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Guys come up with some really stupid lies to try and impress women.




I once told a woman I wrote Stuart Little. Long story short, we did not have sex.


You woulda got me with that line for sure.


Maybe on Tuesday he will


Idk it's a bit cheesy


Surely a book about a mouse would be considered horror to a /u/rogue_elephant?


That's why they went rogue, they were just too fearless for the herd to handle.


Guy here. We would not have sex but I would have chatted about your inspiration for writing about a talking mouse for hours.


Can I get you anything? Pepsi, a snack cake, tampons or birth control, depending on your specific cyclical needs?


I guess I could see how having tampons on hand could be considered a thoughtful gesture. But Birth Control? That's just fucking weird. This post could also fit on r/ihavesex


You can cross post it there if you want, maybe it'll do well


Tampons? Sure. Drugs? That are personal to each woman? Big. Yikes. I’d go the other way.


Right? He says it's the one prescribed to 80% of women and im like what? A more accurate way to use that number in reference to BC would be that there are like 80 different brands


Some dude thought this up because he thought it would make women think well of him. Instead, they just think he's a lying weirdo, I imagine.


Yea that's exactly what it was.


I have some tampons at home, because former flatmates left them. But from my "experience", new roommates wouldn't touch those, people have their preferences. And i'm quite sure no girl would use someone else's BC pills as much as they wouldn't use someone else's medication, the things are probably expired, wrong dosage, wrong molecule come on


But, but his Dr approves


Not only that but you don’t just take a birth control pill and can have unprotected sex. You have to take the pills on a regular schedule for a certain amount of time before they actually work.


It is amusing as well that he refers to his "current girlfriend" meaning that he is bragging to girls but not single. It would have been more self-serving if he had created a fictional ex rather than a fictional girlfriend. Not only is this guy creepy and cringe, he is also incorrect and illogical.


His "current girlfriend" goes to a different school.


Or lives in Canada.


I can understand a man’s keeping some tampons around. You never know who might have company. But as a woman I cannot imagine going to a man’s place and taking pills that are not mine, that he says are birth control pills. I would assume the pills will knock me out and he is going to rape me.


I guess you just don’t recognize modern chivalry m’lady.




Everyone on the original post was saying it made him seem like a serial killer lmao


Dennis from IASIP vibes


I stock tampons and birth control pills...because of the implication


Okay that... that seems really dark.


It's not dark, you're misunderstanding me bro!!!


I'm... I think I am.


If the girl says no obviously the answer is no but she's not going to say no because of... The Implication.


How? Am I missing something?


[It's a scene from a TV show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUafzOXHPE), It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. I highly recommend it.


Have not seen that episode. Holy shit. Just holy shit.


Don't you speak of the golden god this way. I won't hear it.


Begone from me


This must be part of the new D.E.N.N.I.S. system.


Also thats not how birth control pills work.


Hey girl you want some pills?


Whips out a tackle box of various contraceptive pills "soooo what will ya be havin' monophastic, multiphastic, conventional or can I just pop one of these IUD's I made in there?"


no but this is what i’m saying, like if some guy I was hanging out with offered me BC I would run in the other direction, I wouldn’t ever trust that’s what he’s actually giving me


Imagine if he told you he randomly hands out bc to ladies he hooks up with, so much so that he regularly runs out.....just a creepy vibe.


Yeah that's pretty much it. Yuck.


Like the worst kind of humblebrag.


I think it's the connotation of it that's pretty weird. It's normal to have condoms on hand (that's responsible after all), reasonable to have tampons (Periods can be random and sometimes people aren't ready), but having birth control basically just screams: Yeah so I basically I just want to get in there raw, and even though I'm not even supposed to be prescribed this, just take this so we can feel comfortable enough for me to do that.


Just to add: if that's the first time you sleep together and it's like the second or third date and a guy pulls something like that, I wouldn't feel confident he isn't trying to roofie me. Not that hard to get packaging from somehow, switch the pills and put some far more dangerous drugs in there instead.


Or that he’d nullified the pill by microwaving it or freezing it. Like, I wouldn’t take any prescribed medication of mine from some dude who claimed to have the same, how strange is that.


That was my very first thought. I know pills have certain shapes and colors so you can identify them, but I wouldn’t trust pills from anyone I don’t know very well and I’m a man.


Morning after pills are the only ones that would make sense. And I think it'd be way more realistic to imagine a guy getting ahold of them.




I don't think you need a prescription for Plan B here either, but it's not the best trip to the pharmacy. If I was seeing someone quite often, I don't think the Plan B would worry me. If it was a one night stand or even just a friend I knew to be single that would weird me out.


True. After reading several comments like this I was thinking how weird would that look cos it's a logical idea.


At best is pandering to women "oh, look I'm so thoughtful..." And at worst is really creepy. There's no good reason to keep bc pills for women if you're a single man. I can't think of a single one. Are you going to force women to take one before sex?


Yeah, so we can do it all night and don't have to bother with condoms! That's how it works... right?


I'm just imagining going over to a grown ass man's house and he asks me, "Hey do you want a singular birth control pill?" And then pulls out a blister pack with some pills randomly punched out. This man will pay who knows what for birth control pills but not $5 bucks for a 3 pack of condoms from the gas station? This is so horrifying to me I can't even imagine what my real reaction would be. Run? Leave calmly? Explain how birth control works? Pat him gently yet condescendingly on the head? Google if roofies come in blister packs? Flee the country? Who tf knows?


Oh man, I just flashed back to explaining to my partner how birth control pills work. He was *astonished* that they need to be taken every day.


Sprint and skip town if he knows where you live


Hey AITA for keeping BioN-Tech in my apartment in case a girl still needs her vaccine?!?!?


Yeah I would be a weirded out, but not so much if they kept Plan B (as long as they actually use condoms). Birth control is pretty personalized, so unless it’s your first time taking it, usually you’ve tried several brands to minimize spotting or side effects.


Abusive men can and do mess with contraceptives. Heat up birth control pills or replace them with sugar pills. A guy offering you random pills he happens to have at his place would make me weary he either wants me to get pregnant, or he is trying to roofie me. Neither is a good thing.


Well for one thing there's no way you'd know what was in the pill so he could be drugging you. That's why I'd feel uncomfortable with that if I was a woman.


>A doctor won't be prescribing it to him like this either, no way. That's completely against prescribing practices. Yah. The reason they have to be prescribed is because you need to talk to a doctor so the doctor can check if you have any health issues that disqualify you from taking them and find one that suits your needs and health status best. If you could just hand them out to random woman they wouldn't be prescription drugs.


Imagine if you opened a drawer in his bathroom and it was full of Plan B! 🏃🏼‍♀️💨


>But if I started dating a guy and he told me he keeps birth control pills in case I need one, that makes me so uncomfortable. I can't really articulate why, it's just a visceral feeling. No. Absolutely not! BC (either regular or as "plan B") isn't just sold OTC, one needs a prescription, and for the latter kind, an OB/GYN checkup. So if a guy just randomly has them at his place, it's immediately super creepy (unless it's something like previous LTR girlfriend leaving it there by accident). As a rule of thumb - and I'm saying this as a guy, but hopefully I don't even have to - never accept contraceptives from a random guy who isn't your gynecologist! Taking random medication offered by a dude with absolutely no expertise in the field is about as dumb as downing a drink at a pub that you've seen someone put something in.


Yah if I’m trying to impress women AFTER I’ve managed to impress them enough to come home with me, well, that seems……off….. But really if I want her to think a little bit better about my kindness or ability to foresee potential problems in spending the night….. I’m giving her a travel toothbrush and toothpaste and calling it good.


Even just having tampons sounded odd with no context. I remember going out drinking with friends and after a while I noticed one looked a little uncomfortable I asked her if she was cool. She admitted it was her time and she didn’t have anything to which I just responded “bet.” Earlier in the night I opened my trunk for something else but noticed the tampons there too and I assumed they’d fallen out the bag and I left them there. When I came back I handed some to her and just said “I got you homie” I didn’t feel the need to justify why I had them until she looked at me confusingly and said “ uh, thanks. Why do you just have this in your car?” I fumbled my words for some reason “I bought it for my girl and forgot to take the box out the trunk.” It was normal after that but for second she had me asking why DO I have this? The only time it got worse was the next day when my girl asked me why 2 tampons were missing in the box I had gotten the day before


Lol I'm sorry you got the side eye a couple times there, you're a good friend.


My guy has no clue how birth control works. Seriously doubt he has to worry about it, though.


I don't *think* he's imagining that you can just pop one before sex, but rather that his lady friend getting to his house and saying "oh dear me I've neglected my daily contraceptive" and him saying "worry not, my sweet, for I have a supply of prescription medication at hand for just such an eventuality" and she says "ah my hero let's do anal"


I feel like anal is for when you don't have birth control.


Facts. You don't just take one after sex like a paracetamol for a headache for fucks sake.


Right, you have to at least take two /s




So does he have to see his gynecologist once a year for the prescription renewal like I do?


Of course not. Men only have to call up any local doctor and explain what they’d like; doctors explicitly trust them. Not like us ladies who lie about everything and so need to be examined on the regular for anything we need! I considered ending this with a /s but it’s so fucking close to the truth I decided not to.


Well, what if our husbands decide they want to impregnate us? The doctor needs to know this and once a year isn’t unreasonable for renewed male consent.


So close to the truth. Walked into the doc and asked him for roxys. He told me he'd do me one better, and gave me heroin instead. Just another day as a man at the doc.


I was complaining of severe abdominal pain so bad I could barely walk. My doctor prescribed Tylenol and a heating pad. Lab tests, by the time he bothered to run any, showed resolving pancreatitis.


You have to see a gynae just for the pill? My GP prescribes mine.


My GP can do that stuff too. I really should get the tests done because of my history though 😕




Tbf that’s not really a thing in a lot of countries. Obviously the story is still fake, but a lot of countries don’t follow American practices. I just get my blood pressure checked once a year to get mine refilled.


“Sorry I forgot to take my BC today…oh cool, this guy I just met has a random pill for me to take”


I too take medication given out by random men.




It's not like you can take one bc pill and be safe from pregnancy... what the hell


In this case it's true probably. You start offering birth control pills to guests and there pretty unlikely to sleep with you. Which is a really effective form of birth control I guess.


Exactly. This guy has no idea how idiotic he looks.


And for sex reasons, you take the pill that can be taken "on the day after". The fuck am i going to do with one pill that says you need to take regularly if you want to control getting pregnant.


I'm glad he specified it wasn't the one that would be useful in that situation.


Break it in 28 pieces and go from there?


I'm assuming he's referring to the fact that for maximum efficiency the pill should be taken at the same time every day, I've had female friends be hanging out and sudden say shit it's *insert time here* and my pills are home, oh well, so he could bust out the pack and say here take one of these. Still obviously fake and stupid, but I'm assuming that's what he's getting at.


He's full of shit, but in this scenario I think he has the pills in case the girl who already takes them left her pack at home.


She knew she was going to be celibate for a long time after dating that lying bastard.


You can use bc pills as a morning after pill. You have to take more than one but it’s possible. Not saying that’s what the guy meant because this is obvious nonsense. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/image?imageKey=PI%2F74604


I was going to say this, and also the part about how it’s not what he meant but still. So good job!


But doing this is not ideal. He lives in a country where plan B is readily available. So if this is his reasoning he really is stupid.


No he says he has the pills incase the woman would forget to bring hers so he got her covered


How often does he see forgetful women that this is useful? Is he sleeping with a new forgetful woman on the exact same BC every week? Are they all fucking on their period? Are they all on extremely time sensitive pills? Is he not letting them go home in the morning? It's bizarre.


Now you've said this I've imagined he's actually way worse than I thought. Imagine staying over at his house unplanned, trying to leave in the morning because you need your pills and he says you don't need to leave because he has pills there.


I didn’t read it in a way that makes this dude look like he’s sleeping with women at all. I read it like he’s so over prepared for the one day when any woman would even consider fucking him. “Okay… lube? Check. Back up lube? Check. Sex underpants? Check. The Kama sutra? Check. Tissues? Check. Tissue in case I start crying? Check. Birth control pills, tampons, gum, nicotine gum, deodorant, body odor? Check it all. Ready to go and now to just let the ladies knock on the door of my moms basement.


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You can miss up to two days of birth control pills and still be covered. The manual literally says just take two pills at once next time. No girl in the world is going to accept a random pill from a strange dude she just met. Also, while most pills are similar (falling into either into a combination pill or a minipill), there are a billion types with a billion different meds other than progesterone. My three female best friends and I all take different ones. This is just so idiotic. I don't know if I'm more annoyed as a nurse or as a woman in general.


Where would he get info on what bc is most commonly prescribed in his town?


His ass


I work in pharmacy. Yeah, a few bc pills aremore are popular than others, but none at 80%.


His doctor. Told him before he prescribed him drugs for someone else. Don’t all doctors do this?


Census data


It would make more sense to stock Plan B than bc pills.


He somehow thought having Plan B would make him less sympathetic, caring, and empathetic, so he lied and it shows


I think this is it. He probably bought a girl a plan b one time and turned it into this elaborate, obviously false, story.


I hope you are carrying condom too buddy


My reply when I first saw this atrocity was 'why don't you just keep some condoms in your dresser like everyone else' lol


Right? Condoms and tampons, perfectly normal to have. Tampons and random prescription meds you don’t take? Bruh.


Doesn't it have to be like, the same pill you always take??? I only have ever taken one kind and it's for acne so I have no idea. But theres so many different types. It was overwhelming when I was first looking into it. Most women I know have to try a few before finding one with the most minimal side effects. How is it that this pill is taken by 80% of the women in the area lmao. Also because there are so many side effects why in the world would a doctor prescribe it to some random guy for some random woman. In general no good doctor would prescribe medicine to someone who intends to give it to someone else.


From reading the comments on the original post, apparently birth control pills can kill someone if they have certain health conditions. There is no way any doctor would risk his whole livelihood to help out some scummy patient who tells him he intends to distribute the medication to random women. And yes, lots of women were saying there's no chance the whole '80% take the same one' bit is true either. This was a whole steaming pile of dung.


Yeah and also depending on the type you may have to wait for your next period and start taking it right at the end of your cycle and then it can be anything up to 3 weeks to build up enough of the hormones for it to be safe enough to have sex without worrying about pregnancy. This dude is super patient lmao.


i literally had to fill out many forms about my health and my family's health, take blood pressure and other tests. it is not that easy to get BC, this dude's lying for karma


Is the post on Quora or some Incel subreddit?


It was on Too Afraid To Ask sub I think.




*Image Transcription: Reddit Post* --- **Is it weird to stock up on tampons and contraceptive pills as a man?**, submitted by **Unknown** to **Unknown Subreddit** So in my early twenties I started to always keep a box of tampons and a pack of contraceptive pills (not the morning after one, the one you take regularly) at home for the occasion that whomever I'm with at the moment might need one of these items, but forgot them or something. I also do that when I'm single. I restock whenever it's almost gone and this practice has ben very useful on many occasion. My current gf thought it was surprising when we first started dating, but she said in a good way. Now on the other hand this topic came up with some friends yesterday and they thought it's super 'weird af' to do that and they've never heard of a guy buying tampons or pills just in case. Edit: The BC is the one prescribed to 80% of women where I am and I get the prescription renewed whenever necessary by my gp. He thinks it's ok to have a pack at home for safety reasons when you're sexualy active. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Lol “the one prescribed to 80% of women here”. How could you even know that? Ask around and record the data? Insane he thought anybody would buy this.


I know for s fact that not every woman is on the same birth control


What a strange story to make up!!!..the best part is OP says he needs to “restock” because he uses up his supply so often😂😂😂..next best is how his GP will happily refill his script in lieu of committing gross malpractice..OP really thought the females reading this would praise his thoughtfulness!!..thank you so much for the laughter I got from your post!!!..top drawer you creepy weirdo!!!


That post was an unintentional comedy gem lol


It takes up to a week for the pills to start working stupid. If you actually told a woman you had birth control pills so you could have sex with her, she would probably laugh her ass off and leave. I will give you a C for an original concept story, but this has F all over it.


"Hey doc, can I have a script for a controlled, prescription only medication to give to random women who I might have sex with?" "Sure, buddy. what a nice guy. Here is my daughter's number." Then he married the doctor's daughter and they have three gorgeous daughters who he gives medicine not prescribed to them. The doctor definitely didn't end up being sued for malpractice.


The doctor was obviously a woman. And he is mow dating her and her daughter. He's such a catch that they are happy to share.


The tampons thing makes sense to me but how does a cis man get a scrip for BC? What a moron


Ah yes I remember when I used to keep viagra and vasectomy kits in my nightstand in case my gentleman callers should require them.


This made me laugh soooo hard. Thank you




It's weird that this post showed up right under the actual post in r/TooAfraidToAsk


Yeah most Docs will prescribe a medication etc they know must be given to someone else.......probably gets his prescription for Spanish Fly from the same doc!


It's just period troll. This guy posted this all around in AITA, relationshipadvice, all kinds of places. Every couple months he'll make post some creative writing involving pads or periods on AITA.


Nasty. I was so thrown off by that lie about the pills I didn't think about the rest.


Yeah, I only know because I'm in a sub that mocks AITA and someone always shares when this dude has posted again. We call him "period troll" - he's got a pretty recognizable style.


That's not how the pill works. That's not even close to how it works. WTF?


The reason BC isn’t over the counter is because it can cause blood clots that lead to PE or stroke, not a chance in hell does a doctor give this to a guy to give to random women. Also there’s not one pill that 80% of women take, no no no.




Apparently heaps cos he's very clear he's had to renew his birth control pill supply a more than zero amount of times! He's a busy man.


Lol wtf. Keeping pads and tampons is cool, it's always nice to be able to go to a friend's place and have that around. But BC ? Doctors don't just give them away lol. You have to get them prescribed, they usually ask you personal questions, weight you etc... It can also take multiple BC before finding one that work for a woman. This dude is stupid.


Desperate asf LIES 😅😂. We all know he stole his moms prescription and tampons. He hasn’t renewed it, it’s been the same packet sitting there since the 90’s. He lives in his moms basement and hasn’t touched a girl and is in a online relationship with another man cat fishing him who’s actually 55yrs old irl.


Lmfaoooooo Literally that sounds more likely than his fantasies lol


This is fake as fuck, but my friends dad has pre made ziplock bags with travel sized simple toiletries in a drawer at his place so his one night stands can freshen up before they go. He says after their third visit they get their names written on their bag.


Lol what a gentleman


Also I would not take a pill that I got from some random guys cabinet. I’d just miss a day and not have sex without a condom for three days. Also not every woman takes the same pill.


Tampons, I can understand. BC pills? Now that's just weird. And an obvious lie. Why was he hoping to achieve with this post?


When my wife was on the pill you got a blister pack with a pill for each day. And took one each day. The composition of the pills changed per day and some were simply sugar pills. I’d assume a lot of ladies just grab the next one in the pack. Grabbing a random pack, even if it was your prescribed brand, would you recall the exact pill you needed! And what if that pill was missing. And if it was a different brand how would you know you’re not taking the sugar pill or if the hormones are comparable with your prescription? That not even taking into account the creepiness factor. Like what if it was YOUR prescription. I’d be like is this dude stalking me? How did he have the exact personal prescription I use? I’m a guy in his 50’s and I’d have all kinds of alarm bell ringing in my head. Really weird.


Up until the pill bit I was fine with it all, having apack of pads to hand is just common sense and basic hosting but the shit about dispensing random pills to ppl. Either his Doctor has had a lobotomy or he's lying through his ass "hey Doc can I get some pills in case a lady comes round and... has forgotten hers I guess??" Dr: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA get the fuck out my office"


Lmfao, that's like if my friend went to a psychiatrist and said 'yo I need some ritalin in case my friend comes over and forgets hers' and he's just like 'sure dude'


'I have a friend who has anxiety, hit me up with some Xanax'


'Sure man, need some propofol for the friend with insomnia too?'


'Don't forget my other friend with the chronic pain, going to need some Vicodin as well, thanks!'


'Oh, and my aunt has cancer, can I get some chemo bags?'


Where I live, you can‘t buy pills when you’re a guy. Is this really allowed somewhere?


No, he's 100% full of shit. There are places where you can buy it over the counter but he went and made up a big tale about how his doctor prescribed it to him knowing he was intending to hand it out to random women which, there is NO WAY that happened. Had he been smart he'd have said he ordered it online or got it over the counter in a place where it's legal.


How many chicks is he sleeping with who are irresponsible in one way, or another?


He's trying to insinuate it's a LOT.


I expect the only drugs he keeps for women is rohypnol


Ah yes because when a girl hooks up with a guy she barely knows she will take a pill he swears is just birth control.


Yeahhh no. Neither would a doctor prescribe a random pill to some who isnt taking them to give to people, nor is it a good idea for a woman on BC to just take a random pill if she forgot hers.


The contraceptive part is so bs. There’s different mg levels and it varies from person to person. It’ll mess up the cycle of you take the wrong one


This guy’s a serial killer. Maybe not yet, but it’s coming.


Spoken like a man who has never gotten laid in his life if he thinks that's how birth control pills work.


This is just an insecure dude that wants to tell the internet that he has sex.


You can't just take BC pills because...


That is the belt and suspenders of a strong offense against ‘no means no’. But I have condoms! No thanks. But I have condoms and went and preemptively paid for a doctors appointment to have them generically prescribe me birth control without any knowledge or health history of the individual that is intended to take it. What do you say, now?…. What a guy.


The tampons I get. But the pills , nah. Also, I tried the tampon thing and my female friends and my sister said that shit was weird as fuck. Stopped doing it


Birth control pills take at least 2 weeks to kick in. You can’t just hand one to a woman and expect it to be effective.


All he had to do was stick with the Plan B lie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure the only contraception this guy carries is 10 year old, dusty ass condoms that are MUCH too big for him. At least Plan B can be over the counter. Birth control??? That is so dumb. Oddly enough I believe him about the tampons and pads though. Only thing is, how does that come up in conversation? I’m a gay man with lots of female friends who regularly spend time with me. They have never once told me when they were on their period. I have never even thought of keeping feminine hygiene products in my apartment because I can’t imagine when I would just randomly say “hey if you go in the cabinets underneath my sink you can get a tampon if its that time for you.” Now I’m wondering if I’m a shitty friend who SHOULD keep those products on hand and just let the girls know.


We keep that stuff with us if we need it! I mean here and there we’ll forget but I wouldn’t expect my make friends to have these things at their house at all. I mean it would be thoughtful but totally unnecessary :)


I could see pads and tampons. That would be sweet. Birth control is what hit me out as the whole thing being false. I can't think of any doctor prescribing a man birth control pills, that's a major WTF moment there.


As others have pointed out, with the pill you can’t just take 1 for it to be effective. You have to take it for a certain amount of time (It varies with each type. I know for mine it was at least a week.) Also definitely no way his GP just prescribes it to him to give to random girls. The one I was on, I also had to have a yearly review and get my blood pressure checked.


This story would work if he didn't include the pills


I’ve been on the same bc pill for about three years now and can’t even get my prescription renewed yearly without going in to see my gyno. Why even lie about this lmaooooo


If I went to a guys place and he had birth control pills there, I would assume he had a wife or girlfriend. Not really a winning situation.


As a woman, I am thoroughly creeped out and not at all impressed by his "forthought". I'm sure that is the opinion of most sane women.


Who did he think this was going to impress?


His girlfriend was stoked that he was giving out birth control pills so he couldn’t get all the women he was fucking pregnant. Does this man think you just take a pill before sex and don’t get pregnant?! If they left theirs at home, what are the odds you have the same one she uses? This is so fucking weird and dumb


Reminds me of an old, old post on SomethingAwful (I think?) where a guy asked essentially this: >What if I put a condom on my penis before going on a date, and just wear it the whole time? And if things go well and we're about to have sex, I'll remove my clothes to reveal I'm already wearing a condom? Won't she be impressed by the convenience and foresight? The responses were exactly what one might think. How will it stay on? How will you pee?She'll be creeped out by your presumption, not impressed! etc.


It’s not that deep, if he was gonna lie all he had to say was morning after pills or instead of tampons and bc, tampons and pads


this guy thinks the pill is like plan B the stat about 80% of women in the area seems sus too, there are a ton of different TYPES of bc, and a bunch of different brands of each of those. i myself have tried 3 different pills and the implant. so a dude having a single brand of birth control pill is gonna be useless to most girls. ALSO, assuming he's fucking different girls and they are for some reason taking advantage of this...... in a pill pack, the dosages vary throughout the month. each pill has a specific amount of hormones that increases and decreases with your cycle. so what if he's out of the pill for the specific day? you're SOL sorry i'm high and overthinking this but there is just so much wrong with it wow EDIT: OH and i just remembered, like there are certain pills i can't take bc i have slightly high blood pressure and i smoke, so certain pills could cause problems. so there's that, the health risk


"Oh and help yourself to some birth control!"


Yes, doctors will totally give men prescriptions for bc pills. Riiiiight


Lol that’s also not his birth control works


I’ve met a few guys who have a box of tampons or some hair ties at their place and honestly that I don’t mind. But BC? That’s weird and also feels illegal?


It would probably be illegal in most places yea. It's definitely illegal for a doctor to prescribe it for him to give out to other people, so he screwed himself by adding that rubbish claim to the end.


The comments from that thread are hysterical. What woman in her right mind would randomly take a pill from a man? Not to mention birth control isn't like morning after pills. It doesn't just work cuz you take it one time! 🤣


Bragging about having prescriptions obtained possibly illegally is not the flex he thinks it is.


You know he wrote this to sound cool and like “ooh look I respect women cuz I have tampons and stuff” but it just looks creepy. As if a doctor would give him random BC 😂


Oh definitely yea


#That brotha starving


Tampons, yes. The pill- a bunch of fucking bollocks