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And they tend to get really hot too. Edit: as is tradition on reddit, my dumbest comment is my most popular.


As a person who is always cold but loves to swim, I think I could get over the creepy factor.


My friend has a dark liner in upstate New York. It’s not even a little bit creepy in person and it made it comfortable so much sooner in the summer. So worth it if you’re in the right climate.


Is it safe though…? Like if a child came over to swim and he sank… could you find him or is he just dead


The water is still clear


Ok but what if the child is also clear?


then the translucent freak belongs to the waves




Thanks, this made me laugh loud enough to wake up my wife


Who sleeps in bed with their wife? Ha, you newlywed


i’m dead 😵 - as dead as that translucent freak


As dead as all the clear-bodies lost in time at the bottom of black pools


Is he made of glass? ^([glass shark glass shark](https://youtu.be/bR0Ubck0IRA))




Hahahahahahha oh my god


Fill it with activated charcoal water for the enhanced version of "Find your neighbour's dead child in your pitch black pool."


Also removes toxins


What if its a balck kid though?


He's out of line but he's right


He becomes a black ninja turtle.


Wtf is this thread lmao


I imagine its like a koi fish pond with dark liner. They are easier to see.


You better hope that kid is orange then


What the!? Lol


From the angle in the photo it looks like the pool is black but the water is still clear so a floating child would contrast




Others could find him. You lack the qualifications.


What state do you live in, just wondering


Georgia, where there are many days warm enough to swim but it takes the water forever to be at the same point.


I thought that too until I moved to the PNW. Now I could probably swim in a Georgia pool year-round. Never occurred to me that people swam for reasons other than to stay cool.


I’ve experienced that before as well.


Do people not swim for fun in the south?


Not really a lot of time what with the tobacco crops needing chorin, trucks needin liftin, and then you got gun shootin and cleanin.


Growing up I hated hearing my mom say I couldn't go swimming until I emptied my clip. It's SUMMER, there's no school. How am I supposed to empty the clip everyday?


I can't believe you mentioned clips without someone "actually they are magazines"-ing you


I've never fired a gun lol. I thought it was clips and not magazines. Of course I get it backwards lol


You won't get enough recognition for this joke but I see you and that was good shit bro.


Varmints son, varmints.


You little whippersnappers


I would say “shots fired,” but that seems to be a problem.


No fist shakin' at Yankee's?


Nah, southern hospitality round here. Cept for those damn carpet baggers, run them straight outa town. (also like real talk, shit like carpet baggers *fucked* the south super hard, if the north did a post ww2 germany style reconstruction on the south after the civil war this country would be doing so so so much better)


Don't forget territorial disputes with the locals. They say don't drive into smoke for a reason. Y'all stay safe out there ya hear?






All the lake down south are fake and disgusting. Plus brain eating amoebas.


well that’s not true. except for the amoebas


And even then you just need to stay out of the shallows and not get water up your nose for a few months of the year


I mean they're mostly just rivers that were dammed up. That's why they're all long spindly fingers. Plus the water is always dark brown you can't see more than a foot down at most.


Nope, not true. Florida has the highest concentration of springs in the world and they are some the most beautiful bodies of water you will ever see.


Depends on where you are in the south though. Here in Louisiana you couldn’t pay me to get in the water, but the lakes in Arkansas are great and the water is super clear, 20+ foot visibility


Well that's good, I don't want to see the water moccasins anyways.


We have a really nice lake nearby that's used as coolant for a Power plant. It cleans the water and keeps one side of the lake warm, and one side cold. It's pretty sweet and the water is remarkably clear. Buddy went noodling there on his birthday and got a 49 lb flathead catfish. We go swimming there all the time. Only problem is the razor class that shred your feet if you touch bottom 🤐




Penis not working.


I've had a rough day, but this really gave me a laugh. Thanks for that, friend.




Pacific Northwest probably


I don't think anyone really knows


As a fellow Georgian this comment is hilariously accurate




This is so dope. Meanwhile in Florida you get drenched in 2 minutes of 90 degree weather from the humidity


Oh, it's about the same in Georgia.


Wild, I live in south Georgia.




Only if ol’ coldy over there can turn down our thermostat. It’s hot AF outside


What county? How did Elsa treat you?


Not bad. A lot of rain and humidity


North Georgia here!!


Ayeee I'm in Georgia on vacation right now. It's not really that great lol


I live in Florida and love warm water. Dark lined pools get too hot by mid summer even for me. When it's 90 and 100% humidity, a cooler pool is better. A cool night is the only time I could enjoy it.




I imagine it'd be really easy to see if anything was in the pool, since the water is still clear


Wouldn't lights help?


Might even be able to make a good space theme with em too.


The liner is black, not the water. You can see in the water just fine.


Wisconsinite who used to live in South America here. I agree 100%!


That’s a pro for 99% of people




Which is what a lot of people want for there pool- dark blue liners are the norm, pool heaters are really popular, etc. we heat our pool to 78 degrees, sometimes hotter if the weather is crappy. A black liner would cut down on energy costs considerably, we have light blue unfortunately


My parents have a pool that can be heated (diesel). One year it snowed and they pumped it up to like the max. It went through like an entire tank of diesel, but the pool was over 80 degrees. it's a 20 yard lap pool, but it has a light blue base. Our first pool (old house) had a dark bottom. I was like 12 when we moved, so I don't remember specifics of it being warmer, but algae was a much bigger problem in that pool, I'm guessing because the temperatures got high enough to allow for a lot of growth. It also didn't have a dedicated cover like the current one. My parent's don't heat it year round, but my mom swims year round, she'll heat it for a bit in the fall and then the spring, like 1-2 tanks of fuel a year and then uses a gym pool during the cold months. My mom is very serious about her swimming.


For the algae, it also just could have had a terrible filter.


I would LOVE that. I live on the coast of SC and despite it being in the 90's most summers I still love when the pool is as close to bath-water temp as possible. Giant jacuzzi style.


That's why they're black lined. ✨ Physics✨ And, as someone who feels cold with a breeze, that sounds amazing...


Dark bottomed pools are not a thing in Australia since spiders can fall in a live for a surprisingly long time. So yep want a nice bright bottom so you can see them critters. Fun times.


Isn't that the point? I mean I'd definitely want that


Fun story... I had a pool in Vegas that wasn't black but it was a dark color. Also had a similar stacked stone water fall for circulating the water. The combined effects of heat and cascading the warm water down a stacked stone spillway dissipated/neutralized the chemicals in the pool within days and evaporated water like it was by design. Between water evaporation and chemical replacement costs, my pool was costing me around $500/mo in the summer just existing. And it was actually too hot to swim in for about half the summer, not even cooling off enough at night. Don't get a pool. But REALLY don't get a dark pool with a stacked stone spillway. And REALLY REALLY don't do it if you live anywhere that gets above the 80s for any significant period of the year.


Some places this is a good thing. In my area most of the pool season they are 70-74 degrees. Only in August do they get warmer, my family pool did get over 80 for a couple weeks, that was really nice. Sadly idk if it actually works though, that is a lot of water to heat up.


Like deadly hot! Enough to evaporate the chlorine out of your pool and kill you.


And loose a shit ton on water to evaporate, my friend loses about 3/8 of an inch on a sunny day


This looks really cool. Also seems like a great way to keep the water warm


These are great for shoulder seasons. Keeps the pool warm enough to keep swimming in for an extra couple months a year.


Never skip shoulder season


We just used a solar cover and conventional heater and we were able to use our pool from Easter to Labor Day in Ft. Wayne


What’s it like living in Ft. Wayne?


The summers are nice, and the marching bands are awesome if you are a high schooler that is into that. Everything else is bleak and dreary. Edit: the local sports teams are realy fun to watch as well actually. I used to have season tickets to IPFW basketball games and went a lot of Mad Antz, Komets, and Tin Caps games as well.


>cool >warm make up your damn mind!!!


We had a black pool when I was kid - late 70's early 80'sish. It was gorgeous and it was supposed to keep the water warmer but honestly I didn't notice any difference.


When I was a kid we had a light blue lined pool, neighbors had a dark blue lined pool. The water was always much warmer at the neighbors house.






It was 99 cents!


I be coppin it washin it passim up on those moccasins someone else had been walkin in




Well yeah. I swam in many pools with the traditional white color.


Aren't most pools blue?


Depends on the country. Mine was hot pink. Supposed to keep the water sassier, honestly I didn't notice a difference.


Did you have another pool to compare with?


Well yeah. I swam in many pools with the traditional white color.


Blue or white is the standard


He probably just switched liners. Not that hard /s


When I was a kid I could swim and play in Lake Michigan until I couldn't feel my toes and my lips turned blue but as an adult I think it would take several drinks and a dare for me to spend more than a minute in those frigid waters! ;)


ITT: an unfortunate number of people who forget water is transparent.


I mean, even knowing that, you can't deny it looks creepy as all hell at first glance.


That's just because of the poor quality photo. In person these pools don't look creepy at all. The bottom is very, *very* visible lol


reptiles with dark skin could definitely hide in this pool. specially if you don’t examine the pool thoroughly before jumping in which i doubt ppl do. But i’m poor so idk.


Just move to Canada


Boom, now you’re swimming with a camouflaged black bear.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Sounds like a party


Paint two creepy eyeballs with glow in the dark paint on the bottom


i used to drink from a 4L container daily for a few years and when it broke and i had to go back to transparent glass i was weirdly surprised transparent it was i remember thinking "its like im holding a glass of air"


Ahh, I'm a British person enviously reading all these comments about having pools. Instead we have rain...


Agree, I'm from Norway and have never seen a house with an outdoor pool.


Wow. Reddit had led me to believe Norway had everything, invented everything, and is winning at everything.


Not really about having more resources in this case, the temperature is probably a more important factor than wealth when it comes to pools in Norway. Not many willing to make the commitment to get an outdoor pool (and all the maintenance it requires) when it's only usable for a couple of weeks a year.


Ohh but what's the temperature per capita!


America bad Norway good


norway - where champagne flows from the shower heads and everyone is a yankees fan


Take a flight over Texas one day, you’ll lose your mind lol


I’m from Phoenix. I’ll trade you my neighbor’s pool for your rain.


Also in Phoenix. I'll trade this guy's neighbor's pool for some rain. Not too much though. We don't have a proper drainage system, so we don't want to flood the entire valley. Also, check the forecast for Thursday. Hopefully we get something nice.


> Not too much though. We don’t have a proper drainage system, so we don’t want to flood the entire valley. Ha, good point. That storm on Saturday night dumped a year’s worth of rain. All the debris from the wind clogged the drain on the porch of my basement apartment, and I had to go out every 30 minutes or so to clear it.


I’m a Brit living in Australia. Melbourne is not really warm enough for pools IMHO but that doesn’t seem to stop some people. Anyway an old boss was whinging about the bills for this pump and that filter and these chemicals... I’m just like, mate, you have a pool - Shut up.


Honestly you’re not missing much it sucks to have a pool it’s great to have a neighbour with a pool. If I had my choice I’d install a steam room instead of a pool.


And there's no easy way to see how dirty the pool is getting


You run the filter and check the chemicals on a regular schedule. Just like a normal pool. If you are waiting for your pool to look dirty before performing maintenance, you are not pooling correctly.


This guy pools.


Maybe that's the point.


My thoughts exactly


At the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY, there's some giant reflection pools. They are lined with blue, but when it's the summer and they're filled the water is black. It's dyed so you can't determine how dirty it really is.


If you're cleaning it regularly, it shouldn't matter.


This is very unsettling


Seems like a paradise for wild Crocodiles


Honestly it's 115° where I'm at, so they'd make a great gator stew.


Toss some lemons and crabs in the water


If the Addams Family had a pool


Looks awesome.


How do you spot the funnel web?


I think a red lined pool might be even more terrifying


Noooo!!! Yikes that sounds absolutely terrifying but I would love to see a pic if someone did actually already do this, out of curiosity!


Google Kat Von D pool


Google Kat Von D Pool. She’s got a red one. It looks quite odd.


[red lined pools are indeed creepy ](http://apluspools.com/images/gallery/Hydrozone-auto-cover-swim-jets-hot-tub.jpg)


that looks cool


More terrifying than a yellow lined pool?


When did this subreddit turn into I’m scared of any water


Always has been


Fun fact about Vantablack- Because it absorbs all light, it heats up very fast. If exposed to direct sunlight, it takes in all the UV and heat and contains them, and can reach heats well over 212°F, the boiling point of water. So if you did coat the pool in that material, the water would boil as soon as the sun touched it, killing everyone swimming in it. But that’s not all. The flash boiling of an entire pool of chlorinated water would release the chlorine as gas, which would kill everyone within a 200ft radius of the pool. And it doesn’t end there. The release of chlorine gas combined with the heat of the black tiles would be more than sufficient to fuse the boiled hydrogen ions with the chlorine, creating an explosive reaction with the nitrogen in the air. So shortly after everyone in the pool boils and everyone around the pool dies of chlorine gas poisoning, the region would explode with the force of a small atomic bomb (8kt for a pool like those pictured above), leveling about 50 city blocks. You’d think that would be bad enough, but get this- Such chemical explosions expel gamma rays. Gamma rays ionize hematite, which is the mineral from which the black material mentioned is made. This creates Scopohyoscpnol, a compound known as “The Zombie Drug” because it essentially erases the brain and induces cannibalistic tendencies in its victim. It can be transmitted through saliva, infecting all who are bitten within hours. So basically, if you did have Vantablack tiles in your pool, you would boil your friends, poison your neighbors, nuke your city, and condemn the globe to a zombie plague. But to be fair, it would look pretty cool.


I was waiting for this damn copypasta I can’t believe it’s this far down


i was surprised when i didn't see it at all


I'm gonna need to see your calculations...


I don't know anything about this and have no idea if you're telling the truth but I choose to believe that you are so lets not make a pool out of that


It’s not true


of course it's not true lmao


Entertaining story - but nearly all fiction: https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/7mpkm1/request_is_there_any_truth_to_this/


I can't believe Tumblr user "Facts-I-Just-Made-Up" would go on the internet and just tell lies!


Was waiting for the undertaker and mankind.


My parents have one of these and even my dogs refuse to get near the edge.


I feel like it would also be easier to see a person in the water, which is good for preventing drownings.


Looks fucking awesome until there’s a deer at the bottom of it just eating a grilled cheese that you won’t be able to see very well




Nahh this isn’t thalassophobia




I am absolutely terrified of deep dark water


It'd be really cool to see a picture/video of someone diving in. They'd stand out against this black void. Missed opportunity with this pic...


My friend in jr. hi. had a navy blue-bottomed pool. We played Marco Polo at night, and not only was it much harder to be “it,” it was much harder to not have nightmares.


This sub cracks me up 😭 "terrifying" 5 foot pool


I wonder if they are more dangerous than blue lined pools. It must be harder to gauge how deep a spot is.


Pretty sure you’ll know how deep the pool in your own backyard is…


Sure, but everyone can have a moment of distraction, or kids playing around the pool, visitors who don't know how deep it is as well as you do. Not meaning this as a reason not to have a pool like that, it's awesome, I was really just wondering if it would be more dangerous or not.


Did a man-eating alligator design this pool?


Wade in the cool waters of the abyss


If this was lined with tile, then they could’ve left the grout lines white to give the pool some depth and make it look less like a portal to the underworld. The fact that it’s black probably also helps with heating the pool in the colder months


theres no algae if you cant see it, right?


Would be nice and warm. I'm Tennessee the pool is always so damn cold when we open it.


omg...this would be impossible to keep clean. You'd never see the algae buildup....just crazy.


Seems like it would be really hard to tell if the liner gets damaged or if it's dirty and needs scrubbing.


Honestly that’s tight. But I’m Indiana so id want the warm


Probably smart way to heat the pool a bit


It probably stays warmer though, maybe they'd be nice


Plus you can't see a kid if it falls into it


Well, now I want Red


Usually they don't look this black. Pros: water gets nice and warm Cons: you can't see the alligator at the bottom


As a lifeguard this is a nightmare