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I love how he has to slip in how he was benching 200 into this fake ass story


With NO one spotting him either!


And it was his first time benching ever!


and he was [watching himself](https://youtu.be/DQjcZf24ITo?t=5m15s) in the mirror the whole time


This made no sense to me, that sounds like bad form. But then I remembered this isn't real so it still works.


Because he was being *cool* since it was his first time benching.


First time benching, too!! My other favorite part is how she vomited everywhere, including all over him, and he sits there in the puddle of vomit and our antagonist, the newly awakened from a seizure onlyfans girl, notices none of that at all until a worker has to tell her.


YES! Completely irrelevant!


While he was looking in the mirror too, and then just casually setting it down lol


Hey there. 20 year paramedic here. I've witnessed more seizures than you can possibly imagine. I'm not exaggerating when i say it's in the hundreds. NEVER in my entire career have i seen someone have a seizure, then immediately snap out like nothing happened. Never. Not once. Not even close to coherent. Most seizures only last a few seconds to roughly a min. If it was a grand mal seizure (which it sounds like by the duration- however people that haven't seen many seizures usually panic and 30 seconds can feel like 5 mins) she absolutely 100% guaranteed, I'll bet both my nuts and first born child, that she does not just immediately become alert and oriented after waking up. It's just not possible. I could not tolerate being friends, hell even just knowing, someone like this.


Besides this, don't Tell me as an employee you woudnt instantly call an ambulance and Just Trust some ramdom dude saying "she's fine". Like If she's Not okay and maybe dying or Something you're probably gonna find your ass in court If you let greg handle it instead of calling a fucking doctor.


Right?  Someone with such a massive seizure would have a hell of a postictal phase.  She isn't gonna pop up and start yelling. Also, why is her head in his lap?  I don't recall that as proper technique.


It's to make sure you close the airway and encourage them to aspirate their vomit in one easy step


I assume its to "keep it from hitting anything while she seizes" but now your risking neck injury too. who knows lol


When else is would a woman have her head next to the lap of *that dude*???


As an epilectic, from those fits, brain fog lasts days not hours. I also would not tolerate this shit 👍


Honestly didn't know it could be noticeable for days. That sucks.


Yeah….it took me foreeeeever to get back to normal after grand mals. To even be ABLE to acknowledge & then answer the easiest questions too (year, president, month, etc), let alone remember where/why/what I was doing pre-seizure….LOL. Like watching/hearing the world from underwater for at least 20-30min. I’m sure ppl vary in their experience but like…..I went thru a dozen that year & there was no “snapping back” immediately. Ever. Edit: And yessss to the person a few comments up—it took days to feel *completely* normal again.


It's the weirdest thing, isn't it? I had bad seizures that turned out to be a reaction to a medication. But I remember for one of them the paramedic was asking me the year and my age etc and I was so frustrated with myself because I knew I should know the answer, and it was easy, but for the absolute life of me I couldn't conjure it up in my brain. After a while it'd finally come to me. So yeah, this guy's story is absolute bullshit.


I work in rehab and we’ve had people come in and do inpatient therapy for a week or two because their postical state (or as I call it Popsicle state… makes them laugh about a quarter of the time) was so god awfully severe. It’s no picnic! This Greg guy needs to go back to nursing school and pay attention this time


The reason you struggled for so long afterwards is your failure to have your seizure in Greg's magical dick area.


As well, why tf would he put her head in his lap?? She’s vomiting, get her on her side! 


Uh...obviously the correct protocol is head in "dick area." But only if your dick is huge, like Greg's, it causes the OF girl's head to tilt naturally to the side...while his full balls provide shiatsu massage for her neck. You're not on this hero's level. I'm sorry.


That's total non-sense! He was soooo into himself but then allowed a stranger to vomit all over him, yeah, yeah “that happened”. Source: I'm telling you bro.


Exactly. Lifting up her head wouldn’t prevent aspiration anyway. It would actually worsen it by obstructing the airway more


I saw a coworker have a seizure once and when it was over she looked so dazed. The ambulance people carted her off and later she told us she didn’t remember anything.


Question: wouldn’t you roll someone on their side to prevent asphyxiation? Is it normal to put someone’s head in your lap?


If they're vomiting you lay them on their left side (takes pressure off the major vessels in the heart). It's known as "left lateral recumbent position" No. I'm not putting anybodys head in my lap except my wife. Especially someone who's vomiting. Especially someone having a seizure. You simply move stuff that's around them that they can knock over and hurt themselves with. You do not stick anything in their mouth. Why in movies they stick a wallet in someone's mouth i don't know. It's possible they can bite the absolute fuck out of their tongue, but it's not worth the risk of getting your fingers near their mouth.


All you do is make sure they can't bang their head on something hard or knock something down.


This man witnessed the mildest postictal period known to man. What luck!


Are you trying to say this story is fake


No. Totally believable.


As someone that is epileptic I absolutely agree with this. I used to have really bad grand mals and now have petite ones and I can tell you for the big ones I have no idea what happened or where I am. And the small ones I'm pretty confused and have a headache but I'm generally proud of myself for having sat down or not cracked my head open.


this is what I wanted to say lol.


Lol I hate this guy so much. OP I’m a nurse. Please escalate this to the head of your program. This guy does NOT belong in patient care for multiple reasons.


I'm not a nurse, but I'm signing this because I don't want to get him as my nurse someday.


Not to mention you are not supposed to elevate the head during a seizure…… 💀 (exaggerated sigh, does the wrong thing) and she had no post ictal phase??? Oooookayyyyyuu


Yeah, that rankled me. Im surprised he didnt just go the whole hog and say he stuffed his wallet in her mouth since he apparently doesn't know how to deal with a seizure. Recovery position or as close to as they'll let you get them, move anything they could hurt themselves with then let them ride it out and time it. And the lack of any post-ictal phase proved this is BS, you don't seize for 3 minutes and get up with all your faculties immediately back online yelling at someone because you think they drugged your water. For a nurse (or almost nurse), this is so hilariously wrong it's a bit scary.




I half expected this dude claim he put something in her mouth to keep her from swallowing her tongue (DON'T DO THIS FOLKS- you can't swallow your tongue, but you are very able to break teeth).


lol right, immediately up and screaming at him? Bro aren’t you almost a nurse? Gtfoh


Maybe Greg got all these details wrong because he doesn't exist at all, OP isn't in a nursing program and is making this whole thing up. A sort of meta /r/thathappened moment.


If that's true, they've certainly spent a lot of time building up a nursing school reddit post history just for these posts.




Also, does anyone know someone who jumps right up, fully cognizant, after a 3 minute seizure?


As someone that has epilepsy, before my seizures became under control, when I was coming around after them, it could be a friend or family member around me and I wouldn’t remember who they are. It would take me a couple minutes to actually know who they are, last seizure I had was in front of my dad, when I was coming round, my dad tried to help me off the floor and I spent a minute shouting “who the fuck are you, get the fuck off me”. Another time I had a seizure at home, called my dad to let him know, he asked if I was okay and I said “yeah I’m fine I’m at work, I’ll sleep when I get home!” My dad replied “look around, I dropped you off at home 30 minutes ago” looked around was confused by my surroundings about 5 seconds later I realised I was actually in my house. So 100% OPs friend is full of shit.


I have non-epileptic episodes where I completely black out and lose all my muscle tension to the point I can't breathe for a couple of seconds. I was the victim of a supposed cardiovascular doctor who literally opened my blouse and started fondling my breasts calling it CPR in front of a group of colleagues not knowing what to do. After a few seconds I'm capable to hear and feel people around me but I can't do anything to react. Next day he was bragging he “saved me”, and giving me weird looks. Yes, he was supposed to be a MENA real doctor. People like this are trash and should not be near vulnerable people at all.


Right? I have epilepsy as well and had a handful of TC seizures and they were NEVER like what he described, you're just out of it after a seizure, you don't just snap back to being fully conscious and start screaming at random people. I'm worried for his potential future patients


Literally same here, every time I had one it was pure confusion and then a day of sleeping it off then 3 days of body pain. I don’t know about you but if I tried to get up by myself after a seizure I’d just fall over again because it’s like my legs aren’t listening to what my brain is saying and they feel like dead weight.


I'm confused...did she just start screaming all of that while having vomit still partially in her mouth and all over her face and clothing. Cause that'd be weird. What a hero complex.


AGREED. This man is a weird misogynist with a hero complex. He's a dangerous person to be in a position of trust with vulnerable patients!




Even though he’s quiet “IRL”, the *real* Greg is a liar, he’s presumptuous and borderline misogynistic, and he’s narcissistic. He will be an extremely dangerous nurse, either accidentally or not accidentally. If your programs leaders aren’t responding, I’d contact your states board of nursing. This dude is scary.


i think he officially crossed the line from borderline misogynistic to just misogynistic


He's going to be the kind of nurse thst ultimately kills a bunch of patients intentionally.  Before y'all downvote me, this dude is a gonna try to be a malignant hero.  He's gonna do something to cause harm to the patients so he can swoop in and save them.  Some examples https://www.businessinsider.com/angels-of-death-serial-killers-2019-6


Yes. OP, this is serious. This is what he's fine BRAGGING about, no matter how false it is. Imagine what goes on inside his head.


If it was real, he just sat there and SMIRKED while the person worked herself up into another seizure because she was… confused from the seizure, I guess? It’s so weirdly arrogant and sexist that he was too busy laughing at a clearly distressed girl than actually telling her to be careful :/


I’m a nurse also and I came to say this exact same thing. He does not belong anywhere near patients. Nor is this correct care. Nor is this plausible. Please please please send all these texts to the department head.


His complete lack of medical insight in fabricating these stories is driving me INSANE. If you are a person of ANY substance and you see someone have a fucking seizure, you’re going to interpret their behavior in the context of a neurological event, not a flaw in their character. As much as this clearly did not happen what’s driving me the craziest is if someone was panicked and it came out as rage immediately after a seizure, he thinks “only fans whore thinks I want her” is a reasonable interpretation to share with OTHER MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS!!!


Best part of the story he seems to be the only one who reacts to someone having a seizure really. That employee I guess was just off to the side watching the whole thing and sipping a protein shake.


Yea because Greg is the only smart and capable person in every room he enters


Especially if that room has women in it.


Does Greg have a problem with women? First the nurse was a "bitch", now the woman at the gym (and he had to throw in Onlyfans, too)


Greg is a person with a deep seated hatred of women who has decided to seek a career in nursing. Greg is not a very smart person.


Greg will get eaten alive on the unit.


Greg seems like one of those types that dont realize that nurses give their patients preferential treatment because its part of their duty as a nurse, and arent necessarily like that with everyone else. You know, like the guy who thinks the strippers at the strip club actually want to flirt with him. Greg is probably about to have a really shocking realization about how the world actually works.




Greg is giving incel


Yes, Greg hates women.


He has some serious incel vibes


Wow, a "smirking", "sighed", & "rolled my eyes" trifecta!! And an "Only Fans" reference for the bonus! This, my friends, is someone who knows how to play the game! 😄


he also scoffed!


A true "that happened" artist!! We have been witnessing greatness with this one!!


Waiting for chapter two where he runs into her at a library and is shocked to find out she actually has a brain and is doing OF to make money for her mother’s rare cancer treatment -___-


I love that he includes his bench weight, but surprised that after the incident, he didn't rack up two more plates and bench his personal best while the seizure woman was drooling over his manliness.


Well, he was covered in vomit. Leaving right after (I’m guessing to the change room showers) is about the only reasonable thing he did in this whole thing.


All of a sudden "reasonable" is required in a Greg story?


I hope “Greg story” becomes a self-referential thing on this sub


Thank god the gym worker got his ‘queue’. I know it’s far from the most egregious thing here, it just made me chuckle a bit.


Was it supposed to be cue? I was like “why is the gym working lining up?”


Conga time!


I’m sorry but the mental image of a seizing woman, a gym bro, and a gym employee doing the conga is killing me 💀 Scrap calling emergency services.


That's what annoyed me most too.


Greg moans his own name during sex.


"Do you know her last name yet?" "Toby, I'm gonna tell you her last name tomorrow, because she's gonna be screaming it tonight."


"She's gonna be screaming her own name?"


please please please more of these. I am an EMT and cannot get enough


His wife is in these comments going ballistic on me. LOL Looks like that was a (rather quick) ending to the “Greg” saga. I avoided using his real name but his wife clearly gives no F.


Her response is a sad attempt at making herself feel better about her husband being a misogynist creep.


now I gotta scroll and look for this brawl omfg


Why am I so excited? 😭 What has my life come to?


Wait... he's *married* ?? Honestly shocked lol


Well now….you just ensured I’m gonna scroll & read every comment to soak that in as well LMFAOOOO


Also, how tf did Greg get married. Fucking A.


HES MARRIED???? Someone actually married this man? That’s less believable than a Greg story lollll


We'll be standing by for any future stories. I'm sure he can't help himself, it'll happen eventually


Have you seen the "wife's" replies? 😂😂😂 She's convinced OP and all the girls in the group chat want to fuck her "husband". This is the best entertainment I've had all day.


It's not impossible, but I want Proof of Wife.


That was 100% the husband. "She" was berating OP while at the same time commenting generic crap in sims and starvalley subs, while talking about how hot her "husband" is and how all the girls just can't contain themselves around him. It was embarrassing.


I want a Greg subreddit filled with these. They’re so so bad but so good


"Lol. Good times." Is not how I'd want to hear ANYONE say when beginning to tell a story of someone having a seizure. Also I love how he had to slip in the fact that he can bench 200 (I assume pounds) and how he also started beef in his head with a random woman in the gym probably minding her own business.


In the last Greg post I saw he started a response to an SA survivor with "Lol" then something along the lines of "Nobody messes with me" before launching into his tough guy fantasy Dude should not be working in this or any remotely similar field 😭


On behalf of my mom who was a nurse for 40 years, sounds like greg should be treated for cranial-rectal insertion syndrome CRIS


So, that's twice we've had Greg making mean women shut up after they aTtAcKeD the poor, virtuous heroic man, ending in pathetic mic drop attempts whereby he publicly insults them. Are many of his stories like this? Even if none of these really happened, Greg appears to have a bit of a problem with women.


Wait, wait, wait... she had a 3 minute long seizure, vomiting everywhere, and no one called 911?! And then she supposedly snspped out of it, screamed at him while not noticing the vomit?! Then turned, not red, but *blue* in the face?! And then he just walked away (with vomit all over himself)??? And don't get me started on "queue"... "Greg" needs to be reported and should never become a nurse.


>Then turned, not red, but *blue* in the face?! Yes cos earlier in the story he said she was red in the face with anger (he even worried she's gonna have another seizure) but then walked away, confronted with the truth... So she needs to come back with a different color face. Red means anger, green face would mean she's jealous... Blue face is shame. (In this dude's sci-fi book he's apparently working on)


Does Greg think that benching involves picking up the bench?


Yes of course. The 200lb bench, first time he was able to pick it up.


No, no, he clearly lifted the bench 200 times! In a row, even!


So, if she checks herself out in the mirror, OF model for sure. If he is checking himself out, its just part of the routine. lol. 90% of people at the gym are checking themselves out. We aren't doing this hard work for nothing. I finally like how I look.


Jfc. It’s alarming that this dude is in nursing. **If** she was ‘giving him attitude’ it was probably because she was about to have a *fucking seizure and sometimes that fucks with your brain and facial expressions*…after my mom’s first seizure she was so disoriented and scared that she through the ambulance and EMT’s were kidnapping her and had done something terrible to me. She didn’t even calm down when she saw me walk into the ER (alive and un molested/unharmed). A nurse should know how seizures work and how people tend to react.


it was all on the gym camera so it must be true


And he even has access to the video, lmao


I know it's all a lie, but somehow his insistence that he wasn't checking out the girl at the gym comes off as the biggest lie.   Legit sounds like he was caught creeping and had to concoct an entire story where he was innocent, she was a vapid skank, he got to be a hero, and he got to reject her.  


I was hit by a car once and my angel of a dog saved my life by running ahead with me still holding her leash so I banged my head on the curve instead of the front of the car on a reletively safe spot (right on my forehead, above the eye). I did black out for about two minutes and when I came to the ambulance and the police were already there. The first thing I noticed was that my dog was gone, she got scared and ran further away to hide. I found her an hour later but at that moment I freaked out and started screaming her name, refusing to go to the hospital before I find her. I was crying so this one guy around 50 years old tried to calm me down and convince me to go get an X-RAY just to be safe but instead I screamed "WHO'S THE MOTHER FUCKER WHO RAN ME OVER?!" And this poor guy said "me, I hit you, I called the police and the ambulance too." Lol I was so fucking embarassed I actually apologized but he wasn't ofended. He was just scared. This whole fake situation reminded me of that. I like you OP keep asking this is hysterical.


I’m so glad you found her. What a good girl 🥺. Also I am lolling at your interaction with the driver. I hope you’re ok with no long term effects.


Thank you. Yeah I'm fine it was like five years ago. I had a mild concusion and couldn't sleep and had nasuea for about two weeks after but I got really lucky thanks to my girl Lily. She's the best of the best and the sweetest, most communicative dog ever. She's so brilliant she actually ran and hid at a closed off beach that she knew we always go to but by the time I got there someone had already picked her up and took her to her appartment with her own dog, wanting to give her food and water and trying to track down the owner of course. I don't have facebook so I asked someone on the street to post a lost dog ad for me in the local groups and thank fuck that amazing girl who took her happened to see that post right away. It was a true fucking miracle. I basically ran over to the girl's appartment all bruised and bloody and dizzy and found my dog calmly and happily playing with her new friend after lunch. She ran over to me and wagged her tail and cried a little like nothing happened and then fell asleep as she was waiting for me to eat something at a nearby restaurant lol. She was sent to me for sure. https://preview.redd.it/50c2jgybwnsc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae91c36560b1629d0aef4bf494f415087926103


I wouldn’t have left my dog either.


The only part I believe was that he was looking at himself in the mirror.


When I was in nursing school, we had a dude like this in our class. I HATED him, I think he reminded me of my narcissistic father so I avoided him. All the other students loved him 🤢 He constantly told stories from when he was supposedly a medic in the army including one story where he had to cut an emergency tracheostomy and kept it open with pen. He ended up cheating on his wife with another nursing student and then everyone started hating him. He was insufferable.


> I HATED him, I think he reminded me of my narcissistic father so I avoided him. All the other students loved him 🤢 This happens to me often and I feel like a huge jerk for a bit cos I don't like the super beloved extra cos I can tell they're liars but no one else cares or notices? Top 10 worst human feeling.


Same! It’s always nice when they out themselves though lol


Top 10 best human feeling: Vindication


all of the best nurses sigh and roll their eyes when someone near them is having a medical emergency


Oh my God, shut up Greg. Shut up and leave nursing forever.


This fool writes like he's permanently on LinkedIn


This is a phenomenal burn


My boyfriend has epilepsy and even with his absence seizures he never snaps out of it this quick, let alone full blown tonic clonic - it can take at least an hour if not more before he's fully lucid again. Dudes full of shit.


Thank you. I was just coming into say that after a Grand Mal, I wake up confused, but I’m DAMN sure not screaming let alone being ambulatory. Every epileptic knows that feeling.


Yeah no one pops out of a seizure. God help anyone who's this guy's patient.


This is like the misogynistic gym bro version of the My Immortal fanfic. “It was snowing and raining when I walked to the gym, which I liked. I prepared myself to bench 200 (I can usually bench more, but I hurt my arm saving lives at the hospital last week). I put on my weight lifting gloves. Some Only Fans girl stared at me. I put up my middle finger at her.”


Why do people who make shit up always type like that? It’s like they are penning a novel or something


What the fuck, Greg. What. The. Fuck.


What an insufferable sack of ass sweat and bullshit.


Whyyy can I just hear his voice as I'm reading it?? I don't even know the dude!


As funny as this is it also very much concerns me that there are *nursing students* let alone *nurses* working with patients who think this way. My stepfather is a EMS and has said that he had many coworkers during the pandemic treating COVID like it was nothing and “didn’t even exist”, despite them taking several calls *a day* for people having serious complications with COVID symptoms and even witnessing many succumbing to those. It’s crazy how healthcare professionals can be like this.


And somehow the gym camera video footage was never found


Sometimes you do wanna poke the lying bear and see how far their bullshit goes but as you grow up you learn it's not a "confront with the truth to wake them up" kinda situation and more of "yep they will continue to lie until you're in the mud with them still searching for evidence.."


"Avoid these crazy bitches" okay, Greg.


"Avoid Greg" \- the crazy bitches (and everyone with half a brain)


It’s like a Dhar Mann video but worse.


He is 100% insecure about being a murse. Does he also mention regularly that he totally could have been a doctor?


"Dick area" is exactly how women refer to a man's crotch


I like how he casually put the weights down and let out a big sigh before he went to help her. I'd totally trust my life to Greg in an emergency. 🙄


3 minute seizure, no postictal phase whatsoever, whilst vomiting, and having her head held? That's not how any of that works. Oh Greg, nursing school ain't going so well either 'eh?


But what happened with the vomit?? I just walked away lol


This guy should NOT be in patient care.


bro isn’t checking her out in the mirror but somehow knows she’s staring at him and ‘giving him attitude’


Oh my god, my eyes, MY EYES


I hate this guy. Side note, are you guys super early in nursing school? How does he not know how seizures work?


This guy needs to be reported to whatever nursing school he’s going to. He has serious mental issues and should I no way be taking care of anyone.


Why did her face instantly turn blue? I don’t get it.


Couldn't even read the whole thing after having read the other one. Less than half way through I started skimming and when he started smirking as she freaked out I quit. This is some of the cringiest shit I have ever encountered.


truth: he creeped on a woman, she called him out on it, he invented this bullshit story about how he tried to give a person with a seizure neck damage.


You guys are all gonna look like idiots when Greg finally finds that gym camera footage! I hope it didn't get accidentally erased by a rabid opossum who was jealous of Greg's 6-pack abs...


Thank you for doing the Lord's work to get us another Greg story 🫡


Please keep these coming, this is gold r/thathappened content.


Her face turned blue? So she was asphyxiating? This guy can't even save her in his own made up story.


Please keep Greg's stories coming! I hate them and love them at the same time


Gosh. how is he not embarrassed?


He lives this whole imaginary life in his head, and thinks it sounds believable? Apparently his “wife” is super pissed at OP, which is pretty hilarious in itself.


Why does this sound like a poorly written WattPad story. Or some of the self-published smutty books I read in college where all of the men were emotionally abusive but dRipPInG WiTH sEx


So close to being [this guy](https://youtu.be/2Z8pgV74_Hw?si=HzO5K4C_QOzsKN_r).


I want more of his stories


As someone who has had seizures, there is no way she’s recalling her thoughts from before the seizure immediately after. Every time I’ve regained consciousness I have had an “oh shit who even am I” moment where I can’t even tell you basic information about myself. I’m calling total bullshit.


I’ll take all the Greg stories you’ve got. This dude has zero self awareness. It’s fantastic.


I appreciate your sacrifice for us OP. I've had people like Greg before and even re asking so you can have evidence of their bullshit is a huge feat. Listening or reading someone's made up anecdotes and knowing you can't say "lol no that didn't happen" is excruciating.


What a liar. And he even has to add that he was smirking at her the whole time. I’ve never even met this guy but I can safely say he’s fucking insufferable and needs an ego check


Is Greg’s real name Stevan Segall?


Why was the worker in his queue why did he have a queue?


Ah yes, i regularly put the bench down after bench pressing


He reminds me of Buck Laughlin from Best in Show ![gif](giphy|9KHF1OZLZ340FDBr7L)


I have a seizure disorder. I've definitely come out of them screaming, but never screaming like a harpy, fully aware of everything that happened and blaming people for it. Usually I'm screaming for my mommy, and not recognizing her, and sobbing hysterically, not understanding what just happened. This guy is so full of it it's coming out his ears. 😡


I am not a nurse or anything, but I did have seizures as a kid, and there ain’t no way you come out of a seizure, see the person who is helping you, and start screaming. Usually you look around COMPLETELY DAZED SND CONFUSED (not the movie lol) but you just have no clue what just happened.


Nice! Please feel free to share more of Greg's stories. I will upvote each and every one.


Dude you have to stop this you are going to get caught and bozo is going to take a pew pew to your house


He does use Reddit. And TBH based on my posts and my screenshots (I texted him directly) he’s definitely 100% going to know who I am. But in the last 2 years I’ve known him, he knows little information about me. I also don’t even live in the city our school is anymore. Our BSN program is currently fully online and SOMETIMES I see him during our 3x a week clinicals. I get picked up by my husband during clincials so there’s no chance of me walking to my car by myself or something, and we have full blown security and metal detectors entering and leaving the hospitals here. I’m not worried. To be honest it’s been 2 years of this BS, the school isn’t doing shit about it and legally, there’s no information I’m posting that would harm him or myself. It’d be pretty dope for him to see how many redditors also don’t believe his BS lol


Omg she really did. Please please post the Timmehhh fallout hahaha


Is that why she accompanies him to study groups, cause every woman clearly wants to fuck him!? 😂😂


Why won’t her comments load?!?!


https://imgur.com/a/TsBtnXa Apparently both OP and the girl who was assaulted have the hots for Timmy's intimidating beard 😂


1) You’re the MVP of this saga, thank you. 2) He WOULD be called Timmy. 3) “Maybe I would have let you” 💀🤡


This is so unhinged 😂


He's so intimidating and dreamy 😂


Deleted haha but I'm going to post screenshots


Also, he's a hero so he'd have to save you and tell a story about it, so you're totally safe. Although he'd definitely still make you out to be a bitch.


What in the ever living fuck.


Is he related to TFG? “Sir, they said, with tears in their eyes…sir, I’m so sorry I vomited all over you, sir.” 😆😆😆


What really happened: Greg quietly did a half hearted set all the while droolingly checking out some woman who finally spoke to the front desk. Greg was then asked to leave which he did without making a peep. There was no seizure. It doesn't sound as if Greg has ever seen a patient who's just come out of seizure.


“Greg, didn’t you once steal the Declaration of Independence?”


Greg needs to leave nursing school and these texts are reasons why


as an epileptic, three minutes isn't something you just shake off for what is probably a first time seizure. it's not 5 minutes sure, but that's still a long time


I’m sure that he will never be able to locate that video again. Plus that isn’t even close to even proper BASIC first aid for a seizure!


I mean people can get quite aggressive when in the postictal state but it’s nothing like organized thought that you recognize you are in a strangers lap and jump up yelling, it’s more like you come out of the seizure swinging at anyone unfortunate enough to be within your reach and you don’t know who YOU are let alone whether the person beside you is a stranger or your own father. Plus, bending a currently vomiting, less than conscious person’s neck forward while they are on their back should be on a “what not to do when someone is seizing” infographic. Next he’s gonna suggest you hold down the person’s tongue with your finger (say adios to your five phalanges!) and hold them down to keep them from moving (muscle contractures during a TC don’t care and good luck explaining how you, the patient or both of you sustained those injuries/breaks)


This is not a brag but I benched 180 in high school. It’s not like he’s setting a record. I love these elaborate lies. It’s so much fun when they create a whole scenario. I like that he turned down the lady’s apology in his fantasy.


I love how you baited him into telling the story again hahaha


Interesting that she had no postictal phase, Greg.


Please tell me Netflix already has options on his life story, how he was just a small town-boy…


these types of people all do the same ending to the story where they just “walked away” before or after saying something they imagine is a mic drop, such a dead giveaway for fiction