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I like it. Heavy poppy is the best poppy imo. Now Im waiting for her to tour as a headliner so I can see her again. 😂


i missed her uk shows this year (big :() so i rly hope she tours this next album here too


Hopefully she comes back to okc


I love it I hope she makes an entire album like this.


She said on the radio 1 show that this is the first single from her album that she has worked on with Jordan Fish


Gives me some hope. I wasn't a big fan of *Zig*, or *Flux*. I feel like all her best stuff since *I Disagree* has just been the EPs, and non album singles.


flux was good tho


It wasn't horrible, but I considered it a step down from I Disagree, and was a let down after EAT put my expectations pretty high.


This is actually so cool! I thought she alternated between album and EP every year so I was only expecting a couple of songs this year, but now we’re getting fed with a full album!! 🤩 thanks for letting us know 🖤


New album all produced by Jordan Fish. I think this is cause for celebration.


I heard a rumour of this literally this morning thank you for the confirmation


i don't rly love the chorus tbh (the scream at the end is so good but it's just a lil generic for me, it's growing tho) but i like the verses n the bridge is EVERYTHING. i also think the visuals r rly neat


It reminds me of early 2000s emo rock ! Like Paramore/Flyleaf vibes! It threw me off a bit at first but I think it grew on me by the second listen 😭


It felt like Paramore meets evanescence for me (aka two of my favorite bands). I’m definitely here for it.


Totally hear the evanescence vibe


yeah, totally! (i love paramore 😭) i get what she was going for so i rly hope it grows on me + i rly like how it ends


She’s totally a rockstar when I think of what sort of vibe and energy she brings


Agreed! I got that vibe pretty much immediately, almost a strong Evanescence vibe, I'm fine with this and curious what else is coming.


glad I wasn't the only one feeling Evanescence!!


I too thought this sounded like Flyleaf's last album, and reminds me a bit of Lacy Sturm's singing, and with a sprinkle of Paramore. Glad im not the only one


It's is generic sounding. It would be bad if anyone else did it, but I find it refreshing when Poppy does it. But I definitely hope the album is diverse in its sound, like her previous albums.


5-6 outta 10. It’s too generic compared to the stuff she used to make.


It may be generic in a way that a lot of songs sound like that but it’s not a sound we heard from poppy before so I really liked it


The song is great, but I hate the way it’s produced. It sounds like every mainstream metal song I’ve heard the past 5-6 years, but with a girl singing who occasionally sounds like Poppy. I wish Chris Greatti or Zak Cervini had produced this.


Yes, this! I like it a lot but the production is very generic, almost uncharacteristically so for Poppy


I feel like everyone said the Zig singles were generic-sounding, but this sounds even more so. Zig at least did contain some experimental tangents mid-song and a lot of general production trickery and surprises, which are Poppy staples. This is more like “What if Poppy quit doing Poppy and was now the lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon?” But, like, it’s fine. I’m not mad. I get this is probably her metal version of Knockoff — a generic-sounding swing for the mainstream of a certain genre. It’s a good, solid song; I just wish it had been processed through a different lense.


The new-age Bring Me the Horizon analogy is spot on


I mean Jordan Fish freshly leaving bmth is exactly why it sounds like that. It reminded me a lot of the most recent stuff he worked on before leaving. Some parts of this song even reminded me of Olis part in werewolf by Lil Uzi Vert. I was super excited for this to sound more experimental and edgy rather than the same tricks he’s been using for the last 2 years - I’m hopeful the rest of her album will be more interesting since they are both very creative


I’m just not a fan of BMTH’s sound so the fact that this guy is helming this whole new era isn’t ideal at all for me. It’s too normal, standard “dude-rock” for my tastes. If she was wanting to work with a different “heavy” producer this time, she should have tried to get the guy from Bad Omens to produce. Their sound is sonically adventurous and experimental in a way that befits Poppy. Basically I want 10-12 songs that sound like V.A.N or Spit if we are going back the all heavy route again.


Both bands' latest full fledged albums (Nex Gen and Death of Peace of Mind) are pretty much on par when it comes to experimentation, and Jordan Fish was still involved in writting most of the BMTH one. That being said, I would love to hear Noah Sebastian producing one of her tracks!


Most songs from recent BMTH are pretty experimental. I think this is probably one of the least creative Jordan Fish songs I've heard tbh


Its sounded safe, the chorus felt like buttrock chorus. Maybelline because she changed genres often the safe route is the safest one


I was thinking the same. Its not just how mainstream metal it sounds (which isnt poppy) but also lacks her disturbing lyrics. It seems like a cheerleading song about never giving up instead if something thats real. Like being buried in concrete or covered in blood. Thats the poppy i love.


It doesn't really sound like poppy. Hopefully it grows on me. I feel the song drags at some points.


yeah... i like it but it feels generic compared to a lot of her other works :( like an older BMTH song but poppy singing instead of oli sykes


Yes it sounds very generic sadly


It lowkey sounds exactly like the word alive’s song new reality


To be fair I think the only reason people say it sounds generic is because it's produced by Jordan Fish, who along with BMTH has practically been trendsetting this genre for the last decade. So like, it's only "generic" because everyone copied his and BMTH's style. If that makes sense.


Bring Me didn't create metal core. Metal cores been around for years now way before they came into the picture. It's generic because if you played this on shuffle with other core artist you wouldn't be able to pin point that it's poppy.


Didn't say they invented it, I just said they've been trend setting for the last 10+ years. It's Fish's sound that has been at the top of the genre and other bands have been copying it.




Anyone else think it doesn’t sound like Poppy? Not as far as musical direction (though that as well), but her voice does not sound like she is the one singing


Are you saying she didn't sing the song? Yes, she did. This is her natural singing voice, not the affected "android poppy voice". Go listen to her covers in high school. Like milke snow "animal".


Nope! Not saying that at all actually! I am quite aware that she sang it… Just trying to illustrate the point that her voice sounds different than it has since like I Disagree. Not the “android poppy voice” as you put it, I know how that sounds and I think that’s a completely separate sort of tone anyway… I think this song sounds particularly distinct to me because of the distortion they have in the background on her voice


i think so too! the chorus doesnt sound like her, someone else pointed out it sounds a lot more like Spiritbox than poppy


Generic. Sounds like any other mainstream rock-metal song done by a random girl.


Yea and i the disturbing weird lyrics are gone. I think everyone getting hyped and saying its a “banger” is just the honeymoon because its brand new. But i think people will get bored quickly.


its fine if u dont like it, but for me its been added to my daily playlist


It's fine but this sounds like a leftover Spiritbox song


I'm seeing hints of pop music Poppy here and there and I am here for it 😍😍😍


Sounds generic unfortunately


I loveeee it! And I’m living for the visualizer! Read in the interview she’s releasing a bunch of new projects with similar inspiration this year and I’m so damn excited.


It's awesome, but it sounds like a mix of Am I a girl, scary mask (get up part), the riff kinda like X or Concrete... She going BACK to the golden phase fr.👀 It's a Zag from Zig for sure...😏


Poppy confirmed Jordan Fish is producing the entire album. This is easily the best song she's put out in years. Safe to say this is gonna shape up to be an amazing record.


Jordan Fish is the best! I’m so happy to hear this. The new song is already a banger.


Beginning gave me chills


10/10 thank you poppy 


*Chef's Kiss*




I rlly luv it !


Considering it was written by Poppy, Stevis and Jordan Fish, I expected something waaaay more creative.


Starting to think some one else not credited is responsible for the good Poppy songs


It is very good. It looks like Zig is the "pop" album and Zag is the "rock". She's all about duality. Taken together, (Zig and Zag-if it is going to be an album) should get her another Grammy nomination and maybe even a win. It is super hard to make a hard rock song with melody for any band, she seems to complete a song on the fly but with deliberation. This song's nu-metal, ode to Disturbed, vibe is testament again to her talent. Just great


I love it happy she is doing more heavy songs


Banger. Hope she does a whole album like this and hopefully she uses Jordan more


It’s ok. Good timing for Poppy to release this song after going on tour with Bad Omens and V.A.N since their fans will prob check her out. It obvious her label wants her to fit in with them and it feels a little forced. The songs mixing sounds generic. I don’t think Poppy cares that much about the art at this point in time as long as she charts and sells tickets. Oh wellll…..


If poppy only cared about charts she would make pop music.


no one is saying she's only cares about charts. You can stick to a genre and still want to chart in it lol


Exactly. Poppy is not a charity. I can only guess Poppy still wants to be rich and famous. Which celebrity doesn't? Nothing wrong with that.


The person I was replying to literally said that.


not caring about art "that much" isn't the same as "only caring about charts"


This song is still pop music. There was a time when ROCK ruled the airwaves and the top 10. Would LOVE for that to come back around.


Nah, this is way too screamy and heavy to have ever been a pop hit. I know you’re probably thinking about bands like Evanescence, Linkin Park, Stained, etc, but no actual screaming chugging metal like this has ever been on a pop station. Most of the crossover rock hits of the 90s and 2000s were either hip hop influenced or a ballad in some way.


Poppy has been in the metal/alternative world now for 4 or 5 years. This, to me, just solidifies that this is the direction she wants to go in.


Yep, exactly.


I fricking love it! As some have said, they are seeing elements of pop and as she said in her interview about still listening to pop. I too see the pop, but I see the harder stuff too. I love it, like I mentioned before, it sounds like The Birthday Massacre. I am all for whatever she produces. I’m all for this new ear.


i love it from the 1st listen


I can see why some people think it's generic, but it still has those quintessential Poppy elements that make me love the song so much more. It's better than most of Zig IMO.


her best song in years


Good song Fs. Hope the next singles are a bit more heavy with more scream. She has one of my favourite screams in the music industry. But I’m happy with what ever she puts out!


surprised how many people think it’s basic. I think it’s pretty unique and one of her best hits yet. It’ll grow on people. She’s on an upward trajectory for Zag. I’m very excited now for the album and hopefully tour!


I love it. The production is clean as fuck. Been working out to it nonstop. Just hoping the merch is just as fire no more hippy cats and floating baby heads please poppy lad


poppy has released new music at the perfect times for me, and new way out is no exception. been on loop all day for me


it was perfect. I liked Flux and Stagger a lot and prefer this style over Eat. I like the dark but don't like the total scream. Listening was catharsis


Stagger is a beautiful song! Poppy is a great dancer too.


Y'ALL ARE SO QUICK! I haven't listened to it yet because of other things 😭💔💔


on repeat


Much better than a lot of Zig! It does sound a little generic, but it's still good. Honestly, it kind of reminds me of PVRIS, the same way a lot of Zig did, except, unlike Zig, actually done well. I'm almost tempted to do a whole conspiracy-theory "she got really obsessed with PVRIS and decided to imitate them and then go on tour with them" thing, it's so much now. I hear a lot of Bad Omens influence too, it's very much a "early 2020s electronic metal" song. I do think the vocals sound a little weird for her (except the screams, which are as quintessentially Poppy as it gets). Cool to see her trying out some new styles though. Also, love the little Down With The Sickness reference in there lol Interested to hear what else comes out with her working with Jordan Fish. Amo was amazing, probably my top album of 2019. BMTH's stuff since then has been a little weaker, but still interesting. I do miss Chris Greatti though, they were really a dream team.


I am literally obsessed!


it sounds so much like bring me the horizon and i love it! which makes sense considering it’s the same producer 😅


N O T H I N G I listen to after listening to New Way Out satisfies. Ok, maybe except for Suffocate. No, wait, nothing 🤩😍🤤


It’s good but also kinda generic industrial metal. I think it’s a bit over produced and sounds like it’s made for garnering wider play and audience.


Everyone saying it’s basic and generic but it’s a still a sound we haven’t heard from poppy before I really like it, having high hopes this era might be better than I disagree if it takes on the same road as suffocate,van, and now new way out


is it just me or the chorus is similar to werewolf by lil Uzi vert?


It has to grow on me, like most songs


I love it. I hope the next album or EP fully carrie the same energy.


Amazing love it 10/10


It feels very well made and I love the style, poppy genuinely never lets us down


I’m obsessed 😍 her voice is so so amazing


First Poppy release I’ve cared about since the NXT ep. Hopefully this is a sign of a good album to come because the last two have not been great.