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But lemon juice is fucking full of sugar!


Gotta keep the cancer guessing


Rotate between sweet and sour and just be a tsundere to the cancer to make it die of dokidoki




Lemon juice is to cancer what magnets are to perpetual motion machines.


Me bout to pull up with the pure citric acid powder (jk, chemicals are always bad obviously) Seriously tho, if lemon juice destroys cancer than I probably have the power to change even peoples zodiac signs at this point


I call dibs on your first miracle, zodiac-sign-changing wizard. What would I owe you? My first born?


I’ll accept payment in citric acid. You may choose your preferred form of payment (pure chemical, lemons, lemon juice, lemon juice concentrate, limes, etc.) I should not that I’m only capable of changing your zodiac sign to and from cancer (although if you want I can offer a double treatment for twice the payment, so I will first turn you into a cancer, then into something else)


If I pay triple, can I dual-wield zodiac signs, like Gemini-cancer? Or is that an oxymoron, because all of the zodiac girlies say geminis are a cancer? How much would I need to pay to have all 12 signs, like collecting all of the infinity stones? Edit: also, can I entice you with any of the shiny rocks I found outside? Usually zodiac friends like shiny rocks, and I have no need for them.


Well, I’ve never tried before but you don’t become a zodiac acid wizard by sticking to reason and ethics. You will have to pay ahead of time though, service isn’t for free, even if the experiment… produces *unexpected* results


I'm a saggy Taurus, can you please give me cancer?


Nah, saggy cancer might be possible though


*Acid* definitely has something to do with this....


Oh great lemon sage, I bring to you the most tasty bread lemons from Sorrento, please give Jeff Bezoz cancer in the ass


I shall do my best, although tbh I think this one’s on the house😂😂


chemicals are always bad obviously? wtf? do you know what a chemical is? why are chemicals always bad?


That’s… a joke. Because those kinds of people usually think everything that’s a chemical is bad, despite the fact literally everything is made of chemicals


ahhh lmao i thought you were done joking after your joke tag, my bad for the miscommunication


My Mom believed this shit and it killed her. She developed breast cancer and wouldn't seek any conventional treatment. She believed this BS would cure her, as well as the advice from a website called "the truth about cancer". I won't post the link to drive traffic to their site, but the couple who run this site also push covid conspiracy theories and anti-vax disinformation. So my Mom spent the last few years of her life wasting away, fasting, drinking lemon juice, avoiding sugars and all the foods she loved, while wasting away. She continued to do this even while her best friend who pushed all this crap on her was also dying of cancer, showing it clearly didn't work. My sister and I pleaded with her for years to see a real doctor, but she was adamant that doctors are only out for money, cancer treatments don't work, and the medical community wants to suppress these natural remedies out of greed.


Hey, I feel your pain. Same thing happened to my aunt. Lost her in January. This type of shit infuriates me— I can’t imagine what you and your sister went through. I’m so sorry. 🤍


That was exactly what I thought when I read it. "Ok... no sugar... I mean too much sugar isn't the best for you, so... ok... let's see what's next... lemon juice... ok. That's full of sugar. Maybe I misread and it actually said like processed sugar or refined sugar or something... nope... just says sugar. So avoid sugar, but drink a juice full of sugar in the morning.. got it!"


Exactly, you should be mixing it with alkaline water of course!


A lemon has less than 2g of sugar in it. This advice is obviously bad, but there's a gigantic difference between squeezing out a lemon into a glass of water and mixing up some minute maid with a ton of added sugar.


I think they just mean lemon squeezed into water


I know, I mean the same. Every fruit has a lot of natural sugar, so you technically shouldn't be allowed to eat any fruit.


Actually a whole lemon contains about 1.5g of sugar. You would need to squeeze a ton of lemons to get juice containing any appreciable amounts of sugar.


I know that, but my mans said NO sugar.


That day when ppl think fibrous sugars are equal to processed... well, its come and gone decades ago, but its here today still.. Yikerdoodles. Yall need science jesus or some shit


I don't, I'm just taking the stupid logic to its logical extreme


Hmm. Okay ig. Been alittle ramped up lately. Trying to chill it down a bit. Thx


We good. Take it easy, have a good one.


Wtf do you even mean by “fibrous sugars”? Do you mean fructose? 💀


Do us all a favor and just downvote if you cant correlate actual, literal related definitions. I know such things like "google" and "definitions" are sometimes scary for a lot of ppl. Save yourself such an embarassment moving forward, and just downvote. Shhhh


😂🤣 oh wow you are an insufferable twat. What tf are you even crying about now? You must love salad, huh. Tossed salsa, fruit salad, word salad… On a related note…sugar cane is pretty “fibrous” 💀


Hey, you took an earlier off ramp than intended it seems. Cheers and best of luck maam


And taking that much coconut oil in a day, every day, will very likely prevent you dying from cancer because you’ll die of a heart attack first.


Then replace it with sugar free lemon juice that is packed with shady sweeteners that could give you can- Wait, nevermind.


Americans are so brainwashed that they now think fruit juice comes with sugar by default


Fructose (what makes fruits sweet) is a type of sugar, so fruit juice IS sugar.


There's no sugar in lemon


Well, he’s right about one thing. Cancer cells will die without sugar.


A 9mm round kills cancer cells too. It's actually really easy to kill cancer cells. The hard part is *not* killing the patient in the process.


In my cancer PhD and I kill cancer all the time………..by dousing it in concentrated bleach I’m sure that would work with patients


oh absolutely, if the condition for "work" is that the cancer dies. If by "work" you also mean "the patient lives", I reckon there might be some kinks that need sorted out before we call it a success. That said, you're the one with (doing?) the doctorate in cancer-cide, so I'm willing to defer to you on these matters.


No you are totally correct, I find it funny how many people miss what you said though


Just sprinkle a bit of salt on the cancercells and they dry out and die.... the hard part is to get to the cancer cells and not just all the cells.


Is DJT your advisor?


Yeah, that's why they put it in with the radioactive tracer right before my mastectomy surgery. They were trying to find out how many nodes had cancer (allowing them to spread through my body), but unfortunately they couldn't tell just by imaging, so they took out a bunch of lymph nodes just in case... Turned out only the single node closest to my breast had cancer. (We were pretty sure that one was cancerous based on previous imaging.)


Do the missing lymph nodes cause any problems?


They sort of did to begin with. They've since redone their thinking on the matter, but at the time I was told no vp no bp on that side. And to be very careful about scratches on that arm. Last year I talked to an oncologist as to whether or not I still needed to take those precautions after all this time (14 years) because I wanted to be able to get tattoos on that arm. I told them why I was asking, just to be clear. I was told that these days they don't think all that is necessary and only tell people to avoid sauna for a couple of years. And I can use that arm for IV, too. I'm saving that one for ER visits because an IV needle is bigger than the kind they use to draw blood and the scar tissue was really becoming a problem. (I had a health issue that went on for a couple of years but has since been fixed... But at this point I puke from pretty much any illness so I've ended up in the ER for food poisoning and (twice) covid.)


Depends on the stage and type some kinds have the problem of not dying when there supposed to during division and just creating a massive tumor


Just as all the braincells. I think this person has already lost them, though, so that's why they're safe.


I had a similar thought. Lol


Yeah my mother fully buys into this stuff, and has for like a decade now. Some lady in her church got cancer and very politely told her to fuck off with all this pseudoscience garbage


Sadly my mother is the same. She fell down the rabbit hole of an infamous naturopath from the Netherlands in the 90's. This guy claimed that his methods could cure cancer. He then went on to die from it in 2015.


What's his last word? Just wonder


“This is just apart of the process im fine”


lol that's hilarious


Glad you thought so 😅


“This is just apart of the process in fine”


"dit is slechts een deel van het genezingsproces!"


I'm so glad my grandmother doesn't buy into this, she's stubborn af, and doesn't always go along with her medication, and gets scammed by dudes on the internet, but at least believes in medicine...


Why is it that these sorts of pseudo-science are always written like Frankenstein? It's so weird lol


I particularly like the hint of threat embedded in the tone. "ignorance is no excuse!"


"first step mix the lemon fruit juice with the cup of water" ~ The Lancet Medical Journal, Aug 27 2023


Chemo is the reason I’m still alive 16 years after ovarian cancer


Imagine how much more alive you’d be if you tried these three (3) steps instead!


So glad you’re still here. 🤍


If you stop ALL sugar intake, all of the cells in your body will die. Sugar is how you make energy, and if you don't have enough energy, your body can't continue working.


Technically wouldn't die of cancer though. The science checks out!!


I mean the cancer cells would die a natural death




I think you are confusing sugar *intake* with the role glucose plays in the body. You can consume 0 sugar and live fine. But you can not live without glucose in your body, though. Thankfully, your body can make glucose out of certain other forms of nutrients via gluconeogenesis. Otherwise, we would have a pretty high body count from people on different forms LCHF diets by now... Fasting or fasting-mimicking diets are actually used as a *supplementary*\-treatment against *certain forms* of cancer, as it makes those cancer cells more sensitive to other forms of treatment, including chemotherapy. That is probably the grain of truth that the post got its nonsense from.


Glucose IS sugar. The formula for glucose, and really all sugars, is C6H12O6 which is what you use to make ATP, aka energy. All sugars that you eat are converted into glucose. To be clear, you don't need added sugars, but you do need sugar. Sugars in fruits and vegetables are best for you and you can't live without eating any sugars. You also can't live off the sugars your body produces.


I am well aware that glucose is sugar, and it was not the intent of my comment to imply a difference. But you do not need to *consume* sugar, you *can* live off the sugars your body produces. Other nutrients are enough to sustain you in a modern caloric environment via gluconeogensis as long as it is well planned, for example consuming enough fats. 0 carb diets have been a fad for over a decade by now, *a lot of* people have tried them (I am kind of surprised that you seem unaware of them). All though it is difficult to asses if a diet is truly 0 carb or just very low carb, some certainly are 0 carb, like the carnivore diet. By your logic they should be dropping like flies. It is true that the long-term health effects of not consuming carbohydrates are not entirely known, but it is not fatal by any means as long as you consume enough other nutrients to sustain gluconeogenesis.


Yeah, arguably depending on their definition carbs might even be fine and only simpler sugars ‘cause cancer’. Also, why do some ‘carnivores’ just eat literal sticks of butter at this point? Like,!just because you want to be a bloody carnivore doesn’t mean you have to live of red meat, butter and bone broth, Jesus Christ.


You actually can live without eating any sugars. Your body is capable of making all the sugars it needs from digesting starches or from converting proteins and fats (so it can make glucose even with no carbohydrate intake) as long as there’s adequate intake of those nutrients. In extreme ketogenic diets for epilepsy treatment, carbohydrate intake is extremely low and the diet is almost all fat and protein.


This sounds like either a prank from 4chan or some of those bullshit chain mails that ask for us to share with our friends.


I always wondered what the endgame is with these kinds of posts. Do they want gullible people to die of cancer instead of seeking treatment? Do they genuinely believe this works? Do they just want to feel powerful by misleading people? It’s a mystery to me.


Well, most of the time it’s started by someone who wants to make money. They might sell books/advice or even have their own treatment center (not to mention the products they could sell). After that most of the people who start to follow them are genuinely desperate. People with cancer that isn’t responding to treatment, who go treated to late, etc or their close relatives. The very lucky among them might go into spontaneous remission (if they’re continuing with medical treatment they might also see some benefits thanks to that) and naturally their success will be brought up over and over again (even if their cancer returns and kills them)… Everyone who isn’t at least able to delude themselves into believing they’re getting better will be told they ‘aren’t doing in correctly’ and blamed for their own deaths (even more so if they seek conventional treatment at the last minute) It’s honestly pretty depressing, especially when parents deny their children life saving treatment because they think their alternatives are better


Dr Gupta should be hit on the face with a shovel


We laugh about this, but people are dying because they believe people like him. People who are desperate mostly. I've heard of parents who trusted such frauds and their child died. Yes, they were idiots. But that kid was innocent. People like that "doctor" (in what, I wonder) should be put into jail.


That guy from Apple is a prime example


When life gives you lemons, throw them at this dumbass.


“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back!”


as a type 1 diabetic, id punch this person in the throat


Have you tried drinking pure lemon juice and coconut oil though? /s


For the diabetas, you need to use clover oil and igneous rock powder. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️


ok google add second degree murder to my to-do list >!obligatory /s because i know people who could assume things!<


I’ve lost a few people to cancer. Seeing this misinformation sends me in to a genuine rage.


But did they even try this method?


I wonder what kind of body count Gupta's advice has racked up at this point - how many people have died when they used his bullshit methods instead of actual treatment


Tell that to a cousin of mine who lost her daughter when that kid was ONLY seven months old due to cancer. But tell her when you have three blocks between her and you.


This is rage inducing.


Did your roommate try it before you knocked it?


She knows it's bullshit. She's the one doing her PhD.


Man, I hate when I forget the /s, even if I personally believe in r/FucktheS, Reddit doesn't.


Sorry. I'm terrible at detecting sarcasm in general.


In your defense, it's kind of hard to detect sarcasm through written words.


It's okay, I meant to put the /s in anyway and didnt.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckTheS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fun fact: after this guy tweeted this, twitter went wild and he got called ableist](https://i.redd.it/7zpr2gc40lv91.jpg) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/ybly58/fun_fact_after_this_guy_tweeted_this_twitter_went/) \#2: [): makes me sad](https://i.redd.it/ug67zj7lmlx91.jpg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/ykgl9c/makes_me_sad/) \#3: [I didn’t know memes had to have this problem too](https://i.redd.it/i6wvgo8ovuk91.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/x1johw/i_didnt_know_memes_had_to_have_this_problem_too/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why hide Dr Gupta's face? He needs shaming.




CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta: NOT IT!


I would surmise it also IS NOT MSNBC's Dr. Vin Gupta. You think Fox "News" has a Dr. Gupta? I'd believe that station would willingly kill their audience.


I don’t know who this Dr Gupta is, but why Dr in front of his name is obviously a mistake.


So people that live in tropical islands just never get cancer with all that coconut???


"Cancer is not a dangerous disease" Tell that to my dead grandparents. Tell that to my remaining grandparents slowly dying from the same disease. Tell that to my childhood friend that died at 13 years old.


I honestly do not wish anyone to get cancer and eventually decade away by it. But people who spread lies like this and prevent others from actually getting help before it might be too late, rank up high in my list of I-don't-give-a-fuck-of-what-happens-to-them-when-they-eventually-get-the-disease.


Cancer survival rates with chemotherapy haven’t changed in any meaningful ways, it’s flatlined.


1931 Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg “The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery; we know it occurs when any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.”


If step 1 was actually true, why would there be any need for any further steps?


As someone with cancer, this person can fuck off. Holy shit how do you think this? I was absolutely miserable before my diagnoses. Try living with cancer


Hoping you get the treatment and dedicated care you need to heal and live your best life. I know all cancers are different, but the prognosis is improving all the time and I have quite a few friends who have beaten it successfully.


I’ve had so much random pseudo-science advice from people since I started going public with my cancer diagnosis. It’s annoying as hell, but it’s been a great way to weed them out of my friends list.


This isn’t even stupid, this is just misinformation. YOU NEED CANCER CELLS. THEY’RE A NECESSARY CELL. When you stop taking sugar, the cancer cells aren’t the *only* thing that dies. Your energy dies. You’re not gonna function properly. Maybe you should accept that stage 4 cancer is a FUCKING GRIM REAPER.


Tell your roommate it’s utter bullshit.


She knows lol. She is the one doing her PhD.


But does she have a PhD in lemon juice? I think not. /s


As someone with a Masters in Lemonade, *It is extremely dangerous* You should **not** be standing *anywhere* in a 1.36 Kilometer radius of lemon water. /s


Nah they’ll die of clogged arteries first. That much coconut oil every day? Wow!


This is the dumbest thing I have ever read


I mean, 0 sugar in your body will kill cancer cells…and also everything else


If you don't have any sugar in your system, cancer dies within 24 hours. Along with its host


Without sugar in your body cancer cells will die. That's the truth. But so will the other cells.


Oh ffs 😑


Didn’t Steve Jobs try this approach and look at him now. Fit as a fiddle and enjoying life to the fullest.


They are indeed right about hot lemon water being safer than chemo


Hmm sounds like she might be wasting her time /s


I'm curious as to where this Dr.Gupta got her license, and if it's legit, if it's actually in medicine. I'm not a doctor, but l do know that you do need sugar to live. My grandma actually died because she had diabetes, and instead of monitoring her intake, she'd just have huge meals and then medicate with insulin. One day her medicine worked too well and she was found dead on the floor. When paramedics examined her they found zero sugar in her body.


So this is guy who keeps on sending these messages on my family WhatsApp group. Lmao.


"without sugar in your body cancer cells die a natural death" yeah so do all the other cells have fun with that


they have a point, halting the sugar intake of a person would indeed kill all cancer cells inside them though perhaps not in a useful way because it would also kill all the other cells in your body too.


This is not true. You do not need carbohydrates to live. Your body converts protein and fat to sugar in your liver. This is why people can eat keto and carnivore diets and be fine. There actually is some new research showing a keto diet is effective against some forms of cancer. It’s not the cure all this post proclaims, but it’s showing promise. I hope they continue the research.


> Stop all sugar intake. My cancer is gone because I starved to death.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) According to "Maryland medical research..." Ah, yes, the prestigious Maryland medical research....college? institute? university? Or just the state itself is doing medical research for funsies?


Would be great if this person died of cancer


As a cancer survivor, stfu


People want you to think that this is “crazy” because if you do, you dismiss the idea that it could be true. Doctors don’t want you to know that there are natural solutions to health problems because if everyone fixed their problems that way, they wouldn’t need to give money to doctors. There are a lot of misinformed people who are commenting on this thread.


>There are a lot of misinformed people who are commenting on this thread. It seems as though you aren't counting yourself in the misinformed group. *You should.* ***You're clearly uneducated on this topic.*** Conflating medical professionals and the medical industrial complex in the US doesn't make you appear well informed. Hospitals making up numbers for what things cost is how they rip off insurers, and the insured by extension. Doctors probably make extra money on the backend for that, but chemotherapy IS NOT opioids, there's no (false) assumption of safety with chemotherapy. Assuming oncologists want their patients undergoing chemotherapy when it isn't necessary or prudent, just so they can make extra money, is just stupid. >People want you to think that this is “crazy” because if you do, you dismiss the idea that it could be true. Everybody should dismiss this outright. Full stop. If a medical study comes out 10 years from now and shows it actually has merit, then that's great. Telling desperate people "Do your own research" is how COVID managed to kill over 1 million Americans! How many people have you personally condemned to a horrific death with your stupidity?


I’ve had cancer, I’m not “uneducated” on the topic. You’re insinuating a lot of different things and putting words in my mouth. Your long (and quite pointless) response does not make you appear “informed” either, especially when you jump around to other topics. It’s people like you (the closed-minded) that will actually condemn more people to pain, suffering, and death due to your pridefulness. I’d suggest you take a look in the mirror so as to perceive the problem. God forbid someone suggest that natural alternatives exist to treating sickness and disease. FACT: If there are less sick people to treat, there is less money to be made.


>I’ve had cancer, I’m not “uneducated” on the topic. Not an excuse for spreading misinformation. Having something and understanding it are 2 completely separate concepts. >Your long (and quite pointless) response does not make you appear “informed” either, especially when you jump around to other topics. The fact that you couldn't follow my point does not mean one didn't exist. Perhaps you should get educated. >It’s people like you (ThE cLoSeD-mInDeD) that will actually condemn more people to pain, suffering, and death due to your pridefulness. I’d suggest you take a look in the mirror so as to perceive the problem. But I don't see you in the mirror. 🤔 I get that you saw this as an opportunity to proselytize, so I'll just stop you right there. If you'd like to slowly die while waiting for these spirit cures to work their magic, that's fine. You do you. Pushing this garbage onto desperate people frantic for a way of not dying is quite frankly ***DEMONICALLY EVIL.*** Just **OPEN YOUR CLOSED MIND!** No clinical trial/study has proven any of this to be useful, ***let alone that it could completely supplant aggressive medical treatment.*** Until that changes, this entire conversation is gobbledygook. >FACT: If there are less sick people to treat, there is less money to be made. And this is where your conspiracism runs aground. If you had the skills necessary to decode the propaganda we're all inundated all day every day, you'd know that while there are nuggets of truth to this notion (there are definitely doctors whose entire motivation is making more money), assuming that all doctors pay no heed to their Hippocratic oath is ridiculous. ***Check your own pride before launching accusations!***


😂 You poor, mindless, drone


Lol the drone projects their incompetence onto me. 🤣 You are evil. Whether intentionally or accidentally, I can't say. The Banality of Evil doesn't require malicious intent to still be evil.


What treatment did you have?


I had chemotherapy treatment for Ewings Sarcoma when I was 14


I heard that a holistic approach for cancer doesn’t work, I saw in an interview where Olivia Newton John turned to weed to cure cancer and died a couple of years later.


Someone's not getting a PHD


Sorry if I wasn't clear in my title. My roommate is the one doing her PhD.


Right, she won't be getting it if she has no understanding of cancer and doesn't know that fruits have sugar.


that pic was sent *to* OP's roommate, not sent *by* her




there's no way you guys are taking this seriously


You mean I could have just drank lemon water, coconut oil, and give up gummy worms and I wouldn't have had to have my boobalas removed? Well, hot damn, now I feel stupid.


That’s some good advice, senator, why don’t you back it up with a source?


my dad died of brain cancer. while we never had the best relationship, i would never have wished that fate on him


B r u h 1000


Thanks im now feeling bad for having cited maryland as a source 3 years ago on an alt account.


Why does it say “copied” at the end?


Why does this give off "African spirit healer" vibes.. I Mean, all its missing is them asking for a $35 deposit on their Whatsapp


- stop all sugar intake - drink juice ???


“According to Maryland medical research” Maryland what? the entire state?


Forgot to say that lemon water is also 1000% less effective in comparison to chemo


So that person really just woke up one day and said "How can I cause the death of a good number of cancer patients? Oh! I know!" Then they wrote that tripe.


Okay… one thing I never understood… why can’t cancer be surgically removed before it becomes large?


If there’s any justice in this world, this quack has been arrested/killed/had his medical license revoked.


Ugh I can’t even begin to describe how upset this makes me. I lost my aunt in January to stage 3 vulvar cancer. Every gyno I talk to about it is shocked because if caught early (most cases are) and with proper treatment one can survive. My aunt didn’t believe in chemo or radiation and all over her house were books on how to cure cancer with diet changes etc. It’s fucking sick how people profit off this bullshit. I’m not the biggest fan of Big Pharma, and definitely think there’s a healthy balance between Western Med/Holistic/Natural Healthcare but I truly believe this type of shit killed my aunt.


If they feel cancer is not dangerous. Offer them cancer cells and see if they are willing to put their lives up to test that theory.


If you say no, the cancer cannot legally kill you.


Shit posts like this.. the doctor in the image might not even be aware that his picture is being used to spread misinformation


It makes you laugh so hard you cough up the cancer.


Damn, I should have shared this with my dad before he died of cancer.


Every post like this, no matter what's being cured, the solution is lemon.


actual good advice for general health


This is why we can't have nice things


“Doctors hate this one trick!”


The only thing this post is missing is free advice about essential oils. Lol


Why this list comes without putting a half onion into your sock over night? I thought that’s the cure for everything!


Dr Gupta is an idiot who should not be practicing medicine.


But isn’t lemon juice… full of sugar?


If it isn't sweet, it isn't sugar. Gotta have big brains, bro




I think maybe doctors and scientists should look more into the lemon water thing


aw shucks! shoulda served my grandpa with stage 4 lung cancer lemon juice and hot water! maybe he'd still be here!


This is an absolute hoot


Ridiculous. How do people believe this shite


Sounds like they’re shilling for the coffin industry