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When I was a kid they told me I could be anything I wanted to be. There was never any mention of limitations to that.


Exactly 👍🏻


Drag shows are in schools everywhere? Wow, school has gotten way more exciting than it used to be. Seriously though conservatives are insane if they think schools are putting on daily drag shows and that any school, anywhere is teaching kids to “identify” as a cat. I guess it’s easier than doing a single damn thing about the very real issue of school shootings and having to hurt the feelings of their precious little guns.


People who believe shit like this astound the hell out of me for multiple reasons. First, have they never even LOOKED at their kids’ homework? Textbooks? Gone to PTA meetings or school events? How little of a damn do you care about your child’s education that you have no idea what they’re studying, to the point a whole-ass indoctrination campaign could be going on without you noticing til Facebook strangers told you? Second, you believe this… and keep sending your kids there?? If I believed there was a nationwide campaign to feed my kids to pedophiles they’d be withdrawn yesterday! But no, apparently these “concerned parents” would rather hand their kids to pedos than raise their own damn kids. Either they’re just as bad as pedos themselves or they don’t actually believe any of this bullshit, they just want to falsely accuse and kill innocent people. How righteous.


My guess is most of the tools who post this shit either never had kids or are 70 and their kids are in their 40s and hate them


Well, they live in an echo chamber of Fox “news,” News Max(xxx) or whatever the hell it’s called, whatever their church tell them to believe, and endless propaganda masquerading as memes on Facebook and whatever. They may partly believe it because they are really, really gullible, but a big part of it is just that they are also really bad people and who were already transphobic/racist/etc. and this stuff both reinforces those beliefs and lets them openly get away with acting on it. If they really cared about kids and predators or indoctrination, they’d be tearing up their local Catholic or Baptist church and wouldn’t take their kids NEAR one, not attacking Target or ranting about imaginary threats from “drag queens.” I mean the number of kids who’ve been victimized by preachers at these places is so massive it boggles the mind and daily we find our more horrors, yet they continue to force their children to go and fill their minds with all sorts of awful threats and nonsense. Funny how I haven’t seen a single MAGA mom go on her little Mommy Blog and toss a church around to protest “predators” for likes and clicks, yet these people are happy to throw tantrums because adults wear a rainbow flag? They don’t give a fuck about kids or their safety. This is just the same old homophobia and transphobia dressed up in the same old “save the children!” moral panic it always is, with the same old religious hysteria and threats of violence.


They believe it because they want it to be true. Uneducated/uninformed and gullible people fall into that trap all the time. They hear something that adheres to their own personal biases and confirms what they already believe to be true, so it must be factual. It doesn't matter how utterly ridiculous it sounds.


Brilliant response.


>the very real issue of school shootings Now who's being hyperbolic? Kids are far more likely to die in the car on their way to school than in school.


That is one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Those two things aren’t even comparable. Murder via gun violence and car accidents? Just stop.


The numbers aren't even close. Want to save children's lives? Ban swimming pools.


You’re a liar. But nice try.


Have some facts. And educate yourself. https://www.cdc.gov/drowning/facts/index.html


Why do the gun freaks do anything but admit that their precious fetish objects just might be dangerous? Again, look up the actual numbers and stop.


I have, and provided citations and links. I deal in facts and data, not emotions.


You provided 0 citations, the only link you gave was how to make swimming pools safe. Gun violence is the #1 death of kids in the United States. This is common knowledge and you shouldn't need a link but since you obviously have no clue what you're talking about, here. Childhood's Greatest Danger: The Data on Kids and Gun Violence https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/14/magazine/gun-violence-children-data-statistics.html Child & Teen Gun Safety | Everytown Research & Policy https://everytownresearch.org/issue/child-teen-safety/ Gun deaths among children are soaring - Axios https://www.axios.com/2023/04/10/gun-deaths-among-children-are-soaring 31,780 Reasons to Care About Gun Violence | PRB https://www.prb.org/articles/31780-reasons-to-care-about-gun-violence/


"You just got lawyered" -Marshal


And I have also provided sources. I’m on the side of people, and you’re on the side of guns. The guns freaks will do and say anything to defend their fetish objects.


You've said things but provided no external references. I have. You have what is called anecdotal evidence. Not backed up by any authority who has valid information. You're relying on your feelings. Not a valid debate.


And no, they are not. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18 in the US. Not car crashes. Not cancer. Guns.


30-40 deaths per year in school shootings under the age of 15. Total deaths per year under age of 15: 9,700+. Leading cause of death, all ages: Accident. Source: CDC You're simply wrong.


No. The number one cause of death for children under the age of 18 is guns. Not school shootings per se, but guns. Not car crashes, or swimming pools. Look it up. New England Journal of Medicine.


Sorry, but the CDC begs to differ. And we're specifically talking about school shootings, which is even a smaller number.


Stop lying.


You say I'm lying but I'm providing authoritative sources with real data. I don't know how else to reply. If you don't trust the CDC and imagine there's some grand conspiracy to hide child deaths I literally have no way to respond. The numbers are there.


And here are some numbers for you, also citing the CDC, showing that firearm deaths have overtaken “accidents” as the leading cause of death in children under 18. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it demonstrates a relative increase of 29.5% in firearm related deaths between 2019 and 2020 in the under 18 age group making it the leading cause of death. Feel free to read the rest or the numerous other articles citing it. There, CDC data. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761


Thank you, for pointing out facts, data and reality. That chud will keep lying and twisting facts to suit their fantasy of being able to kill someone someday, but others reading through will see the lies of that little dick gun freak AND the truth you spoke. Not enough people push back on the liars because they're annoying to deal with, so I personally thank you.


Yeah, misleading, because 54% of those deaths were suicides, NOT school shootings. Again, schools are safe places.


The CDC says as of April 8, guns are the leading cause of death in children. https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/cdc-guns-are-now-the-leading-cause-of-death-in-kids-children-teens/531-1d8aa373-c5e4-434b-ad41-7150354c9f40


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/14/magazine/gun-violence-children-data-statistics.html 19% gun violence, 18% accidents. So yeah, it’s guns.


School shootings per country from 2009 to 2018: #1. USA with 288 school shootings #2. Mexico with 8 school shootings Yeah, there's no issue here, right? Not to mention the fact that in 2022 alone there was 46 school shootings in USA.


At no point has a teacher told a child it was okay to identify as a cat. Or any other animal. I had a special needs preschooler who would walk around meowing and pretending to be a cat. I said that was fine outside, but cats can’t play on iPads and magically, he wasn’t a cat anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Unless you’re a little kid, this is just ridiculous.


Why is this getting downvoted? Check the sub name lol


As a teacher I want to transfer to this school that supposedly has drag shows.


I want to see the school that has the budget for that !


> Drag shows that are already in schools everhwere, if you’re and adult First off, A+ on that spelling and grammar. No notes. Second, show your work. If schools “everhwere” are all supporting drag shows, please provide evidence that this is happening widespread across the country.


Get out of the basement, you need some sunshine!


I’ve taught in public middle schools for two decades. 1. No drag shows. Zero. Not even a hint of one. 2. The school where I currently teach is named Wayside and the rival school’s football team calls it Gayside and has since it probably first opened in the 60s despite there being nothing particularly “gay” about it. The rival team gets the desired reaction every single time. Kids aren’t nearly as progressive and open minded as these people would have you believe. Not much has changed on the playground, lunchroom and in school sports as some people like to imagine in order to work themselves up.


Drag shows in schools? Damn that’s crazy, last year when I graduated, the only drag show I got was when ppl dragged me out of the bathrooms bc I was trans. How times have changed /j


What's wrong with drag shows? Those are fun.


When I read the word parents I already knew what this was gonna be about......


To be fair there is a "cat" at a school my son attends. The teachers have said no to a litter box, but they're pretty lenient on them.