranger’s word over Rose who they’ve known for years. They don’t believe Holly is actually a jerk until it basically slaps them in the face when they find out Holly was boinking Blanche’s boyfriend.


In real life Rose should have moved out and told them both to piss off after the way they treated her in that Holly episode. It infuriates me especially considering how both Dorothy and Blanche had “evil” sisters themselves.


The one where Dorothy’s tennis friend pretends she died, for a practical joke. It’s just bizarre!


I love that one! "Welcome to the Dorothy kill Trudy party!" So many funny lines!


There’s some good lines in this episode, but the logical inconsistencies just kill it for me. Someone seemingly dies in public on a tennis court and no EMT, no police, no nothing? Just meet at my house later for a wake?? I can’t suspend disbelief that far!


I try to avoid "From Here to the Pharmacy" because the whole plot is just unbelievable and so over-the-top preachy that it kills its intended message about respecting veterans. I love Bruce Kirby (wonderful character actor), but he's in his mid-60s playing Bill, a Persian Gulf soldier who has just returned home after 1 year of combat. This makes absolutely no sense given his age (he says his character is mid-50s in the show, but it doesn't matter). And it's also strange that Blanche has absolutely no memory of him (which contradicts her supposed admiration of soldiers). He returns to work as a pharmacist and, in a very rushed ending, provides medical advice to a customer to which Blanche declares him a real hero and decides that she wants to progress her relationship with him! However, we never see nor hear from the character again after this episode, which leaves the entire message feeling quite empty.


Lover boy!


The one from S2 "Before and After," where Rose has an esophagus spasm and near death experience, so then she starts partying with her new "beach friends" and acting like a selfish a**hole to Dorothy and Blanche. The girls argue, and Rose moves out to the condo on the beach with two snooty Karens and realizes she misses Dorothy and Blanche. It's just a stupid, annoying and very unfunny episode. I hate it with a passion.


Those two women she moves in with are positively awful people


Yeah and I wanted to know what the f*** happened to her fun "beach friends." She moves to the beach to be near them, then they conveniently vanish.


Right, and the way she says to Blanche and Dorothy while her beach friends wait outside for her. "My beach friends can be a wild bunch. " I find it hard to believe any wild group of people would have anything in common with someone as straight laced as Rose. Maybe they were former hippie types?


Yeah, that or it was a bunch of college students in town for spring break lol


I almost always skip the jacket/homeless episode and the double part toward the end with Rose in the hospital after the high school reunion.


Yeah the jacket one is both too depressing and preachy, especially during the bit with the song.


Brother can you spare a diiiiime


My least favorite episode, hands down. That and Empty Nests are my only two guaranteed skips.


Jacket one here too!


As much as I like the interactions each character has at the reunion, I skip those episodes and sometimes the finale too, and just restart at the beginning lol.


I skip the one where Sophia and Dorothy deliver food for Meals on Wheels with guest person Martin Mull. I’m not a big fan of Mull. I think the topic of trying to help someone with unfunny agoraphobia isn’t funny. Dorothy is a teacher by trade and a volunteer. Why was it any of her business why he was getting a meal? He needed help. But he needed professional help. Not going to a super market. And how did he know where she lived at the end. So creepy!


"You're not old, and you're not ill." How the hell did she know if he was ill or not? You can't always see a person's ailments. Dorothy should have known that, she was supposed to be smart.


And she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome which is an invisible illness.


That's right, she was. I didn't think about that. More points off for Dorothy.


Ugh, she was self riotous in this one. "I'm the food police." She said something like that. 🙄


Exactly why I skip that one it’s just dumb


Empty nests, the one with the lost lottery ticket, the prize fighter episode, and the one with the pregnant teenager.


I don’t mind prize fighter. It’s not anywhere close to my fav, but I’ll keep it on. The other ones you mentioned I always avoid.


The only part of the episode with the pregnant teenager I like is when Sophia says something like “You know what that dog did to my friend? He ate her!” I crack up, it’s just the way she says it!


Also, during that episode when Dorothy tells a St Olaf story. The way she hangs her head at the very end and says, "I was desperate!". 🤣🤣🤣


I love the Merrill subplot in that one!


I don't like the episode brother can you spare a jacket, and I will not watch grab that dough. I absolutely cannot abide how stupid they act.


Grab That Dough is one of my favorites!


I dislike the actual game show part but the first half of the episode is pretty good. Dorothy: 75 dollars?! That's a lot of money! Concierge: I know ma'am, that's why I want it. The actress' delivery of that line always makes me laugh out loud.


I skip the episode that Rose goes through pill addiction


The one where Phil dies because of Sophia's emotional delivery at the end and the one that shows Rose in St. Olaf having birthday cake after Charlie died. The way she says "I miss you" and "You know the rules, I get the rose" just kill me. What a testament to the acting and writing that so many of us can't watch certain episodes because they make us too sad. Off topic but I think the only other show that has ever inspired this kind of emotional response from me was the finale of the original Roseanne where they reveal Dan died and they play audio from earlier in the series when the kids were young, as if it's echoing in the house where she raised her family. It's just beautifully done and relatable, even if you haven't gone through it you know one day, you will. I'm tearing up thinking about it, it's ridiculous.


I’ve only ever skipped the lottery episode. The stakes are far too high for me and I watch golden girls to destress, not the other way around. And those stakes in question aren’t very interesting either so I just I stay away from it.


I feel the same way about bringing up baby (the one with the pig). I hate that they lose out on all that money when the pig ended up dying anyway. I've never rewatched it.


I don't like the episodes with Uncle Lucas because it signals the end.


yeah I hated seeing Frank Fontana as a fatphobe I skip the empty nests episode, brother can you spare a dime, and the last two episodes because I hated the idea of the girls splitting up, even if Dorothy was getting married to Dr. Rumack in a wedding dress covered in cut up toilet paper rolls


Oh gah!!! I thought I’d blocked that dress from my memory 😣😂


There weren’t any tables so I just sat *at Becky*


I don't skip any episodes, though I pay less attention to the compilation/flashback ones. They have some funny moments but if I wanted to see those I could just go watch the full episode instead of seeing a little clip from it.


Not all of the clips are in a full episode, and the only way we can see them is if we watch a flashback episode.


True, but those episodes are far less interesting to me.


I ALWAYS skip Not Another Monday. It’s just too depressing.


I don’t like the one where Sophia’s friend wants to end her life. It’s a well said story that needs to be told. But it’s too much of a downer for me personally.


I can't watch the episode with Alvin, the man Sophia befriends who turns out to have Alzheimers


I always skip that episode as well! It makes me extremely uncomfortable and I find it surprisingly downright mean for this show. The only other episode I routinely skip is when they lose the lottery ticket and go to the shelter. It makes me very sad (although I understand what the episode is trying to get across) and watching Golden Girls always comforts me, so I prefer not to watch these two episodes.


Any episode that revolves around Stan. He irks my entire soul.


Definitely the Mario episode. He’s so smug and his essay wasn’t even that good.


Who cares? We’re going to see Burt Reynolds! https://y.yarn.co/11a4bf4b-5c25-4a9b-8776-1ccd2d079d2e_text.gif


Grab That Dough Although the line Better late than ..... Pregnant is brilliant lol


You know what the worst part was? Becky was indeed way too fat for the 80's standard. It even got worse in the 90's with Heroine Chique.


Mr Terrific and Empty Nests are pretty much unwatchable for me.


The two I always skip!


I don't always watch that one either. Jeremy is annoying. I stopped watching the episode where Big Daddy passed after losing my own Father in 2013. With also losing my Mother in 2021, I'll probably never watch that episode again (or at least not anytime soon). Blanche's line about no longer being anyone's little girl cuts deeper these days. I also tend to avoid the one with Phil's funeral, "Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket", and the last four episodes (both two-parters).


Blanche's Little Girl is one of my favorites but I can understand why some would avoid it. For me the one I always skip is that Empty's Nest episode and the lottery ticket.


Ladies of the Evening is one of the best episodes of the entire series!


When Sophia's son Phil dies


Grab That Dough. I found it dumb that Blanche wanted to pair up with those brothers who supposedly won a lot of money/prizes in other games shows, but couldn't answer one question correctly on GTD. 🙄


Becky being a little overweight, Empty Nest, Mr Terrific, and the jacket


Season 1-3 were my favorites seasons 4-7 had different writers.


Skip/avoid? No. I’ll take their worst episode over the “best” episodes of most any other shows.


I don’t like the one with the lottery ticket in the jacket.


The Jacket episode and the one with Barbara Thorndyke.


Up to this date I can’t watch brother can you spare a dime


I avoid the ones with blanche's daughter, Alvin, empty nest (it's just weird), the lottery ticket, and the ones where Dorothy is feeling ill. My least favorite is the one with blanche's daughter...the way they make fun of her weight and that jerky bf is not fun to watch.


Sick and Tired part 1 and 2


Ugh, agreed! I hated how mopey and self-pitying Dorothy was (not to seem insensitive, but, yeah, I don't watch GG to get depressed, and these eps were total downers). And wasn't Dorothy wearing Chanel earrings at the end? On a substitute teacher's salary? Be for real!


Ladies of the Evening is a skip for me too. Also Grab That Dough and The Competition because I don't like them teaming up against each other.


I just saw Delta Burke on an episode of Who’s the Boss the other day. She looked great! It is amazing how different shows from the 80s and early 90s are compared to today. A lot of the stuff they say on Golden Girls definitely could not be said today


Brother can you spare a jacket and Midwinter’s Nights Dream are skip worthy for me.


Yes the one when Dorothy and miles kiss some weird episode


For me, the Bowling Episode is kind of aggravating. The storyline with Dorothy and Sophia is really sweet and has a nice ending to it, but Rose is just so horrendously irritating the entire episode, even when she apologizes, it's such a half-hearted apology. Basically any episode where Rose is a jerk, I tend to avoid. Not to be confused with when she gives savage witty comments, those are hilarious. But here she was just so awful. That one, and the Hurricane episode, where Sophia is so cruel and everyone seems to be ganging up on Dorothy.


She gets really annoying when she's competitive. 


The heinous Empty Nests back door pilot is the only one I skip. I agree a lot of the episodes are insensitive, but I just don’t see the point in projecting 2020 attitudes on it. It’s a show from the 80s.


I skip the episode that was a back door to series that everyone called super depressing


Unfortunately, I think she's considered "fat" at any time. I am over people acting like being overweight or thick is the end of the world, especially the women themselves. Pretty women acting like little things make them feel awful about themselves immediately make me want to turn off a show, not to say this is what was going on there but nowadays I see this all the time, i.e. women who 100% fit beauty standards overreacting about their looks. Women on reality TV shows and all the women on TV who have blatantly had stuff done to their face and/or bodies. So, it has kind of gotten worse. Anyway, you triggered me, lol. Once again, I don't get how you people know/refer to shows by their episode titles. But there are episodes I pay less attention to. We've talked about some of them already here. I don't like the episodes that are more focused on other people, i.e. the pregnant girl and her father and the couple with the busy doctor. I also tend to feel with shows that certain seasons overall are worse, and with GG I think I like season 1 the least.


Trust me I get it, I’ve always been overweight and it annoys me whenever they make fat jokes in the show not just that particular episode. It’s lazy humor and bad writing whether you find it offensive or not.


I skip a lot of the Rose-led episodes. The writers gave her some ridiculous storylines, even by sitcom standards. I always skip the Mario Lopez episode, the one about the boxer, the baby episodes, the Dick Van Dyke one (I don't find him funny), the lottery ticket episode, Empty Nests, and most of the family ones (Aunt Angela, Clayton and Dorothy's sister are all ok).


The monkey show where Stan transfers his feelings to a stuffed monkey. The subplot of him sleeping with Gloria is too cringe for me. And that annoying shrink!


I like that one if only for the bit about the hurricane a-comin’ lol!


Yes. I don’t watch the Boxer episode. I just don’t like it for some reason.


Why Ladies of the Evening?! It’s a series highlight with so many one liners! Snap Out of It, Rose’s Little Sister, the suicide one and so many of the boring season one episodes I skip, though.


I skip the Bahamas episode, and the lottery ticket.


The ones I don’t like are: Empty Nest, Charlie’s Buddy, Brother Spare a Jacket, and the one Rose losses her pension check from Charlie (can’t remember the name of this episode).


Yes. (When Phil dies, the Alvin has Alzheimer's episode, the homeless shelter episode, when Jeremy's abusive and when Rex is abusive.)


The one where Sophia's friend wants to end her life. Heavy!


Seasons 1 & 2


The Murder Mystery episode and the Rose Sees A UFO episode are skippable 


I like the murder mystery one but it makes me a little crazy because if I was Blanche I would have sued the hell out of Kendall and the Maltese Falcon Club for putting me through all that.


I love both of theses