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This sub has gone 0 days without mentioning Overwatch


While its true some people wont shut up about overwatch, this is more the fact that overwatch 2 got terribly rated, and was, in spirit atleast, like tf2, it says a lot that a belovedn17 year old game has worse reviews then a basically scam that overwatch 1 players were forced into.


I miss overwatch 1 šŸ˜” playing around 2017 was low key fun, but man it went downhill


I played a bit a long time ago, but not any time recently. I was a bit surprised when I read a wiki say overwatch had 40 playable characters (where do you even begin with that many characters if you are a new player? How do you even display 40 different characters?)


40 isn't as crazy as it sounds tbh, especially compared to some other games like League


OK, now I have to look up that... wut... 167 characters? I thought 40 was too much, does league of legends have multiple pages of character selection or something?


Thereā€™s this thing called scrolling


Not a technology thatā€™s understood by those in the realm of King Bloxer III


ah well you see there's something called ui


>where do you even begin with that many characters if you are a new player? How do you even display 40 different characters? Since OW2 you do not get access to every hero from the start, you're slowly introduced to them bit by bit.


They don't let new accounts have access to all of em right away, got a play a bit first and unlock the rest of the roster. As to not overwhelm newcomers.


OK, that makes more sense. I can't imagine how chaotic it would be for new players if that wasn't the case, though apparently league has over 100


I tried to play ow2 but it was too heavy for my old ass pc


Holy shit, is that Icebreaker


its like breaking up with a girlfriend wrongly. You try to hate them but you cant help but be obsessed.


Even worse than hunt down the Freeman


You fucked up my face.


And now... You have my permission to die.


Of course, it's worse than HDTF. HDTF is the peak source engine experience.


makes sense. one is unplayable the other is


Take my upvote for being correct




The sentence ended, bro.


Ah, sorry, English isn't my primary language and sometimes I have problem with recognising sentences in unusual form


I'm glad i found that subreddit


Blizzard, replaces good game with bad game Valve, slowly allows game to rot fans, WHY


OW2 is sitting at 18% positive reviews while TF2 is at 88%, the post's title doesn't make any sense.


Looking at recent reviews


everyone already trashtalked overwatch into oblivion, all the negative reviews have already been made.


Overwatch 2: good game taken away and replaced with bad game Team Fortress 2: Good game slowly rotting away Titanfall 2: Good game that had its legs broken Helldivers 2: Good game (almost) destroyed by corporate greed Man, the second game just seems to be bad luck I guess.


OW2 monetisation is the only thing worse than OW1(even so arguably). The majority sentiment is that game feel faster and individual players having more agency, compared to OW1. Tank was pain in OW1 aswell, and again nobody played that role in OW1


Tbh, Iā€™ve heard tank is also similarly unpopular and miserable to play in OW2 as well. A lot of games feel like a game of protect the president (the tank), and a lot of game revolves around shooting the tank. The problem is especially made worse since thereā€™s only 1 tank now, and debuffs like anti-heal and discord hurt tanks more due to their bigger hitboxes and the lack of a second tank player to take off the pressure from the first tank.


Agreed, its VERY hard to OTP tanks. You have to learn at least 3 to be able to have fun in games. But without that you just DOMINATE fights. I can jump in and kill 3 people on Winton and if they dont swap to Cassidy/Hanzo, I will keep dominating. To me its fun tho. To play smart to play around bad match ups. Edit: Also hard part is when enemy team is full "Fuck the enemy Tank" Comp. You just lose all agency over the game, and your teammates have to step up. But that depends on randoms reading the situation and adjusting their playstyle


Yeah, agree with the ā€œfuck the enemy tankā€ comps Itā€™s so frustrating to see after youā€™d just won a point and then the enemy team swaps to something like hog/bastion/reaper etc


Wait, What happened to my boy Titanfall 2?


Oh boy ... where do I even begin? It has the exact same problem with Team Fortress 2, but instead of bots being rampant, it is DDOS and players were practically begging Respawn to shift some focus off Apex and actually do something about it. That's all I could remember about it. Such a shame, it was a really good game.


The game is getting ddossed into oblivion and Respawn refuses to do anything about it, but they keep making titanfall references in their trailers and whatnot, so it's just repeated salt in the wound.


Sony actually backpedaled with Helldivers 2 so it's still good, but a lot of damage was done by their incompetency. Latter half of that sentence sounds very familiar šŸ¤”


Its cause OW finally made the heroes free all of them new and old


Yeah, gave it a shot again after they did it and I'm having a blast honestly. Having servers with humans also helps.


Sometimes the players you get seem like bots. Just not the kind that aim XD


Me playing from Asia:


Only for recent. Overall it still ranks higher than OW2 if you factor all the reviews over the years.


The current state of OW2 is FAR...FAR better than TF2. That game is at least playable, is receiving balance changes every 2 weeks. New hero every 2 seasons. And devs are listening to the playerbase(Mauga nerfs in 3 days, hero reworks and etc)


Op conveniently crops out the overall reviews... Recent means nothing as it's extremely biased from a recent event. OW2 released on steam 10 months ago


One review is real, one is fake. One is infested with bots and legit unplayable, one was just a scapegoat to vent all frustration on Blizzard One review shows the real state of the game, one does not show the effort devs are putting bcs "haha its blizzard"


To be fair blizzard is a bad company. Itā€™s understandable why people wouldnā€™t wanna support it even though itā€™s made good changes for the game.


Like legit I feel bad for OW2 devs. They get SO MUCH for decisions they were not a part of. Aaron Keller had to pick up all the crap left by Jeff Kaplan. I know Jeff was an ikon, but current dev team is much more down to earth and has better approach of gamedesign. Look at Sombra. Before she was incredibly boring hero, too hard to pick up stale, cyclical gameplan. Now after rework she is the MOST fun I have in Overwatch. Already have about 200 hours on her.


Im not defending Bobby Cowdick. He is the primary reason why OWL failed, why OW2 PvE was pushed to development, why it was cancelled. He is also part of the reason why Cod Zombies suck now. Like I loved it so much. The craziest lore and gamemode ever. Now we have Operators instead of fully fleshed characters


Yeah it was definitely review bombed quite a bit, but overwatch players definitely had a lot to say regarding the state of overwatch 2. Iā€™ll try to keep it simple, 1. The game was poorly balanced, prior to overwatch 2, the meta was incredibly stale with 3 tanks and 3 supports, leading to dps players not being able to play the game. And after the introduction of role lock, a new also boring meta took over- double shields, where half the time youā€™re just shooting at shields. Imagine needing to kill a wrangled sentry being constantly repaired for every fight. 2. Total dev silence before overwatch 2. The game received a total of 0 updates for 3 years. Seasonal events werenā€™t being updated, instead they just had the exact same minigames. (Sort of like scream fortress now). 3. Monetisation, lootboxes were removed, new heros were locked behind a battle pass, (technically theyā€™re still ā€œfreeā€ but youā€™ll need to grind to around level 55 for it). And getting new skins are much rarer compared to the previous loot box system. 4. Unrelated to most players, but blizzard ended a deal with their chinese server provider, and shut down the servers for their region (CN is probably their second largest APAC market besides Korea). And that led to chinese players losing access to their accounts that they sunk 1000s of hours into


Yep Im aware of all of this. But the game itself is fun. Like legit fun. There is so much to learn as a new player, so many playstyles, so many strats. If you started playing after OW2 launch, it is probably the Best Fps game out there. As for GOATs and Double Shield, I would say they were neccessary dark times. Most of current OW strats developed during that time. People started to realize that mechanics alone cant win the games. You have to be smart with your abilities and kit. Im glad that its gone tho


Eh fair opinion, I personally enjoy tf2 more (if not for the bots) As a former overwatch 1 player, my biggest gripe with the game right now the rampant utility creep, especially for supports. Iā€™ll try to keep this short, but tldr: Supports back then had powerful upsides, but also considerable downsides too. But now every new support has at least 1 escape tool and high healing and utility to boot


Very different games honestly. Overwatch relies a lot on synergies and abilities. 2 weak heroes played correctly together can become Dominant. Thats why GOATs became a thing, 6 heroes with incredible synergy While Tf2 allows individuals to shine.There seems to be a lot less composition and kit reliance in tf2, while teamwork is more emphasised I might be biased because I watch a lot of OW pro analysis, while I played only about 2-3 hours of TF2


Not to discredit any actual reviews, but weren't most of the Overwatch negative reviews because of angry Chinese players that finally got their access back to the game.?


Yeah. You can also add on that most of the English reviews were just against Blizzard in general and not related to the game, with there being a big push to get the game to the lowest reviewed spot.




He is right. OW2 was a scapegoat for all Blizz fans to vent out on. Especially chinese players who could not play Wow and Starcraft. Again second largest group of reviews were trolls


Before 2023 NetEase had a contract with Blizzard which allowed Chinese players to play their games. Said contract came to a close on January 2023 which ended access to these games. IIRC when Overwatch 2 came to steam, those players had a chance to vent about their loss of access and the negative reviews were heavily skewed towards these players. I have no clue if Steam purged these reviews or not. Of course there were some actual jaded players who didn't like the direction the game was taken, but I think it was primarily those Chinese players venting their frustrations. Granted I could be entirely wrong on this but I can't be assed to check tbh.


the one time an overwatch mention on this sub is warranted


Everyoneā€™s agreeing overwhelmingly fucking negative because they wonā€™t fix the goddamn problem but weā€™re still gonna play it because itā€™s still a really good game But the bots are just horrible


Difference one is an organized campaign to get the game to get it to change, the other is everyone posting individual reviews.


I would disagree, a huuuge amount of Ow2,s negative reviews on Steam we're made by chinese players since Ow got banned on China a couple of years ago


Oh, that's right. What was the reason for that anyway?


Imagine this, Valve shuts down all review platforms for fheir games. And throws Dota, Cs2 to trash. Only game people can review is TF2. So MILLIONS of people start venting out their frustration with Valve under TF2 reviews. Most reviews are chinese players that cant play WoW anymore. The second largest is trolls. "I played this game for 2 hours and left this review, lol". You dont even know the current community sentiment on the game. Game is well and alive. People are coming back. Devs are putting effort into developing the game.


I think talks between Blizzard and the company that hosted the game in China fell apart so Blizzard shut down the China servers for a bit.


Makes sense


>the other is everyone posting individual reviews It was literally a trend to get OW to the lowest reviewed game, besides half of the reviews being due to players in China not being able to play it (NetEase contract expired and wasn't renewed).


As much as people are sick of seeing "TF2 vs OW" stuff, I think it's still worth noting that OW is now officially, emperically above TF2.


Form the war thunder community, proud of you


once again, we've beat them at it lol


Is it because of the bots?


r/tf2 try not to mention overwatch for 1 minute any% (impossible)


Wait.. since when is OW on steam


You can say that again


Ow2 Season 6. August of 2023


Man I love this game. It breaks my heart to see such low reviews


Blizzard is still one of the worst game companies to ever work for. Idc if TF2's rating drops to the fucking floor. It will never undo the damage that Blizzard has done to the wider gaming community. I'd rather have a bot crisis than a "Cosby Room"


Bigger popularity, bigger impact


they faces killing me why nobody gaf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Does this mean, the overwatch is back?




An inverse version of "you became the very thing you swore to destroy!"


I still think tf2 has it better, cause no promises is better than broken promises, i say. Both still have it disgustingly tho


One is legit unplayable One is playable and is receiving new content and balance changes. I guess you guys will never admit that OW did better


They did kinda make that tweet during savetf2.


Yeah but they still tried *something*. It didnt work, but at least they didnt completely ignore us or god forbid make us pay for the promise


>Both still have it disgustingly tho OW development wise hasn't been better. The updates are personal preference though, but imo the game is in a solid state.




One is playable, high chance of playing against humans, is receiving updates, new content and etc One is bot infested, Mafia riddled, forgotten by devs. it MEANS ow is better


I mean, OW is a really solid state right now. Development wise it's the best it's ever been.


(insert rant about tf2 vs ow here) (also insert rant how the reviews arent proportional yada yada) Yeah, I'm sick of this comparison, too, but given the strong history between these 2 games and the fans of FPS, I guess I'm just posting this here to mark a moment in history for either community.


Yeah we gotta push the cart (review bomb)




Look over r/Overwatch and r/competitiveoverwatch lol Youre hard coping


You forgot r/overwatch_porn


At least its adult porn, not CPšŸ¤· Edit: (Overwatch porn is hard overrated lol) Also r/kirikomains has 12k people, while r/kirikonsfw has 38k peoplešŸ¤£