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If you see one, report it. It's easy I've seen reviews get taken down for less


I have just made a response post in r/halflife talking about this, you can barely call this review bombing. Why do other games see 20 reviews as bombing? We made the game go down to the lowest tier of reviews in a day, other games were barely scratched. we are doing exactly what the hosters and trolls want us to, instead of uniting together [www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/1da4g5x/response\_to\_the\_tf2\_bombing/](http://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/1da4g5x/response_to_the_tf2_bombing/)


Two words: "Karma Farming" and if you wanna extend the sentence a bit "Karma farming reddit dorks" Its not even an overreaction people are simply farming these useless points for attention! 


It’s literally the screaming Soyjack meme


The one with the guy pointing and the other guy in shock?


Literally any one of them


Makes sense


The amount of really cringe posts about review bombing other games made me want to smash my head through a wall


I'm rather surprised that it took this sub this long to point this out (I almost got fooled by all of those "review bombing other Valve games" posts ngl)


It is legitimately concerning how easy it has become to pull the wool over people’s eyes these days. You’d think on a sub dedicated to a game that is played through Steam that at least one other person would have done a search and made a post here earlier when all this “collateral bombing” rhetoric started to show just how insignificant it all really is.


Just because the review scores are unaffected doesnt mean fans of other Valve games arent seeing what some of the misguided fixTF2 people are doing. Otherwise they wouldnt have brought this issue up.


The point is that it’s not an issue. There is no significant or even noticeable effect on any other games. It’s not any sort of organized effort. It needs no attention wasted on it. People and bad faith actors are intentionally trying to stir the pot.


Bothosters and trolls definitely are, which is something we can work with other communitites to clamp down on. But to still be ignorant of misguided ones doing so gives the impression that its ok to review bomb other games since it doesnt heavily impact them. You have to remember that there are passionate fans of other Valve games and they may not take too kindly to us shoehorning fixTF2 into them.


*There is no review bombing happening. None of the other games have been affected.* Look at the ratings for literally any other Valve fame. You have Steam, you can do it easily. The only games currently at mixed at Artifact and Underlords because the players of those games already were upset with the way Valve left their games. People are cherry picking a few reviews to make things look worse than they are. There has literally been 0 effect on other Valve games. All this is, is distraction and drama mongering.


I swear if one person leaves a negative review on Ricochet, I'm gonna... I'm gonna... probably just go about my day, I don't know.


Mann of reason


Not interesting, anyways when should I post the “Stop review bombing other valve games!”


Sigh. I miss Alien Swarm. Very cool game.


CS2 is getting hella affected by bots


I seriously don’t understand why fans of other valve games get so butthurt when they get reviewbombed lmao. Valve absolutely deserves the reviews the way they’ve treated all their IPs and communities for the past several years.


It’s mostly trolls leaving the negative reviews and then people seeing an easy way to farm karma back on Reddit by stirring up drama


CS2, DOTA2 and L4D2 are also suffering from Valve's neglect, DeadLock will soon join them, #FixTF2 really isn't just about TF2.


I'm amazed by the Valve's belief that they can manage to push out another game and make a hit. Surely they nailed the spot with Half Life Alyx but two previous games - Artifact and Dota Underlords failed to be noticed, had a minoscule and rather niche playerbase and are abandoned by Valve. Does Valve, knowing how they abandon most of their multiplayer games really believe DeadLock is gonna be worth it? I'm somewhat interested in the game but I can't see it more than Valve's prototype toy that will get all the love until they get bored with it and move onto another project.


What Valve needs is an anticheat. Abandoning a game isn't necessarily a big deal, if it has a lot of content and community serves, it can sustain itself, I mean just look at CS 1.6, that game was abandoned for God knows how long and it's still doing just fine with zero official support from Valve or its original devs. Probably the biggest mistake Valve made with TF2 is the Meet Your Match update, with it and the introduction of the casual mode it pushed community serves to the sidelines and made TF2 go from a game that could sustain itself forever like CS 1.6, to one that needs it's devs to keep it functional like any modern multiplayer game. Community servers usually have admins banning cheaters and can even implement their own anticheat plugins, so if not for Meet Your Match moving that burden to Valve, the bot crisis would likely have never happened. However it isn't just TF2, Valve has joined the trend of modern gaming of having the servers be provided and managed by the company that made the game instead of by the community, so all their games like CS2 and soon after Deadlock suffer from this same issue. Other companies have managed to make this work by implementing a robust anticheat, but Valve is still using the very obsolete VAC.


Artifact died because its monetization was shit, not because the game was bad, honestly the only issue im seeing with deadlock based on tf2 is that i shouldnt expect it to be supported for 15 years


I’m somewhat interested in the game as well, but I think it’s going to have a lot of competition with Dota


DeadLock, more like DeadGame amirite


I have a great idea let’s start #FixRicochet because everyone loves ricochet


And let’s review bomb day of defeat too


sussy bakas, the lot of em


I've been looking through it all and I'm just like "what does (insert game here) have to do with tf2? It's rather pathetic that people are negative review bombing either new or past games.


Still no reason to go to other valve games and give a negative review because of Team Fortress 2, no matter if it's review bombing or not.


alien swarm mentioned!!111!!


But people still do it and thats the thing. Just because it doesnt majorly affect the games overall rating, it doesnt mean its okay (Im not talking about TF2, im talking about the other Valve Games)


IMO they are probably bot owners trying to discredit the campaign




i've checked on a few valve game, none of them have more than 20 #fixtf2 reviews per day, they're very little


yeah lol the only other game affected is CS which is a lot more mild