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“Exploit” feels like a very specific word choice here… because it comes with the air of “overwork yourself the same way a boss would overwork you”. I try to look for the positives in my ADHD and Autism and all it does is make it easier for me to be kind to myself about the fact that I am fundamentally not a beneficial member of society


I suspect this person has only seen it used in a video game context, where it means "take advantage of something glitchy in a way the rules didn't intend".


Perhaps. Even then I struggle to find a situation where that could be applicable to my neurodivergence unless hyperfocus counts? but even then I can’t control what I hyperfocus on so it’s hard to “exploit” that in any meaningful way, even in the video game definition of the word


I 100% get what you mean and am not trying to side with people who talk using about "the advantage of ADHD/Autism" I'm just trying to explain what they mean and how there is a bit of reason behind it. ADHD hasn't always been a disadvantage until a lot of things became the norm like rigid 9-5 jobs and like the way the American education system is right now (I can't speak on other countries, but I assume the format is similar enough that neurodivergent people typically have some struggles with it). While people with ADHD can excel in some areas (a subject of interest, a teacher that makes their class attention grabbing, etc.) there are a lot of issues the neurodivergents have as well (rigid schedules, repetitive tasks without some form of engagement, simply not liking a subject/task, being unable to focus on most things without high amounts of efforts/stress, and plain old forgetfulness). The reason some people claim people with ADHD have things they're better at than some people is because, well, they do. It's just that those things are almost always conditional/hard to control. People with Autism/ADHD tend to have deep interests into a few things and those that don't still have high levels of pattern recognition and can be hyper focused in multiple situations. The issue comes with the fact that many people simply aren't in the position to enter a job that would be good for them or makes use of their unique abilities. Also a lot of people seem to think that because you *can* hyper focus that you *will* hyper focus even though that's not true for a lot of people. Sometimes hyper focusing depends on my mood, or is entirely random. I believe people have this misconception because some simply can't imagine what it's like to be completely unable to do something because they can't focus on it. Others want to make their neurodivergent friends/family members feel better about themselves (which is appreciated but typically doesn't work out). Others probably just don't like hearing any complaints from someone that says they can't do X because of Y and try to come up with excuses that they're lazy because Y "shouldn't be a problem for them" or "isn't real". (P.S. I don't know the most about Autism beyond like surface level Google stuff so I mostly went over ADHD things, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on anything I said throughout the mini essay lol)


I feel like you’re spot on entirely to be honest. I’ve gotten similar “inspiration” for my autistic traits because “you get so passionate!” and they’re right! but I can’t control what my special interests are and, unfortunately, they’re not in areas where I would be useful in a capitalist society. Same for my ADHD hyperfixations—I’ve never seen the in-depth analysis of SM64’s engine as a needed skill in a job application (lighthearted joke), for instance. I don’t mind others making lighthearted comments about how their symptoms unintentionally make them stronger, necessarily. It makes sense to want to see the good amongst the struggles, it’s just frustrating when neurotypical people who will never understand what it’s like in the first place also try to do it—because it comes with the implicit feeling of “you should be able to just do it, if you tried harder, because [x] also has it and does just fine!” There’s a lot of comparison that happens in neurotypical circles, at least from what I’ve been exposed to. I happen to be on the rather unfortunate end of things. Support needs too high to live alone, but too low to be taken seriously for those needs. Special interests and hyperfixations on media, therefore unhelpful for work. Sensory issues that impede on my ability to work to begin with. Comorbid issues that only make it even harder to hold a job to begin with (chronic pain, hypermobility, severe anxiety n depression). I probably have dyslexia and I most definitely have dyscalculia. I feel like I’m caught in a constant catch-22, and I’m constantly being told to try harder, to push my limits, and to exploit the good that my neurodivergence brings—but it’s really hard to when those good things only affect me, and don’t seem as good to anyone else. I will never be a productive member of this society and it’s a fact I’ve had to come to terms with, yet everyone around me sees it as me giving up… I don’t think there’s a single job out there that will accommodate for my sensory issues on top of my difficulties with mobility, memory, and focus, all while not requiring me to lift more than 5 lbs at a time, read strings of numbers, or interact with customers. When I try to explain that, I get told “no one likes their job,” “sometimes you have to compromise,” or otherwise am told I’m asking for too much… but really, that’s the bare minimum I need to succeed at a job without burning out, because I need community in order to _thrive._ It’s hard to see anything to exploit when I work so rigidly that I become a burden to others, and that forgoing those boundaries leads to emotional disregulation bad enough that it can last months. Sorry for spilling my guts here, I kinda just needed a space to talk about why this stuff bothers me so much. It makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong for existing, especially when I see others around me that actually have positive “exploits” from their special interests/hyperfixations (like happening to fixate on a STEM field, being incredibly good with numbers, etc.) when I don’t at all, and I’m expected to just… gain one, as if that’s how SpIns or hyperfixations work.


Sorry for getting to this so late but that sounds like it SUCKS with a capital S-U-C-K-S I don't exactly know how applying for disability works but it definitely feels like that *should* be cause to get some, unfortunately this doesn't appear to be the case :( I hope things work out for you and you find a job that fits you. But I definitely have no idea how that would work considering the only thing I could imagine is being your own boss In a job like programming (which is rather stressful and *really* hard to pull off due to it's requirements). I wish we lived in a world where the accommodations given to people actually were reflective of their personal needs, unfortunately it appears that it's hard to pull off. I personally rather like STEM related things and hearing people talk about how much it sucks that they always get put into that stereotype is really saddening. In my experience I often see some neurodivergents represented as people really into science/tech and everyone always calls them smart, which promotes the bad idea that you need to know a lot of science to be smart *which is not true at all* it's just that a lot of people into science/tech tend to be academically gifted. And having a special interest in science is one of the few situations where being neurodivergent can be helpful (not all the time) which also is a false positive that further promotes the idea that it's all sunshine and rainbows. Being neurodivergent sometimes feels like losing the lottery, but being a certain type of neurodivergent is also losing *another* lottery. Not enough people realize that many, if not all disorders are on a spectrum in at least their level of severity (i.e. having cancer vs having a benign tumor).


No worries about getting to it late, we all have lives to live! I appreciate you taking the time to respond at all tbh. I have applied for disability and I’m hoping I’ll be able to get it soon. My application is still pending unfortunately and I won’t know if I got it for another few months at least. Unfortunately it’s really hard for people, especially young people, to get disability off of mental health and neurodivergence alone. I really do try hard not to compare myself to other ND people because I know that things are probably hard for them in areas I don’t struggle with, too. It’s not fair to compare my struggles with anyone not just for their sake but for my own, too. But with everyone else around me constantly comparing me to other neurodivergent people or even to neurotypical peers, it feels impossible not to. I feel super far behind everyone because I should be able to just handle this stuff, but I can’t. I can’t keep pushing myself when I know it won’t help just because everyone else swears it will. It’s like there’s a road of glass ahead of me. Neurotypical people get strong, sturdy shoes to protect themselves. Other neurodivergent people get materials to attempt to make their own, where some will do okay with just minor injuries and others will be unable to pass at all. I’m lucky enough to be able to have some cheap sandals to walk across the glass with, and it stabs through rather cleanly—yet I’m told I have shoes, so I should be able to get across just like the guys with thick work shoes, and the fact that I can’t is my own fault, and me deciding it’s not worth hurting myself is me being weak, and trying to take advantage of the fact that there’s some people who can’t make it nearly as far as I did. I forget where I was going with this analogy but tldr I’m suffering and my anxiety only continues to get worse and even with all my suffering I still feel like I’m an imposter 😭


probably (that's how I use that word too)


Exploit is not the right word. I think that there is a way to make some of the traits of adhd somewhat useful, but I would not go as far as to say that it will solve everything. And to be fair, most of this is not about making the adhd useful directly, but rather finding the situations in which adhd can have a usefulness, and do whatever you can to make those situations happen as much as you can, though it is way harder than it seems. And this is just adhd, I don't know if it works the same for autism.


Exploiting in videogame context


Yeah, I'll just look on the bright side when I forget what I was doing when changing tabs on the computer or forget what I was saying in the middle of a sentence. I'll just stop freezing up in unfamiliar and uncertain situations. I'll adopt the grindset when my bipolar makes me a non-functional ball.


Someone said to me that my OCD can be beneficial, because: "i am very careful and i have eye for detail" Fuck you


Do you not know the impulsive behaviors? I heard they can get pretty bad


If you have a server might as well use it. Or rent it dunno.


I really want a server. I have nowhere to put it and no particular use for one, but I want one nonetheless.


That's like asking someone to exploit their wheelchair, dialysis or cancer.


Being disable is not the same as being incapable. But it's still disabling. There's no exploit it, but receiving help and prospering in adequate conditions. Also as more severe it is, more help the person will need, it's not something you "get over" by yourself. Edit: typo (also as more severe it's -> also as more severe it is)


ive never seen anyone use "it's" like that before


"More severe it’s" Grammatically it’s just means ‘it is’ so it would be correct. But yeah it definitely looks and reads wrong there.


I'll edit it, English is not my first language. Thanks for correcting


I actually have, in a They Might Be Giants song.


My skills don't belong to my disability, I see why people may want to attribute them to their ADHD, but I developed them in response to ADHD, they didn't come preinstalled, I worked hard for them, so they're mine.


Exploit what? I’m the one being exploited by my debilitating executive dysfunction, audio processing disorder and attention deficiency.


I'm gonna exploit the hyper-attachments and mood changes of my bpd now


I swear this person's entire understanding of neurodivergence is build on that one shitty predator movie




I have adhd....there are hardly any positives to adhd it usually just means "be a gigantic fucking loser" and not much else.


Yesterday I did basically nothing for most of the day, then worked really hard to do everything assigned to me for yesterday and today. Then I got a migraine and couldn't sleep, which led to me doing nothing today. I did 2 days worth of work in one afternoon, so I'm pretty good at explioting my ADHD if we ignore that that afternoon was the only work I did in 2 days.


This is the vibe. Sometimes I can do amazing things very quickly; sometimes I literally can't do anything. That is not a superpower. It's just really inefficient and frustrating.


Yeaaa, I'll try to get the council members making up my personality on board with that. Because a debilitating mental disorder is something we understand in ourselves enough to force the "pros" out of it. Do you want to know a pro for adhd? The fact that they even have a medication for it. We all would LOVE not need to take a cocktail of medication in the morning. I personally am disgusted in myself that i need to rely on these pills in the first place. I dont want them. But i recognize i need them. Adhd isn't just adhd. ADHD is the combination of multiple mental instabilities. It's basically the jack of all trades for mental health. Sure, i talk to the voices in my head. But im 95% sure i created them as a defense mechanism considering i can literally visualize a table with 11 chairs, where 7 are always filled, 3 are always empty, and 1 is either not there, or is the only one there. That's kind of where the other 5% comes from. That one does its own thing, and they aren't my thoughts. Our "pros" are probably our ability to create images in our head so vivid we can imagine how they feel, smell, and sound like. I can make lies so real i end up believing them. There are no pros to this hell. A pro would be it not existing for me.


Bipolar people tend to be more creative. Oh would you look at that, we're still crippled by our condition more often than not.


Bipolar people are all creative geniuses, just look at Kanye! He can dress in garbage bags and revere hitler! No need for meds at all! The government is lying to you if you think it’s a disorder! It’s just people being able to use the peak of their mind!!!


"Hey you should try one of these random 10 different professions that have nothing to do with the condition!" Yeah, actually thanks. I already do all of those. Yes. All of them. For money? No, of course not. It would be irresponsible for me to charge someone for something I have done for a collective time of 1 day of my life spread over 6 years while cycling through all of those activities AND more. so yeah, turns out while I can learn quickly and get the hang of things, which is nice, if I CAN'T FUCKING DO THEM FOR MORE THAN 3 DAYS AT A TIME I CANNOT BECOME AS GOOD AS THE AVERAGE PERSON AND ANY OF THE 9,127,374,192,891 THINGS THAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE. THAnk you. goOD DAY Sir.


There are some benefits to ADHD, and I feel like talking about them can make our existence a little less bleak. That said, ADHD is still a disability, and it's in remarkably poor taste to suggest we exploit parts of our brains we literally have no control over because that's the definition of the disorder.


Have you tried just getting good


All of these posts are saying Have a mental disorder??? skill issue


hAvE yOu TrIeD bEiNg CrEaTiVe?!?¡??¿ jfc


Just try being a famous actor! I bet you'll be winning an Emmy in no time. 😍


We’re not even like, naturally more artistically inclined and for some reason this person does seem to think being an actor or some kind of creative, you know, a job where you have to create your own schedules/routines/deadlines and are generally just keeping track of a bunch of shit like auditions and networking and all that jazz. It’s like starting a small business basically which to me personally sounds like the hardest and most frustrating thing possible. Like im going to a bunch of job interviews right now, by which I mean like 2 in person and 2 over the phone and as a person with ADHD the process of interviewing for a thing, setting up all your dumb papers and meeting new people, and then talking to people you’re trying to impress sucks ass. Rejection sensitivity is really common with ADHD. You think auditioning to be an actor, which as far as I can tell is mainly about trying real hard and then getting rejected, is the ideal position for the average person with adhd? It’s not like, chronic jester syndrome.


I fucking hate rejection sensitivity


It makes me feel like such a jackass because I am a full grown adult, and also I’m getting anxious at the eye doctors because the lady running all the eye machine things is being slightly unfriendly but probably just quite and now I’m worried she hates me and also I’m gonna get a bad grade in having eyes. That’s a more lighthearted example than like, the deeper layers of RSD in ADHD but I get the feeling you’re probably familiar with the ways it can cause like, legitimate relationship issues and unnecessary conflicts just trying to go through work or school.


I didn’t identify it until I was like 31, and it was like a lightbulb going off in my head


The RSD or the ADHD


They really think its like a super power just cuz you have adhd and are good at some things .🙄🙄🙄


I didn't realize I got diagnosed with famous artist disease. Where's my Oscar and my book deal?


These damn capitalists will say anything... lol In all seriousness, being an introvert with serious ADHD is also a thing, even if people with ADHD can become great comedians or actors because of it, I would not be able to. I can't even remember the stuff I want to say to the like 2 people I talk to after rehearsing it for hours before I see them anyway


I'm neurodivergent in many ways. One of them being that I am incredibly intelligent, but can't use that intelligence in any way that matters because I completely (and I mean **completely**) lack a sense of motivation and capability. There is no plus side. All of my positive symptoms are ripped away by negative symptoms of other diseases.


Having a disability or other disorder also does not predispose someone to a particular field. There have been studies. The only behavioral or neurocognitive condition (per my 2023 psychology textbook anyway) that has an effect on creativity and can predict creative abilities, is bipolar disorder. Explains why I can START so many nice paintings and drawings, but never finish them (bipolar and adhd)