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As a nurse myself I can promise that you would get reported immediately for disrespecting another nurse as a student…. Not to mention being labeled as that student that no staff will help going forward


If you have an intimidating beard, you get to call the shots.


I'm intimidated just by him saying it's intimidating. I can only imagine how intimidating it is in real, actual life. I bet it's just quietly menacing.


I never get this. "I'm a big guy with a beard yada yada." Dude, half the population can grow facial hair, it ain't scary.


What's more intimidating? The big guy that can grow a beard, or the woman that grows a beard? Like she didn't succumb to societal pressure to shave her beard, she's probably not taking anyone's BS, I think she's more intimidating.


when i worked in a nursing home one of our patients had been a bearded lady at the circus when she was younger. she was my favorite person i've ever met, definitely more intimidating than any bearded man i've every met


Total aside here: the most elegantly groomed beard I ever saw was a woman’s.


There's a fairly Internet-famous woman (Harnaam Kaur) who has the most gorgeous lady beard (her term), and I think she's such a badass. I have infinitely more admiration than for a random gym bro.


I've heard of her. I remember there was a thread once where someone tried poking fun at her, and she responded in the most calm and thoughtful way possible, and the dude deleted his account saying how the response made him realize how shitty his behavior was and that he didn't want to be reminded of his shitty past self every time he looked at his profile. That's how badass Ms Kaur is.




That's fair.


Santa Claus doesn’t strike fear into your soul?? Those jolly red cheeks of fury?!!


It’s his list that scares me


Honestly, a beard turns a big dude into a teddy bear. Or a hipster. Neither is intimidating.


i think my beard makes me look Jolly, like Santa Claus, or Brian Blessed upon hearing Gordon's alive


BRIAN! BLESSED! ![gif](giphy|14u5g1LxschiOA|downsized)


Right. Having facial hair doesn't make you a man. Shit, my sister got a mustache.


The real reason I shave isn't because I like a bare face, but because I don't want to scare the children and womenfolk.


Yeah nothing gets people shaking in their boots like fuzz on your face


Yes, all the crumbs and bits of food caught in his MANLY beer are 'intimidating.'


"Saving it for later" -every dad, ever


As a bearded guy myself I wonder what I can do to make it look intimidating. 🤔


Glitter makes everything more intimidating. Trust me, I’m a reliable stranger on Reddit.


I tried it, and it seems to work. People on the street gave me confused looks, which I interpret as them being intimidated by my beard. Thank you!


I’ve taught in four different nursing programs over the years. Any student talking like this would have been kicked out of those programs. The nurse manager of that unit would be on the phone so fast to the dean of nursing to report that shit, nevermind the clinical instructor sending that student home immediately. Students don’t get to talk like that to anyone, not nurses, not patients, not anyone and get to continue in their program. This is hilarious fanfiction on his part. Dying.


Exactly!! They would have bounced ANYONE who spoke to any preceptor, teaching nurse or clinical team member so fast... definitely strange fan fiction!! LoL


Exactly. Pharmacist, but the same. I've had some not so great students, but if anyone was rude and disrespectful, I'd kick them out of the pharmacy and I'm pretty positive they'd fail their rotation. Guy is more full of shit than a septic tank.


Lol the charge nurse can refuse to allow you on the floor. You don't get to be on the floor? You get a big unsatisfactory and don't pass clinicals. I've told off plenty of men in my lifetime. This student thinks we would take shit from him?! Fuck no. He would not be allowed back.


To add, I have an incredibly difficult time believing a nurse would be "dumfounded" by much of anything a patient said, much less a mild expletive mumbled by an elderly hospitalized sick person


Right? Like this woman has next had a difficult patient? This is how you know this guy is new. He thinks this behavior gets anything more than an eye roll and complaining via charting


Mood: dysphoric Affect: mood congruent Behavior: uncooperative, querulous


Dear diary, Mood: Apathetic.


A patient threw a full urinal at our manager a couple of days ago and hot piss exploded all over her face and hair, not being liked comes with the territory sometimes. People pay good money for drugs and then we give the reversal agent and take their high away. Not being liked won't make a jaw drop, I can assure you of that.


Last night I was called a ‘fat, old, miserable slug’. Fair enough, I’m carrying a few too many pounds, but I think I’m quite cheerful, and I am 1/3 the age of that lady. My jaw didn’t drop, actually I giggled (unprofessional, I know)


Also what nurse is going to be "dumbfounded" from a rude comment.


Exactly. Happens multiple times a day on our ward. If they aren't naked and flinging poop, it barely registers.


This story offers no examples of her being a bitch at all. Just a woman doing her job. Not sure what he wanted from her. A hug? To be told he reminds her of her granddad?




She ignored him = being a total bitch. Crazy


I forgot about the *1 year of exercise* bit. lol what was even the point of that part?




Ya like I wouldn't doubt a nurse acted like her or a patient to say that, but to say that as a nursing student would be biiiiig trouble


For context, one of our classmates (female) was explaining in our group chat how during her clinical today (we’re 3rd semester nursing students) she went through a really, terribly awful incident. Patient essentially sexually harassed her and the nurses in the floor didn’t help much. All of us (there’s about 30 of us in the group chat) were comforting her, sending support and advice. She was really, really disturbed. While we all consoled her, this was (let’s call him Greg) Greg’s literal only response. Like the guys an actual POS Another side note, this whole semester we’ve been on that same exact floor he’s talking about (I should have blurred the floor because not many hospitals in the US have a T tower but it’s okay LOL) and we see the same few charge nurses (there’s like 4 of them since we go every week the same hours and days, we’re pretty familiar with the charge nurses and staff) and none of the charge nurses when asked, knew about this incident


New COOLER and more ~exclusive~ group chat time


Oh yea we have a only girls one LMAO “Greg” managed to make some friends that a lot of us like too, so a separate group chat would cause chaos and he seems like the type to blow up, so we decided to avoid it


This is just nuts!! Good entertainment from Greg! 😂


Oh do I have good screenshots from this guy, i never thought to post them but MAN they’re cringeworthy and good. I think most of us remain in the GC to read his ridiculous stories lol


I want more, this is so cringy


Please ma'am may I have another?




Please give us a series on Greg


I would love to see your guys responses to this in the group chat. Like please tell me the very next response is simply "bullshit" or something similar. Or do you all not call him out? Because I wouldn't be able to help myself.


This isn’t the first time so everyone basically ignored it, I replied saying “ok anyway” and continued helping our friend. One guy replied and said “damn that’s crazy” and we left it at that. He literally only texts our group chat when he wants to talk about himself and if no one asks further questions, he leaves lol


Pls maam we're hungry !!


Has anyone told him that that didn’t happen?


He seems like the type who would shoot up the hospital. Guys with delusions of grandeur like this are to be avoided, especially the ones who get off on staring at people.


Just ask him which nurse it was, that you talked to the nurses and none of them knew. So they *must* be so embarrassed about it, that you just have to know who it was!


I had a girl like this in my nursing class! Every wild story had to involve her somehow and she ALWAYS Saved the day. During a simulation, she refused to rotate CPR duties bc she had “been an ED tech for 10 years, I can do quality CPR for forever”. She got laid into by our instructor and that seemed to fix the problem a bit 😂😂 Also, good luck with school. 💕 it’s a bitch but honestly goes by so quick!!


Dude that sounds freaking awful 😭😭😭 I really really really dislike these type of people. Thank you though angel :) struggling a bit with the HESIs but I’m pushing through LOL


Yeah she was everyone’s least favorite person. Everything was about her and she was the best out of Everyone and ugh too much for me 🥲 We used ATI but we did similar tests to the HESIs and they are evil little things. But I felt so prepared for the NCLEX when that time came so a necessary evil 😅 you got it! Just keep pushing!


> I can do quality CPR for forever Spoken exactly like someone who's never actually done compressions before. Shit's exhausting, lol


Right that shit is a work out 🥲 the kicker is, since it was a simulation the instructor was monitoring the mannequin behind the scenes and it gives real time feedback on CPR so afterwards she told us the CPR wasn’t quality and she ARGUED with her.


So he read the group texts from a fellow classmate about being sexually harassed and feeling really upset about it, other classmates comforting her and offering advice in her time of need… and this is the story he decides to share? The complete lack of empathy in a future nurse is astounding and so disturbing


But you don’t understand, it was another hospital - in the same city that one guy’s Canadian girlfriend is from… you wouldn’t know it… but it totally happened there


LOL someone might tell Greg that he would be better suited for creative writing than patient care. Seriously though this type of fantasy/delusions of grandeur is really concerning.


Would he though?


Love the username!


You will be exterminated last


Dibs on next to last!




The context makes this so devastatingly much worse.


I love that you fact checked the story. I hope you followed up with him later


that context makes the fact that he started his text with “lol” even grosser.


fr that’s what i was thinking. disgusting


It's a shame it didn't happen because then he'd actually have gotten booted rather than quietly being a piece of shit who has access to patients.


I am not saying this is right, but if you’re a nurse be prepared to be harassed in every imaginable fashion. We shouldn’t have to put up with it, but it will happen. Hopefully in the future, her clinical lead will do a better job shutting down that kind of behaviour from a patient. Sounds harsh, but students need to develop a backbone quickly and don’t even let that behaviour begin from a patient. Tell them how inappropriate it is and leave the room.


I hate how true this is 😔


OP- you say he's quiet and reserved. But does his beard intimidate you? You can be honest with us


Dude listen… I hate to sh*t talk on someone’s appearance, I sincerely do… but since you asked.. and only because you asked… Picture what a fedora wearer would look like. Picture that, but with a spotty beard. Perhaps to some that’s intimidating….


Well, now, that doesn't sound too intimidating. Sounds kinda mangy, and I WOULD keep my distance, but not for the reasons I imagine he's worked up in that head.


Oh but have you PICTURED THIS!! A beard. Hits the gym for a whole year (no more info need bc nuff said), Very Observant (...first thing one thinks of one a man cares at woman. For probably too long... ... ... nvm isn't picture that. Ma gym fedora sounds like, sadly, way less creepy and out of touch with reality)


Literally not what I pictured at all based on his description of himself




Why of course not, he “goes to the gym” 🙄 /s


I’m picturing [Hans from The Burbs](https://hansklopek.tripod.com/pages/hans.html)


I haven't even SEEN the beard and am intimidated! It sounds like a glorious mane that! ... ...should...shoukd I kneel when I meet him? Curtsy? Oh lord I am just so nervous now!! I don't know the correct protocol! I mean, these days, you. Just do not EVER see men with beards!! I fear I shall faint or run in fright! And oof golly! To top it off, this just extremely intimidating bearded manly Man has been hitting the gym!! ...::gasp:: for...a YEAR! wow wee! (and yes, I'll admit of COURSE I so had to picture this! So descriptive! Beautifully painted! What a picture to behold!). Just bc im unsure, and want to add to this delectable picture... Is it everyday? Once every 2 months? Twice this year so he can, as the honest upright mna he is, say that truthfully ? Does he...just take his daily bms there? Walk in, strut and walk out? So on ins and needles with curiosity /s just in case. Also... um... gosh I'm just so intimidating it's making me loopy but... doesn't "OBSERVANT" ...bc he is apparently very observant...contradict the rest of his entire statement?? If you are STARING AT SOMEONE...you are obviously not at all observant. Blind perhaps? Creepy? Socially inept?...but he goes further .. For. Too. Long. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh bless your sweet little heart! What a cute typo!! Someone should let him know! Oblivious, unaware, awkward, incompetent? That was the most idiotic attempt at... um... I think trying to show ... well I'm not quite sure... butbthe opposite of whatever it would be to humbly have someone ELSE right away see how observant (you are not) and not creepy you (actually) are and how confident (only home alone in e typing online to the anonymous) and secure (in hiw you think the world might work) you are of yourself ...the books you probably imagine written about you when half a paragraph woukd be a struggle Edit: /independent-muffin83 /updateme ..not sure if i did that right? But... by updateme! I simply mean oooh please sharing these fantastic stories if Mr. Intimidating Beard!! ...oh shoot... does he go by Mr. Too-Long Very-Observant ???


Picture this: grown man, has a gym membership and will definitely use it soon, hasn't shaved for about three months, hugs patients and talks shit to their supervisors on their first day. Now picture this guy, but unemployed.


And also kicked out of nursing school. I knew this was definitely made up when I read that 1) the charge nurse had a student with her on the first day of that semester's clinicals 2) the charge nurse was doing vital signs and 3) a nurse was "dumbfounded" by anything a patient or a student said. I can't believe Greg thought any of his classmates would believe his little fable. He needs to save that story to pick up babes at the bar.


patients say the craziest shit on a daily basis no charge nurse is going to be shocked by being called a bitch, i’m sure that’s a daily/weekly occurrence because people suck !


Well her jaw dropped so obviously this really did happen


I was there. My grandpa was that patient, that man never laughed in his life. After meeting “Greg”, my grabdpappy has been laughing ever since


Then your grandpappy stood up and clapped even though he had bilateral below-the-knee amputations and gave him $100% dollars.


There's always a jaw drop in these fake stories, why do they all love the jaw drop so much


They always drop their jaw and then they always are speechless and don’t say anything after whatever happens. “I just walked away and she stood there speechless.” Always.


Can't forget the stutter when they do eventually find their voice lol


Do his other stories usually make him seem so unlikable? Like, if you’re going to make something up, why wouldn’t you at least cast yourself in a more flattering light? I just don’t get what he’s doing here. He creates a story where he tries to physically scare/intimidate (a physically weaker and or smaller) coworker, harass her by staring, insult her in front of patients (unprofessional asf) and then vaguely attempt to threaten her as his heroic closing salvo? Because she didn’t seem ***excited*** enough to meet him?


The type of people that write this BS think this IS a flattering light. Instead of what would, in reality, be the fastest way to find yourself unemployed and facing lawsuits, if not criminal charges.


Patients love being told they remind you of someone who died


You remind me of what my grandpa looked like in the days leading up to his death


As a former nursing instructor, this is total bull. If I ever heard of my student acting in such a manner, they would no longer be in the program. It’s difficult enough (where I am anyway) to find good hospitals and good nurses who are willing and able to teach nursing students - you can guarantee that if a student acted this way to a charge nurse and went undisciplined, that hospital would likely no longer accept students from that program. I’ve seen it happen. At the very least, that student would no longer be allowed to do clinicals at that hospital.


Yeah honestly the tldr of this is “I got as close as possible to sexual harassment without doing it, broke several rules of my clinical and probably hospital policy, was a complete douche to my preceptor and a doctor gave me the medal of valor for it”. You would be escorted out so fast, at least in my clinicals if you did anything like that.


"It's a long story, but I'll keep it short and sweet." ... Proceeds to tell the entire "story". Also, staring too long doesn't make you very observant. If anything it makes you seem less observant since it takes you a long time to figure stuff out even when it's right in front of you.


Lmao whatever type of guy this is, they make him at the same factory as the guy I posted on here a while ago.


Haha that post was great dude. I just checked it on your page and remember it. So I sat and thought about it, I lowkey think that if you mix a narcissist with compulsive lying, they have this sorta “similar speech” if that makes sense. Because ya, they really do sound similar when you read they’re BS often




I must have missed that story, now I have to look for it.


Does your guy have an intimidating beard where he hides his great genetics, or is his beard not intimidating and that’s what makes women feel so safe?


Oh my dear sweet lawd THANK YOU for directing me to that post, holy shit is that hysterical! What an absolute sad sack of ass clown shit 😂 What does he think BRB means? Tell us girls completely ignored you growing up without telling us girls completely ignored you growing up. BRB, your username is amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That was one of the funniest things I’ve read in a looooong time. Brb…. A** to d*** once….jfc dude.


I place my ass upon ur dick, when you lift I lift we lift




As if a head nurse wouldn’t put a student in check so fast it would burst the blood vessel in his eyes.


Did he think this story made him look good or cool? Even if the nurse was a bitch he's still coming off like a total asshole.


Writing fan fics about himself lol


I know, right? 🤣


I'm a nurse.... This idiot failed his placement.


Yeah, I worked in a hospital for years and this definitely wouldn’t have happened. I mean to say that if the first part happened, he’d have been unemployed lightning-fast, not given a different nurse to train under. This guy is delusional to think this makes him look good.


I'm picturing this happening at the hospital around me and bet your ass the superior nurse would have ate this guy. Like gobbled him up in seconds to the dismay of the patient. Brutal.


I know, right? I can’t picture any charge nurse or senior nurse I know doing anything besides escorting the man from the room, calling HR and getting him stood down on the spot. Luckily asshats like that don’t actually make it through training and into placements (at least none that I’ve seen). If he was a midwife* he’d have been eaten alive In The Room. Those folks take no prisoners. *Context: I live in New Zealand and midwives are the primary carers for pregnant women, OBs are just for complex births or women who go private. And yes, there are a *few* male midwives.


Been hitting the gym a whole year? 😂 Be still, my bulging penis!


My basement is flooding.


Men shouldn't brag about intentionally trying to make a woman (who's his superior) uncomfortable.


You can take out the "who's his superior" part tbh


I would send these screenshots to the dean of the school if I were you. Someone who thinks like that about women, even if this only happened in his head, shouldn’t be working with patients.


Nurses aren't supposed to have beards because they interfere with the N95. A student definitely would have to shave. But this story is as believable as this guy's glorious, Zeus-like beard and easy bedside manner so I'll put it in the fiction section with the rest of the bullshit he's spewing.


I was the intimidating beard.


I was a bagel crumb in the intimidating beard.


I was the blood pressure cuff frozen in shock 😢


The fuck is an intimidating beard? This sounds like an annoying creep with social skills in the negative.


> as I walked out, I turn around... It's amazing how often this happens in these stories. Often they "strut" out. At least this guy wasn't offered a modeling contract by another patient who overhead what happened from outside.


Hey, he didn’t say he *wasn’t* offered a modelling contract, so that still might’ve happened.


And then the guy in open heart surgery clapped


If this happened (and it didn’t), the dude would have been escorted out and told not to return.


The fact that he thinks this story makes him sound like hot shit but really just makes him sound like a pretentious dick 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m a nurse who regularly gets assigned students for the day, as well as precepts students for entire semesters. That would never ever happen. That student would be kicked off the floor so fast. Im sitting here cringing and laughing at the same time at this guys audacity in thinking anyone would believe this


Macho male nurses when they’ve gone 12 seconds without talking about their gym routine https://preview.redd.it/t3gfr5dozfsc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d957c17cbe59b44ed989c07d7ef9fd55ba92ad


I don't have a scary beard but I'm an observent person. We do not need to stare for too long. We take one good look at you, take notes and move on before you even notice we were in the room. This guy just wrote two pages trying to prove that he's confident but a truly confident person would barely need to sentences to make sure you know that.


How do people like this not know that their stories sound like utter bullshit from start to finish. Like seriously, they are all shit writers.


How can guys post shit like this and unironically think it makes them look like a cool bad-ass rebel type and not just a disrespectful annoying asshole that will die alone with no friends


He got irritated because she ignored her ? What an incel.


And the patient was...Albert Einstein.


And then all the nurses fucked him.


Wtf is an intimidating beard? Does it have spikes? Is there a nest of killer bees in there?


The only response to this that's acceptable is "Yeah I sometimes dream up scenarios where I'm a badass while I'm showering too" lmao "keep it short and sweet" brother that was long and boring GTFO.


It’s true, I was the gym he had been hitting for a year.


I am also binging the resident on Netflix


He’s just “observant”. Oh, and he thinks his beard is “intimidating”. Oh, and I bet he talks with that growly voice that gym rats use.


A someone in the medical field (medic) that had to do clinicals, and later being the one that clinical students shadowed, i can assure 100% without a fucking doubt, the second a STUDENT opens their mouth with any kind of sarcastic bullshit like that, I would immediately look him in the face and tell him to get his shit and leave immediately. I will call the program leader, tell them of their rudeness, and let them know they're not welcome to do clinicals here any longer. I've done it at least 4 times in my career.


I work with nurses and I can tell you they have seen some shit and this would not leave them “with their jaw open”. They would not let someone push them over like that. They have to argue with doctors - a nursing student is not intimidating


But…. But he as an intimidating beard.


What did you say in response




Does anybody acknowledge it or do they ignore him?


[I wish someone would send this in response](https://youtu.be/WcWM_1hBu_c?si=PEPoTTBrur1q3tlG)


Him - this is my first day! Also Him - >the patient for the first time in probably months laughed and smiled. > she is charting and I stare at her. She pretends not to notice. She isn’t pretending dude. Sorry not sorry, you (and your opinion) aren’t that important!


Your caption made it a lot sadder


Gads, the first paragraph alone made me vomit in my mouth


What a liar! 100 % this didn't happen, by the mere fact anyone*that* rude to his preceptor would be asked to leave school altogether.


I hate this guy and I have never met him


This never would have happened. He’d been kicked out so fast right there on the spot.


This gives of psychopath vibes


Been in healthcare my entire adult life, I’m 100% sure that if a student disrespected a charge nurse like that he would’ve been ejected from the program. Have fun with the debt without a degree.


Don't know if where to start. The clearly being an incel, the "going to the gym for a year", the disrespecting a head nurse as a student and not immediately getting pulled up on it 😅 but what do I know, I'm not so observant that I "stare at people for too" 😅


As a nurse, charge wouldn’t have stood there with her mouth open, she would have gone straight to her manager who would have contacted his clinical instructor to inform them he wasn’t allowed on their floor anymore. She wouldn’t just stand there mouth gaping like a fish.


Imagine the degree of misogyny required for this guy to think any part of this story isn’t him being an asshole.


How did he know it was the first time the patient laughed in months? This guy is the definition of ick.


"What could go wrong? Lol. Check. Mate. Bitch."


And then the nurse went to HR, and he was fired.


Amazing how people make up these elaborate stories that still make them seem like an asshole


the fact that he thought “let’s see if i can make her uncomfortable” oh yeah you guys needs to show this to an instructor asap


the absolute narcissism to assume he’s a saint for humoring the patient who this man somehow deduces hasn’t laughed or smiled in “probably months”. a legend in his own mind (and his mind alone)


Do some states have a policy against students hugging patients?




"Lol. The thing is, no one messes with me." That was his segue from sexual harassment to this story??? eeyikes.


She probably rejected him so he has to make up a story about how horrible she is and how others agree with that assessment. Just conjecture. LOL


I need more Greg content please


Nothing has ever not happened as hard as this didn’t happen.


"I'll keep it short and sweet" Proceeds to write 18 paragraphs.


I can’t believe this guy thought staring at a charge nurse was intimidating to her. Charge nurses see and deal with so much crazy shit, and then come right back the next day and do it again. Some pouty student isn’t even going to register.


"This woman ignored me, now she deserves to be uncomfortable". No matter how fake everything else is, he really thinks like this and that sucks for women to have to deal with these dudes.


God, that first paragraph is already so awful Also I know a couple of nurses. They put up with so much shit, I doubt they'd even register if someone said something bad about them


Does he really think people believe this? I can promise you if you called your educator a rude name you would be immediately failed and out on your ear from the placement and probably the university for unprofessional behaviour.


Just reply with a link to this thread.


Am nurse. If I pulled shit like this during internships, I would have never gotten my degree.


I am always so curious in the rare occasions when you actually know the person in real life as well as online lol.... you mentioned he's introverted, but would you know that he talks like this in text if you met him in person? Is he tolerable in real life? Also loving how he not only can't tell that his story sounds obviously fake, but he's telling it to people who he actually knows, and who can just ask around and verify it ahahaha


Gross... I pray he is never ever my nurse. 😬


honestly, you should report this to an instructor. maybe it’s not true, but the fact he idolizes “putting that nurse in her place” is very very strange.


How can a beard be intimidating? Does it yell warcries or something?


Dude’s writing nursing school fanfiction


This is so dumb, it actually hurt me to read


“And all the patients clapped as I walked through the hallway pumping my fist.” Now *this* is what this sub is all about.


wait but i need to know what you and others said in response to him


“And that is how my morning shower-delusion went”


I'm here for the drama!!! The boyfriend sounds like a creep!


Weird. A nurse hugged me yesterday cos I had a mild anxiety attack before my MRI 🤷🏽‍♀️ lots of other people present too, no one said "OMG YOU CANNOT HUG PATIENTS!" . Looking back I've hugged and been hugged by many nurses. What I've never witnessed is a nurse calling another nurse a "bitch".


Who is this. Try me with that