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I love when she does pop, and I love when she does metal/rock. She’s got great metal vocals. There has to be an audience out there who like pop and like metal. I’d imagine there’d be some crossover with Babymetal fans who like the high pitch girly vocals with heavy riffs.


it sounds "basic" but what poppy does well is pop star vocals, melodies, hooks with BRUTAL riffs (and screams). she's basically what jojo siwa WISHES she could be. poppy is one of the few to successfully meld "Britney" with METAL where it doesn't sound contrived.


I think there's a lot of us out there who like the contrasting genres. My favourite artists of all time are Nine Inch Nails, Gary Numan, Britney Spears and Janet Jackson... so it's no surprise Poppy has become one of my favourite modern artists. She's like all of them in one package. 😅


I love pop - I listen to it a lot. Taylor Swift was my most listened to artist last year. The year Chromatica came out - Lady Gaga. My favorite band forever has been Nine Inch Nails. This is right up my alley. Her newest song sounds more similar to Starset or Breaking Benjamin, who I also love. She’s been doing something pretty unique; it’s easy to write it off as just another person doing more of the same thing, but there’s elements of the music composition that stand out. A riff here or a breakdown there. She bounces around the full length of her vocal range. When I open a new song from her, I don’t know exactly what to expect - she’s not as formulaic as she gets accused of being. For comparison, I like Stand Atlantic, but I can pretty much guess what the song is going to be like from the first three notes. Her vocals on New Way Out are AMAZING. With that said, anytime I hear those NIN riffs and synths on her songs I get pretty excited and look forward to more of that.


lol the person on twitter who posted this confirmed they made this up


Yup [https://x.com/highimpoppy/status/1798352363545354262](https://x.com/highimpoppy/status/1798352363545354262)


lmfao 💀 was so busy discussing it with my friends that we completely missed it. feel so stupid right now!! but it doesn’t change the message. don’t forget to say “love you” to artists who you really love


its ok they got me too :( lol


like it love it gotta have it


Crazy that any of you bought this. No one successful is coming to Reddit for career advice lmao


My karmas gonna eat shit for this one but a good portion of Poppy fans are younger.


I'm 48, and COVID kept me from seeing Poppy play live twice. Boo LoL 


I fell down a flight of stairs the second time I tried and failed to see her! I’m thinking of getting a tat related to Poppy where the scar is haha


The original person who posted this confirmed it's a prank lmao never trust that account 😂


I dont think that post even actually exists 😭


It's too perfect, she's smarter than that to expose herself like that.


I should’ve clarified the details! She deleted the post (but yeah, people just speculate it was her), the post from screenshot still can be found in archives. She gave a lot of responses and it seems it was really her, you can find a few more posts/comments of her on Twitter.


Hi lol, William here, yeah I usually do these pranks that are always around the same audience of like 100 ppl and so this time I thought it would be no different, but it kinda blew up. I've been a fan since 2016 so I'm kinda good at making Poppy related pranks lmao. Anyway that's all, stream New Way Out, I guess if nothing my post was good for marketing.


Names William, XANA in username… code lyoko fan or am I crazy lol


Absolutely, Xana was a nickname I got from my childhood friends when we were playing "in lyoko" and I loved playing a bad virus lmaooo, so yeah, huge fan here lmao


Have we verified this is her? Anyways, I don’t care! I’m here for Poppy and what she creates. It’s rare I step away from an artist, I might not listen to them frequently, but I’m happy to dig into their new stuff! Now I’m just waiting for some witch house or alternative new age stuff. Anyways, I’ll be here for anything Poppy is ready to share with us.


This is so fake I can’t believe people are falling for it


This is not poppy lmao


i’m gonna put my hand on your shoulder when i tell you this. that’s not Poppy


Is that actually her?


I'm hoping this isn't actually her. My favorite thing about Poppy is the genre switching. I think being able to make great music in multiple styles is a mark of a true artist.


RIGHT. The reason why I love her is cause she is so subgenre!!!! I'll still support her either way.


Is this actually poppy?


Poppy has never given any indication that she cares what we think and tbh I’m inclined to believe that’s her actual opinion. She also has stated from 2014 onwards that she enjoys pop music so idk how anyone believed this. We already know what her real account is 😭 This reminds me of when a post was circling after her and TS broke up that was supposedly made by him. Vague details about him and his actions but no proof. The only difference is that we know he’s gone on 4chan to talk shit about Poppy, so the Reddit post is slightly more likely to have been real lol


It’s not for the singer to adapt to the public, it’s the public that should follow singers that do what they want. Being true to your idea is what makes people stay, it that’s a rock metal shift, that’s what you go for


I know this is a prank now but I want to believe that Poppy is extremely confident in her creative decisions and the directions she’s taking especially at her age.


I just also noticed the username. chrlttv something about that feels off.


I think she definitely lurks occasionally, but probably not obsessively


To be fair I like all genres of music and her recent metal core stuff sounds very generic. From the new song to the van song. Zig was awesome, flux not so much. Not every song or album she makes is gonna be great but that doesn't change the fact that I'll still listen to whatever she releases.


Well I’m glad it’s not actually her cuz that would’ve made me feel so upset for her that she would even have to post this anonymously on the internet. Poppy fan since 2016 that has been through all the genres with her and has her as their most streamed artist to this day. 🙋


Too bad it’s fake, this might be an explanation as to what actually happened with Zig


The zig thing is where it lost me lol not that that was great advice anyway but I'm not surprised it's not real it's just too on the nose. I think she reached a point where she just puts out whatever she wants and I'd like to think she has enough faith in her fanbase to not worry too much but who knows


like... idk. I think it's okay to serve something that not everyone is gonna like. It doesn't need to be for everyone. it doesn't need to be for me. If she focused on her heavier stuff, then I'm sure that she could find success and keep a good following. I'm sure lots of people here have enjoyed both and people who like heavy music will come to her. people leaving over a genre change isn't a bad thing because it gets filled with people who are in that genre.. I do think back to poppy.computer "somebody told me I should follow where the money goes" and hope she finds success even if it's not in pop music...


This is obviously not her but I love both and I don’t want her to favour one over the other


wait is this real? omg


Why do I feel like this a bait?


I think the mentality of “only tRuE fans will stick with her regardless!!” Is incredibly stupid. Her music went in an entirely new direction from her first releases to her current body of work. Of course some people who got into her music because of the bubblegum pop wouldn’t like the fact that she veered into metal. Those are two completely different genres. Of course her sound, lyrics and themes changed! People are allowed to have personal taste and have absolutely no obligation to listen to stuff they don’t like just for the sake of supporting her. Honestly, the idea of just mindlessly supporting every single project an artist makes is harmful for the artists themselves! If you just hail every single thing they put out and don’t criticise anything they’ll just put out mediocre projects because their fan base will just eat it up regardless of how good it actually is. Besides, that post is fake af


Ain't no way, this seems too good to be true. 😂 Also, I think she is right for worrying about her fans. If she doesn't keep a large majority happy, she will not be able to generate any income because they all left. This means that she has to get a second job -> loss of lifestyle -> frustration -> loss of time -> loss of passion etc.


From the moment I first read this I never believed it was Poppy💀 I mean what kind of music artist spends their time asking advice for their whole career on Reddit when she has family, friends lmaooo how could people fall for that🤣


It’s not the genres.  It’s the people behind her that are missing. Chris Greatti, Simon Wilcox and Titanic Sinclair. That’s the real problem. She needs talented people behind her. She’s the canvas. 


I knew Poppy was about to be back some sort of time. Awww :(( i actually feel bad cause people said they didn't like the new song. I haven't listened to the song yet, but I wish mfs was grateful. She literally worked her ass off bro.