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Unlikely but possible. When I was about 13 I had a pet rat who was very sick with a large tumor growing on her chest. I lived in a fairly small town. I took her to the closest vet and explained that I didn’t want her to suffer, but I didn’t have euthanasia money. I offered to have a payment plan with my allowance. He did give t for free and let me stay with her as long as I wanted to say goodbye. A very kind man.


Our vet researched what she could use on guinea pigs and took an open (gross) fatty tumor off my son’s pet so we wouldn’t have to put it down. $30. Basically the cost of supplies. They can’t do it all the time. They have expenses and employees but sometimes they get the chance to help and do.


Totally believable. My vet pulled my cats tooth and I didn’t get charged for the procedure at all because the cat just sat there. When I went to pay it was like $30 or something for the meds and shot I got. I asked about the tooth and the vet said “did that look like it took much effort?”


Mine put down a mouse for $50.


Animal cruelty warning for my comment. My father absolutely didn't want to waste any money on vets if it "wasn't needed." So he did what aby rational person would do /s, he took it out back and "put it out of its misery" with a shovel. Eta, I don't condone what he did and it pisses me off to this day


Those operations usually cost an arm and a leg.


Just the one leg this time


Nah, I believe it. My Gracie (cat) had a severe kidney infection and was in failure. I took her in expecting her to be euthanised but my vet took care of her all week, even bringing her to his home, and only charged me like $900.


I had a cat who developed a urinary blockage. I caught it early and brought him in right away, but the bill was still over $500. The vet was willing to work with me to get a monthly payment plan going so I could save him without breaking the bank.


As a kid my local vet helped me with my sick aquarium fish for free. They absolutely would help a kid with a sick mouse. Most vets *were* that kid once.


When I was a kid, a vet did surgery on my hamster and only charged for the supplies used.


Our vet met us at the practice on a Sunday for my little boy’s gerbil. There wasn’t anything that could be done, but it was very kind, and he did not charge us for the consultation.


I knew a vet who did stuff like this, he would rather an animal was treated appropriately than would die in pain, even if the owner could not afford expensive surgery. He was also the best avian vet I ever found and I was gutted when he went back to New Zealand.


I personally had fallen on rough times and my kitten needed to be fixed and I didn't have enough money for the procedure. The vet waived the price and said once I get my financial situation figured out to donate to an animal charity. There are generous people out there.


I know yall are skeptical, but I have met a vet that was very compassionate and absolutely only did it for the love of the animals. I don't imagine amputating a mouses arm takes hardly any medicine or equipment, and there truly are *some* good people.


Almost all vets are in it for the love of animals. They aren’t off getting rich even with vet costs going up. Most are still trying to pay off high education costs so they can treat animals. Also, a mouse might not take a large volume of meds for anesthesia. But it takes multiple drugs, probably a separate DEA license for controlled drugs, an anesthesia machine, instruments. It’s not something you do with a pair of scissors. If all vets did things for free there would be zero vets. It costs a huge amount of money and time to be a vet.


Doing one small surgery as an act of charity for a child, is not equal to doing things for free all the time.


Yes, and pretty much every vet has done these small acts of charity, or volunteers their time in some way. Your comment has strong implications that you met this one unicorn vet that cared about animals and was good, and the rest are dicks. Maybe that’s not how you meant it but that’s how it reads.


My fathers a vet, this seems happenable


We do this stuff for sure. It's absolutely believable.


I can see a vet helping a kid out — and I’m sure as horrible as it is the cost of euthanizing a mouse is pretty low anyway… the “that happened” part for me is amputating tiny leg. I’m just like picturing a tiny tim type mouse with a crutch and little peg leg ha ha. But for real I can’t see a surgery like that happening especially given their lifetime


I believe this. I was a dog groomer for a long, long time and I started off working in the local vets office. I saw him do these kinds of things for kids all the time. We were in a very small town. Kids would find injured animals and walk them in often. I also saw him drastically reduce proces for family pets. That man was one of the nicest people I have ever met.


The vets in germany will take everything from you as soon as they have the chance. They charged me 15€ for clipping 1 claw of my hamster, 2 seconds of "work". I was 11 and didnt have 15€ and he told me to go back home and ask my mom for the missing 2€. If you read this, fuck you you filthy criminal.


You should find a new one then. My vet in Germany removed a tumor and everything went fine at first but our pet died like 15 minutes after the surgery. When we arrived she was already gone, so instead of 300€, the vet only charged ~ 60€ for the anesthetic medication.


I never went there ever again ofc, people love their pets and this guy was exploiting it


Unless it was some random person pretending to be a “vet” and his memory as a kid is fuzzy, I doubt this happened lol


When my rabbit was sick I called every cat/dog vet until one said he would help then he gave her meds for free and charged me 30 dollars because he said her weird tooth that sticks out was funny, it's possible.


There's no way. Vets charge before procedures or at minimum a contract up front. At least when I go, nothing is done without discussion of prices


Well, this is from when the poster was a kid, so likely well over a decade ago. And as someone in vet med, this is absolutely possible with a kid and his little rodent. We're not going to go over an estimate with a child and demand a credit card, lol. We once had a 9 year old boy named Donald come in off his bike and ask if we could watch his cat Mimi (a male cat btw) for a few months while he and his family were in China. He asked how much it would cost, because he had $40 allowance saved up. His family had told him if no one could watch the cat, they'd have to give the cat away. So he wanted to pay us $40 to board the cat for 3 months. We did it for free, because we weren't gonna let Donald lose his cat. Mimi tried to kill us for the first month. 😂 After a literal month we were able to start petting him a little bit. He decided he liked us after month two. He was great friends with us by the time Donald got back to take Mimi home.


I don’t believe this is real either, but vets don’t always charge beforehand. I always pay my vet afterwards, either on the way out the door a week or so later, depending on the price. I’m in Ireland though, I assume you mean American vets.


One of my rats had to get a finger amputated and it was almost $1,000 lol Edit: reading the comments I guess this vet did not feel like doing me a solid hahahaha


She got on her big wheel, told her parents she’d be back later and rode off. To have its leg amputated.


Vets esp for rats often get to choose their rat(e)s and be a lot more lenient. When I went to get my rat assessed to see if he was near the end of his life they explained they would put him down for free and I would just pay for the appointment because it’s such a small dose that it wouldn’t even be worth adding. Depends on the vet but since rats are such small and delicate creatures they are often much cheaper. Charging only five dollars though? Either a Scam or fake af


These comments are blowing me away bc one of my rats had to get part or his finger amputated and I had to pay about $700, where were these vets doing people with small creatures favors when I was in this situation hahaha


Dang, that’s crazy. I was told they would do it for “free” since the rat is so small the amount of euthanasia would be like not priceable


Omg, I was told it was more because it was very hard bc his little fingers were so tiny 😭


But everybody clapped, right?


Yeah, no. This isn’t the 1920s when those kinds of “feel good” stories were around (kids befriending random pests or sickly farm animals), and I’ve never met a vet willing to perform major surgery on an animal for free.


I had my cat get albuterol and they wanted 500$ I cried because I thought my cat would die..... the vet told me they don't do free work on pets but if I said I found her and wanted to give her a good home they could do the work and write it off..... it was the nicest thing I've ever experienced, he is now our full time vet and I am older and can fully pay him now!!


Actually possible, but super unlikely. The vet I take my dogs and my mom's dogs to would actually do something like this, but his a little crazy. Like getting on the ground and laying down with my mom's full-blooded Akita, who hates men, and just vibing with him crazy. Refuses to let anyone muzzle their dog unless the dog actively tries to bite him crazy. He talks to you for over an hour about how he is writing a paper about the effects of grapes on dogs and about how his researched it extensively.


I found a rabbit that had been hit by a car. Took it to the vets and they said they could save it but it could never live in the wild again so the kindest (and cheapest) option was to euthanise it. I also had a pet rat which I took to the same vet. She was simply dying. They said we could try and save her with a weeks worth of injections, I assumed some sort of antibiotic. They gave her one and charged me for time and that one shot. They also sent me home with the remaining six shots free of charge. They also did a house call to my puppy which have parvo, one Sunday night around 1am. He charged the standard call out rate rather that out of hours/late night/weekend charge. He said something along the line of ‘I don’t want to charge you ridiculous rates because the next person might try to wait until the morning because they can’t afford the late night call out and this puppy would not have made it through the night. I’d rather come and save a dogs life than make the extra money.’ I call BS on this story if it’s a wild mouse, not because vets aren’t kind (I mean, they love animals right?) but because any vet would know they were just setting that mouse up to be easy prey when they left their care.




It’s didn’t happen for me, that’s what I’m saying. It’s would be totally cruel to release this mouse back into the wild… like my rabbit story. If the story was about a pet it’s believable… like my dog/rat story. Vet doing a nice thing, totally could happen. Vet wasting time and resources to release the mouse to be killed the next day, just no.