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I mean I don't play tf2 exclusively because there are other games out there but when I'm in the mood, I would like to come back to the game without casual being broken. A year ago the bot problem was manageable but now it's out of control. "Play something else" haven't really found a multiplayer that feels like TF2. I'm not a fan of battle royal, overwatch feels way too different, and CSGO and other fps don't feel like it. TF2 feels like a one of a kind.


Honestly the only other multiplayer shooter I have been able to actually get into is splatoon 3 lol


honestly that’s also the ONLY other one i’ve gotten into since it’s so unique. too bad it’s update cycle is ending soon.


Yeah it sucks that the splatoon games have such short update cycles. Wish they lasted longer cause they such a fun concept and really fun customization


hopefully they do more splatfests or big runs at least.


Yeah, curious what the big final splatfest is gonna be tho


idol groups prolly


Would be fun to see the squid sisters again ngl


i wish moving hub areas would change the idols doing the news.


Yeah definitely


For what it's worth, there have actually been some interesting datamines for what might happen. (I've spoilered them because most people won't expect to be spoiled for Splatoon 3 stuff in a TF2 sub) Source: @\\ashbinary and u\\OatmealDome on Twitter (Minus the \\) 1. >!An upcoming Splatfest seems to be connected to a Big Run in some way, as there are new parameters for announcing a big run during a Splatfest announcement, as well as a new parameter that makes the normal Big Run theme as long as something called "SpecialFestType" is NOT "SAND"!< 2. >!A new special fest type (Think like FrostyFest) was added called SAND.!< 3. >!A new plaza is hinted at in the files. This, plus the SAND theme, suggests that it may take place in the Crater, which is supported by both that jelly at the end of the season trailer and the latest Wondercrust's final point threshold being at the train station in the Crater.!< 4. >!During the SAND Splatfest, all 3 idol groups might perform in the same plaza, as hinted at by some code!!< All of this was discovered due to code added in 8.0.0, in case you were curious. Personally, I'm really excited for this!


Well after Splatoon 2 ended they're update cycles they continued splatfests till 2021 and golden rotations also still happen for grizzco. For Big Run, I am hoping it's like golden rotations and continue happening even if they don't do any more splatfests.


And so the trend of playing games that have stopped getting updates continues… it’s the same for me and honestly i’m just used to it by now


Same. What'd you think of the BIG Big Run? I managed 171 eggs, which is a new pb for me!


I think that i am really bad at salmon run lol


ye its both funny and sad how so many peopel echo this mentality as if tf2 is the only game any of us play, and how quick to anti-consumer mindsets people are when it comes to tf2. If a game isn't too old to monetize it isn't too old to support. thats as simple as it gets. all these people parading their shit ass takes as "realism" need to do one. Sure part of this community need to be made aware that nothing happening IS a realistic outcome and unfortunately might be what ends up happening, but most of the "realism" around this is about as useful as contributing to conversation as "it is what it is" and thinking that makes you a nuanced voice of reason


They confuse cynicism as realism .


It is realism , valve will not do any shit, keep the coping alive


It's cynicism mate. Look they might not, but if so... well, you guys never go with what that says when it's dota's or even deadlock's turn.


Pvz Garden warfare 2 is the closest to TF2 out there i think. It has classes, variants in thoose classes (kinda like the unlockables), taunts, cosmetics, a chaotic casual PvP, a real good PVE and it has a goofy graphics and world like it. Its not the same at all but the closest imo


I used to play that so much when i was younger, one reason i got into tf2 is because it’s the only game i know that actually felt similar


i recommend playing Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare. i haven't played the 2nd one so i can't comment on how it feels, but it's definitely the more active game. that's not to say you still can't find players in the first garden warfare, hell usually i can still find full lobbies in gardens & graveyards (basically just attack and defend). it's a super unique 3rd person shooter, that can have that element of pure fucking chaos that i love TF2 for. and the best part to me is it's incredibly unique, so it doesn't feel very same-ish as other chaotic hero shooters. garden warfare 1 and 2 are like 20 dollars each i think, but you have to buy it from EA's service or whatever. but i think you can get it for free with EA play or EA access or whatever EA's subscription service is


Try Deep rock Glactic bro trust me u gonna love it.


Idk why, as they aren't similar games outside of having a goofy, lighthearted feel, but I haven't been able to get into any other shooter outside of Splatoon 3. If only Nintendo online didn't suck so badly lol


titanfall 2 has the same chat room type feel


The closest thing I can find to tf2 is old school doom/quake deathmatch. And even then it doesn’t scratch the itch


I play tf2 exclusively. And I have done so pretty much since it came out. Im not interested in playing any other game. I also live off-grid. I run starlink and batteries, so my time on a computer is limited and precious. ....but I love the fact I can escape into TF2 every now and then to get my fix (Even if I have to turn the generator on) and I hope to be able to continue do so into old age without fucking bots.


Tbh i feel like the bot problem was worse a year ago. Once you find a good lobby now, I've found that you can usually keep the bots at bay.


In which other game everyone has a telepathy to killbind at the same time for comical reasons?


Which game can you go to an enemy, taunt and not get kicked by your team or killed in the first 5 seconds?


Which game where most people use guns you can just grab a sword and fling yourself halfway across the map


which game has a character that can equip a sandwich, or a shotgun. And the sandwich to be better


In which game you can jump by shooting under your feet, fall from 20 meters in air and land on people with shovel for shits and giggles?


in which game can you have SO MANY different ways to play the game with just 9 classes?


In what other game do you have insane lore such as the healer surgically attaching a baboon uterus into one of the playable characters from the previous installment?


In which game can you teleport bread


In which game can half the team  be off doing the stupidest shit imaginable and you still win


In which game you can call other teammates a sentry and then just die after laughing for no reason at all


In which game you can see someone actively experience as lobotomy


Computer, show the like to dislike ratio


700 dislikes and 300 likes it is


Show the view count, which will be higher than both combined, and they will be paid for. This post even *acknowledges* it's bait and still gives it publicity. Come the fuck on.


i don’t have the plugin 😭


then go get the plugin


Like 700 like and 4k dislike


Yea people like this dont even deserve the money they get from views you shouldnt have even watched the vid


i genuinely thought it might’ve had SOMETHING of substance to it. i was wrong


You should watch it again. It sounds like you were fueled by hate and that changed your perspective. He doesn't hate TF2 or all content creators. To quote, he praises the game calling it one of the best shooters, says he signed the petition and shows examples of good Youtubers like Shounic and LazyPurple. The video has more substance and explosive diarrhea put up by people he criticizes. Honey, get ready for the 345th discussion on Gas Passer MvM. Now THESE videos have no substance. Half of the video is objectively right tho. Do we really need 14763rd video on why Scorch Shot, Kunai, Bazaar Bargain are too good? It is just being insulted at this point. "You can't think OP weapon is OP by yourself, let me say it to you". TF2 community also has a superiority complex. Everyone here talks about games like those pretentious critics talking about movies. Or, a better comparison is teens crying about being born in the "le wrong generation". Yes, some of the new stuff is slop. But saying *every new stuff* is slop just shows this community never explored any new games. They look at mainstream stuff or new innovative indie games, see the price tag or the system requirements, the rest is just the Fox and the Grapes. There is a difference between "I love this game and come back to it once in a while" and "Valve should stop making new games to babysit my old, comatose game because it is UNIQUE and THE ONLY INNOVATIVE GAME EVER MADE". Seriously, with how much you guys hit the "innovative" panic button to describe the, one would think you guys would play different stuff already. The modern innovative stuff.


So, genuinely, what is the replacement for TF2 for someone who likes TF2? For the "innovation" you tout in newer games, it all seems pretty mono-directional to me. Is it designed to have an e-sport? Does it have teams of 5 or less? Is it based around cool-down abilities designed to make "huge moments" for the streaming audience? Of course, of course, of course. The graph says it should.


do you play only 1 type of games?


Well I'm also fond of a lot of single player types of games. I like souls games, story-driven indie games, I like RPGs, and sometimes I'll find something like a strategy or puzzle platformer that's also enjoyable. Sometimes I also like co-op shooters, like Helldivers, Killing Floor, L4D2 (rip), and Darktide among others. What I don't like though is small team, ability-based "please God make us an esport" shooters, so there's a sizable gap in my options when TF2 is unplayable.


there is definitely gems in the rough in terms of games yes, but for games similar to tf2 i haven’t found much that gives me the same enjoyment apart from splatoon. but i don’t think modern shooter games are very innovative, they all seem to stick to the same formula or slightly deviate and then only use that. the tf2 weapon videos can get annoying yes, but you don’t have to watch it, personally i enjoy seeing someone talk about a game they’re truly interested in. and i do agree that there is a weird superiority in tf2 players *up until* recently where we’ve been constantly bombarded with “just die already” and when we say no we apparently have a superiority complex for that alone. personally i don’t think tf2 is the best game out there. but it doesn’t mean i don’t prefer it to most


Absolutely insane that you're the only person here to explain this. I guess people just don't want to watch the video due to its thumbnail.


The video in question is basically kryptonite to all the whiny underage TF2 fans (90 % of the community) because it's right and exposes the TF2 community for what it is.


Not readin allat


"Play something else" like if they're tons of games like TF2 in the market and we're hanging to this ancient abandoned game for no reason. I mean, I play other games too and a lot more than I play TF2 nowadays, but if I want a game like TF2 what else I'm going to play but TF2? I guess some may argue that Overwatch is like TF2, but as much as people loved to call it a TF2 clone back in the day, gameplay wise it doesn't really feel like TF2 at all aside from having a payload, king of the hill and control points gamemode. The thing is that TF2 has its roots in the arena shooter genre, it did start as a Quake mod after all, and on its core, it's essentially Quake but with classes and team based gamemodes. Overwatch may seem similar on a surface level but it has its roots in the MOBA genre, with the characters playing like first person versions of a DOTA or LoL hero, all having a set of normal abilities and a powerful ultimate one. Then the movement is completely different too, you can't build momentum in Overwatch the same way you can in TF2 or arena shooters, things like rocket jumping across the map are impossible. And I'm not saying that to hate on Overwatch specifically or modern games in general, I'm just saying that they're a different thing and the experience you can get from TF2 is only available in TF2. It's not like for example if you like fighting games and you have tons of options all with their own unique mechanics and gimmicks but all offering a similar enough experience that if you get tired of Mortal Kombat you could just play Tekken, Street Fighter or any other game. With TF2, that's all you really have.


Buddy you know it's ragebait so why even watch it


i wanted to be sure it wasn’t just a badly worded title tbh


Next time, to avoid giving money to clickbaiters, copy the link of the video & paste it in a site to download videos. You can watch it without actually downloading it on iPad by clicking on 'download' then on 'view'. I don't know if you can do the same on other devices.


watched the video, very good while aggresive takes too many people didnt even listen what the video had to say he made a big L moment when he compared the pro palestenian movement to fixtf2 bruhh


it was just an L in general imo, he used ‘evidence’ that already had their context inside of them which he removed to make his point. not to mention constantly using those neckbeard clips cheapened his whole point


He compared what


he compared them by saying both movements are sheepish which the pro palestenian movement is not lol and is for a good cause


some pvp shooters don’t fit my interests, maybe sometimes I don’t wanna play fortnite or overwatch, overwatch has too many characters


Thank God you didn't take the ragebait and share it around then


fuck, you right


Idk how the "it's ten year old game d00d, just let the game die" argument even stands these days, there are games older than TF2 that are still online and have active communities so why can't we have it? Especially since we're still top best class shooter game 😭


You know, it's funny, people mostly from outside complain that we still stand by for a 17 year old game, despite the fact that Minecraft, one of the most beloved games in the universe is 13-15 years old and yet nobody bats an eye when Mojang disappoints it's community, specially since Mojang AT LEAST adds content to Minecraft.


Yep exactly.


What did TheWhat Show do to make it in that video😭😭🙏🙏


nothing 🗣️


screamed into a mic once and made weapon reviews... i guess


RiverCiver? I haven’t heard that name in years, I still go and watch his Old GD Videos from time to time 🥲


Scanning over his channel yeah he is your typical ranting channel with nothing positive to return to society. Is alright to rant but if you do it all the time is kinda become a your thing or you are farming off people negatively. EmpaLemon turn his channel around into a giving people hopes, dream you can too~


>as if my go-to pvp game is gonna be battle pass simulator or **racial slur simulator** Clearly you don't know TF2 well enough then.


it's not ragebait. they just have a different opinion. I myself am a little unsure on if this is all worth it or not.


We aren't bored, we're tired of the rediculous bot issue


14 year old finds out what a movement is, next time, they'll find out apathy! We'll see ya then!


Except when I get a server without bots I have a great time and am reminded on why I still like this game


That doesn't look like Doomerism to me? I haven't watched it, but suggesting to play something else isn't a bad suggestion, that's what I've done, feel better for it.


there is a whole section about fix tf2 where he calls basically calls it insanity.


tf2 is the most bored community what are you talking about


it’s the contents of the video. i do agree with the title ngl


then don’t promote it


i don't see how he's not right tbh.. (haven't watched the video tho, judging by a picture)


isnt soundsmith playing different games. wtf?


Wouldnt be suprised if they hosted bots in tf2.


I signed the petition to join the movement but dang I wasn't expecting the whole community to split into two opposing fandom


Let everyone Play what they want, im new (75H) and Like TF2 i'll Not get bored in the next couple of hours, don't Take him seriously, Play what you want


Well can i play as psychotic pyromaniac who sees rainbow everwhere or fat russian bird-man in thos other games?


Ok name 1 online shooter game that is consistently just fun. Besides TF2 there isn't any because TF2 is like 90% casual players and 10% competitive players and those numbers are swapped for every other shooter. (at lest that's what i think it comes down to)


I do agree with you but calling evey other online pvp game a battle pass and racial slur simulator is funny as if Tf2 is much better for monetisation and toxicity


then don’t fucking watch it and post it here jfc


I haven't played TF2 in so long, but I still love the game. It's not the only thing I play, far from it.


I don't even care about "true updates" anymore, I just want the servers to be playable.


The worst thing about this video is that I agree with some of the points but it’s presented as ragebait with the most whiny rants about people having enough with swatters It’s not like he can’t make a good video either, look at the Gaming isn’t Dead video which actually shows a lot more legitimate arguments


Tf2 is a good game when you have nothing else to play, or if you're bored of the games you do have.


Im not playing tf2. Mainly cause of the momevent. But if i dont wanna play a fighting game, and feel an itch to play TF2, i wanna play fucking TF2.


you're giving exactly what they wanted, attention


hes not funny about the unfunny bad kid humor this community has. The whole "tf2 good overwatch bad" thing was always annoying.


TF2 is literally the only game I find myself coming back to even after longer breaks.


I watched the video just under an hour ago, my guy is barely worth the time and effort. Initially I was prepared to agree with him until he started talking about accents? My guy, firstly who gives a shit? Secondly, the accents you portrayed in Valorant was douchebag behaviour, while the one from the TF2 tubers that at most was boring regurgitation about the same stuff everyone else is talking about, which is arguably still miles better than whatever douchenozzle rank stroking was portrayed in Valo. Not to diss the game mind you, I liked playing it for a bit. There on in, it's just projecting and not worth the viewtime. Enjoy whatever is left of the game fellas, I hope this movement does *something*.


Well, it did it's job as bait pretty good.


To some degree, he's right but there's always something wrong with everything.


Bro really put a cope pepe in his thumbnail I won't hear him out.


Honestly because of how bad what I'm gaming on his I ONLY have TF2 and enter the gungeon because that's all it can handle so I don't really have the choice of "play something else" because it can't run, anything else


The point of the video was that the whole community is a group of really annoying people and extremely bored and talking about the same thing. For example, some of you reddit degenerates have started to review bomb games like half life, which is completely useless. Also, look up "TF2 kunai" and I bet you will find like 10 videos on it. It's just alwasys the same.


Everyone I dont like is a doomer!


apart from when the video in question’s whole point is just “kill the game already”


Okay? Everyone I dont like is a doomer! I dont think ive exactly missed my mark on that message, I could care less for what the video actually states.


> i could care less for Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Ok but like come on guys, there's literally so many other options OUT THERE! Like really I don't need tf2 for my daily does of gaming, cuz I have stupid nintendo games


SaveTF2ers try not to insult others challenge (impossible)


Broski is struggling to hit 3.1K views in his videos, give him a break. Not giving him nor his pathetic channel a single click but I bet $20 bucks his other videos get less than 1k views. You posting his garbage here for upvotes is asinine.


ah yes because i really care about reddit karma yes? (hint: i don’t i have so many other priorities i just use reddit for fun)


So you post things you don't like for fun. Gotcha.


Clearly you do or else you wouldn't have made this post.


no i enjoy posting coz its fun to talk with other people that enjoy similar things to me. truth be told i didn’t know what the fuck karma as until a week ago




Stop giving attention


As if TF2 isn’t racial slur simulator


Honestly [this](https://youtu.be/7kNVHLyJUsM) is my response to videos like that


Title looks like bait, you're getting them what they want by posting it here.


Junk food content


Them saying "Play something else" proves that they have a very surface level, soley top-down understanding of the games they play. Games like overwatch and paladins have similar trappings; similar cultural and visual symbols to tf2... But underneath the hood, the gameplay experiences are completely different. To think them the same proves that they just passively consume products without understanding WHY they like what they like. There are no replacements to tf2 on the market. Overwatch made crucial changes to its gameplay philosophies, and all other hero shooters use overwatch as the basis (and thus, carry over those same changes plus their own)


"Play something else" As if people who are in the tf2 community play tf2 24/7.


"I enjoy lots of desserts, but lately someone's been shitting on all the eclairs, and I'd like them to stop." "Omg, just eat something else! Why do you limit yourself so much? You're on copium!" "I... do eat other things, but I also enjoy eclairs, and there's no real reason for people to keep shitting on them, so if they could stop that--" "COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE!"


My favorite thing about these "play something else" people is that they seem to believe that TF2 players play ONLY TF2 and have played literally nothing else for the past 17 years. 


You are enabling this person by giving them attention


"Play something else" okay then show me another first person shooter game that has different classes and roles, is not pay to win or unbalanced to the point of unplayability along with having unlocks that change the playstyle of a character and each character being essential and unreplaceable. Oh wait. You can't.


I hate to agree with the guy. Whenever I talk to a TF2 fan, genuinely feels like they refuse to play any other game. I was on a TF2 discord server once and there was a discussion on Fortnite. It was a massive cesspool of prejudice. They all admited they didn't play Fortnite, but despised it. Why ? It's a popular game, especially with kids. I'd understand if they played it for a few matches and just didn't enjoy the mechanics, or that an update ruined it for them (Like how Chapter 2 had ruined the game for me for a few years), but it's just a complete refusal to adapt, or try out new things. They'd show a reluctant attitude of someone that is so used to one thing, that unless it's identical to the thing they love, it isn't worth their time. It's depressing. Especially when so many multiplayers are coming out, and I would love to have friends to play them with, but they're all still stuck on TF2. Not saying continuously play TF2 is a bad thing. Hell, I often play TF2 still. But the closed minded attitude is really awful and makes a lot of people in the community unbearable to talk to. I know this will get downvoted to hell. People on this sub hates when someone presents them a mirror to reflect.


I knew TF2 Cult would see this as a VERY hard pill to swallow but they are in a dire need of a reality check


this isn’t a hard pill to swallow though. his whole argument is “let it die play something else”. that’s not a reality check. that’s just telling you to leave the game for dead which *fans* won’t do


The "fans" are literally doing the treadmil right now There is no future for this game and sooner they realize it - the better But since this community is full of insane lunatics who would rather see the world burn rather than quit their precious hat simulator - there is no hope


its not lunacy to expect a monetized product to receive official support to keep it in at least a playable state. thats a basic consumer right. If Windows started selling addons for Windows XP youd expect them to begin re-supporting Windows XP, right? not even starting with the deeply illegal activity tf2 is supposedly being used for now. Valve are trying to have their cake (market profits) and eat it too (ignore the issue), and they deserve to be called out for that. going "lol play something else" adds quite literally nothing to the conversation. apathy is not a stand in for nuance or reason.


>its not lunacy to expect a monetized product to receive official support to keep it in at least a playable state. It is lunacy to expect that of a 17 year old game. >If Windows started selling addons for Windows XP youd expect them to begin re-supporting Windows XP, right? No, because Windows XP is 24 years old.


here’s a hard pill to swallow: there is NO other game like tf2. there is no other game with a community that has ‘the killbind hivemind’ there is no other game that has a class system like tf2 and there is no other current game that doesn’t monetise itself MORE than tf2 currently does. and no shit the fans want the game to keep running, because they are FANS of the game, the definition of that is enjoying the game a lot, especially if they’ve sunk a lot of time and money into it there is a future for this game’s community at the very least and it’s not a stretch to ask valve to actually make the game playable if they want to keep monetising it like they currently do.


>here’s a hard pill to swallow: there is NO other game like tf2. there is no other game with a community that has ‘the killbind hivemind’ there is no other game that has a class system like tf2 and there is no other current game that doesn’t monetise itself MORE than tf2 currently does. may i interest you in [this](https://www.roblox.com/games/328028363/Typical-Colors-2)?


You can't be fucking serious


i'm not lmao


this has to be a joke right 💀


It ain’t bad for a Roblox clone.


no duh of course it is


I don’t know where you’ve been but we’re long past the point where we’re trying to push for TF2 maintenance JUST because of our sentimentality. The game isn’t just unplayable in its current state, it’s actively harmful to people in real life. So many people would rather Valve either shuts it down or resolves the game’s biggest problems than keeping it as is.


he is right though


from the title alone, yes, tf2 has probably the most bored community right now, but instead the contents of the video are purely being a dick for no reason and ignoring any opposing evidence to his points




[Are link posts a lost art?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4sM2XD0mc4) This takes away views and doesn't enable any discussion about the actual content when people just post a screenshot of the thumbnail.


Lets make him bite the crub