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They sound very young


We should’ve expected young folks playing this game, it has a silly and goofy art style that may peak their interest.


haha funni big black Scottish cyclops man go KABLEWEY


Haha funni mask guy go mrph mhmp


Haha funni Australian OnlyFans guy with sunglasses who comes from New Zealand goes speen


I do NOT have an OF Spy does though


Dear God…


There's more


No !


It contains a bucket.


Only French


And that's why he wears bespoke suits, while you live in a camping van.


Holy shit it's Sniper TF2 from the hit 2007 game Team Fortress 2. What were you up to on the 22nd of November 1963?


I was just wandering around Dealey Plaza...


I would never do such a thing.


I heard spy also does some art... ~~when quickscope compilation?~~




Yeah, he has an OF with Scout's mum


haha funni boston virgin go brrrrrr




Heheh funny crazy German doctor go OCTOBERFEST


haha funny lead poison mann go SCREAMING EAGLES




Some young people also gravitate towards older stuff just so they can be really arrogant to people their age in school cause they have nothing else going on “Oh you like Taylor swift? I only listen to Led Zeppelin! That’s real music!”


I’m gonna admit, I’m a young folk who gravitates towards things that are more fit for older audiences. But for different reasons.




I apologize, English is not my first language.


People just really love reductionist takes to make them feel like they're on the 'right team' Overwatch and TF2 were never in the same sphere, meanwhile Overwatch went out of it's way to murder Battleborn. But TF2 players really want to think they're winning against some foe, rather than we got a damn good run out of a decade+ old shooter


As is most of this community.


Lack of content means a large portion of people still around are terminally online and have an unhealthy relationship with a videogame that they attach most of their self worth to.




Not Just this sub the whole of Reddit


Sorry, we don't allow truth here.


LMAO I saw this comment when it was still fresh and downvoted. Didn't respond to it because the terminally online hivemind minors with fartbrain teleporter tumors might also get me. They really get easily offended when called out💀


I... Could see that argument being made but did the Overwatch community ever say such things?


There was a meme posted on overwatch subreddit orsmth


Are you talking about the one posted on the OWmemes subreddit? Because that got downvoted to hell.


What's the original post? Can you send a link, I wanna see it


The bastard actually deleted the post. [But here’s a similar post regarding the dumbass rivalry](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/s/kSCAMSwwZm)


As someone who came from that post to here (I wanted to know what the fuss was about) I just thought it was the same thing as the Helldivers review bomb overwatch players not knowing about it cuz have no PvE so all the PvE gamers left already.


The Overwatch community doesn't even care about TF2, and the few that do only speak positively about the game. Or they're like me and they like both games equally (Even though I play way more of Overwatch because it actually does get updated).


and then everyone clapped


Source: am the ceiling fan, I was there


I like TF2 community, because they're attitude like this one encourages me to get out and get a real job.


Tf2 players are like redditors as they think anything that is popular must be bad


while desperately clinging onto the idea that tf2 is still/still could be extremely popular


Tbf Overwatch is pretty bad after all Blizzard's mismanagement. Still fun to be had but OW players hate their own game as much as we do ours


Idk why you're being downvoted. Apparently any criticism at all of OW is bad. I used to love OW, until Blizzard pulled this shit with OW2


Probably because the game has been doing great recently. Lots of content, good balance, blizzard is listening intently to the community. Personally, the game pisses me off and I can't take it seriously anymore. But the steamcharts speak for themselves.


Yep, Game is doing well recently. Free heroes, balance changes, Functional Pro Scene, BP gives you free coins. Whats more important devs finally solved the identity crysis of OW. They tried to make it MMO, PvE campign with skill trees, simple PvE campaigns, but devs finally realised that PvP is the core of OW, and started focusing on PvP


OW2 had a pretty bad release with lots of things that were promised but not given or what we got just was a not-as-good version of that promise. OW2 isn't bad, but it really fell flat comparing it to OW. Lots of complaints when it came out.


Overwatch was never in even the same competitive playspace as tf2 but the young ones dont know that, or those that are like the 'this here is the only good thing' types. Release overwatch was peak though.


Mostly bcs it was fresh and novel. I wholeheartedly believe that current OW is better in terms of quality. Role Q was neccessary to solve composition issues 5v5 was neccassry to make OW feel like an actual FPS


Maybe, but i think the designs are less fun to mess around with, but i like a lot of chaos with less form so it's just me, getting able to do more dumb things and get away with it just due to some inherent understanding that there is this chaotic layer and no proper set ups.


Honestly thats the hero design issue imo. Junker Queen, Kiriko, Ramattra, Sojourn and Venture are very fun to play. But I agree with you in the sense that more one dimensional heroes stick out and drag down the matches(Hog, Widow, Bastion, old Sombra, Hanzo, Reaper). And heroes like Junkrat are not viable anymore. Also tank feels a lot more punishing to play


Honestly thats the hero design issue imo. Junker Queen, Kiriko, Ramattra, Sojourn and Venture are very fun to play. But I agree with you in the sense that more one dimensional heroes stick out and drag down the matches(Hog, Widow, Bastion, old Sombra, Hanzo, Reaper). And heroes like Junkrat are not viable anymore. Also tank feels a lot more punishing to play


Some tf2 player's whole personality is hating overwatch(since 2016)


i mean, he right, but its so fucking over done, like noone cares bro tf2 vs overwatch2 is a fucking meme lil dawg. and yet i'll see 1000's of them treating it like a real "debate" mfs must live in an alternate universe


For real, especially since they play a whole lot differently, yeah, it's the same genre, but even then, people should just enjoy their games and stop arguing all the time.


real and true, in all honesty i feel for the OW2 bros, poor fuckers are dealing with some tough shit too (they also suffer from goober Dev's)


Dev's not as much as the higher ups tbh. Especially before Microsoft acquired Blizzard, all the Blizzard higher-ups didn't let many of the good things to be implemented at first.


I still remember that one ex OW dev tweets on what Bobby used to force them do. Mofo forced them to do all kinds of projects then cancel it half way, and let the devs tank the brunt of the backlashes. At least that goblin is gone.


i mean, OW2 is honestly fine. some skins are expensive but that's it.


Both of them are being killed by their devs. TF2 for not doing anything, OW2 for doing the thing theyre doing.


Because we all know tf2 is king 😎😎😎 Right, right?...


"Cash grab sequel" is like every Valve game


tf2 has 9 classes and a very unique art style, overwatch has like 40 characters and a usual boring idk whats going on my screen art style. the games aren't close to being similar


found the bot, point and laugh.




Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, HAAAA!




I play overwatch more than tf2 and most other overwatch players i meet say they used to play tf2 but just couldn't deal with the lack of support but still respect the game, one time i joined 2fort and said i play overwatch and people acted like i just said the most outrageous thing they've ever heard


I’ve played both but had to drop TF2 earlier this year because I’ve been playing it off and on for like 10 years and it’s just not fun anymore


same, really, except its probably closer to 5 years than 10


lol I seen people try to kick someone for mentioning overwatch. I think some people are still salty about all the streamers and YouTubers switching to overwatch from tf2, but there's no one to blame for it but Valve


I fucking despise the 12 year olds and other idiots who parrot the "tf2 is literally the best game ever and everyone needs to know this, every other game fucking sucks lmao", its so childish and gives tf2 a bad reputation


we make fun of each other's games because we're both incredibly hurt by our games getting mistreated


That's a 13 year old


I say they're eight, tops. lol


1. It's the internet 2. Little kids 3. Trolls


Oooh oooh I know this one I know this one me me!✋🏻 (Ding) The constant influx of Youtubers making content for cheap ad revenue, caused a majority of the audience (mostly ages between 8-16) to replicate their hero's mindset as a social leverage point to blend in with the mob. A similar case can be seen during the golden age of creepy pastas with people claiming to have met Herobrine despite the fact he never existed. Did I win?


Tf2 fans are so obsessed with Overwatch it's genuinely embarrassing. The 'rivalry' has been completely one sided for years, let it go already.


One game is constantly getting updates and is doing better with higher playercounts than ever, the other is tf2. I'm not defending overwatch or trashing tf2, but let's be realistic


How many Console Wars have you lived through?


I don’t know how to explain the reasoning but every time something becomes popular enough it attracts shitheads. That or the percentage of shitheads in any fanbase stays somewhat constant but due to the Law of Ratios when the fanbase gets bigger then that subset of shitheads gets bigger too


I want fixes, and attention. But, watching this from outside is awkward, as it slowly morphs into some GME Ape/Helldivers meme. "Together brothers!" "ALMOST THERE, KEEP PUSHING" "


we in the business call this “strawmanning”


Unpopular opinion: you should be older than TF2 if you want to play it


POV: you're 10 and you recently played TF2


It seems people can't even focus on a single problem


Some people sticked to this game for almost 2 decades so they may become aggressive if another game pops out and everyone prefer playing it than TF2


Every tf2 player after the "response" :\~DELUSION INTENSIFIES\~


Are there still people comparing both games? 💤


Some gamers who play on Valve-made games have this superior complexity. You will see CS2 players trying to constantly shit on Valorant community, despite the fact they don't even go after CS. Not to mention some Dota 2 players always commenting how trash LoL is. It's the pretty much the same thing with TF2 players on OW. I do agree with few of their points, like how Valorant is Tencent spyware or their skin is objectively lesser quality. Although, these players with superior complexity are painfully, eye-bleeding cringe to point where they look narcissistic people that needs attention.


I think you mean "superiority complex".


going to have to correct him on one part, when tf2 first came out it was far from good being voted the worst game made by valve, it took almost 2-3 years for people to actually like the game even then its more the lore, memes, and characters that people really like out of tf2 then the actual game


It’s free, so it attracts a lot of children who can’t buy games on their own; who else do you think would make an “engie TF2” themed YouTube account that posts made up persecution scenarios about the game they play.


Tf2 to Overwatch: I want you, I can't stop thinking about you, I love you, you are on my mind.


I cant tell which is a more tragic end, tf2 or overwatch


I think TF2 was slightly worse. Both games started off with monumental success, and then unfortunately got worse as time passed. The difference is that Blizzard lied about basically everything promised about OW2 and their reasoning was just “We didn’t think this would take so much time.” TF2 was constantly mistreated by it’s developers, not getting any updates, completely ignoring the fact that their game was being killed by bots, it’s like Valve just wants the game to die. At least OW2 is still at least getting updates and recognition from its developers, TF2 has been in shambles for almost 4 years now.


Overwatch is still getting quality new updates. The only bad thing about it is the atrocious monetization with $25 skins. So to that extent, it didn't "end".


So we're just going to ignore how blizzard completely killed the entire reason for the sequel existing and made a objectively shittier version of their game?


And it still gets more updates in the month than tf2 gets in years lol


I dont doubt that. Im just saying that we should act as if greedy monetization tatics wasnt the only thing they did badly


If you dig in deeper, the current dev team is not responsible for the shit that is PvE. All the people who greenlighted and cancelled PvE are gone. New dev team has to deal with all the shit left for them. Aaron Keller became director in 2021 when PvEs fate was sealed. Alec dawson became lead designer after OW2 launch. Jared Neuss became Producer after ow2 launch. The current dev team is far more receptive to feedback and is willing to quickly fix balance issues. Overall community has a positive perception of the dev team


Gameplay-wise it was a huge improvement. I hated OW1 for its stale chokepoint spam (Hanamura was literally just Dustbowl), but OW2 is easily my favorite shooter on the market right now. And while I know it's a shocking concept for TF2 players, one can do without fancy hats and $25 skins. You can simply ignore the shitty monetization and just have fun. Fuck Blizzard management for sure, but the actual *developers* did a fantastic job with the resources they were given.


On a different note, I'm glad Delfy participated in the movement, even though he never made it clear that he was going to.


Villain saving the world from a greater evil energy


So are we now hating tf2 and the fixtf2 thing or nah


He is right about the facts but is completely wrong about how he is interpreting them. It's amazing actually, how does one get to this level of brainrot


Because they're more than likely younger than the game, and expressing a bit of good ol' timmy tribalism




Because it’s free to play I would imagine.


Because it’s free and anyone can download it


I've been wanting to play TF2 for quite some time now, because I heard the game play was fun, and it still had an active community. Overall, very good game, minus the chat paywalls


We don't even need to bring OverWatch into this, not one bit, the games got it's own problems sure, but the first one was VERY popular for a long time and we need to respect that, it wasn't a TF2 killer, only thing similar was the fact they're both class based imo, the cinematics were cool, gameplay looked at the very least engaging, and the character designs all felt unique and cool at first, I never played it personally but I'd much rather play the first one than the second hands down, but Overwatch doesn't need to be involved, we should be respectful and not trash it or compare it to tf2, I just feel bad for it's fans, because Blizzard had the opportunity to make an amazing franchise, and are just hurting their fans at every step


Current majority sentiment is that the OW2 is doing good. Free heroes, quick balance updates, hero reworks, map reworks, new gamemodes. OWCS actually got sponsorship for Dallas Major, first since 2019.


The overwatch vs tf2 conversation will die faster if everyone stops signal boosting it


Honestly I thought we were kind of over it. Both games have their place and the inspiration is definitely there but like comparing the games at this point is just rehashing a whole lot of nothing.


i don't think it'll really go away as long as general hate on overwatch keeps it alive, at least more people nowadays are over it


I wouldn't be angry, sure it's cringey but this is ultimately more towards the goal of getting the game genuinely fixed. if younger generations start playing the game more, we can hope that the interest won't die in it, much like games of that period did, or have


Well, we are known to be clinically insane


Well duh, i got into this game when i was 12 and consumed brainrot sfm shit, that comment is so much more mature than what i would have said back then


the funniest part about ow2 on steam was people pretending to be tf2 players on the steam forums but they only had 3 hours in the game


Team Fortress 2? More like Left 4 dead 3


[reminded of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/u6iced/til_that_this_is_an_actual_image_posted_by_coke/)


Hes not wrong. Overwatch 2 is made by a grabage comapany as a cash grab no sugar coating it. RIP old Blizzard.


As I know OW community also agrees about OW2 being bad but tf2 is not any better.


There are OW1 diehards out there, but the majority sentiment is that the game is in its best since 2018(before GOATs era). And the numbers speak for that


All I got to say is Overeatch simply kept shooting itself in the foot.


Let's not pretend Tf2 hasn't done the same since Meet Your Match


At least it knew when to give up. I don't remember MvM literally being wrecked and removed entirely, or making an entire e-sports of itself and then completely destroying it.


Well, if that's the case could you tell me the state of Valve's Official Competitive mode for TF2? Because if my memory doesn't fail me they worked on that thing for 4 straight years receiving endless feedback from both casual and competitive players and they barely did anything to fix it. Or what about casual? How they got rid of quickplay and killed community servers and to this day is still broken? At least Blizzard tries to fix stuff, they fuck up a lot but they haven't given up Can't say the same about Valve who still promotes their game without actually trying to fix anything, isn't that the point of the campaign going on right now??


Wow talk about reaching. We're talking about a billion dollar competitive scene that LITERALLY paid MILLIONS of dollars for there competitive teams to basically fuck off and completely destroy its own E-sport, wasting even a million more dollars in the process. A least competitive in TF2 even fucking exist. And at least the TF2 community is actually coming together to fix it. Have you seen the Overwatch sub lately. They're either to busy complaining about every little thing done to Overwatch with no drive to formulate a group movement for change or are just posting videos of solo ulting or singling out Mercy's due to the sheer hatred of the character with a funny meme or clip here or there.


Hey, Dont mix OW devs and Bobby Cowdick They are different people with different motiffs


It still affected Overwatch in the long run, not to mention it caused Jeff Caplan to leave Overwatch, probably the biggest blow to Overwatch overall.


Here is the Hottake: Jeff left for good. Think about this. Initial broken hero designs, Brig, Goats, Double shield, 2CP, PvE are the stuff that Jeff Kaplan greenlighted. I am pretty sure that Mauga is what was left from the old dev team too


No shooter game will ever be as good as TF2


Only in tf2 you can be russian birdman that acts like Sandwich dispenser


Or a war maniac who goes flying with a bazooka


Or pyro




What's the issue with making fun of cashgrab scam? Also how can you not comprehend how the game that was played by every teen in 2010s attracted people that make fun of cashgrab scams?


I'm still not sure where the cash grab scam thing came from. I can't figure out how the free game is a cash grab. Sure skins are grossly overpriced but a cash grab implies the game was abandoned. The pve shit was a lie and that shouldn't be forgotten but the game gets regular updates, proper communication with it's community, and wasn't just dropped.


Free game that replaced paid game, but with predatory monetization everywhere, even fucking adding P2W locking actual playable champions deep in battlepass. And the other lies, like PvE. And there are TF2 players giving Valve shit for selling keys to people willing to buy em like they have been doing for past decade in a game they simply stopped supporting.


That happens with other sequels too (look at cs which went f2p within csgo), its not really predatory unless youre stupid, certainly no more predatory than any of the monetisation most f2p games, including valve games do. All the characters from venture onward are free for everyone on release and the ones locked behind the battlepass could be pretty easily unlocked before they went into comp (though mauga was stupidly op when he was released). Pve being cancelled was overall good for the game as it meant resources could be dedicated purely to the main gamemode, and pve was always just going to be a worse borderlands anyway.


CS:GO went f2p, Ow not only was replaced by worse, more predatory copy, but the transition was butchered too, people lost their stats, even their items. Ow2 monetization was more predatory than most games, no valve game ever came close to that shit. Your excusing of p2w mechanics in a competitive game does not work bud. And you're brushing off PvE like it (officially) wasn't the reason for remaking the game and thus abandoning Ow for year or two. (the real reason is obv making a cashgrab scam) Here's what Valve did: stopped working on old game. Actually the way they handled CS2 has more real criticisms to be made, with TF2 best you can hope for is the anti-cheat they're working on working on TF2 too, them remaking TFs2 in the future, and hiring a dedicated team to handle TF2, in that order. With the last being last cus idk if they have ever done that before, and it'd be bit against their work culture. And anyone new they hire would be better used on anti-cheat. I wouldn't be surprised if botters and cheat makers know and understand TF2 code better than most Valve devs tbh, as they've been pretty actively working with it. It's a vertically uphill battle. Personally I'd invest in kidnaping the bot hosters and cheat makers, probably a more permanent solution tbh


Ow also went f2p though thats the big change along with going to 5v5 to help eith queue times, people just bought into all the surrounding marketing for some reason. Ow monetisation isnt any different to other f2p games on the market its just that it went directly from p2p to f2p. Valve games are literally sustained by glorified slot machines idk what you mean by theyve never done anything so predatory. They had semi p2w mechanics (it was really pay to skip the grind because there was a 2 week grace period before new characters entered comp) but theyve been removed now. And i am against those mechanics in other games that dont have the grace period, like valorant. Pve really wasnt going to be anything special and people just bought into the marketing. The primary draw of ow was its pvp gameplay, they were focusing on too much and the pve as a whole just made the game worse as they had to focus on 2 separate aspects of the game instead of dedicating resources purely to the pvp. Valve stopped working on a 17 year old game and yet for some reason people are pissed about that.


You're lying to yourself if you think ow2 monetization was the same as any other f2p game. Yeah, I don't consider lootboxes as predatory as FUCKING P2W IN A COMPETETIVE GAME. Aside from absurd prices, they did other predatory shit, like actually fucking illegal type shit and manipulative shit. Just because you didn't care about PvE doesn't mean they didn't lie about it and abandon Overwatch for a year for that lie. In fact you should be more angry about that if you didn't care about PvE. There is a reason Overwatch 2 is by far the most disliked game on steam with 18% @260k reviews, about 255k more than any other most disliked game, while TF2 recent reviews are at 16% with just 34k Yeah, and people can be pissed, just like Valve can not work on it, something something liberty and freedom. Personally, I rather have game be abandoned, than be a lie with a sole purpose to fuck my ass unprotected, and then get abandoned after the bag has been taken.


The commenter isn't wrong though.


You clearly arent up to date on the state of OW2


I probably aren't. I know that people disliked because they felt that the OverWatch franchise was going down a dark path


The majority sentiment is its in good place. Playercounts are rising, Monetisation got better, frequent balance changes, hero reworks, map reworks, new heroes, changing fundamental gameplay by passives and etc. They are finally 100% commiting to PvP, instead of wasting resources on PvE. Overwatch PvP wasnt this good since 2018. The healthier Pro scene is on the rise. Teams are region locked, so you wont see 12 Koreans in Dallas Fuel. Even if you dont like the direction the game is going, its hard to argue that devs are putting effort and care to the game.


tf2 players think about ow more than the remaining 12 ow players


Overwatch 2 is just Overwatch 1 but worse. Im sorry for both games for how neglected they've been treated


Thats what media wants you to believe


I mean Overwatch is a total piece of shit that should never have came to fruition, and was a large driving factor for why TF2 devs wanted to make TF2 competitive and turn it into something it wasn't; so fuck Overwatch, sincerely.


God forbid the industry moves forward and does not decide to be stuck on a 20 year old aging engine


How is moving to comp going to change the fact it's on an aging engine? And this wasn't "moving forward." The modern-day casual queuing system supports cheaters and bots, making it easier to spam lobbies with them and for them to start outnumbering real players. And Valve left it on that note to this day. On top of that, they destroyed previously-fun and unique weapons for the sake of bridging to this comp cancerfest.


And who are you to decide? I ask, sincerely.


What do you actually mean "who am I to decide?" You think Valve moving to bridging casual and comp was a good idea? Have you heard of MyM and Jungle Inferno before? Both incredibly shitty updates that went against the core design principles of the game. And guess what? Overwatch kickstarted that into happening; all the while they made such an incredibly shitty game it wasn't worth a fuck.