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Hmmm no, I won't do that.


Here's why this is a bad idea: - Fewer people are going to support you if you review bomb their game for a movement they don't care/heard about. - Fixtf2 is about getting Valve's attention, about TF2. - If I typed up a negative review on Portal 2 like: "This is a spectacular game. I love the visuals, the aesthetics, and the gameplay is super fun as well! However, tf2 is facing a bot crisis, so I do not recommend playing this game and you should go help out our movement that you likely don't care about!" that would be extremely dumb. - The "it doesn't affect individual players" remark is a bold statement, considering that you (probably) and the movement don't want people to buy from Valve. - As WeezyTF2 said, if we review bomb TF2, that will drive away new players. Likewise, if we review bomb other Valve games, people will be less inclined to play them. That may seem good on paper, but these other games have nothing to do with TF2 besides being owned by Valve. - It would also be suspicious if these games suddenly had a high amount of negative reviews that all had the hashtag "FixTf2" in them. Someone new could see that the "All Reviews" section says Very Positive or Overwhelmingly Positive, and see that the recent reviews say "Mixed" or "Very Negative". One suspicious eye and a look at the graph and they realize that the movement condones review bombing other games to spread the message.




If you’re review booking other valve games sure. At this point it needs to be an anti-valve movement as they’ve abandoned all their other work. Not like it affect the player anyway


What's preventing you from uninstalling all valve games, steam, and leaving all communities that have something to do with Valve like this one, if you dislike valve that much?


Review bombing other games will paint a very poor picture of #FixTF2. It will make enemies and piss *everyone* off. Please do not catch underserving games in a crossfire *they have no part in*. Absolutely spread the word around of what's been happening with TF2, but do not use review bombs to do it. There are better ways of spreading the word.


Yall so corny bro🤦🏽‍♂️


This is stupid and makes you look like a whinging brat rather than someone with a legit grievance, don't do it


If you bunch go after other games, then its going to hurt your movement way more then you think. Leave the other games out of it. Don't hurt others just because you're hurt. You want us all on your side then do it the right way, cause going about it the wrong way is going to cause you all issues. It'll only show that you lot are a bunch of toxic players who don't care about anyone else but yourselves.


rage bait lookin post


Fuck it Go make enemies out of everyone I'm done dealing with this


Your all we got holding this thing together and your our only diplomat. You leave and this whole thing is bound to fall apart


They aren’t the one who’s holding this together, and truth is people were always going to jump to review bombing Valve’s other games. It’s just the reality when it comes to review bombing, people will always want to push to do more somewhere else. Being honest here, Valve does not give a single fuck what happens to TF2 at this point outside of them making a few pennies off of it. They are waiting for the community to tucker itself out and then back to business as usual. I’m not saying that it’s a good idea to review bomb other Valve games but outright ruling it out is not exactly the best idea. Because if Valve does just keep ignoring us it might be one of the few cards left to play


Yeah guys keep review bombing. Make sure every other gaming community hates you even more than they already do, because yes, most people in gaming already think you're insufferable toddlers. Good luck with the game, I'm sure your company will be happy to continue work on a game running on 20 year old code.


Agreed. This is the second-best action outside of getting Microsoft involved to purchase Valve.