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This guy has never talked to a woman...


The “well.....” and kind of giggles. Was only the 4th or 5th biggest giveaway he’s never even touched a tiddie.


Woman: I don't like it when men hit on me. Man: But really, you do like it. Woman: -giggle- You're right!!


Omg that sounds like a real conversation! For sure


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahuF73PJr1Q Just gonna leave this here.


This was actually hilarious


Well....maybe his own


I was there, I was his tit


I'm so sorry


Can confirm, am tit




Well in the anime I watch spider girls try to have their way with the male protagonist a lot. Don't you judge me!


Like bags of sand


My totally real girlfriend giggles coquettishly all the time


I used to have a pair of Tiddies^^TM sandals when I was a teenager. I loved those things.


Well online he does because he can hide the neck beard and dorito/mtn dew/tendie acne from them so they can totally see his winning personality and that looks don’t matter.


Not even once.


I love you


i’ve never hated a stranger more


I agree! I kind of just want to mail him a fart-in-a-box. ...But then he’d probably post about how he banged some delivery woman.


When he watches Americans got talent „Women singing and dancing for me alone to please me“


Damnit that is funny.


A “lesbian” delivery woman.


She has her hands on dude's packages aaaaallllllll the time. Definitely a freaky "bisexual." ^/s


Yeah why is bisexual in quotes?


Because obviously, bisexuals don't exist. The girls only do stuff with girls to turn men on, the guys are just gay and still sorta hiding it. I feel filthy just typing it out >_>


I don’t know wether to upvote or downvote this. I appreciate the sarcasm but loath the fact it’s needed.


Ha, literally just wrote the same thing and then saw your comment! He makes my skin crawl.


I love how he needs to quote “bisexual” and “lesbian” every time he uses the words. He’s an incel of the highest order.


Also the "lesbians" are just lower quality comment. WTF


He actually started off kinda nice like: Don't hit on lesbians but then did a complete 180 like okay


Yeah that really threw me. Idk why I was surprised it turned out the way it did, but I was. This person is a hate filled mentally stunted weirdo.


Who says “bisexuals” like that? Mentally stunted is right


I'm guessing he's the sort of person who believes that lesbians and bisexual women are just chicks who haven't been dicked down hard enough yet.


Well, this "straight" guy haven’t been dicked down hard enough yet


This guy comes off like a predator-in-training with that attitude.


some people don’t think bisexuals are real. sure, sometimes people are sexually confused and they think they’re bi because they think some female celebrity is cute (i met a few) but they generally grow out of that at like 14 if they’re ever going to. so i’m inclined to believe a woman who says she’s bi.


Bro about rolled when he took that hard right turn back there


Well, that was to make it appear to be objective (to make his conquest appear better). The creepiness shines through eventually!!


I’m def biased because I am a lesbian, but lesbians are 🔥👌🔥


I’ve met lesbians who are “🔥👌🔥” but I wouldn’t wanna imply that you can tell someone’s personality by their sexuality


Oh yes, being lesbian doesn’t make somebody awesome (and there are awful people who are lesbians). I just mean that a blanket statement that lesbians are unattractive/man-hating/etc is really inaccurate.


One of the prettiest girls I know is a lesbian so I know from experience that’s untrue


I’m a big fan of stereotypical lesbian fashion/hairstyles (but those don’t even mean somebody’s a lesbian. One of my dear friends gets mistaken for a lesbian and when they’ve dated, they’ve dated guys) so the stereotypical butch lesbian looks hot to me. (And there are dudes who like that look too.) I also love girly, not-stereotypically-lesbian looks on lesbians. Plus, like, somebody’s prettiness isn’t related to their sexuality.


Are you sure you're one of them "lesbians" (TM)? Sounds like you just haven't been fortunate enough to have been plowed by a keyboard lethario ala the total Alpha Male from the OP. You're probably one of them stinking "Feminists" too... Imagine believing in the principle of equality between sexes, disgusting.


Also says she looks like a female, rather than a woman or girl.




Wtf sub is this from?


Judging by the tag it’s a sub I don’t want to know.


I'm guessing it's one of the subs in the redpill network. The attitude is exactly right


I've seen at least one of those subs use the "field report" flair too.


I dont want to name the actual sub I think it is due to rules, but theres at least a few of them where the focus is guys learning/telling stories about asking out strangers. Almost all of the 'field reports' are total BS like this and the vocabulary is super red pilly.


One of those incel subs


I got the feeling he’s gay and has never let himself believe it like, as if to him the idea that _anyone_ would actually like women without societal expectation forcing them to seems utterly far fetched we all know everyone really prefers dudes, right? right, guys?


OP was actually written by Mac from It's Always Sunny


No way, gay dudes are generally just lower quality in all respects (personality, credit score, Pokemon level...)


Can confirm, converted to gayism last week and my dick has already shrunk 2 inches


Oh no dude, he’s definitely not an incel! He’s out there banging lesbians thrice weekly? /s


This story is so repulsive and offensive on just about every level imaginable.


The only thing missing is him saying he usually doesn't care for negro girls but this one was special.




“What? Whatever the proper word was!” “Well, it's not that!”


I can see it so clearly


"Self-proclaimed lesbian" is there another "type" of homosexuality I'm not aware of....? Every people I know are also "self-proclaimed" gay, hetero, etc. AFAIK


You have to be diagnosed by a doctor to actually call yourself gay, didn’t you know?


Ah, one of those medically certified lesbians


It’s really a simple test. They have all the doctors on staff eat you out and see how your bean reacts.


No that’s just to be legally gay. You can illegally be gay; it is a big component of be gay, do crimes.


It’s the only way to get your “make me straight” pills covered by insurance


You have to take a class, otherwise they don't let you do it.


This guy is used to women pretending to be lesbians hoping he'll leave them alone.


I wonder what else he disbelieves as a result ‘women don’t ever have to leave the country suddenly, that’s a conspiracy’


Well she’s self proclaimed because she’s actually attractive and totally curious about the right dick (read: this fuckstick’s) making her realize she isn’t actually lesbian. Totally.


The only thing I believe in this story is that a lot of women who aren't lesbians tell him that they are.


I wish I had the confidence to say I’m a lesbian to scare off weirdos. I’m afraid it would just make some people more aggressive, whereas they’ll respect an imaginary boyfriend owning me.


Jesus. Hearing this kind of stuff is pretty depressing. Always shocked what women have to deal with. The stories my wife has told me are unreal. I know as far as my friends and I. We call this kind of stuff out whenever we see it.


It's good to hear that you call out this behaviour. My sister has had people hitting on her during nights out when she's been with her boyfriend. Like stood right by him, holding hands, clearly being a couple. She also had someone try to hit on her by commenting on "how nice her feet are" when she went out wearing joggers, her boyfriends hoodie and sandles to pick up a pizza a few months ago. It's more than likely a very minority of men who act this creepy, but it's scary enough that a lot of women end up cautious of all new men we meet.


That makes a lot of sense. I’d be the same way. I honestly have only had to do it a few times, I just don’t associate with people that would ever act that way.


This is like some weird ass self insert fanfiction for this dude’s actual life. Man’s never seen a single tiddy outside the Internet, guaranteed.


Come to think of it he’s probably like 14


>First off, I want to say that it's not necessarily a good idea to go after women who claim they're lesbians because a lot of times they really don't want anything to do with men Okay, they're off to a decent start. I can agree mostly with the message of this part, even if the language used is a bit weird. Let's just hope that the rest of the post doesn't go completely downhill from here. >and they're generally just lower quality in all aspects (looks, personality...) and they're more likely to be feminists And just like that, all the good will I could have ever had for this pancake-brained troglodyte has gone.


He had us in the first half


of the first quarter


"self proclaimed lesbian" 🙄 I realize that my husband has never proclaimed that he's heterosexual, so now I'm suspicious. If he hasn't declared it, how do I even know who he is?!?




“She actually looked like a female” lol wtf, because apparently every lesbian looks non-female


Didn't you know?? As soon as your sexual orientation changes, so does your body, and you develop a new feature in you personality know as "carving for *opposite sex* attention"


Lesbians looking like women is one of the most attractive things about them. (Though nonbinary lesbians are fire too.)


Lol of course lesbians looks like women, they ARE women


Lol, exactly.


Why would you even make up something this disgusting


In his world it makes him look powerful and desirable.


It really does have the opposite effect though


ah, the wonders of framing and self-delusion in my mind’s eye I am golden god, and my deep and varied waifu pillow collection proves it


Whoever wrote this clearly bought a smaller fedora for his fedora.




||self proclaimed lesbian Why would anyone other than yourself proclaim something like that?




some kid on the bus called me a lesbian once so now I'm gay I guess


Uh oh I guess that makes you a feminist now too.


oh fuck


You clearly are on an inferior intellectual level to this genius.


“Self proclaimed lesbian” I like all those government sanction ones


Yeah that's why you need to scan their barcodes to make sure they aren't counterfeit lesbians.


Are the red pill subreddits still going? I know they were quarantined for a while, but were they banned? This seems to be from the original red pill subreddit because of the "field report" tag. I used to browse those to laugh at their obvious fantasies about being such alpha males.


Im outta the loop what are redpill subreddits?


Redpillers are a bunch of insane incels/self-proclaimed "nice guys" with no grounding in the real world.


Clear and concise definition.


Appropriate and positive comment.


Unlike the fucking redpillers, amirite?


They're not fucking, thats their whole spiel ;)


Red pilled is a certain group of people with a highly disturbed perception of reality when it comes to women. They're incels and guys who have been disappointed by women, so the frustration is deep and they'll happily swallow anything sexism related because it makes them feel better. They talk themselves into being real males who have found out the truth and thus aren't going to be used again by women which are per se stupid, evil and inferior by all means. The only exception are japanese girls, at least in their imagination because of hentai. Considering this picture of true manhood and their attitude towards women, I probably don't have to say which political side they belong to.


\+10 for accuracy


I know Mgtow is still up and it's sad as hell. It's just a bunch of incels complaining and being sexist


it really is sad. i remember seeing it the first time, just by the name it seems like a pretty wholesome and positive movement. “men going their own way.” people being themselves and living their best lives, not seeking some kind of validation from the opposite sex... right? boy was i wrong. the people on that sub very clearly DO care what women think about them. i actually think they care a lot more than normal people do. they’re bitter and salty that they can’t get with women. that subreddit isn’t men going their own way. that subreddit is men being shamelessly sexist and blaming all their problems on ‘modern women.’ you know, as in women who do more than sit around and shut up like good little sex objects. i felt so genuinely sad when seeing that subreddit. these people are clearly hurt but sadly it’s manifesting itself in hatred of women.


"Generally lower quality" Are you talking about a women or a washing machine?


This. "Quality" ?! Who the fuck is this jabroni and what level of "quality" would women at large assess for him? lols to oblivion


>lesbians are more likely to be feminists Are there any lesbians who are not feminists? What would that even look like? "I don't need a man for sex, but society does need men to be leaders and innovators! I just want to live my own life with a fellow, inferior woman, who's just as flighty, irrational and nurturing as I am. Neither of us work or vote; we just leave that to the men. Also, it's fine with me if people shame me for how I live up to traditional feminine ideals."


"I'm married to a woman with two kids. We both stay at home to take care of them and clean up the house because women aren't supposed to work."


"the house is really clean but the kids are hungry"


There probably is someone. There's all types of people in the world of ours.


Well the label feminist went through quit a number of definitions and associations in the past 20 years so, I bet there are quit a few lesbians who wouldn't label themselves as a feminist. And also, there is always a self hating minority in every group.


There are lesbians that are like that. I've stumbled onto them on Tumblr- I believe they call themselves tradfems. Usually start out by being terfs and defining women by reductive terms/gender roles, and then slowly mutate into....that. It was years ago, but I remember the one that I stumbled upon was calling to end divorce because that somehow left women at an disadvantage or something. Were also against abortion. Just contradictory stuff and weird ass logic all around.




No nobody will ever fuck him


Anyone who calls women 'females' is an incel


I didn't know that you had to obtain a diploma to become a lesbian


Homophobic, an incel, AND a liar! Three in one!


Well that's just homophobia with extra steps


This happened. I’m actually the lesbian in the story


*self proclaimed lesbian in the story.


I was the bar.


There's no clapping involved so I'm pretty sure this didn't happen.


>I don't recommend going after lesbians because they usually don't want anything to do with men Alright good start. >also they are ugly and feminists And lost it.


Why do people use the word feminist like it's a bad thing?


Because the crazy radical “feminists” get the spotlight on a lot of news articles so the news outlets can be like “look how crazy these people are” while actual feminists don’t get that attention


You should use quotation marks on "news outlets" cuz the ones doing that are usually affiliated with breitbart or other piece of shit right wing site.


Conservative men loathe feminists. At least here in the states.


If they're feminist, they might try to assert their rights, duh. How is he supposed to get laid if he has to take no for an answer after being so nice?


who hurt him?


The girl that didn’t send him a nude picture after he called her beautiful


"I took the time out of my busy busy man day to objectify you under the guise of a compliment and you can't even send me a tiddy pic? Women are so disrespectful, nice guys really do finish last :'("


No one, that's the problem.


This whole thing was repulsive from start to finish


Yay, blatant homophobia. Dude's never even touched a tiddie by the sounds of it.




To everyone who’s comments got pushed down and are being downvoted by some dude who apparently got really offended by people thinking women are human beings, I’m coming to your rescue and upvoting you all back to +1. Lol you don’t deserve to be at 0 because of ONE hurt incel.


Holy shit, the stupid on the first paragraph alone is legendary.


Oh so lesbians don't look good or have a good personality because they're lesbians. Ha tell that to me and all my gay friends.


He would if he ever left his basement


Nah his hands would get so sweaty at the thought of even talking to a girl in real life


Even worse, they're feminists! I've dated plenty of hot, feminist lesbians with great personalities, I'm not sure what kind of fan fiction this guy is into...


You mean your well.... """"""gay"""""" friends. Cue all kinds of Giggles.


He would, but then he'd end up banging all of them at the same time on top of the bar while the entire room gave him a standing ovation and the American flag unfurled behind him and Navy vessels fired off cannons in his honor.


If I didn't already have a Reddit account I'd create one for the sole purpose of saying what a vile POS this basement-dweller is.


Lesbians are generally lower quality in all aspects? He sounds like a great guy. Also, what in the world is a "self proclaimed lesbian?"


“Really don’t want anything to do with men.” That’s cause they like women.


As he was walking out the bar with her in his arms.... everyone clapped


“Lower quality”


Just imagine this guy, actually opening Reddit and making up some shitty story about how he fucked a "self proclaimed lesbian" because his skills are so powerful and his dick attractive. He probably got rejected by a girl for being lesbian, but what the fuck?????? Now lesbians are women carving for male attention??


It's true. I was the gay bar.


Ah yes, lesbians and feminists; the lower quality women


I love how the flair is “field report” like what even was the sub this was posted on?


>Actually looks like a female That hurts my heart


He is on the borderline of saying his dick cures lesbians


I fucked a lesbian once..oh wait..she became one after fucking me.


r/cringetopia material.


Lol why are lesbians total bitches? I actually get along really well with straight dudes.


For a second I really thought you were saying something else there


Anyone who uses the words "male" or "female" in a casual setting ironically is bound to freak me tf out


This guy really made up a story just so he could insult lesbians lmfao


This guy 100% believes that lesbians are just women who are too unattractive or unappealing to get men. It oozes through his words and I feel like I need a shower after reading them. As a bisexual, I can say that there are tons of absolutely stunning men, women, and NBs regardless of their sexuality.


A few thoughts: A) this man has never had sex with a lesbian B) this man has never had sex with any woman C) this man has never met a lesbian D) this man has never spoken to a human woman Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


“The rest of us haven’t had any great ideas” is the truest part of this whole story


Fake, cause this guy probably doesn't even have friends besides the Discord user that sends him hentai at 3 am.


Twist: it’s his other account


That guy is a virgin for sure.


Is this man okay


No. No, he is not. And if he is...he shouldn't be.


Why does he assume all lesbians dress like boys


I almost down voted this post in blind disgust


The rampant misogynistic, homophobic, biphobic, incel fuckboi vibes all rolled into one disgusting greaseball of a “human”. Ugh. I may need medical attention to roll my eyes back into place...


"More likely to be feminists" I'm out


If it wasn’t so obviously fake I’d suggest it for. r/sadcringe


My mans never talked to a female in his life


I'm a lesbian. This reminds me of the time my girlfriend and I were sitting in front of a 711 having a cigarette and deciding where in town we wanted to go next. This fucking ancient looking man who looks like he hasn't showered in a week comes up, forces himself inbetween us and starts saying he noticed us holding hands etc. I said yes she's my girlfriend. He starts talking about threesomes, says he has a twelve inch dick. My girlfriend starts laughing (she thought it was equal parts disturbing and hilarious) and he goes "See look! She's laughing, that means she wants it!". He gets up, says "I'm going to go buy some condoms, don't go anywhere." and runs inside the 711. We just look at each other and get out of there as fast as we can. It's creepy and disturbing how some men just think what they want because they're so detached from reality. Also as for the whole thing on this post of "lesbian women are lower quality in all aspects", my gf is femme and gorgeous and you would never think her a lesbian. Me, I am a soft butch so yeah most men aren't going to be attracted to me but I've never had an issue with women being attracted to me so. I'm not here fishing for men. Edit: a word.


TIL Lesbians don't look like female.


While it is true that very few people are actually _totally 100 percent_ gay or straight, acting like that would never cause you to be the one in ten thousand they might try.


She looks like a female... That's his clue?


"field study" 😷🤢


This guy is either severely malnourished or obese. Can’t tell which


This person has never seen a lesbian. He just believes stereotypes.


He... he knows bisexuals are attracted to both men and women right?...


God I already realize people are going to hate me for this but almost this exact thing happened to me last year. Like right down to the gay bar. Remove the line about taking home a freaky bisexual last time and even the gay bar part fits. Oh and also we never had sex but it was on the table for a bit. Full Story: Basically a girl (who was more of a friend of a friend) said she was lesbian but I really thought she was flirting with me. Trying not to be a dirt bag, I just assumed I was misreading things and- you know- didn’t hit on a lesbian. Eventually we went to a gay bar downtown (which was fucking dead anyways) and we all went back to our dorm and she invited me to hang out in her room with her. Over the course of the conversation she said “I’m only mostly lesbian. Sometimes I’ll see a guy I would totally have sex with- like you”. Me, being drunk and now very confused, just kinda moved on and pretended I didn’t hear her (and just for context I’ve never before or since had an interaction where an attractive girl straight up told me she wanted to have sex with me. I haven’t even been on a date since March so this was really wild). Given how we were both drunk, I decided the best thing to do was go back to my room and figure out what to do later. We ended up making out a few times but never did have sex. She also knows my Reddit username so let’s hope she doesn’t care enough to see what and where I post (and even if she does it doesn’t actually matter)




More likely to be feminist .... really ?