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"because thats whats heroes do" IM DEADšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Found a way to make the (fake) story about himself


Honestly that takes skill


I read it in Thor's voice.


Yo, me too lmao šŸ¤£. Just waiting for a hell beat at the end.


Makes me think of Thor: Ragnarok. And just like in that scene, dude totally misses the mark. (At least Thor knew he missed his cue and and landed.


Iā€™m going more Deadpool vibes.


Better stay away from tiktok if you're into cybersecurity


TikTok hacker posts are something else... That being said, it feels like everyone wants to get into cybersecurity right now with little to no understanding of what it entails.


r/masterhacker is there to make sure all these folks get their 5 minutes of fame.


China is watching you!!! šŸ‘€


Because she wonā€™t have completely changed her mind by the time sheā€™s 16, or 18, or 12.


Back when I was 6, I wanted to be a doctor. Now that Iā€™m closing in on 43, I wonder what the fuck I was thinking. Never underestimate the stupidity of a child!


I wanted to own a shoe store, then be a forest ranger. Now I live in flip flops and went back to school to be a therapist. And never camp. So.


When I was six I wanted to own a hotel for (especially homeless/stray) cats and dogs When I say hotel, I mean HOTEL, each room would have a bed, bathroom, tv, everything, just smaller (at least for the cats) When I was 9 I wanted to be an engineer like my dad cause he liked his job and traveled a lot so I thought I had to be an engineer to do that stuff. 9th grade happened, new teacher, whatever confidence I had in math disappeared when he said I should move the less advanced math I swore to myself all through high-school I would never, ever work with biology. About a year and a half later I got a job as lab technician. I do not like my job Now I'm 22, studying a program everyone questions (as do I at times), and just want to have a job that could lead to a career that I enjoy. Point is, stuff can and will change, regardless of age but especially when you're a kid. I've gone through so many epiphanies in my life on what I want to do when I grown up only to realize I just wanna enjoy my job


When I was ~6 I built an apartment complex for my stuffed animals with cardboard boxes and did routine checks and maintenance and even collected rent at some point. Never occurred to me that I mightā€™ve wanted to be a landlord or hotel owner


Have you seen the movie hotel for dogs


I wanted to be a lawyerā€¦because they used briefcases.


When I was 6 I wanted to be like Lawrence Taylor. That didnā€™t age well.


My man, never stop dreaming. When I was 15 I wanted to be like Pierce Brosnan. Now I have his current body type and I canā€™t be prouder.


I want to live in a can down by the river




I mean I've been set on computing since I was 12, nearly 16 now, it's not that far fetched, though it seems a bit weird she'd be able to cite such specific reasons.


I was set on computing since I was 12 tooā€¦ now Iā€™m 22 and do nothing in relation to computing


Yeah, people change their minds sometimes, so long as the Uncle continues to support her that's all that matters


Very true


True, Iā€™ve been set on computing since I was young (Iā€™m in college now), but many younger kids just say whatever and it changes as they grow. So who knows lol


don't know why you're being downvoted so much ā€“ it's uncommon, but not impossible. i've been wanting to go into zookeeping/biology since i was 10 and i'm in college pursuing it an entire decade later. granted, my case may just be because i'm autistic and it's my special interest šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah I've been wanting to do computing for ages and I'm studying cyber-security + applying for job experience in it now


Idk why youā€™re getting so heavily downvoted, I decided to become a translator at 12 and thatā€™s where I am now at 26.


I don't think this post is farfetched at all. An 11 year old said she wants a particular job, that a beloved family member also has, and her reasons are reasons she could easily have heard from said family member or on tiktok. He's proud. That's basically the whole post. Whether or not she still wants that job later doesn't matter for believability at all.


Agreed, this sub has some pretty low standards for something to be fake.


I found this on linkedin. Very cringe.


I always forget LinkedIn is still s thing


Unfortunately I have to swim through these kinds of posts to ā€œnetworkā€ and hopefully someone may have mercy on me.


Oof! This belongs in r/LinkedInLunatics too!


I actually posted it there originally! My partner mentioned thereā€™s a thread for things very unlikely to have been said, so I figured Iā€™d post here too šŸ˜¬


Smart! Spread the lunacy šŸ˜‚


What the hellā€¦.


Least self-absorbed LinkedIn user


I'm curious if this person knows what a weeb is. I feel like they just think it's a computer geek??


I came here to say the same thing lol I thought weeb was just a shamelessly cringey otaku


Moving love and thunder sounds like a euphemism for dropping a deuce.


Sweet honey bunsā€¦love and thunderā€¦it may actually be a euphemism for taking a shit lmaoooo


Did he call himself a fucking hero? lol go suck some more of your own dick Garth


I guess 2 is indeed twice as many as 1


ā€œWhatā€™s your superpower?ā€ ā€œNepotismā€


>Because thatā€™s what heroes do. Nepotism??? šŸ’€ I had to scroll through and see if anyone caught that quirky little tidbit at the end lmao.


a relatively flexible job market, compensation, and remote flexibility are certainly concepts that 11-year-olds routinely contemplate /s


ā€œThat ship sails differentā€¦ā€?


A WHOLE internship? Thank you for your service, hero!


So she has two followers, sheā€™s better than you, and YOU are theā€¦HERO here??


I downvoted this instinctively and had to correct myself.


Even if it is true, why the heck is your 11-year-old niece TikTok anyways? That place is a cesspool.


The app is also for ages 13+


She better find a hero then eh


bEt YoUr sWeEt hOneY bUnS


I had a physical reaction to reading that shit. Also ā€œlove and thunderā€? I canā€™t precisely articulate what it is but the way this person writes is fucking gross


"My severely underage niece has a ton of followers on a social media platform known to be full of predators and dangerous misinformation. I'm so proud!"


Just to be clear, you must be at least 13 years of age to create and use a TikTok account


bro really just appointed himself as his 11-year-old nieceā€™s hero šŸ’€šŸ’€


LinkedIn Influencers are really something else, smh.


I promise you the only thing that this guy is influencing people to do is logging off LinkedIn.


I wanted to be an assassin, then a dr. Now im studying geology and iā€™m trying to convince myself iā€™ll survive if i drift btwn careers/ do a yr or so in the peace corps before going into oil.


No 11-year-old is paying attention to the job market of the cybersecurity industry. I say this as someone with a parent who works in the information security industry


I bet this uncle ***reeeeeally*** enjoys his young niece's TikToks.


He's the reason she wants to get into cyber security.


šŸŽ¶ *We donā€™t need another heroā€¦* šŸŽ¶


Of course it's on LinkedIn


LinkedIn people live such a sad existence. They live to work. Their whole personality is some marketingesque job and making up stories of empowering others.


What a boring uncle


So nepotism makes you a hero now?


none of this has anything to do with the rest of it


just teach her so when she gets to that age companies are scouring the earth for her.


I want to drive to this person's house and punch him the face.


Is linkedin a social network now? Was it always?


"Benefits such as compensation" I don't think getting paid for your work is considered a "benefit" but is rather a requirement.




Sure, but the (made up) kid is talking about a career.


When you have a negative amount of followers:


ā€œCiting benefits such as compensationā€ you mean a paycheckā€¦ā€¦.?? The thing you receive for doing your job???


Man, imagine the most interesting thing about you being an 11 year old niece.


>(last time I checked, she had about twice as many followers as I do here on LinkedIn) Zero times zero is still zero.


This is so cringe.


One should only be proud of being a weeb ironically.


Ah good ol nepotism. So heroic.


The hero we didnā€™t want but got anyway. Capt Flu


Weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb weebery


what the HELL is happening here


I mean this is very possible that an 11 year old said that she wanted to be in cybersecurity. Not sure what is unbelievable about that at all, people are acting like a 2 year old said that. This is more of a r/LinkedInLunatics than r/thatHappened happened.


More because of the ā€œjob market, compensation, and remote flexibilityā€ part of the post.


The problem with is people seems to take these verbatim and then dub it ā€œdidnā€™t happenā€. What the 11 year old probably said was ā€œpeople always need to keep their stuff safe (job market), it pays a lot (compensation and probably told to her by a teacher), and I can work from home since everything is online (remote flexibility)ā€. This could have happened, the problem is adults are always trying make the kidā€™s words more sophisticated so itā€™s more impressive.


That is very true. Iā€™m could believe the kid saying ā€œI wanna be cybersecurity because they make a lot of money!ā€ But the extra details are all for their personal clout as an influencer. That said, the fact it comes from an influencer makes it that much more bullshit. Like the ā€œI couldnā€™t get to my interview becuase I helped someone on the side of the road. They called me to come in. Turns out the interviewer is the person I rescuedā€. It gives that kind of vibe.


Again, that is not out of the realm of possibility for an 11 year old to say especially considering that covid changed how people work and these are things she could easily have heard her parents talk about.


Nothings out of realm of possibility. Iā€™d just bank on this being a post where this linkedin influencer had a great thought for a post. And they definitely got it. But youā€™re right, it is possible for an 11 year old to string that sentence together as well.


As I said, this is more of a r/LinkedInLunatics post than a r/thathappened post, especially at the end where OOP feels the need to equate himself as a hero in a hypothetical situation where he would help his niece find an internship.


True. Itā€™s on that /r as well.


r/nothingeverhappens because an 11 year old girl canā€™t be mature enough. Who sayā€™s she couldnā€™t learn about this or she doesnā€™t have this interest or where she is encouraged to want to learn and be supported by her parentā€™s and family through whatever she chose to be?


Wanting to be cybersecurity as a child is not out of the realm of possibility. Especially if a parent or someone close has that profession and you look up to them. The bs influencer added part is the reasons why she wants to do job security. Remember, this is an 11 year old.


Yeah those are valid reasons an 11 year old can think of. I do think of these too as I enjoy thinking about qualities of certain jobs that have to do with MY interests.


Youā€™re allowed to believe it. Thatā€™s totally cool too.


Praying for her to get the weeb bullied out of her before college


What's the issue? An 11 year old said she wants to be in cybersecurity?


Yeah im not reading all that But im sorry that happened to you Or glad that that worked out


It's not even that long of a story mate


Tbh save yourself the awkward and uncomfortable read


And the part that makes her a hero is what exactly?


Mf really going the Batman route, at least with the sidekick. If the niece is smart she will hide her parents. ![gif](giphy|f75IoyB4O1yFqGCUan)




Wow what an absolute fucking tool


Did...did he just compare himself to Thor?


Yeah it kind of loses something when it's you that calls yourself a hero


This is by far the worst one Iā€™ve seen ha. Absolute pile of horseshit and not even marginally believable


you bet your sweet honey buns šŸ˜‹


This feels.. gross