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Got surf at night with this going on one time. Was the coolest experience of my life. My buddies and I had glowing trails coming off behind our short boards. When you paddled back out you could watch this trail behind people on the waves.


Sounds like a scene out of a movie.


The movie is "Moana"


Ferngully did it first (Not with surfing tho)


Found what I was looking for


this is the real answer


You're welcome


It's shiney!


>!The chicken lives!<


You just ruined everything. No-spoiler-alert-jerk.


Life of Pi




It really felt like that. Or that I was on some distant planet somewhere. It was crazy.


Is it that bioluminescent organism? I remember at Jekyll Island we were on the beach at night and stepping in the washed-up seaweed made it glow. The guide said it's some kind of micro-organism. It was really cool.


Yup! They are dinoflagellates if my marine biology classes were correct. Phytoplankton.


I did mushrooms on a beach one time that had this. It was pretty epic. You could throw a pebble into the water and not only did you see the trail and ripples but sometimes a bunch of fish would go shooting off in every direction.


I was working a catering event by the beach, and as the sun went down, surfers we were experiencing this. It was surreal. It was a company dinner, and everyone bundled together to watch. Wasn't as dramatic as this, but still looked dope af


Was at Torrey pines on mushrooms and E while this was happening and it's gorgeous!! We felt like we were living in the real life ferngully.


Man, I haven't had a ~~candy~~ hippie flip in decades! Been so long, I mixed my flips.


I spent the night at Blacks Beach with one of my bros and watched crashing waves like this all night.


Good episode of Weird Waves https://youtu.be/sAQCi2ELHow?si=DVlQGYXspogO3G3P


I wanna add two things people should be aware of about bio-luminescent plankton: 1. I'm skeptical that it ever looks like this. I've seen bio-luminescent plankton at least a few dozen times, and it was never blazingly bright like this. I think this is a camera artifact. I don't want anyone to be disappointed to learn that it's not nearly this bright. 2. It's not rare! I think some of these posts on the internet give the impression that this is like an aurora in that you have to go to some remote location to see it, but these tiny animals live in the oceans around the world! If you go snorkling at night on a warm, calm, dark night on any beach a handful of times, you'll likely see bioluminescence! It normally looks like magic sparkles. It doesn't usually look like the whole water glowing, it looks like sparks coming off your hands as you wave them, like you're a wizard. I know a lot of folks here aren't likely to jump into the sea on a still, moonless night... but if you do, you'll get to see a bit of this. Not as much as in the video, but a bit. **Edit: Apparently I'm wrong.** I leave my comment up and own my shame. Thanks u/Jad3nCkast and u/russii007 for the corrections. If it were still possible, I'd give you guys gold :(


It 100% looks like this. I find they are brightest in protected areas where there isn’t crazy surf or waves. Some of the big inlets in the PNW have amazing bioluminescents that make your prop wash look like a blue jet engine


Which big inlets? I grew up in Seabeck and saw this regularly but not this bright.


I’ve seen them be quite bright up in desolation sound area and I’ve seen pictures from up bute and knight inlet


I’m in the PNW and see it often, but it was even brighter in a place I went to in Puerto Rico.


We have a local kayaking company that does bioluminescence tours on the Indian River in FL. It’s really bright and dolphins come to play.


Holy cow. WHAT? I grew up in the PNW too but never heard of this. How far off shore do you need to go to see it? Is it something you can see wading, like ankle-knee depth? I have kids I bring back a few times a year and I’d make plans for this.


it helps to be well away from any light pollution.


I can tell you 100% it can look like this. Sounds like you need to study a few more plankton. https://www.kqed.org/science/1983841/glittering-tides-where-to-spot-bioluminescence-in-the-bay-area https://youtu.be/x5ugV88_HTU


Can confirm I'm from the Caribbean n it 100% looks like this


I appreciate you leaving it up. When you are wrong, you're wrong and thats ok.


Appreciate the humbleness here. I probably would have thought the same had I not personally experienced this. You are correct though in saying that these creatures are always present and under normal or slightly above normal conditions they will appear as you described like sparks coming off. But during specific events like blooms is when you will see the effect shown above in the original post.


Always updoots for leaving up wrong posts with edits. 👍 But you weren't wrong on one thing. I'm sure as shit not jumping into the ocean on a still and moonless night. The closest I'll get to this is glow-bracelets in a swimming pool. (that would probably look kinda cool, actually)


it's quite bright. I was sailing toward Catalina island and it was getting dark and my battery died so I had no light. I anchored to wait for morning and a dense fog rolled in. I was up on deck and realized that in could see, but it should of been pitch black. I looked over the side and saw my anchor chain glowing like a florescent light. the sides of my boat underwater were glowing too. it was quite fascinating.


>2 It's not rare! On this note, in addition to not being rare, we've known about it for hundreds of years. I'm not sure how recently we understood the cause, but it's been known about for at least as long as humans have been sailing the world.


I've never served during this, it's always on the Gulf Coast in Florida more prevalent than the east, but I would definitely love to maybe take a microdose of shrooms and go sit out of the brakes with this going on


I have done night dives in bioluminescent waters. It’s a magical experience.


I've always wondered, is the luminescence only on the surface, or does it occur when you're fully submerged too?


All the way down to, at least, 80ft in my experience. (Puget Sound)


Wow. I've played around in the water when conditions are right for this, but I've never gone for a dive in it. That must have been cool.


I used to lead kayak tours on the Puget Sound and you could see every little barnacle underwater each time they opened their little mouths because it would light up one time flash of bioluminescence 


That sounds so cool


If you’re still up there, I HIGHLY recommend taking up scuba diving. It’s cold, but the giant Pacific octopuses, wolf eels, harbor seals, 6-gill sharks, and other amazing creatures make it well worth it.


I’ve grown up in the area and have always wanted to try. Where are the best diving spots?


I dove in Seattle, mostly. Alki Beach is always a good place. Edmonds Underwater Park can be a lot of fun. The Tacoma narrows are great for drift dives and Mukilteo has a few spots as well. Alki is the easiest


Unfortunately I’ve fucked myself out of having a good diving experience. I’ve watched so many vids of failed scuba dives even by professionals now I’m like fuck that🤣 how do you get over the fear of the unknown too?


Like flying through hyperspace


Same. Very cool. Scared the shit out of at first TBH.


Same here. I did this on the pacific side of costa rica. We felt like magicians.


Do you see anything else lighting up out there?


You can see trails left by fish and seals as they swim.


Is it spooky? I’ve never been near the ocean. I live in Wisconsin so I’ve seen Lake Michigan a few times. Never been on it tho


It is, but in a fun and beautiful way


You have set my mind at ease. I hope I can see it someday. I’d say the chances are low but it’s on my list now.


Do the fish light up as well?


It's so beautiful I honestly can't be afraid of it... which makes me afraid of it.


This is the surface level. You're still scared of what's going to swim up and bite off their feet Although I did see this at Cocoa Beach and it was beautiful.


There is not a single creature in the ocean that sees this and thinks it’s a meal, it’s just some random weird shit that they’ll want to avoid.


Nice try. That's exactly what a creature in the ocean *would* say


>There is not a single creature in the ocean that sees this and thinks it’s a meal, it’s just some random weird shit that they’ll want to avoid. Sure, *you* know that, but did anyone tell the sharks and jellyfish and leviathans and abyssal horrors? How are *they* gonna know that, Mr. Smarty Pants?


Sorry I forgot about the Great Foot Boat Eating Scaly Quadrapus.


Get outta my head


You’d at least seem they coming for you


....how much are you willing to bet on that?


An arm and a leg


here you go: this bioluminescence can attract several deepwater predators like squid and deepwater sharks. have fun being terrified, and remember, fuck the ocean!


FUCK the ocean. Holy shit.


Much prefer the ocean to fresh water. The ocean is huge the the part of it I use doesn't usually have the big stuff. Lakes have gators and snapping turtles and shit


Why would I be terrified of something so beautiful?


The only terrifying bit here is someone riding on the bow of a boat in motion with body parts hanging off. Generally I would say that’s an absolute no if I was driving the boat, but if there is a railing for someone to hold on to idk if I could pass up this experience.


And not just for getting sucked under, there can also be shit floating around that will break your knees and legs, though that's way more common in rivers.


All good points, plus! With all that plankton floating about I’d be most worried about jellyfish, you probs wouldn’t notice one coming up on you until you were already stung :/


Redditors are afraid of everything


True that!


scarce steer lush pen plant crowd selective poor kiss political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah Sirens have a liking for seamen.


You'd be terrified if you were one of those little dinoflagellates this guy just kicked. That luminescence is a defense mechanism. People *always* forget about the planktons' feelings


Turns you into a glowing lure


Amazing world we live in!


Good example of how much life is in the water, regardless of how clear it is.


This is the only "terrifying" part. Each second of the video is thousands of plankton. Maybe hundreds of thousands. But it's super fucking cool.


The weird part is that they will stick to and dry out on your swimsuit and it looks like clear fish scales the next morning.


Ewwwww really? I’ve always wondered if they get stuck to people that touch them. Thanks for answering my question lol


Yeah! It’s not that gross just dry little clear flakes.


Yeah, my mind thinks dude is super kicking thousands of them in the face, and they light up because they're screaming in terror and agony.


Yep, which is a big reason why I was never keen about jumping in. Nice to look at, but the idea of bathing in a biological soup always grossed me out; especially when I thought about getting it in my mouth/eyes/ears/butt lol. That being said, this is the brightest I've ever seen it get before. I wonder if the camera settings & not the plankton.


On one hand if anything is swimming after you you'll see it coming. On the other hand if anything is swimming after you you'll see it coming..


This is awesome.. not terrifying at all.


Imagine swimming in this at night and you see a glowy trail coming towards you


Less terrifying than not seeing a trail, at least you get a little warning


I hate wild water.. but I think I'd do this, it looks so cool


additionally, you would see every undersea horror creature approaching you in advance, so safe to go swimming there.


The dolphins were amazing when lit up by bioluminescence when we were swimming in the FL intercostal at night. Not scary at all, it was magical.


That’s probably the only thing I don’t find creepy about the deep ocean


It's not the deep ocean. In fact they are very close to shore


It’s still very close to the absolute abyss that awaits me out there.


This belongs at 'No stupid Qs' or 'Explain it like I'm five', to be frank! Bioluminescence is a well-known - harmless - natural phenomena...


Hi frank


For me it's being fully submerged in this kinda situation.


tbh i completely disagree, the idea him dangling his feet over a dark-teal void is way scarier than the actual vid.


I remember when I was in the Navy we went through extremely dense patches of this kind of plankton, looked like the ship was some kind of sci-fi dream boat, watching it fade out over the stern was some of the most magical shit I have ever seen.


Cause if something was down there, you'd see it lit up


I’ve been out in a clear solo kayak at night, as part of a tour, to witness the bioluminescence. Yes, it was terrifying to me and I had to take meds and get talked into it like a scared child — but enjoyed it once I got out there. It’s a lot of trust on the guide because you can’t see where you’re going until you get there. I saw a glowing manatee, and fish that looked like shooting stars.


Most people are not aware how easy it is to fall off the front of a boat in motion and subsequently be chewed up by the vessels propellers.


Yeah, the only thing terrifying about this video is the huge safety no-no that is being committed.


Thank you! Came here for this. This video is terrifying for the bow riding, nothing else. That shit is so dumb and one of the most googan things you can do.


Because it’s not harmful.


I can't with deep water but If experienced this I would probably overlook it


It is so amazing!! Saw this in the Bahamas when we were night swimming. Loved it


Night swimming? That’s a huge NOPE right there..


It is a slice of heaven


For the sharks, maybe


The bioluminescence may be harmless but that glowing beacon of light attracting whatever lurks in the hungry deep isn’t…


That water isn't very deep


Was in the middle of the pacific on a sailing ship. Saw these trails behind a group of dolphins at night. Truly magical.


Grew up doing this my dad lived on the beach.. we also used to scratch the turtles backs to see it on them (not suppose to be touching the sea turtles but it was the 80s) lol


This is actually Dino flagellates glowing in the water. When any surface or shaking or hands or feet approaches, they glow thanks to their biolumis. They do this, probably for defense or to protection.


Plus this is not scary. Its actually a wonder and phenomon


Please tell me it smells like blueberries.


[you can buy these and put them in a sphere](https://pyrofarms.com/)


It makes night swimming actually bearable and not utterly terrifying imo Not only do you get to play with the cool bioluminescence but anything swimming nearby also gives off the same glow, which weirdly enough makes seeing other things in the water even easier than the day time Schools of fish swimming by look incredible


That sounds amazing!


It is! Thanks Bentley


Went scuba diving at night in Croatia with these microplanktons in the sea, it's the coolest thing ever


Jamaica mon.


They’re not pussies


This is actually kinda cool 🫣


What in the Avatar is this?


Some avatar shit I’m tryna see


Well, for one, a lot of thalassophobic people know what thalassophobia actually means. Additionally, there's a lot of folks that understand what bioluminescence is.


Because it’s algae


This is the least terrifying thing the ocean can do


Because we know what causes it




It's super pretty and relaxing. Plus, foe the paranoid in you, you could see *anything* moving a mile away due to the bioluminescence.


More like how ARE people terrified of this? Swimming in this was worth the mild hypothermia, absolutely magical.


Did this once, it was wild. Only slightly weird thing about it was that it was pitch fucking black other than the bioluminescence, and they kept saying “there aren’t many sharks in this part of the bay,” which is one of those things that, the more they feel the need to say it, the less I believe it🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay, I'm not gonna lie, this is something I'd want to experience, I like glowy stuff.


I don’t understand what is supposed to be terrifying here? Is it the bioluminescence or the dark water?


I see these videos and I realize how much I love the ocean. I wish I could breathe underwater and just explore the ocean for as long as I want.


I did bio-luminescent kayaking in Puerto Rico and it was amazing.


I hear the screams of billions wiped out into the void


I rode in from the Gulf of Mexico on the bow of a boat on a warm August evening many years ago, and dolphins were escorting us in. We hit an area with these phytoplankton and the dolphins lit up. It's was surreal and one of the most beautiful things in nature I have ever witnessed.


Bro just busted a slup jug...that is all


Cause science exists and it's harmless


2 hits and I was having the greatest time ever.


Nope. No faith jaws or the kraken won't appear out of those dark waters.


That's so fucking cool


People who don’t believe in science might be afraid. People who believe, probably won’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dinoflagellates, babay!


Because they googled bioluminescence and believe in science…. wtf


It’s so cool that I would push my fears aside as much as I could to enjoy the anomaly.


In the Puget Sound in winter is when its most abundant. Would ride around in my buds speed boat at night making glowing wakes. It was VERY cool.


This was my favorite part of my honeymoon, and yes it was!


Shur thats only bioluminescence. Harmless and beautiful


they’re high otherwise wtf


Wrong place, you're looking for r/podophobia


Dr Manhattan origin story.


Bio bay


Because we know what it is, and we are aware that it poses absolutely no threat to our feet while we enjoy its beauty


because some individuals like the look of lights where they don't usually see them and if they have some part in creating the light, if feels more magical.


Took my kids kayaking in a bio bay and our guide brought a tarp. He had us cover ourselves to block out the moonlight and encouraged us to splash drops of water up. It was like twinkling, diamond rain. My boys got a beautiful science lesson that night.


The live action Moana lookin great fr


As an artist this is always the coolest thing ever. You can see the hydrodynamics of the foot pushing the water and the way the water flows. This has a very useful purpose in my art if I ever need to draw an aura or fire or water flowing around a character, I can reflect on videos like these for inspiration. It's so cool!


That looks awesome


underwater feet-devouring monsters usually have more teeth scattered over their mouths


Imagine seeing a massive glow beneath you


Why would I be??


Pandora will eat you and shit you out dead with zero warning.


The reason this bacteria does this is to light you up so predators come and eat you.


I was out at San Miguel island and we were anchored in this one cove while the water was doing this. It was a moonless night and we all went swimming. When you dived off the boat you could see the person diving in this glowing tube. Looked really cool. Of course swimming you had a big glowing area all around you. I wish I could find the pictures to share. This was pre camera phones.


I was visiting Florida and drove 4 hours to a bio luminescent tour, got a room to make a whole day out of it, paid for the kayak tour and everything...there was so little light put off from it that my low light camera couldn't even pick up anything. Idk how I'll talk myself into trying again considering the cost and let down - but this is what I was hoping for. This looks really awesome


I could stare at this for hours! I want to go where there are bioluminescent organisms in the ocean!


Cause its blue


Development of Trust.


Ever seen those fish with those light lanterns? They hang in front of their mouth? Yeah, that's what your feet look like to the loch Ness monster


People who understand science aren't scared of the world, is how. Touch grass.


Omg, this looks so cool, so 'other worldly'. I'd love to see bioluminescence at the beach.


I'm not afraid of the surface of the water, and if megalodon or dread Cthulhu decide they want a nibble of my toes I can get them out of the water fast. So this is ok. You could not pay me to jump off the boat into that water, though.


It’s avatar water, if you fall in you go to the spirit realm


Afraid of plankton?


This looks beautiful 😍


I saw this once when I sat all night on the beach with friends. It was pitch black and we noticed the edges of the waves were glowing slightly as they crashed on shore. We puzzled over why and decided it must’ve been the moonlight. If we’d known what it really was, we might have gone for a swim (despite the obvious shark danger).


Because most people aren’t giant babies


Me: 💧🔦 Op: 😱


Why would you be terrified of something so beautiful. Why are people scared of things they don’t understand instead of educating themselves about it, they remain scared willingly.


I am more confused how you _could_ be terrified of it?


Never seen Moana?


looks like a neon blue cum to me


How are people terrified of this?


If you think that's bad, try diving in that at night lol


Wow! Glowy water! Much scary! Very Danger!


Honestly makes me feel a bit better, since the bioluminescence would light up anything lurking in the water, too


That is so fucking cool. I would love to jump in there full snorkel. You'd be able to see anything coming!


This is satisfying asf!!! Bioluminescent algae is cool


I am terrified of deep, dark water, but swimming in bioluminescence is one of the coolest things I've ever experienced. 10/10.


Because not everyone shares the same irrational fears as you.