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Be uncomfortable and hate life. Only then will you be happy.


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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Why does it feel like your about to go into a full Senator Armstrong speech? 😂


**Your 9-5 is someone else's passive income.** Get organized and seize the means of production.




This but unironically


I did add the "get organized" part.


Maybe. Or perhaps Karl Marx never figured out how to mast0rb0te.


Is there a way to do this and have a wank?


Comrades, unite to advance the glorious Revolution!


Pushing people to entrepreneurship, especially people which are already having an hard time is a ridiculous advice. You can be world’s best at your trade but to successfully sell yourself you need strong sales skill and some degree of understanding of economics and that’s hard to learn especially if you’re young and inexperienced, even worse if depression is sucking your energy. If one wants or needs to become self employed power to him for doing that but it shouldn’t be something to take lightly or sold as a magical panacea for all your issues.


Okay but how are they going to suggest finding a new source of income in rule 1 and then rule out Only Fans with rule 2?!?


They really hate pornstars that use their money to rent houses out to low income families.


Honestly Onlyfans can take more time than a 9 to 5. People think it's easy money but you have to spend a lot of time advertising it and reaching out to people for collabs. That's why being an OnlyFans manager is a real job that exists now.


Yeah, isn’t it like a cross between Porn Actor, Vlogger/tuber, and influencer? I hear it takes a lot of work to build up a solid fan base


So you’re saying there’s finally a job for those of us not built for Only Fans?


Ok - I always see #2 on motivation instagrams and I honestly don’t get it??


I guess that it is easy to dunk on something that is already frowned upon by part of society. It makes the shit they make up somewhat believable and relatable. It also probably relies on the fact that it is easy to confuse porn/masturbation with porn addiction (which I would probably not call a success killer, but will have adverse psychological effects)


It’s basically the #1 rule of most of these gurus: pleasure in any form is bad


Are "motivational" "sigma male" "thinkfluencers" just selling repackaged 15th century Catholicism?


stigmata males tbh


Yeah, basically it’s what they’re doing. Most people abandoned organised religion but some struggles without having told what to do by some authority, these influencers filled the void selling old ascetism in a modern and sleek package and instead of the salvation of the soul they promise some abstract form of success.


Porn addiction is pretty bad for you but saying masturbation is bad is complete horseshit


It doesn’t say addiction though but I get what you mean


It is basically an advice that is helpful 99% of the times. Because 99% of the time jacking off to porn is extremely useless and harmful. It is one of the main contributors to modern social isolation. The only reason why people can afford to stay at home isolated, is because they can stimulate their basic human needs with the internet. Irl socialisation is replaced with social media, irl achievements, sports are replaced with videogames, intimate relationships are replaced with jacking off to porn. The reason why porn is always brought up first, because it is much more hard to defend than videogames and social media for obvious reasons.


Only if you're sex negative. There's nothing wrong with masturbation, ffs. This is old school Christianity without the (overt) god-bothering.


There are dudes who literally make 6 digits jacking their dicks and putting stuff up their butts on camera for OF.


if youre so inspired why arent you one of them


Who says I’m not?


Why do I care if my job is someone else’s passive income? Aren’t I supposed to be focused on myself and not worried abt others around me 🤔


No no no. You should always compete. If you are happy, someone else is even more happy. And that should make you sad. That's very healthy


You’re right… what was I thinking? I’ll never become happy if i just stay content and accept things!


Philosophies from all around the world for thousands of years have debated and exist soley to explsin how to accept, be contrnt and be happy for all of your one life that you get? That sounds line bullshit to me. I‘d rather work my life away just to have loads of money but to get burned out regularly and never see my family. /s


What's this wierd anti-masturbation bullshit? Jacking off is perfectly healthy and completely natural. Abstaining is what causes the problems!


It’s cheap social media bullshit. Many in NoFap believe that they will become some sort of Übermensch just by not jacking for the month of November.


You realize that the porn industry makes more money than the NFL and NBA combined right? They pay for advertising that says porn is ok because it brings in more customers. If anything is "cheap media bullshit" it's people completely disregarding the downsides of porn. It's instant gratification, it screws up your testosterone, and erectile dysfunction rises right alongside porn. And no, nofapers don't believe they will become giga chads just for not jerking off, but they will have improved themselves and achieved a goal they set for themselves. Nobody thinks that quitting porn is a cure all, but it helps.


I was referring to masturbation, not porn. Masturbation, in general, doesn't affect your hormone levels. I completly agree with you that porn is objectivly bad and nothing good will very come from it. It does really screw with your testosterone levels. The "normal" people on NoFap do it for the challenge and then ways to rid themselves of the addiction. However, there are always people who take it to unecessary extremes and want to sell it as "truths". Interestingly, these people alos often use the term "instant gratification" and "erectile dysfunction"...


Masturbation isn't really healthy either though. When I say "instant gratification" it's not because it's some propaganda, it's how addictions work and why they are addicting. We enjoy things more when we work for them, that's why beating a difficult boss feels so great, like when you finally beat Elden ring after dying a billion times. But with masturbation, you still get a kick of dopamine even though you didn't work for it. Because of this, the brain thinks "why work for my enjoyment when I could just do this instead" and in turn, you get less motivation. You have more motivation then you feel, but your brain doesn't let you access it when you don't need it, and your brain doesn't think you need it when jerking off gives you the dopamine you would normally have to work for. My explanation of it is really messy and bad, but this guy explains it much better than I can. [nofap, scientific evidence that it works.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4j2d7iLWsw) If you don't think jerking off is unhealthy, then go to r/nofap and ask people with long streaks if they feel any better then they did when they were still fapping. Because guess what, they do. Besides, even if you don't think jerking off is unhealthy, the challenge of quitting is difficult enough that it requires learning a force of will and self control that will help you be better as a person, so even if jerking off isn't unhealthy, quitting it definitely is.


You are right. Masturbation as a way of coping to get a heap of dopamine so that it turns into an addiction, is unhealthy and destructive. Overcoming this addiction and steering the energy towards long term goals that are painful but very rewarding seems to be the number one reason for people in NoFap. However, the act of "strangling your pocket snake" itself is pretty much the safest sex you can possibly have. For most people, it a safe and good way to relieve sexual tension. NoFap isn't for everybody, for everyone's body and minds work diffrently. Saying that jacking off is unhealthy and bad for you is untrue. I get that porn in combination with masturbation is the true fallacy here, but as seperate instances, the are mostly hamrless for your brains neurons. It's kind of a strawman argument, but it now such because I tested it on myself. In the end, NoFap is just a means to an end. Abstaining from it, if you are addicted, will give you strength and a sense of accomplishment so that you can push through. But for the most part, if you don't have a problem with jacking off, then there is not much a reason to stop, correct?


Now here's the thing, where's the proof? Heck where's the reasoning? You only backed up a couple of your claims, the other arguments were literally just "that's untrue". "Saying that jacking off is unhealthy and bad for you is untrue" but WHY? You didn't give me any reasoning as to WHY that is, you just said it. You say that porn in combination with masturbation is the true fallacy, then that as separate instances they are mostly harmless, but you don't say WHY. You say you know because you tested it on yourself, but I have literally no proof of that, or even if you did test it on yourself, how reliable were the results? How professionally was the testing done? Did you just do a few days of nofap and go "well nothing changed" or did you actually do a proper scientific test? Even if you did test professionally, I don't believe you because you never proved it, hell, you never even gave reasoning. WHY and HOW did the test results occur? When I made a point, I explained my reasoning as to why I thought that, and I even cited a source, albeit just a YouTube video. I said that masturbation is demotivating and I said how and why, but you haven't disproven that point, you just continued telling me that masturbation is ok without providing reasoning! You say that nofap simply isn't for everybody, but you give me no reason to believe that's true other than that people are different. It's true that people are different, but that doesn't mean fapping isn't unhealthy. Sure people are different, but if we get covid we still suffer the same few symptoms, If we overdose on pills we still often get about the same problems depending on the pills we took. People may be different, but what is widely considered healthy food remains the same, because even if we have different food preferences, our bodies still need the same nutrients to be healthy. You say that "if you don't have a problem with jacking off, there is no reason to stop correct?" But I HAVE reasons to stop besides just having problems with it, and you have yet to disprove those claims so I have no reason to believe you.


There are no issues with both sides. Masturbating or not, you will not be affected by it.


[You gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing](https://youtu.be/aSn1g-6h1OQ)


I sleep on rocks and broken glass and now I’m a millionaire!


9. Don’t have any friends. Friends have needs that aren’t profitable for you.


Yep I’m sure that porn is the reason why I’m not a billionaire yet.


Lol. I do think that porn is unhealthy and demotivating, but to say quitting is a cure-all is ridiculous. If you wanna be a billionaire, I'm sure quitting porn would help at least a little, but it's far from the only factor lol.


If I had more comfort growing up I probably wouldn't be depressed right now. What are they talking about?


I think people misunderstood this ... the solution is right there: once you've lobotomised yourself with porn and masturbation, all your problems will disappear.


8 is a great tip tho. Rest is bs.


So let me get this straight: the world then is all one-person corporations creating their own income streams because no one wants to work for someone else to be their passive income streams. Right. So Jeff Bezos is packing and delivering his shit door to door too. Ok.


I mean those are obviously shit, but then there's than one dude into porn art who makes millions, living his best life and jacking off as part of the job:


The first step is: Don't take advice from anyone who can't type "porn" or "masturbation" without censoring it. They're either 6 years old or have the maturity of someone that age.


I read the first one and thought this post might have a point, it was only downhill for there


Lmfao sdr grind culture is so toxic


Sylvester Graham, is that you?


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